This is our last program of 2010 and also the first of 2011. You own all end of an era, in this case the end of the year and the threshold of new beginning, an attempt to recall and be aware of what happened, go back to what happened to analyze, to weigh the experiences and try to balance the positive and negative we have, always in the mood to improve, if passed, to correct and optimize the ability to make each one has and that we as a group, as a stream of thought, as a trench to resist the onslaught of global corporations and their native partners. In principle, we agree that there has been an easy year ... not yet finished the first few weeks of summer, which some say in Argentina is a time when nothing happens important was in late January, when we got kicked out of public radio ... it was not right, let's clear it was not right that we criticized so barbaric and unexpectedly, it was people who until late eighties were active in the ERP PRT and then worked largely in the Clarin ... When the left takes the place where he usually tends to be right, its repressive actions are infinitely more intelligent and cruel. We drove on through the holidays when public attention is usually relaxed and ordinary guard is down, we got kicked out after more than five years and a half program, instead giving us even to say goodbye ... no chance higher strength, some listeners heard two months later what happened ... but did not fall and here we are with flags held high as always, we are again in the air and multiplied by many friends that we replicate in various areas of the territory ...
acknowledge has been a difficult year, a year that what were the policies imposed on the simulation, the double standards and continuous simulation. Enemies were recreated at the time and as required, and these enemies will happen as the Chinese shadows behind each other, while large corporations and we emptied the territory subjected to new colonialismos del siglo XXI. Clarín y la Nación por una parte, como para sostener el armado de una ley de medios que nuestra propia experiencia en la Radio Nacional exhibía como falsaria y tramposa; siempre la Mesa de enlace cada vez más y más disminuida, pero útil para los chisporroteos propios de la falta de políticas agrarias; el Bicentenario como oportunidad extraordinaria para volver a equivocar los enemigos del siglo XX o sea la Sociedad Rural de aquel entonces, con los actuales, y naturalizar a los grandes sojeros amigos del poder como Grobocopatel y Elsztain, devenidos Corporaciones Transnacionales; más tarde Mirtha Legrand y por fin Macri, que siempre pareciera estar a la mano como el negro aquel del parque de diversiones a who threw three balls for one dollar ...
Amid the simulation, as well as if multiple scenarios are not enough, the tragedy of sudden death after an argument with Moyano because of Pedraza and death a college activist. Once again be exposed as we persist in not seeing or give us a blind, we can not take the accumulated power and safes for the other side ... Nestor's death was nevertheless an extraordinary opportunity for the passion of necrophilic Argentines. Even his toughest opponents acknowledged him as the great statesman who was neither intended as, and convinced that the memory de nuestro pueblo es corta, se sumaron al carnaval de las pantomimas y de los travestimientos, como para sacar algún rédito de aquel mar revuelto del duelo oficialista, tener un oportunidad de consolar o de acercarse a la viuda, o acaso mojar en el milagro televisivo de miles de jóvenes que, tal vez por haber pasado muchos por el menemismo, redescubrían el sentido de la militancia progresista con el kirchnerismo. De los miles de millones de pesos mensuales destinados a alimentar esos apasionados fuegos militantes, en esas tantas agrupaciones sociales siempre bien dispuestas a manifestarse a favor del gobierno o del modelo, pocos hablan… Del gigantesco aparato asistencial y clientelar montado después del 2001 de manera artesanal con el duhaldismo and now become a relentless machine and on a scale of proportion, does not speak, because in reality it has been naturalized. For the alleged political leadership that data are like those family secrets that hide in the long silences and gestures tense family gatherings. For many of us who live in suburban cords are on the other hand, at least during the first weeks of each month, the harsh reality of the long queues that Argentina is publicly exposed the deep. Since the start of December, the two banks of the town where I live and four ATMs have been for days, collapsed. The crowd from the suburbs and extremely poor living conditions, in a patient per day is expected across the block and the tail usually has a considerable width, in addition, many participate in family and take turns to take the hours of duty. To make matters worse the money usually ends and then it happens that people previously resigned, waiting patiently for a long time, the arrival of a truck payer. One of these days, being in the downtown area of \u200b\u200bMarcos Paz witnessed a surprising and memorable. There was suddenly a loud shouting and an ovation that was topped with long applause from the crowd that filled the sidewalks of the block. Amid heavy security and police were deployed, had arrived armored truck with new funds. The crowd began to chant a slogan never heard yet, at least for me, and probably coined in the middle of the emotions of the moment: ... ta pla, pla ... ta, ta pla ....
These events preceded the American Indian occupation of the park. Surely, these overflow situations are encouraged by the pointers that correspond to the quarrels of the dome, however, always express the gap between the common needs and thoughts and beliefs of those who govern ... Again, the alleged leaders and media commentators avoid addressing the root causes of this terrible catástrofe de hacinamiento y de favelización a la que se nos viene acostumbrando. Las escenas de violencia que los argentinos presenciamos gracias a la televisión en esos días en que, debido a la ausencia del Estado, los grupos quedaron librados a su suerte y a realizar justicia por su mano, difícilmente se borren de nuestra memoria. Esas imágenes nos ayudarán a recordar que somos un continente mestizo y con una enorme carga de violencia. Que, tal como siempre nos recordaba Rodolfo Kusch el gran pensador americano, por debajo de una frágil nata de lava enfriada sobre la que asentamos nuestra presunta modernidad, y nuestras ridículas certezas sobre el progreso y el crecimiento, bulle el volcán de la América profunda. Que la cercanía del abismo sirva al menos para hacernos bajar la soberbia, y para que dejemos de anunciar tal como se hace, los términos de crecimiento bruto como éxitos, cuando este año habrá sido justamente Paraguay, quien más ha crecido por encima de todos sus vecinos. Y sabemos que Paraguay esta sufriendo gracias a la sojización que alguna vez le exportamos ilegalmente como bolsa blanca, una gigantesca y espantosa catástrofe económica, ambiental y también humana, y que millones de paraguayos están emigrando hacia la Argentina en busca de un lugar dónde vivir y escapando a la contaminación que mata los niños en los vientres de las madres…
Este año que terminó also recorded two situations of extreme importance in the global processes of transnational corporations, and both the current government was involved in both progressive and also were denouncing us as GRR and noting the need for us descolonicemos. One was the great call by the Agribusiness in the city of Geneva to the venture capital and particularly the Russian and Arab investors, to accompany the land grab and particularly the Southern Cone in Argentina for the production of commodities and energy from agriculture. Behind the call discovered the presence of large soybean as Grobocopatel Elsztain and now concluded and furthermore, transformed now to join other financial groups, in large corporations. It is unfortunate that while we were pointing them in Geneva, and when we returned at press conference presenting the evidence of what it meant grabbing land that the world is concerned, there was no opposition leader or perhaps a significant group even left to come over, at least for information. Clearly not interested in the issue and agree in pointing persist as enemies to the Rural Society, while still being functional transnational corporate power ...
The other situation we want noted, dates back to early 2009 and refers to one of several attempts by Monsanto to have the approval of the Vatican to present to GMOs as a solution to world hunger. It happens that Monsanto can buy hundreds of research institutes and thousands of technicians, but so far has not got the moral support of any of the churches. Monsanto has all the power but need the word material and the backing of a dignitary of the Church. He has tried many times, pressures, lobby, specific synods, everything has gone wrong, the Vatican has refused to take a position on genetically modified seeds. In 2009 however many defeats, carried out the boldest attempt all incurred, met some famous scientists, many executives and Monsanto in a seminar on GM plants, taking advantage of an area of \u200b\u200bscience of the Pontifical Academies, there is someone in charge highly permeable to the speeches of the company, we mean Monsignor Sanchez Sorondo, of course Argentina. With the backing of our government certainly got exposed as a speaker star that the representative of the Ministry of Agriculture Moses Burachik and refer the alleged successes of Argentina on how to solve their own population's food insecurity. As will be seen, a clear installation where nothing is real but looks and where the fifth column the company within the Vatican tried not to be too hyped in their actions to the extent that the program on the Web, only found in English, our Ambassador to the Vatican was not informed about the event and never responded to letters send request to participate or be informed of the resolution. Our numerous complaints, both on national radio as the bishops and the nuncio did not at that time, more results, apparently no one knew the subject or downplay the issue.
A year and a half later, the conclusions of those so-called experts at GM to meet at the papal court, were released with apparent seriousness academic publications through science and Biotechnology, suggesting that the Vatican would have taken at last position on the issue, this time, supporting the GM as a solution to world hunger. In fact it was not only one of the many scientific meetings have taken place in the papal court, but the operation was over and the world press spread the news as good. Little immediate imported the pope's spokesman's remarks, explaining that it was nothing more than conclusions of a meeting of scientists and not an official statement, once the damage was done we tried to avoid. Again, the double surprise personality of a government bungle many progressive speeches naive and homely fights with Clarin or Macri, and internationally are able to play as strong as it has played so many times, in favor of free trade, the global markets, unqualified support for biotechnologies and for corporations like Monsanto.
And this justly claim to be the most important consideration and the message, on this first day of the year. Because it was the challenge we had in recent months compared to many who gave up the possibility of being lucid and gave in to media manipulation, but not of the expert Clarín manipulated the media, the bicentennial first and then the funeral of former President, and all the press and radio addicts who are becoming more and riding a circus deafening, that clouds and occasional moves against the enemies of the government. In the midst of this circus again express the desire to have a free and Sovereignty seems almost an anachronism, at least while the governors celebrate that China occupies our land and forest sites for the production of biofuels. Nevertheless, we persisted in raising flags will remain a minority in a country of false majorities, but who cares keep up because there are many who seek them, many more who still need them and are not fully aware of it ... Once, long ago, the protokirchnerismo through Chacho Álvarez reneged on the testimonial, then we saw over the years, what kind of terror of political behavior and what kind of ugly pragmatism led those paths . Let no one tell us not to continue being loyal to ourselves, nobody asks us to stop saying what we consider important to say, speak out whenever we can and as often as necessary. We hope that the year that begins today is a year of struggle and our flags are multiplied as a new mode of resistance, throughout the country devastated by agribusiness and soy model. A big hug to all who have supported us in this year 2010.
Jorge Eduardo Rulli
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