Hemos dicho más de una vez que el verdadero rostro de los regímenes políticos de la Argentina, se mostraba con mayor desenfado en el exterior, no en las versiones para el público argentino, versiones edulcoradas y adecentadas por los relacionadores públicos que operan sobre los discursos oficiales. En este caso ha ocurrido una vez más como tantas otras, que venimos denunciando desde que nos organizáramos como grupo de reflexión rural en los años noventa, develando en aquellos años, las horribles políticas del menemismo. El discurso de nuestra Presidente en el cierre del Seminario de negocios de Quatar, expone clearly and unambiguously the nature of a regime that, with progressive flags, expressed today, much better than the right, the proposals that require us to transnational corporations and global markets. Argentina, which exposes our President to abandon almost obscene in the bottom of the Qatar Business Seminar, is open to megaminería Argentina and all kinds of trials of GMOs, both biotechnology and cloning practices, a producer of Biofuel Argentina, an Argentina posited as the great platform of agribusiness and agribusiness, and plans to extend its agricultural chemistry to areas where it currently reads, it would be unthinkable ...
We are horrified by the decision to proceed with such a process. We are horrified by the faith of the converts, the stubbornness with which they have chosen a target for growth in dependency and neglect most of their resources and their ecosystems. Have chosen to sacrifice the next generation of Argentines who were without land, without drinking water, clean air for everyone, no scenery and culture that the current landscape, which are now disappearing, have produced, and with which we we have identified as Argentines. Millions of people are convicted every day, to live in ugliness, in urban overcrowding and having to feed junk food, according to the decisions of a progressive left that ignored the cultural identity, installed and replaced Agribusiness quality and quantity, the production of exclusivity of commodities and biofuels, human labor by technology ... I do not say us, they admit them in His infinite impudence, repeating hallucinating speeches of Hector Huerta, Jorge Castro, Gustavo Lino Grobocopatel Barañao and, of those who bought the promises of a paradise technologized and snake oil of late modernity. Yes, in a late modernity, because ultimately the proposal is to become like Europe, to repeat their stage, their development, although, in many cases evidence of them now an attempt to recover the lost, retrace your steps or do not know what to do in the quagmires in which they occur. Hence the faith of the converts, converts think they will do better, and transform their inferiority complexes in pride and contempt for Europe's soul, a soul and a culture that ignore much as ignore and belittle the soul and culture of our own continent.
This is increasingly a middle-class dictatorship, in its progressive blindness, leads to new and worse disasters. And we're not talking only of government but of all the parties and to avoid suspicion, explicitly include the Liaison Bureau, major newspapers such as Clarin and the Nation and even the church leadership ... We oppose the progressives-colonial thinking, or thinking of new National Liberation, a thought that is flooded again, the desire to live fully our culture, our way of being, of living our Food Sovereignty and being in America, accepting as we are, in our breed and our aspirations to live with happiness rather than GDP growth and increasing dependence on global markets.
I turn now to something fundamental that said G. Grobocopatel in the story that recently made the magazine Crisis and repeated in other reports and notes that have been published recently as if the political leaders and progressive intellectuals were seeking new standards in leadership and in speeches, to address perhaps his own ambush. Grobocopatel said that the Menem administration had no more idea of \u200b\u200bthe process launched with the approval of the first GMO ... Namely that Menem would not have been able to imagine the consequences of their actions then ... perhaps that is why Menem nor Solá who backed the soy, at least the major soybean, and of course I'm not talking about the Link side table. I mean, and that beyond its incompetence, its insanity and crimes against public property Argentines, is that despite having set up the model of agribusiness and RR soybean monocultures, are currently the political expression of the soybean production, but for the Kirchnerism rightly awarded them a crime that they themselves piece-advantage for years and who deepen every day ... An extremely complicated and therefore the same and the number of false statements that overwhelm us, it is difficult to understand for the common public subject to media manipulation. The colonization process was initiated and continued for a few others, who, paradoxically, it accused the former, while they have legitimate and deepened so that the first began. It was never soybean Menem's own business, but privatization and the widespread corruption of public policy, and in turn, recognize that it was never either, soybean business of KK in the province of Santa Cruz, but the game and oil, and at most mining ... Soybeans were imposed as a process that others decided, corporations and global markets, and they never understood it, a process which has long surpassed them, which even led to confrontation and wearing sterile as the crisis field in 2008 and that, nevertheless, offered on a plate and increasing income more stupendous to assistance and patronage politics, as they had never imagined ...
Where I'm going with my reasoning? In that, it is possible that, in Nestor Kirchner industry requires a passion for hoarding power and capital, as well as the obsessive need to handle everything from politics, and impose it as a disadvantage to the strategic developments of the model of colonization, it weighed usually needs or the necessary electoral alliances and co-optation of leaders. The acceptance of a target of modernization and growth with subordinate integration into global markets, is however, much more clearly in the current presidenta. Ella ha sabido elegir a quienes la asesoran en ese terreno y, más allá de algunas frivolidades y zonceras, con que, en su momento, condimentaba sus primeros discursos sobre el yuyito o la clonación de cabritas, ha sabido ahora incorporar las lecciones que le proporcionan sus asesores y se expresa con una solvencia que solo exhibe el que sabe de qué habla…Está claro que no le puedo requerir a Barrionuevo o a Moyano el mismo nivel de uso del raciocinio que a Horacio González, que a Kunkel, a Filmus o acaso a los numerosos miembros de Carta Abierta. Todos son similarmente corresponsables de la corrupta sociedad que se nos propone, pero mientras unos son por mafiosos y corruptos, casi inimputables, al menos desde perspectivas éticas que no conocen, los otros son partidarios convencidos de la Biotecnología y de una modernidad colonizada que arrasa con nuestros ecosistemas y con nuestra identidad cultural.
Que, frente a la perspectiva de una gradual y creciente colonización, para muchos militantes de la izquierda, el subsidio universal por hijo, la aprobación del matrimonio igualitario y el descuelgue del cuadro de Videla, sean motivos suficientes para respaldar al Gobierno, y que puedan expresarlo abiertamente de una manera casi impúdica, es escandaloso y demuestra una profunda crisis moral. Que se puedan permitir con impunidad, ignorar el grado de compromiso de los funcionarios y de las políticas públicas con el Agronegocio, con la liberación GM and its collateral damage in hundreds killed by spraying with megaminería and the terrible pollution it causes, with the disappearance of our forests and jungles, now replaced by monoculture, is striking. This to happen, involves a high degree of collusion and conspiracy of the institutions and the media, no matter how they are feathering. This exposes the profound illegitimacy of power currently living in Argentina, a situation that unfortunately did not affect the next election, let alone the pre-election pairings that we witness daily. Qatar's speech was a program that requires exposure to emergency responses that moral leadership can not provide. It once again this so many times people of Argentina turned the tortillas of power, who must wait for answers and a reaffirmation that we deserve a better fate than being an urban colony and consumer ... That is our hope and our
fight ... Jorge Eduardo Rulli
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