All kind of a political situation so complicated and controversial as it crosses the Argentina, is that as time passes and events accelerate, the characters go undercover exposing who they are, end up revealing the hollow speeches what they intended, and many progressives are dropping their masks velvet and take the stick, as we did last year at the National Radio Maria Seoane, and as is happening increasingly more often with the repressive excesses in the street and the dead and wounded in the debt accumulated for Agribusiness. We have gone so far these days, that in a country without security problems, but where in case, we have a Ministry for the purpose, the motochorros rose with dollars and euros to the expenses of Mrs. Shopping president Quatar y Kuwait. Un verdadero escándalo, que seguramente habrá de ser saldado con un nuevo documento de Carta Abierta o acaso, con un programa especial de 6,7 y 8 en que además, se celebre la exclusiva necesidad de aquellos países de disponer de tierras argentinas para asegurar su propio mercado alimentario.
De hecho, en estos días son tantos y tantos los problemas y los excesos corporativos escandalosos que no pueden ya adjudicarse a la Señora Mirtha Legran o al multimedios Clarín, que los periodistas del oficialismo se parecen cada vez más a los del partido obrero. Sí, los periódicos de militancia oficialista, por supuesto, regiamente pagados, se dedican como en años lejanos a denunciar las injusticias and organize the anger of the victims. Never mind that slave labor is brought from the pockets of extreme poverty that has left the soybean production in Santiago del Estero or luxury aircraft departing military airport carrying drugs and are arrested in Europe, the militant kirchnerismo bilocate rented it and denounced it as if they really had nothing to do with the issues in question. It's like playing the big bonnet bonnet ... As much has been lost a jet loaded with cocaine and said that the minister of any. Me sir? Says the Minister under his big mustache. Yes, sir. No, sir. Well, then who does? What is Barrett. Me sir? Says Barrett, who is it used to have to slap .... Yes, sir. No, sir. Well, then who does? The aeronautics have. Me sir? Airmen say they had their baptism of fire in the Falklands patriotic and they lay forgotten the bombing without notice to an open city to do in 55 .... Yes, sir. No, sir. Well, then who does? Yes, Who has it? Millions of Argentines are wondering about who the hell you are, while being entertained by Tinelli and absorb unintentionally and without awareness, the degradation of women and prostitution advertised on cheerfully, degradation publicly exposed, without saying a peep no feminist because feminists are likely to express pro-abortion front of Congress ...
Some relatives of children with cancer and that just because they live in an extreme situation take life seriously, have taken in hand, but also a statement that focused on end, pick it ... In that statement they say, the guys in the oncology sector Garrahan, are still waiting to meet them dream to refurbish the workshop room expression. Since December last year, moms are looking for answers to today's outrageous that have excited the boys and even more than they used to have more audience, and with some added candidly: until the date the "dreamy pampita" or came to see if satisfied, or explain. These children are suffering from illness, and have played with them in this way is abhorrent.
Yes, I fear that many things we are accustomed in this country are aberrant tinellizado and anything goes, and the worst is that we have become accustomed to them, bear them with pathological naturally, without rebellion, without reacting almost to the scandal. Because it is a scandal that we are a colony, even a colony, a colony of both the Chinese and the Corporations and that colonial status has yet broad popular support, especially backing of intellectuals, critics continue to claim falsehood, when in fact, are absolutely organic power and salaries they receive ... is a scandal to go to an electoral act where all parties are alike, and where all candidates are consistent with the dependence Argentina to global markets and as an agreement that binds, do not associate the production model with a colonial subjugation. Even more so, we might even say that today in Argentina's political parties have failed to do politics, which at best do business, and who does develops policy or at least political thought is the comic book Barcelona. Is this the bazaar that we talked about the great Discepolín? While the Government's agricultural minister Nac & Pop is happy that the Black River Province we can solve the food problem the Chinese and the Minister Giorgi agree with them an investment of 500 million dollars for the production of agrochemicals in the Tierra del Fuego, while this is going from 678 journalists and announce it as big news, the fucking oligarchy expressed in the link table, one manifests Rufino tractorazo in front of the Cargill plant, denouncing the monopoly granaries. It's the world upside down, un mundo que parece definitivamente institucionalizado con la colaboradora de La Nación recientemente fallecida, que los sectores medios kirchneristas parecieran haber hecho propia… Por mi parte, debo atender llamadas telefónicas de jóvenes desconcertados que no pueden comprender cómo los discursos en la Argentina tienen tan poco que ver con la realidad y menos aún pueden comprenderlo, cuando tratan de entender esa realidad dividiendo el mundo en izquierdas y derechas.
Los progresistas están en el Gobierno y las cosas las ven siempre de manera fragmentaria e incompleta, y solo como hechos o como situaciones en sí mismas, que poco importa de dónde provienen o de qué son consecuencia... El pensamiento político dominante is like the mode of reasoning of the companies, if a agrochemicals has produced adverse effects on our crops, such as imbalances in the soil life, emergence of new pests or whatever, it's probably time to sell another toxic to correct the inconvenience the first, never an opportunity to review how the treatment was carried out and remove the causes of the anomaly. Agribusiness in the universe every problem gives rise to a new business in the field of progressive turn, each need leads to a business ... If the occupations and encroachments on public spaces in the great city of Buenos Aires are made daily practice , it will look like a failure forecast in housing by local government or perhaps as an opportunity for welfare policies promise more new housing schemes, as eventually happened. What we never see is that someone other than us, they ask the reasons why so many Argentines, Paraguayans and many many Bolivians, have no other destination than to migrate from their ancestral territories, and live in the slums of Buenos Aires , or perhaps falling into the terrible alternative to usurp public land to try to erect a tent with black plastic and come to have a place to live ...
progressive model based on the idea of \u200b\u200bgrowth and the most widely supported welfarism, it goes in vain as it unfolds in time and space, are being exposed like pustules, the reasons for it and the ports where they can reach. In this way, Kirchner, Open Letter intellectuals, fans of 678 and cross the diverse groups living off handouts and malnutrition are fed by others, yet they attend their own and increasing degradation. Increasingly, the discourse that we knew Grobocopatel will be assumed by groups that felt left yesterday. It was predictable in the worst scenarios that we anticipated five years ago from our program on National Radio. Today, unfortunately, becomes a glaring reality, when we hear or read certain sectors suspected militants who naturally assume Biotechnology, not only as its own flag, but also, what is infinitely worse, as Argentina target. The same applies to the growing, dizzying subordination to the interests of China. Not only agree with that contingency, but to celebrate. In some instances since the Peronist movement, other from Marxism, in many cases from the more pragmatic justification of a necessary "be" in the globalized world. Sometimes we wonder if it will be perhaps the fate of Argentina the same as in other years will play Puerto Rico, that island martyr phagocytosed by the U.S. and where there are areas that independence just win elections ... This Saturday in January that both opportunistic political campaigns on the beaches, we think not, common sense and the national spirit will eventually prevail. We think that many young people today a little confused and beyond the expected and temporary necrophilia, eventually realizing what are the options before us, much like so many other times in history: "Homeland or Cologne, National Liberation or dependence ... In all cases, the fight in this coming year, the unveiling these options on the banality and the scenery of progressive drills. Jorge Eduardo Rulli http://horizontesur.com.ar/radio/
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