HORIZON SOUTH ON AM 690 on Saturday, 8 January 2011
numerous times in recent events and news, and shake to impact public opinion. I mean the slave labor found in San Pedro and Ramallo, not coincidentally two municipalities radical K and complicity of the Union of Momo Benegas responding to Duhalde, I mean also the current banking collapse due to the amount of care plans and the lack of paper money, among other reasons because military aircraft were to bring these tickets from Brazil were made to serve the Dakar Rally. I refer also to the growing insecurity in peri-cords, although for years insisted that this uncertainty did not exist and was just a workhorse of the opposition, suddenly earned the excess to form a specific Ministry for the topic. I refer also to the repeated deaths of children as a result of spraying, the social upheavals such as the Plaza Constitution for Christmas Eve, a massive occupation of green spaces by the unemployed and indigent population, while the constant expansion of slum geography and industries linked to the exploitation of poverty and drugs.
figures on the other hand, trade with China are increasingly considerable quantities of soybeans are exported to that country, beyond our imagination and return these enormous quantities of beans, make us virtually everything that fills our supermarket shelves, of course, corruption scandals are becoming most notorious and public, and speeches and not enough makeup to hide what was once said of the Menem administration, the regime of the transfer of our sovereignty and our heritage, necessarily, to a considerable degree of immorality and bribery by of former militants. The very high salaries and perks of officials, the widespread nepotism and huge subsidies games and costs reserved, tarnish the consciences and nurture the delusion that the country needs at this so-called leadership. It is as if God would blind them and do not see that we are on the verge of a catastrophic event or perhaps in a disaster halted or slowed down by force of welfarism and assemblies increased false scenarios.
could not blame the stress, or perhaps to increase the importance of some of these events, the opposition press. On the contrary, it is often the very large and increasingly pro-government press and radio that dramatically accentuate and advertise some of these situations. And it is worthy that we stop a moment to analyze and comment. Repeated calls attention to that double standard or schizophrenic look that allows the progressive left to act against public opinion as if they were still government opposition. They act as if going through a difficult economic situation, we were at the bank for a loan and the manager told us about his own anguish and instead take the money we were looking for, we end up in sympathy, leaving the bank little that we had in the pocket ... Looks Diaries and south, Argentine time or page, as well as numerous official radio station, are looking increasingly like the old protest lampoons the left, however, that those who directed officials or at least men of the government and ruling party always bitter ... Speak or write stories dire situations, as if it were the government's job to change those realities. In that sense, it seems that reporters are not decision makers ... It is a common practice in the areas Kirchner, double behavior, report it should shame them because they are government for seven years, however, the distracted suggest that these situations are due to forces beyond their control and that the government can not yet control, and well off in this way, responsibility for heinous acts as slave labor or the existence of tens of thousands of families without roof or shelter, they appeal to the candor of the unwary to seek moral support to enable them to get to consummate supposedly pending tasks that, in fact, never set out to do.
The Menem based his own party with dreams of becoming a first world country and this festival of appliances in easy installments, the massive sale of assets accumulated by several generations of Argentines. With his mouth and his insatiable desire neoliberal deregulation, the Menem privatized everything, from the Banco Hipotecario retirement from Argentina, sold jewelry from her grandmother in the market for more vanity, he dreams of millions of poor rates and poor gals, with one on one and personal worlds of selfishness and waywardness of all common destiny, and finally forced us to wake up in Argentina and was marching again ravaged aimlessly between the social catastrophe and looting of supermarkets. Of those pests and those ruins, from those who now govern us. For many of them have been kirchnerismo however, something of an awakening of the old sense of political militancy, but now supported by high salaries and perks, and so, those feelings could be explained simply as a hangover in morning, still drunk from the night before. At least they now have many of them left that speeches comfort and the proximity of old comrades, which allow for corporatism, alienate consciousness, masking the true nature of the regime with the collaboration of ... This is a new phase, in which institutional bankrupt after the 2003, the country was ordered based on global markets and the disciplines imposed on transnational corporations. Now is not the wealth accumulated by the older generation that fuels the new party of Argentines, but the exceptional price of soybeans, biofuels and oil prices in international markets. According to Gustavo Grobocopatel
that, to become little more than thirty years, small producer head of a multinational called Sollus, something you should know the subject, in a recent interview that makes the legendary magazine Crisis, said the following, and we bring in and who says the significance of interpretation. Grobocopatel says: "Menem never said the word soy in your life, I was not aware of what he did. I can speak well of him because he never voted. " "In those years created a more competitive platform we are using yet. Argentina was a leader in biotechnology, now let the tail of Brazil and the United States because it is not solved the problems of royalties. International prices and the platform of the 90 avoided que esta fuera otra década perdida. Este gobierno además impulsó muchísimo el biodiesel y tuvo una actitud a favor de los transgénicos”. Lo importante es que el hombre advierte la continuidad de un proceso signado por las Biotecnologías y la agricultura química, y por la decisión que reconoce en el Gobierno de respaldar a los transgénicos, sus palabras permiten suponer que, así como el menemismo no comprendió el proceso de colonización que estaba poniendo en marcha, los sectores que integran el kirchnerismo en cambio, y más allá del modo en que lo conduzcan, no sólo no podrían desconocerlo, sino que serían o deberían ser, plenamente conscientes del proceso que conducen.
Well, we have reached where we wanted to go. We arrived in this Editorial, in this model that many progressives convened to defend from positions as well payments multiplied by fifty or a hundred what a worker earns. A model, moreover, that political opposition is well away from questioning, and that at best, some would change only in the distribution of income that leaves us, or the way it distributes. That is the model that is advocated, which is preserved, and deepens. The model of Agribusiness and monoculture, the model of soybean production and the production of biofuels, the model of population and territories drained for industrial agriculture and monocultures at the same time, a model of large developments where the unemployed population is concentrated in agriculture, and that, paradoxically, being the victims of the system and thanks to the policies of welfare programs, catering and patronage, ensures continuity and reproduction of the production model. This production model was determined by us Corporations like Monsanto, Cargill and as Nidera as it is in the XXI century, the new colonialism. With the currencies that we provide these soybeans and these biofuels, China provides us virtually everything we need. Relations have become primary production and semi-colonial dependency that marked our first anniversary, but now the terms exchanges are significantly more favorable to us, which for many can ignore or not see those units, and comfort with the extraordinary profits that the extraordinary export crops and allow distribution of the handful ...
A huge army of intellectuals during years were as a reason and a sense of their desires to the socialist countries, now that the ships of socialism imploded, they changed their yearnings and happily joined the progressive government. They are the soul and the makers of the successive scenes that are mounted to confuse public opinion, are the authors of the different makeup that transmuted into honest men and professional statesmen of the old politics, are the wizards and alchemists of the delusions that confuse a youth to the idea that domesticated slightly correct world of politics, not changing the world, not to put it head not to revolutionize or upset, but to quell the fires, to practice social support to moderate the demands, minimize the dreams, a quasi-measure progress insignificant that pride of achievement possible with the staff of the merchants. Poor our intellectual open letter, lost in the world of politics that only known in the hallucinations of the seventies, in the utopias of the armed struggle or the apocalyptic ravings of the Fourth International ... These page twelve, in the official gazette of the progressive one, for details, apologist for Milagros Salas, confesses his meditations on the back cover almost Macedonian: I think of Walter Benjamin confessing his lost momentum in cities. To walk aimlessly, without notice, without haste, without itinerary. I see a man overwhelmed by his lucidity, walking slowly, a steep street that does not know where or in what landscape end. We would suggest these exclusive intellectual vocation urban and able to trivialize everything, do not try to repeat those will walk Benjamin allegedly disoriented, at least not do it for peri cords support the model that has occurred in the megalopolis that is Buenos Aires, dealing as far as possible, leaving no Recoleta, Belgrano ... or perhaps appeal to the Minister Garre, to provide them with suitable custody, in their peripatetic drift ... for those steep streets do not know where or what end ...
landscape Jorge Eduardo Rulli
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