CHUBUT elections Nestor Kirchner
Tears watered all the ground primaverade
in your blue morning crying and laughing
name is carved forever in the maderade
which no
and living room are you named
Voices and cling
the color of that insolence you invented
happy crowds of an underground river that came
to stay here to stay
Is it true that you went with the story or will
still do not wake up and a new torch in each MANOVA
back covered themselves with glory?
Just south
that indomitable armor made of yesterdays blast
absence of love magic and dreams that remain without Junked
in any door
All those laughs that came to restore from a hidden corner
asleep now cover the walls
can collapse them without electricity or lost Solestar
verdadque Will you go with the story
or will not wake up yet
a new torch in each hand you will return
covered themselves with glory? And those thousand shreds
you left on the road will
a flag patches
indelible marks on the body
we choose to carry to the end And never less
CHORUS Never less
that fire in his eyes silenced the voices
never returning to the track unless your name on the flags
square always full of hope and passion
Not unless your house scarves
never less than justice without forgiveness
never repeated unless the landscape of this south
so fierce and yelling at last
not less than those laughs never toothless
stop holding you never knew conquer
less than a swarm of morochos
ruining the picture to become more
not never menosque the kids at the center
never live menosque with dignity
menosque the country which never dream never less
Not one step back
Friday, January 28, 2011
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Monday, January 24, 2011
Congratulations Letter To My Best Friend On Baby
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Install New Rear Car Speakers
Hemos dicho más de una vez que el verdadero rostro de los regímenes políticos de la Argentina, se mostraba con mayor desenfado en el exterior, no en las versiones para el público argentino, versiones edulcoradas y adecentadas por los relacionadores públicos que operan sobre los discursos oficiales. En este caso ha ocurrido una vez más como tantas otras, que venimos denunciando desde que nos organizáramos como grupo de reflexión rural en los años noventa, develando en aquellos años, las horribles políticas del menemismo. El discurso de nuestra Presidente en el cierre del Seminario de negocios de Quatar, expone clearly and unambiguously the nature of a regime that, with progressive flags, expressed today, much better than the right, the proposals that require us to transnational corporations and global markets. Argentina, which exposes our President to abandon almost obscene in the bottom of the Qatar Business Seminar, is open to megaminería Argentina and all kinds of trials of GMOs, both biotechnology and cloning practices, a producer of Biofuel Argentina, an Argentina posited as the great platform of agribusiness and agribusiness, and plans to extend its agricultural chemistry to areas where it currently reads, it would be unthinkable ...
We are horrified by the decision to proceed with such a process. We are horrified by the faith of the converts, the stubbornness with which they have chosen a target for growth in dependency and neglect most of their resources and their ecosystems. Have chosen to sacrifice the next generation of Argentines who were without land, without drinking water, clean air for everyone, no scenery and culture that the current landscape, which are now disappearing, have produced, and with which we we have identified as Argentines. Millions of people are convicted every day, to live in ugliness, in urban overcrowding and having to feed junk food, according to the decisions of a progressive left that ignored the cultural identity, installed and replaced Agribusiness quality and quantity, the production of exclusivity of commodities and biofuels, human labor by technology ... I do not say us, they admit them in His infinite impudence, repeating hallucinating speeches of Hector Huerta, Jorge Castro, Gustavo Lino Grobocopatel Barañao and, of those who bought the promises of a paradise technologized and snake oil of late modernity. Yes, in a late modernity, because ultimately the proposal is to become like Europe, to repeat their stage, their development, although, in many cases evidence of them now an attempt to recover the lost, retrace your steps or do not know what to do in the quagmires in which they occur. Hence the faith of the converts, converts think they will do better, and transform their inferiority complexes in pride and contempt for Europe's soul, a soul and a culture that ignore much as ignore and belittle the soul and culture of our own continent.
This is increasingly a middle-class dictatorship, in its progressive blindness, leads to new and worse disasters. And we're not talking only of government but of all the parties and to avoid suspicion, explicitly include the Liaison Bureau, major newspapers such as Clarin and the Nation and even the church leadership ... We oppose the progressives-colonial thinking, or thinking of new National Liberation, a thought that is flooded again, the desire to live fully our culture, our way of being, of living our Food Sovereignty and being in America, accepting as we are, in our breed and our aspirations to live with happiness rather than GDP growth and increasing dependence on global markets.
I turn now to something fundamental that said G. Grobocopatel in the story that recently made the magazine Crisis and repeated in other reports and notes that have been published recently as if the political leaders and progressive intellectuals were seeking new standards in leadership and in speeches, to address perhaps his own ambush. Grobocopatel said that the Menem administration had no more idea of \u200b\u200bthe process launched with the approval of the first GMO ... Namely that Menem would not have been able to imagine the consequences of their actions then ... perhaps that is why Menem nor Solá who backed the soy, at least the major soybean, and of course I'm not talking about the Link side table. I mean, and that beyond its incompetence, its insanity and crimes against public property Argentines, is that despite having set up the model of agribusiness and RR soybean monocultures, are currently the political expression of the soybean production, but for the Kirchnerism rightly awarded them a crime that they themselves piece-advantage for years and who deepen every day ... An extremely complicated and therefore the same and the number of false statements that overwhelm us, it is difficult to understand for the common public subject to media manipulation. The colonization process was initiated and continued for a few others, who, paradoxically, it accused the former, while they have legitimate and deepened so that the first began. It was never soybean Menem's own business, but privatization and the widespread corruption of public policy, and in turn, recognize that it was never either, soybean business of KK in the province of Santa Cruz, but the game and oil, and at most mining ... Soybeans were imposed as a process that others decided, corporations and global markets, and they never understood it, a process which has long surpassed them, which even led to confrontation and wearing sterile as the crisis field in 2008 and that, nevertheless, offered on a plate and increasing income more stupendous to assistance and patronage politics, as they had never imagined ...
Where I'm going with my reasoning? In that, it is possible that, in Nestor Kirchner industry requires a passion for hoarding power and capital, as well as the obsessive need to handle everything from politics, and impose it as a disadvantage to the strategic developments of the model of colonization, it weighed usually needs or the necessary electoral alliances and co-optation of leaders. The acceptance of a target of modernization and growth with subordinate integration into global markets, is however, much more clearly in the current presidenta. Ella ha sabido elegir a quienes la asesoran en ese terreno y, más allá de algunas frivolidades y zonceras, con que, en su momento, condimentaba sus primeros discursos sobre el yuyito o la clonación de cabritas, ha sabido ahora incorporar las lecciones que le proporcionan sus asesores y se expresa con una solvencia que solo exhibe el que sabe de qué habla…Está claro que no le puedo requerir a Barrionuevo o a Moyano el mismo nivel de uso del raciocinio que a Horacio González, que a Kunkel, a Filmus o acaso a los numerosos miembros de Carta Abierta. Todos son similarmente corresponsables de la corrupta sociedad que se nos propone, pero mientras unos son por mafiosos y corruptos, casi inimputables, al menos desde perspectivas éticas que no conocen, los otros son partidarios convencidos de la Biotecnología y de una modernidad colonizada que arrasa con nuestros ecosistemas y con nuestra identidad cultural.
Que, frente a la perspectiva de una gradual y creciente colonización, para muchos militantes de la izquierda, el subsidio universal por hijo, la aprobación del matrimonio igualitario y el descuelgue del cuadro de Videla, sean motivos suficientes para respaldar al Gobierno, y que puedan expresarlo abiertamente de una manera casi impúdica, es escandaloso y demuestra una profunda crisis moral. Que se puedan permitir con impunidad, ignorar el grado de compromiso de los funcionarios y de las políticas públicas con el Agronegocio, con la liberación GM and its collateral damage in hundreds killed by spraying with megaminería and the terrible pollution it causes, with the disappearance of our forests and jungles, now replaced by monoculture, is striking. This to happen, involves a high degree of collusion and conspiracy of the institutions and the media, no matter how they are feathering. This exposes the profound illegitimacy of power currently living in Argentina, a situation that unfortunately did not affect the next election, let alone the pre-election pairings that we witness daily. Qatar's speech was a program that requires exposure to emergency responses that moral leadership can not provide. It once again this so many times people of Argentina turned the tortillas of power, who must wait for answers and a reaffirmation that we deserve a better fate than being an urban colony and consumer ... That is our hope and our
fight ... Jorge Eduardo Rulli
Hemos dicho más de una vez que el verdadero rostro de los regímenes políticos de la Argentina, se mostraba con mayor desenfado en el exterior, no en las versiones para el público argentino, versiones edulcoradas y adecentadas por los relacionadores públicos que operan sobre los discursos oficiales. En este caso ha ocurrido una vez más como tantas otras, que venimos denunciando desde que nos organizáramos como grupo de reflexión rural en los años noventa, develando en aquellos años, las horribles políticas del menemismo. El discurso de nuestra Presidente en el cierre del Seminario de negocios de Quatar, expone clearly and unambiguously the nature of a regime that, with progressive flags, expressed today, much better than the right, the proposals that require us to transnational corporations and global markets. Argentina, which exposes our President to abandon almost obscene in the bottom of the Qatar Business Seminar, is open to megaminería Argentina and all kinds of trials of GMOs, both biotechnology and cloning practices, a producer of Biofuel Argentina, an Argentina posited as the great platform of agribusiness and agribusiness, and plans to extend its agricultural chemistry to areas where it currently reads, it would be unthinkable ...
We are horrified by the decision to proceed with such a process. We are horrified by the faith of the converts, the stubbornness with which they have chosen a target for growth in dependency and neglect most of their resources and their ecosystems. Have chosen to sacrifice the next generation of Argentines who were without land, without drinking water, clean air for everyone, no scenery and culture that the current landscape, which are now disappearing, have produced, and with which we we have identified as Argentines. Millions of people are convicted every day, to live in ugliness, in urban overcrowding and having to feed junk food, according to the decisions of a progressive left that ignored the cultural identity, installed and replaced Agribusiness quality and quantity, the production of exclusivity of commodities and biofuels, human labor by technology ... I do not say us, they admit them in His infinite impudence, repeating hallucinating speeches of Hector Huerta, Jorge Castro, Gustavo Lino Grobocopatel Barañao and, of those who bought the promises of a paradise technologized and snake oil of late modernity. Yes, in a late modernity, because ultimately the proposal is to become like Europe, to repeat their stage, their development, although, in many cases evidence of them now an attempt to recover the lost, retrace your steps or do not know what to do in the quagmires in which they occur. Hence the faith of the converts, converts think they will do better, and transform their inferiority complexes in pride and contempt for Europe's soul, a soul and a culture that ignore much as ignore and belittle the soul and culture of our own continent.
This is increasingly a middle-class dictatorship, in its progressive blindness, leads to new and worse disasters. And we're not talking only of government but of all the parties and to avoid suspicion, explicitly include the Liaison Bureau, major newspapers such as Clarin and the Nation and even the church leadership ... We oppose the progressives-colonial thinking, or thinking of new National Liberation, a thought that is flooded again, the desire to live fully our culture, our way of being, of living our Food Sovereignty and being in America, accepting as we are, in our breed and our aspirations to live with happiness rather than GDP growth and increasing dependence on global markets.
I turn now to something fundamental that said G. Grobocopatel in the story that recently made the magazine Crisis and repeated in other reports and notes that have been published recently as if the political leaders and progressive intellectuals were seeking new standards in leadership and in speeches, to address perhaps his own ambush. Grobocopatel said that the Menem administration had no more idea of \u200b\u200bthe process launched with the approval of the first GMO ... Namely that Menem would not have been able to imagine the consequences of their actions then ... perhaps that is why Menem nor Solá who backed the soy, at least the major soybean, and of course I'm not talking about the Link side table. I mean, and that beyond its incompetence, its insanity and crimes against public property Argentines, is that despite having set up the model of agribusiness and RR soybean monocultures, are currently the political expression of the soybean production, but for the Kirchnerism rightly awarded them a crime that they themselves piece-advantage for years and who deepen every day ... An extremely complicated and therefore the same and the number of false statements that overwhelm us, it is difficult to understand for the common public subject to media manipulation. The colonization process was initiated and continued for a few others, who, paradoxically, it accused the former, while they have legitimate and deepened so that the first began. It was never soybean Menem's own business, but privatization and the widespread corruption of public policy, and in turn, recognize that it was never either, soybean business of KK in the province of Santa Cruz, but the game and oil, and at most mining ... Soybeans were imposed as a process that others decided, corporations and global markets, and they never understood it, a process which has long surpassed them, which even led to confrontation and wearing sterile as the crisis field in 2008 and that, nevertheless, offered on a plate and increasing income more stupendous to assistance and patronage politics, as they had never imagined ...
Where I'm going with my reasoning? In that, it is possible that, in Nestor Kirchner industry requires a passion for hoarding power and capital, as well as the obsessive need to handle everything from politics, and impose it as a disadvantage to the strategic developments of the model of colonization, it weighed usually needs or the necessary electoral alliances and co-optation of leaders. The acceptance of a target of modernization and growth with subordinate integration into global markets, is however, much more clearly in the current presidenta. Ella ha sabido elegir a quienes la asesoran en ese terreno y, más allá de algunas frivolidades y zonceras, con que, en su momento, condimentaba sus primeros discursos sobre el yuyito o la clonación de cabritas, ha sabido ahora incorporar las lecciones que le proporcionan sus asesores y se expresa con una solvencia que solo exhibe el que sabe de qué habla…Está claro que no le puedo requerir a Barrionuevo o a Moyano el mismo nivel de uso del raciocinio que a Horacio González, que a Kunkel, a Filmus o acaso a los numerosos miembros de Carta Abierta. Todos son similarmente corresponsables de la corrupta sociedad que se nos propone, pero mientras unos son por mafiosos y corruptos, casi inimputables, al menos desde perspectivas éticas que no conocen, los otros son partidarios convencidos de la Biotecnología y de una modernidad colonizada que arrasa con nuestros ecosistemas y con nuestra identidad cultural.
Que, frente a la perspectiva de una gradual y creciente colonización, para muchos militantes de la izquierda, el subsidio universal por hijo, la aprobación del matrimonio igualitario y el descuelgue del cuadro de Videla, sean motivos suficientes para respaldar al Gobierno, y que puedan expresarlo abiertamente de una manera casi impúdica, es escandaloso y demuestra una profunda crisis moral. Que se puedan permitir con impunidad, ignorar el grado de compromiso de los funcionarios y de las políticas públicas con el Agronegocio, con la liberación GM and its collateral damage in hundreds killed by spraying with megaminería and the terrible pollution it causes, with the disappearance of our forests and jungles, now replaced by monoculture, is striking. This to happen, involves a high degree of collusion and conspiracy of the institutions and the media, no matter how they are feathering. This exposes the profound illegitimacy of power currently living in Argentina, a situation that unfortunately did not affect the next election, let alone the pre-election pairings that we witness daily. Qatar's speech was a program that requires exposure to emergency responses that moral leadership can not provide. It once again this so many times people of Argentina turned the tortillas of power, who must wait for answers and a reaffirmation that we deserve a better fate than being an urban colony and consumer ... That is our hope and our
fight ... Jorge Eduardo Rulli
Friday, January 21, 2011
What Is So Bad About Radiotherapy
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Woman Showing Breast To Kid
All kind of a political situation so complicated and controversial as it crosses the Argentina, is that as time passes and events accelerate, the characters go undercover exposing who they are, end up revealing the hollow speeches what they intended, and many progressives are dropping their masks velvet and take the stick, as we did last year at the National Radio Maria Seoane, and as is happening increasingly more often with the repressive excesses in the street and the dead and wounded in the debt accumulated for Agribusiness. We have gone so far these days, that in a country without security problems, but where in case, we have a Ministry for the purpose, the motochorros rose with dollars and euros to the expenses of Mrs. Shopping president Quatar y Kuwait. Un verdadero escándalo, que seguramente habrá de ser saldado con un nuevo documento de Carta Abierta o acaso, con un programa especial de 6,7 y 8 en que además, se celebre la exclusiva necesidad de aquellos países de disponer de tierras argentinas para asegurar su propio mercado alimentario.
De hecho, en estos días son tantos y tantos los problemas y los excesos corporativos escandalosos que no pueden ya adjudicarse a la Señora Mirtha Legran o al multimedios Clarín, que los periodistas del oficialismo se parecen cada vez más a los del partido obrero. Sí, los periódicos de militancia oficialista, por supuesto, regiamente pagados, se dedican como en años lejanos a denunciar las injusticias and organize the anger of the victims. Never mind that slave labor is brought from the pockets of extreme poverty that has left the soybean production in Santiago del Estero or luxury aircraft departing military airport carrying drugs and are arrested in Europe, the militant kirchnerismo bilocate rented it and denounced it as if they really had nothing to do with the issues in question. It's like playing the big bonnet bonnet ... As much has been lost a jet loaded with cocaine and said that the minister of any. Me sir? Says the Minister under his big mustache. Yes, sir. No, sir. Well, then who does? What is Barrett. Me sir? Says Barrett, who is it used to have to slap .... Yes, sir. No, sir. Well, then who does? The aeronautics have. Me sir? Airmen say they had their baptism of fire in the Falklands patriotic and they lay forgotten the bombing without notice to an open city to do in 55 .... Yes, sir. No, sir. Well, then who does? Yes, Who has it? Millions of Argentines are wondering about who the hell you are, while being entertained by Tinelli and absorb unintentionally and without awareness, the degradation of women and prostitution advertised on cheerfully, degradation publicly exposed, without saying a peep no feminist because feminists are likely to express pro-abortion front of Congress ...
Some relatives of children with cancer and that just because they live in an extreme situation take life seriously, have taken in hand, but also a statement that focused on end, pick it ... In that statement they say, the guys in the oncology sector Garrahan, are still waiting to meet them dream to refurbish the workshop room expression. Since December last year, moms are looking for answers to today's outrageous that have excited the boys and even more than they used to have more audience, and with some added candidly: until the date the "dreamy pampita" or came to see if satisfied, or explain. These children are suffering from illness, and have played with them in this way is abhorrent.
Yes, I fear that many things we are accustomed in this country are aberrant tinellizado and anything goes, and the worst is that we have become accustomed to them, bear them with pathological naturally, without rebellion, without reacting almost to the scandal. Because it is a scandal that we are a colony, even a colony, a colony of both the Chinese and the Corporations and that colonial status has yet broad popular support, especially backing of intellectuals, critics continue to claim falsehood, when in fact, are absolutely organic power and salaries they receive ... is a scandal to go to an electoral act where all parties are alike, and where all candidates are consistent with the dependence Argentina to global markets and as an agreement that binds, do not associate the production model with a colonial subjugation. Even more so, we might even say that today in Argentina's political parties have failed to do politics, which at best do business, and who does develops policy or at least political thought is the comic book Barcelona. Is this the bazaar that we talked about the great Discepolín? While the Government's agricultural minister Nac & Pop is happy that the Black River Province we can solve the food problem the Chinese and the Minister Giorgi agree with them an investment of 500 million dollars for the production of agrochemicals in the Tierra del Fuego, while this is going from 678 journalists and announce it as big news, the fucking oligarchy expressed in the link table, one manifests Rufino tractorazo in front of the Cargill plant, denouncing the monopoly granaries. It's the world upside down, un mundo que parece definitivamente institucionalizado con la colaboradora de La Nación recientemente fallecida, que los sectores medios kirchneristas parecieran haber hecho propia… Por mi parte, debo atender llamadas telefónicas de jóvenes desconcertados que no pueden comprender cómo los discursos en la Argentina tienen tan poco que ver con la realidad y menos aún pueden comprenderlo, cuando tratan de entender esa realidad dividiendo el mundo en izquierdas y derechas.
Los progresistas están en el Gobierno y las cosas las ven siempre de manera fragmentaria e incompleta, y solo como hechos o como situaciones en sí mismas, que poco importa de dónde provienen o de qué son consecuencia... El pensamiento político dominante is like the mode of reasoning of the companies, if a agrochemicals has produced adverse effects on our crops, such as imbalances in the soil life, emergence of new pests or whatever, it's probably time to sell another toxic to correct the inconvenience the first, never an opportunity to review how the treatment was carried out and remove the causes of the anomaly. Agribusiness in the universe every problem gives rise to a new business in the field of progressive turn, each need leads to a business ... If the occupations and encroachments on public spaces in the great city of Buenos Aires are made daily practice , it will look like a failure forecast in housing by local government or perhaps as an opportunity for welfare policies promise more new housing schemes, as eventually happened. What we never see is that someone other than us, they ask the reasons why so many Argentines, Paraguayans and many many Bolivians, have no other destination than to migrate from their ancestral territories, and live in the slums of Buenos Aires , or perhaps falling into the terrible alternative to usurp public land to try to erect a tent with black plastic and come to have a place to live ...
progressive model based on the idea of \u200b\u200bgrowth and the most widely supported welfarism, it goes in vain as it unfolds in time and space, are being exposed like pustules, the reasons for it and the ports where they can reach. In this way, Kirchner, Open Letter intellectuals, fans of 678 and cross the diverse groups living off handouts and malnutrition are fed by others, yet they attend their own and increasing degradation. Increasingly, the discourse that we knew Grobocopatel will be assumed by groups that felt left yesterday. It was predictable in the worst scenarios that we anticipated five years ago from our program on National Radio. Today, unfortunately, becomes a glaring reality, when we hear or read certain sectors suspected militants who naturally assume Biotechnology, not only as its own flag, but also, what is infinitely worse, as Argentina target. The same applies to the growing, dizzying subordination to the interests of China. Not only agree with that contingency, but to celebrate. In some instances since the Peronist movement, other from Marxism, in many cases from the more pragmatic justification of a necessary "be" in the globalized world. Sometimes we wonder if it will be perhaps the fate of Argentina the same as in other years will play Puerto Rico, that island martyr phagocytosed by the U.S. and where there are areas that independence just win elections ... This Saturday in January that both opportunistic political campaigns on the beaches, we think not, common sense and the national spirit will eventually prevail. We think that many young people today a little confused and beyond the expected and temporary necrophilia, eventually realizing what are the options before us, much like so many other times in history: "Homeland or Cologne, National Liberation or dependence ... In all cases, the fight in this coming year, the unveiling these options on the banality and the scenery of progressive drills. Jorge Eduardo Rulli
All kind of a political situation so complicated and controversial as it crosses the Argentina, is that as time passes and events accelerate, the characters go undercover exposing who they are, end up revealing the hollow speeches what they intended, and many progressives are dropping their masks velvet and take the stick, as we did last year at the National Radio Maria Seoane, and as is happening increasingly more often with the repressive excesses in the street and the dead and wounded in the debt accumulated for Agribusiness. We have gone so far these days, that in a country without security problems, but where in case, we have a Ministry for the purpose, the motochorros rose with dollars and euros to the expenses of Mrs. Shopping president Quatar y Kuwait. Un verdadero escándalo, que seguramente habrá de ser saldado con un nuevo documento de Carta Abierta o acaso, con un programa especial de 6,7 y 8 en que además, se celebre la exclusiva necesidad de aquellos países de disponer de tierras argentinas para asegurar su propio mercado alimentario.
De hecho, en estos días son tantos y tantos los problemas y los excesos corporativos escandalosos que no pueden ya adjudicarse a la Señora Mirtha Legran o al multimedios Clarín, que los periodistas del oficialismo se parecen cada vez más a los del partido obrero. Sí, los periódicos de militancia oficialista, por supuesto, regiamente pagados, se dedican como en años lejanos a denunciar las injusticias and organize the anger of the victims. Never mind that slave labor is brought from the pockets of extreme poverty that has left the soybean production in Santiago del Estero or luxury aircraft departing military airport carrying drugs and are arrested in Europe, the militant kirchnerismo bilocate rented it and denounced it as if they really had nothing to do with the issues in question. It's like playing the big bonnet bonnet ... As much has been lost a jet loaded with cocaine and said that the minister of any. Me sir? Says the Minister under his big mustache. Yes, sir. No, sir. Well, then who does? What is Barrett. Me sir? Says Barrett, who is it used to have to slap .... Yes, sir. No, sir. Well, then who does? The aeronautics have. Me sir? Airmen say they had their baptism of fire in the Falklands patriotic and they lay forgotten the bombing without notice to an open city to do in 55 .... Yes, sir. No, sir. Well, then who does? Yes, Who has it? Millions of Argentines are wondering about who the hell you are, while being entertained by Tinelli and absorb unintentionally and without awareness, the degradation of women and prostitution advertised on cheerfully, degradation publicly exposed, without saying a peep no feminist because feminists are likely to express pro-abortion front of Congress ...
Some relatives of children with cancer and that just because they live in an extreme situation take life seriously, have taken in hand, but also a statement that focused on end, pick it ... In that statement they say, the guys in the oncology sector Garrahan, are still waiting to meet them dream to refurbish the workshop room expression. Since December last year, moms are looking for answers to today's outrageous that have excited the boys and even more than they used to have more audience, and with some added candidly: until the date the "dreamy pampita" or came to see if satisfied, or explain. These children are suffering from illness, and have played with them in this way is abhorrent.
Yes, I fear that many things we are accustomed in this country are aberrant tinellizado and anything goes, and the worst is that we have become accustomed to them, bear them with pathological naturally, without rebellion, without reacting almost to the scandal. Because it is a scandal that we are a colony, even a colony, a colony of both the Chinese and the Corporations and that colonial status has yet broad popular support, especially backing of intellectuals, critics continue to claim falsehood, when in fact, are absolutely organic power and salaries they receive ... is a scandal to go to an electoral act where all parties are alike, and where all candidates are consistent with the dependence Argentina to global markets and as an agreement that binds, do not associate the production model with a colonial subjugation. Even more so, we might even say that today in Argentina's political parties have failed to do politics, which at best do business, and who does develops policy or at least political thought is the comic book Barcelona. Is this the bazaar that we talked about the great Discepolín? While the Government's agricultural minister Nac & Pop is happy that the Black River Province we can solve the food problem the Chinese and the Minister Giorgi agree with them an investment of 500 million dollars for the production of agrochemicals in the Tierra del Fuego, while this is going from 678 journalists and announce it as big news, the fucking oligarchy expressed in the link table, one manifests Rufino tractorazo in front of the Cargill plant, denouncing the monopoly granaries. It's the world upside down, un mundo que parece definitivamente institucionalizado con la colaboradora de La Nación recientemente fallecida, que los sectores medios kirchneristas parecieran haber hecho propia… Por mi parte, debo atender llamadas telefónicas de jóvenes desconcertados que no pueden comprender cómo los discursos en la Argentina tienen tan poco que ver con la realidad y menos aún pueden comprenderlo, cuando tratan de entender esa realidad dividiendo el mundo en izquierdas y derechas.
Los progresistas están en el Gobierno y las cosas las ven siempre de manera fragmentaria e incompleta, y solo como hechos o como situaciones en sí mismas, que poco importa de dónde provienen o de qué son consecuencia... El pensamiento político dominante is like the mode of reasoning of the companies, if a agrochemicals has produced adverse effects on our crops, such as imbalances in the soil life, emergence of new pests or whatever, it's probably time to sell another toxic to correct the inconvenience the first, never an opportunity to review how the treatment was carried out and remove the causes of the anomaly. Agribusiness in the universe every problem gives rise to a new business in the field of progressive turn, each need leads to a business ... If the occupations and encroachments on public spaces in the great city of Buenos Aires are made daily practice , it will look like a failure forecast in housing by local government or perhaps as an opportunity for welfare policies promise more new housing schemes, as eventually happened. What we never see is that someone other than us, they ask the reasons why so many Argentines, Paraguayans and many many Bolivians, have no other destination than to migrate from their ancestral territories, and live in the slums of Buenos Aires , or perhaps falling into the terrible alternative to usurp public land to try to erect a tent with black plastic and come to have a place to live ...
progressive model based on the idea of \u200b\u200bgrowth and the most widely supported welfarism, it goes in vain as it unfolds in time and space, are being exposed like pustules, the reasons for it and the ports where they can reach. In this way, Kirchner, Open Letter intellectuals, fans of 678 and cross the diverse groups living off handouts and malnutrition are fed by others, yet they attend their own and increasing degradation. Increasingly, the discourse that we knew Grobocopatel will be assumed by groups that felt left yesterday. It was predictable in the worst scenarios that we anticipated five years ago from our program on National Radio. Today, unfortunately, becomes a glaring reality, when we hear or read certain sectors suspected militants who naturally assume Biotechnology, not only as its own flag, but also, what is infinitely worse, as Argentina target. The same applies to the growing, dizzying subordination to the interests of China. Not only agree with that contingency, but to celebrate. In some instances since the Peronist movement, other from Marxism, in many cases from the more pragmatic justification of a necessary "be" in the globalized world. Sometimes we wonder if it will be perhaps the fate of Argentina the same as in other years will play Puerto Rico, that island martyr phagocytosed by the U.S. and where there are areas that independence just win elections ... This Saturday in January that both opportunistic political campaigns on the beaches, we think not, common sense and the national spirit will eventually prevail. We think that many young people today a little confused and beyond the expected and temporary necrophilia, eventually realizing what are the options before us, much like so many other times in history: "Homeland or Cologne, National Liberation or dependence ... In all cases, the fight in this coming year, the unveiling these options on the banality and the scenery of progressive drills. Jorge Eduardo Rulli
Friday, January 14, 2011
All “network Camera Networkcamera
reiterate our strong rejection of the removed from the export rate was made effective on Thursday 13 January in the Honorable Council.
Hospital Municipal de Bahía Blanca remain this year without a major income and this will directly impact the health of the people who are seen in this hospital.
expect prompt action of the Municipal Executive to address this deficit.
If this were an episode of the Simpsons (and our city has a lot of similarity with Springfields) at this time Mr. Burn it would be dying of laughter.
Association of Health Professionals
Municipal Association of Health Professionals from the MBB
reiterate our strong rejection of the removed from the export rate was made effective on Thursday 13 January in the Honorable Council.
Hospital Municipal de Bahía Blanca remain this year without a major income and this will directly impact the health of the people who are seen in this hospital.
expect prompt action of the Municipal Executive to address this deficit.
If this were an episode of the Simpsons (and our city has a lot of similarity with Springfields) at this time Mr. Burn it would be dying of laughter.
Association of Health Professionals
Municipal Association of Health Professionals from the MBB
Monday, January 10, 2011
Is Chikan Normal In Japan ?
From the validity of the new electoral law that will govern the elections this year, the National Electoral unveiled some things to consider citizenship. The patterns
- No more patterns of men and women but are mixed. Nor are the tables and the polls will be separated by gender.
- Please see the interim standards before the election, to verify the personal data of every voter, especially those who have made changes to your document in recent years.
- To this end, there will be an early publication of interim standards that may be revised from 11 to 31 March.
- April 26 is the closing date of the provisional register. Developments after that date will not enter the registry. The provisional lists will be posted closed again from 6 to 21 May.
- For each publication, citizens can make claims on the rolls.
- In all cases, the standards will be available on the Internet, SMS Freephone 0800, and other tools. Polls
- Following the change of making the standards, which will be mixed, it is very likely to change the polls you're used to go every citizen. Therefore, it is advised to check ahead of the polls that it's up to everyone.
- In that final standards will be published July 15 primary election and September 23 for the general election.
primaries - will be on 14 August and will for the first time this year. Are mandatory for all citizens, regardless of being or not affiliated with any political party.
- The candidates vote for each political group who take part in the general election. Clusters can have different internal lines or a single, but must participate in the primary to nominate candidates in general.
- All citizens will elect the party or candidate you want. The party had not had at least 1.5% of the total valid votes in each category may not present candidates in the general election.
- In the dark room are the ballots of each party or group with their respective internal lines for each category (president, congressmen, senators, etc..).
- Each party can choose a distinctive color of ballots to be used to differentiate images the rest.
- Every citizen may choose a full ballot or cut ticket charges by category among both internal lines of the same group as different political groups. What can not is an option to choose more than one category.
- Depending on the precinct, there will be more or fewer categories to choose from.
- Citizens who have not attained the age of 18 to 14 August but will meet before the general election, must also vote in the primaries.
general election - will be on 23 October.
- probably less political groups participate in the year 2009, since Not all will get above 1.5% in the primary. Furthermore, the legislative reform have increased the requirements to establish and maintain the validity of a political party, which many have caducado.Autoridades
table - The law provides for the establishment of a Register of Applicants Officials at the Bureau Voluntary that may be recorded voters who want to participate as board officials, which will be crucial for the election. Mariano
From the validity of the new electoral law that will govern the elections this year, the National Electoral unveiled some things to consider citizenship. The patterns
- No more patterns of men and women but are mixed. Nor are the tables and the polls will be separated by gender.
- Please see the interim standards before the election, to verify the personal data of every voter, especially those who have made changes to your document in recent years.
- To this end, there will be an early publication of interim standards that may be revised from 11 to 31 March.
- April 26 is the closing date of the provisional register. Developments after that date will not enter the registry. The provisional lists will be posted closed again from 6 to 21 May.
- For each publication, citizens can make claims on the rolls.
- In all cases, the standards will be available on the Internet, SMS Freephone 0800, and other tools. Polls
- Following the change of making the standards, which will be mixed, it is very likely to change the polls you're used to go every citizen. Therefore, it is advised to check ahead of the polls that it's up to everyone.
- In that final standards will be published July 15 primary election and September 23 for the general election.
primaries - will be on 14 August and will for the first time this year. Are mandatory for all citizens, regardless of being or not affiliated with any political party.
- The candidates vote for each political group who take part in the general election. Clusters can have different internal lines or a single, but must participate in the primary to nominate candidates in general.
- All citizens will elect the party or candidate you want. The party had not had at least 1.5% of the total valid votes in each category may not present candidates in the general election.
- In the dark room are the ballots of each party or group with their respective internal lines for each category (president, congressmen, senators, etc..).
- Each party can choose a distinctive color of ballots to be used to differentiate images the rest.
- Every citizen may choose a full ballot or cut ticket charges by category among both internal lines of the same group as different political groups. What can not is an option to choose more than one category.
- Depending on the precinct, there will be more or fewer categories to choose from.
- Citizens who have not attained the age of 18 to 14 August but will meet before the general election, must also vote in the primaries.
general election - will be on 23 October.
- probably less political groups participate in the year 2009, since Not all will get above 1.5% in the primary. Furthermore, the legislative reform have increased the requirements to establish and maintain the validity of a political party, which many have caducado.Autoridades
table - The law provides for the establishment of a Register of Applicants Officials at the Bureau Voluntary that may be recorded voters who want to participate as board officials, which will be crucial for the election. Mariano
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Married My Best Friend's Mother
HORIZON SOUTH ON AM 690 on Saturday, 8 January 2011
numerous times in recent events and news, and shake to impact public opinion. I mean the slave labor found in San Pedro and Ramallo, not coincidentally two municipalities radical K and complicity of the Union of Momo Benegas responding to Duhalde, I mean also the current banking collapse due to the amount of care plans and the lack of paper money, among other reasons because military aircraft were to bring these tickets from Brazil were made to serve the Dakar Rally. I refer also to the growing insecurity in peri-cords, although for years insisted that this uncertainty did not exist and was just a workhorse of the opposition, suddenly earned the excess to form a specific Ministry for the topic. I refer also to the repeated deaths of children as a result of spraying, the social upheavals such as the Plaza Constitution for Christmas Eve, a massive occupation of green spaces by the unemployed and indigent population, while the constant expansion of slum geography and industries linked to the exploitation of poverty and drugs.
figures on the other hand, trade with China are increasingly considerable quantities of soybeans are exported to that country, beyond our imagination and return these enormous quantities of beans, make us virtually everything that fills our supermarket shelves, of course, corruption scandals are becoming most notorious and public, and speeches and not enough makeup to hide what was once said of the Menem administration, the regime of the transfer of our sovereignty and our heritage, necessarily, to a considerable degree of immorality and bribery by of former militants. The very high salaries and perks of officials, the widespread nepotism and huge subsidies games and costs reserved, tarnish the consciences and nurture the delusion that the country needs at this so-called leadership. It is as if God would blind them and do not see that we are on the verge of a catastrophic event or perhaps in a disaster halted or slowed down by force of welfarism and assemblies increased false scenarios.
could not blame the stress, or perhaps to increase the importance of some of these events, the opposition press. On the contrary, it is often the very large and increasingly pro-government press and radio that dramatically accentuate and advertise some of these situations. And it is worthy that we stop a moment to analyze and comment. Repeated calls attention to that double standard or schizophrenic look that allows the progressive left to act against public opinion as if they were still government opposition. They act as if going through a difficult economic situation, we were at the bank for a loan and the manager told us about his own anguish and instead take the money we were looking for, we end up in sympathy, leaving the bank little that we had in the pocket ... Looks Diaries and south, Argentine time or page, as well as numerous official radio station, are looking increasingly like the old protest lampoons the left, however, that those who directed officials or at least men of the government and ruling party always bitter ... Speak or write stories dire situations, as if it were the government's job to change those realities. In that sense, it seems that reporters are not decision makers ... It is a common practice in the areas Kirchner, double behavior, report it should shame them because they are government for seven years, however, the distracted suggest that these situations are due to forces beyond their control and that the government can not yet control, and well off in this way, responsibility for heinous acts as slave labor or the existence of tens of thousands of families without roof or shelter, they appeal to the candor of the unwary to seek moral support to enable them to get to consummate supposedly pending tasks that, in fact, never set out to do.
The Menem based his own party with dreams of becoming a first world country and this festival of appliances in easy installments, the massive sale of assets accumulated by several generations of Argentines. With his mouth and his insatiable desire neoliberal deregulation, the Menem privatized everything, from the Banco Hipotecario retirement from Argentina, sold jewelry from her grandmother in the market for more vanity, he dreams of millions of poor rates and poor gals, with one on one and personal worlds of selfishness and waywardness of all common destiny, and finally forced us to wake up in Argentina and was marching again ravaged aimlessly between the social catastrophe and looting of supermarkets. Of those pests and those ruins, from those who now govern us. For many of them have been kirchnerismo however, something of an awakening of the old sense of political militancy, but now supported by high salaries and perks, and so, those feelings could be explained simply as a hangover in morning, still drunk from the night before. At least they now have many of them left that speeches comfort and the proximity of old comrades, which allow for corporatism, alienate consciousness, masking the true nature of the regime with the collaboration of ... This is a new phase, in which institutional bankrupt after the 2003, the country was ordered based on global markets and the disciplines imposed on transnational corporations. Now is not the wealth accumulated by the older generation that fuels the new party of Argentines, but the exceptional price of soybeans, biofuels and oil prices in international markets. According to Gustavo Grobocopatel
that, to become little more than thirty years, small producer head of a multinational called Sollus, something you should know the subject, in a recent interview that makes the legendary magazine Crisis, said the following, and we bring in and who says the significance of interpretation. Grobocopatel says: "Menem never said the word soy in your life, I was not aware of what he did. I can speak well of him because he never voted. " "In those years created a more competitive platform we are using yet. Argentina was a leader in biotechnology, now let the tail of Brazil and the United States because it is not solved the problems of royalties. International prices and the platform of the 90 avoided que esta fuera otra década perdida. Este gobierno además impulsó muchísimo el biodiesel y tuvo una actitud a favor de los transgénicos”. Lo importante es que el hombre advierte la continuidad de un proceso signado por las Biotecnologías y la agricultura química, y por la decisión que reconoce en el Gobierno de respaldar a los transgénicos, sus palabras permiten suponer que, así como el menemismo no comprendió el proceso de colonización que estaba poniendo en marcha, los sectores que integran el kirchnerismo en cambio, y más allá del modo en que lo conduzcan, no sólo no podrían desconocerlo, sino que serían o deberían ser, plenamente conscientes del proceso que conducen.
Well, we have reached where we wanted to go. We arrived in this Editorial, in this model that many progressives convened to defend from positions as well payments multiplied by fifty or a hundred what a worker earns. A model, moreover, that political opposition is well away from questioning, and that at best, some would change only in the distribution of income that leaves us, or the way it distributes. That is the model that is advocated, which is preserved, and deepens. The model of Agribusiness and monoculture, the model of soybean production and the production of biofuels, the model of population and territories drained for industrial agriculture and monocultures at the same time, a model of large developments where the unemployed population is concentrated in agriculture, and that, paradoxically, being the victims of the system and thanks to the policies of welfare programs, catering and patronage, ensures continuity and reproduction of the production model. This production model was determined by us Corporations like Monsanto, Cargill and as Nidera as it is in the XXI century, the new colonialism. With the currencies that we provide these soybeans and these biofuels, China provides us virtually everything we need. Relations have become primary production and semi-colonial dependency that marked our first anniversary, but now the terms exchanges are significantly more favorable to us, which for many can ignore or not see those units, and comfort with the extraordinary profits that the extraordinary export crops and allow distribution of the handful ...
A huge army of intellectuals during years were as a reason and a sense of their desires to the socialist countries, now that the ships of socialism imploded, they changed their yearnings and happily joined the progressive government. They are the soul and the makers of the successive scenes that are mounted to confuse public opinion, are the authors of the different makeup that transmuted into honest men and professional statesmen of the old politics, are the wizards and alchemists of the delusions that confuse a youth to the idea that domesticated slightly correct world of politics, not changing the world, not to put it head not to revolutionize or upset, but to quell the fires, to practice social support to moderate the demands, minimize the dreams, a quasi-measure progress insignificant that pride of achievement possible with the staff of the merchants. Poor our intellectual open letter, lost in the world of politics that only known in the hallucinations of the seventies, in the utopias of the armed struggle or the apocalyptic ravings of the Fourth International ... These page twelve, in the official gazette of the progressive one, for details, apologist for Milagros Salas, confesses his meditations on the back cover almost Macedonian: I think of Walter Benjamin confessing his lost momentum in cities. To walk aimlessly, without notice, without haste, without itinerary. I see a man overwhelmed by his lucidity, walking slowly, a steep street that does not know where or in what landscape end. We would suggest these exclusive intellectual vocation urban and able to trivialize everything, do not try to repeat those will walk Benjamin allegedly disoriented, at least not do it for peri cords support the model that has occurred in the megalopolis that is Buenos Aires, dealing as far as possible, leaving no Recoleta, Belgrano ... or perhaps appeal to the Minister Garre, to provide them with suitable custody, in their peripatetic drift ... for those steep streets do not know where or what end ...
landscape Jorge Eduardo Rulli / home.php # / pages/GRR-Grupo-de-Reflexion-Rural/145203798845999
numerous times in recent events and news, and shake to impact public opinion. I mean the slave labor found in San Pedro and Ramallo, not coincidentally two municipalities radical K and complicity of the Union of Momo Benegas responding to Duhalde, I mean also the current banking collapse due to the amount of care plans and the lack of paper money, among other reasons because military aircraft were to bring these tickets from Brazil were made to serve the Dakar Rally. I refer also to the growing insecurity in peri-cords, although for years insisted that this uncertainty did not exist and was just a workhorse of the opposition, suddenly earned the excess to form a specific Ministry for the topic. I refer also to the repeated deaths of children as a result of spraying, the social upheavals such as the Plaza Constitution for Christmas Eve, a massive occupation of green spaces by the unemployed and indigent population, while the constant expansion of slum geography and industries linked to the exploitation of poverty and drugs.
figures on the other hand, trade with China are increasingly considerable quantities of soybeans are exported to that country, beyond our imagination and return these enormous quantities of beans, make us virtually everything that fills our supermarket shelves, of course, corruption scandals are becoming most notorious and public, and speeches and not enough makeup to hide what was once said of the Menem administration, the regime of the transfer of our sovereignty and our heritage, necessarily, to a considerable degree of immorality and bribery by of former militants. The very high salaries and perks of officials, the widespread nepotism and huge subsidies games and costs reserved, tarnish the consciences and nurture the delusion that the country needs at this so-called leadership. It is as if God would blind them and do not see that we are on the verge of a catastrophic event or perhaps in a disaster halted or slowed down by force of welfarism and assemblies increased false scenarios.
could not blame the stress, or perhaps to increase the importance of some of these events, the opposition press. On the contrary, it is often the very large and increasingly pro-government press and radio that dramatically accentuate and advertise some of these situations. And it is worthy that we stop a moment to analyze and comment. Repeated calls attention to that double standard or schizophrenic look that allows the progressive left to act against public opinion as if they were still government opposition. They act as if going through a difficult economic situation, we were at the bank for a loan and the manager told us about his own anguish and instead take the money we were looking for, we end up in sympathy, leaving the bank little that we had in the pocket ... Looks Diaries and south, Argentine time or page, as well as numerous official radio station, are looking increasingly like the old protest lampoons the left, however, that those who directed officials or at least men of the government and ruling party always bitter ... Speak or write stories dire situations, as if it were the government's job to change those realities. In that sense, it seems that reporters are not decision makers ... It is a common practice in the areas Kirchner, double behavior, report it should shame them because they are government for seven years, however, the distracted suggest that these situations are due to forces beyond their control and that the government can not yet control, and well off in this way, responsibility for heinous acts as slave labor or the existence of tens of thousands of families without roof or shelter, they appeal to the candor of the unwary to seek moral support to enable them to get to consummate supposedly pending tasks that, in fact, never set out to do.
The Menem based his own party with dreams of becoming a first world country and this festival of appliances in easy installments, the massive sale of assets accumulated by several generations of Argentines. With his mouth and his insatiable desire neoliberal deregulation, the Menem privatized everything, from the Banco Hipotecario retirement from Argentina, sold jewelry from her grandmother in the market for more vanity, he dreams of millions of poor rates and poor gals, with one on one and personal worlds of selfishness and waywardness of all common destiny, and finally forced us to wake up in Argentina and was marching again ravaged aimlessly between the social catastrophe and looting of supermarkets. Of those pests and those ruins, from those who now govern us. For many of them have been kirchnerismo however, something of an awakening of the old sense of political militancy, but now supported by high salaries and perks, and so, those feelings could be explained simply as a hangover in morning, still drunk from the night before. At least they now have many of them left that speeches comfort and the proximity of old comrades, which allow for corporatism, alienate consciousness, masking the true nature of the regime with the collaboration of ... This is a new phase, in which institutional bankrupt after the 2003, the country was ordered based on global markets and the disciplines imposed on transnational corporations. Now is not the wealth accumulated by the older generation that fuels the new party of Argentines, but the exceptional price of soybeans, biofuels and oil prices in international markets. According to Gustavo Grobocopatel
that, to become little more than thirty years, small producer head of a multinational called Sollus, something you should know the subject, in a recent interview that makes the legendary magazine Crisis, said the following, and we bring in and who says the significance of interpretation. Grobocopatel says: "Menem never said the word soy in your life, I was not aware of what he did. I can speak well of him because he never voted. " "In those years created a more competitive platform we are using yet. Argentina was a leader in biotechnology, now let the tail of Brazil and the United States because it is not solved the problems of royalties. International prices and the platform of the 90 avoided que esta fuera otra década perdida. Este gobierno además impulsó muchísimo el biodiesel y tuvo una actitud a favor de los transgénicos”. Lo importante es que el hombre advierte la continuidad de un proceso signado por las Biotecnologías y la agricultura química, y por la decisión que reconoce en el Gobierno de respaldar a los transgénicos, sus palabras permiten suponer que, así como el menemismo no comprendió el proceso de colonización que estaba poniendo en marcha, los sectores que integran el kirchnerismo en cambio, y más allá del modo en que lo conduzcan, no sólo no podrían desconocerlo, sino que serían o deberían ser, plenamente conscientes del proceso que conducen.
Well, we have reached where we wanted to go. We arrived in this Editorial, in this model that many progressives convened to defend from positions as well payments multiplied by fifty or a hundred what a worker earns. A model, moreover, that political opposition is well away from questioning, and that at best, some would change only in the distribution of income that leaves us, or the way it distributes. That is the model that is advocated, which is preserved, and deepens. The model of Agribusiness and monoculture, the model of soybean production and the production of biofuels, the model of population and territories drained for industrial agriculture and monocultures at the same time, a model of large developments where the unemployed population is concentrated in agriculture, and that, paradoxically, being the victims of the system and thanks to the policies of welfare programs, catering and patronage, ensures continuity and reproduction of the production model. This production model was determined by us Corporations like Monsanto, Cargill and as Nidera as it is in the XXI century, the new colonialism. With the currencies that we provide these soybeans and these biofuels, China provides us virtually everything we need. Relations have become primary production and semi-colonial dependency that marked our first anniversary, but now the terms exchanges are significantly more favorable to us, which for many can ignore or not see those units, and comfort with the extraordinary profits that the extraordinary export crops and allow distribution of the handful ...
A huge army of intellectuals during years were as a reason and a sense of their desires to the socialist countries, now that the ships of socialism imploded, they changed their yearnings and happily joined the progressive government. They are the soul and the makers of the successive scenes that are mounted to confuse public opinion, are the authors of the different makeup that transmuted into honest men and professional statesmen of the old politics, are the wizards and alchemists of the delusions that confuse a youth to the idea that domesticated slightly correct world of politics, not changing the world, not to put it head not to revolutionize or upset, but to quell the fires, to practice social support to moderate the demands, minimize the dreams, a quasi-measure progress insignificant that pride of achievement possible with the staff of the merchants. Poor our intellectual open letter, lost in the world of politics that only known in the hallucinations of the seventies, in the utopias of the armed struggle or the apocalyptic ravings of the Fourth International ... These page twelve, in the official gazette of the progressive one, for details, apologist for Milagros Salas, confesses his meditations on the back cover almost Macedonian: I think of Walter Benjamin confessing his lost momentum in cities. To walk aimlessly, without notice, without haste, without itinerary. I see a man overwhelmed by his lucidity, walking slowly, a steep street that does not know where or in what landscape end. We would suggest these exclusive intellectual vocation urban and able to trivialize everything, do not try to repeat those will walk Benjamin allegedly disoriented, at least not do it for peri cords support the model that has occurred in the megalopolis that is Buenos Aires, dealing as far as possible, leaving no Recoleta, Belgrano ... or perhaps appeal to the Minister Garre, to provide them with suitable custody, in their peripatetic drift ... for those steep streets do not know where or what end ...
landscape Jorge Eduardo Rulli / home.php # / pages/GRR-Grupo-de-Reflexion-Rural/145203798845999
Friday, January 7, 2011
Beetel Phones Service Center In Mumbai
strongly condemn
the decision to zero the rate of health and safety that reaches to exporting firms.
argue that eliminating this fee is not made known to the taxpayer or the amount received, or if such amounts are directed to work at the hospital, not a reason to eliminate it, but on the contrary, it should improve control systems .
We are disappointed that such measures run counter to the health of the population, especially those least able
Municipal Association of Health Professionals
Association of Health Professionals
strongly condemn
the decision to zero the rate of health and safety that reaches to exporting firms.
argue that eliminating this fee is not made known to the taxpayer or the amount received, or if such amounts are directed to work at the hospital, not a reason to eliminate it, but on the contrary, it should improve control systems .
We are disappointed that such measures run counter to the health of the population, especially those least able
Municipal Association of Health Professionals
Association of Health Professionals
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
About Under Door Viewing Prism
Discrimination and Social Engineering by Nationalism vs Jorge Rachid
Some might say that the hype invades the analysis, since Argentina is a people whose native roots and native peoples, was fused to immigration flows in Europe, Africa and Asia, who were also persecuted upon their arrival in the early twentieth century by the families 'decent' Patriotic League, who killed and expelled those who claimed their rights as human beings, coming to vote the famous Act of Settlement, the monument to the discrimination enslaved human dignity. The persecuted were our grandparents, living in tenements, exploited and cheated by the mafias that operate them, as today in the slums surrounding the city and suburbs.
Those who say that uncontrolled immigration generates crime and traffic, we say that less than 2% of inmates in Argentine prisons are foreigners, most of them are Europeans linked to drug trafficking. Proponents they take jobs away from Argentines know that the work done by immigrants from neighboring countries which not only allowed to increase our wealth, but also perform manual work such as crops, domestic jobs and construction that do not cease to be required. It is true that many of the contractors wish they were, forever these undocumented immigrants, illegal to avoid labor rights and contributions, now are made visible and DNI, avoiding slave labor and exploitation.
Mercosur in anticipation of UNASUR, said the free flow of boundaries, with equal rights for all inhabitants in progress important for the unity of peoples, and dreamed of San Martin, Bolivar, Artigas and many other patriots. Those who advocate integration as a supreme good in the construction of the Great Latin American country do so from the conviction that one can not separate an ideal shared by the peoples, to confront common challenges of any growth, preventing xenophobia and discrimination. discuss these issues facing the company will allow us to begin to dismantle the neo-liberal culture of individualism that made any kind of personal success paradigm or sector, with contempt for the "other" whom the Greeks called "the barbarians" by be foreign. Belong or not belong to the system is theme of consumerism, private education, private health insurance plans, the credit card. All tools of social separation, disintegration, social diaspora, total breakdown of political institutions and ultimately cannibalism. The old saying fulfilled "divide and prevail."
Villa Soldati's events are an expression of contempt for the social policies of the government of the city, far from taking the problems and solve them, we try to move them from liability, awarding third its own ideological limitations that are centrally . Because it is ideological ie a system of ideas based on the construction of a social model of an exclusion primitive features perk flawed social policy. That no one attributed to the lack of capacity, because it would think they want to do well, but can not. No, it is simply treating poverty as a problem of subsidies, not a question of dignity, still less as a human rights problem. But contempt from the idea that there will always be poor and that the responsibility of this administration is trying to hide the problem, cover, give alms, assaulted by the reality show, as if the poverty suffered by the sectors of government that talks about it. Between the Town and Country is the life of officials expressed in terms of "them" and "us" in the ultimate expression of discrimination, despite being the children of immigrants greeted with solidarity in times of misery.
Each of us is the other, every pain is ours, shared not only in death or late lament the tragedy already accomplished. Solidarity is not an intellectual and even less for those who exercise responsibilities, which seem to relate the events as witnesses of history, despite being responsible for it.
Finally a paragraph for violence, for those who think they can solve their problems or their responsibilities repressive force, both police forces and the so-called vigilante justice. The use of force is restricted to state and must be exercised with prudence and responsibility to act against fellow citizens, for their brothers, preventing overflows, preventing, bringing peace where there is change. Those who do not understand these premises must be separated from the forces, and that democracy and peace are instances to strengthen everyday actions and standards of living. Those who assume their own personal claims or sectoral vendettas and violence that embarrass us as human beings, must account to the Justice. Life is the most you have to offer up human beings and can not be taken off in terms of revenge, racial persecution, ideological or religious. That's a cannibal society. Someone will try to compare these statements with crime everyday, nothing further from reality. Those in social violence believe they have superior rights to other humans, seek to exercise authority offense. We still remember those images of the dead of the Tragic Week, with the boys well armed immigrant chasing workers, we also remember the enforcement mechanism hooded black Americans in the hands of the Ku Klux Klan, we all kindled and excited to tears of impotence.
build a common destiny includes Latin American brothers, that destination must integrate all social sectors, reinstall the upward social mobility, open our minds to new realities evicting neoliberal conceptions, individualistic and xenophobic that lead to confrontation and social disintegration.
Only a caring society, container and integrated set us free. Free in our decisions, our national sovereignty by preventing external constraints, constraints and external designs of the country. Free in our abilities and our opportunities, generating new livelihoods. A caring society will increase the social esteem and affection diminished by years of denigration and devaluation Argentine man. The Argentines were protagonists of historical exploits, today the defense of popular democracy, social justice and welfare of our people are part of the story to build under the new paradigms of national identity and Latin America, which permeate the lives of Argentines coming decades
CABA, 12/14/1910
Xenophobia and discrimination are early manifestations of long-term social model true preamble construction that preceded the "pogroms" of Stalinism, the Nazi holocaust, the consolidation of Zionism in Israel in its attack on the Palestinian people, ethnic division prior to the disintegration of Yugoslavia and anti-Islamic period as an excuse for Bush to invade Iraq Afghanistan and threatening Iran.
For "Jorge Rachid mailto:
The country is America (Simon Bolivar)
For "Jorge Rachid mailto:
The country is America (Simon Bolivar)
Some might say that the hype invades the analysis, since Argentina is a people whose native roots and native peoples, was fused to immigration flows in Europe, Africa and Asia, who were also persecuted upon their arrival in the early twentieth century by the families 'decent' Patriotic League, who killed and expelled those who claimed their rights as human beings, coming to vote the famous Act of Settlement, the monument to the discrimination enslaved human dignity. The persecuted were our grandparents, living in tenements, exploited and cheated by the mafias that operate them, as today in the slums surrounding the city and suburbs.
mentality of discrimination, a true landmark of neoliberal dominant culture, to know the history of our country, where present-day Bolivia and Peru was the cradle of our intellectuals and patriots of the Revolution of May, Chuquisaca, Potosí between other shapers of ideas for Castelli, Moteagudo, Moreno in their classrooms and their passion libertarian at that time, called by the fiery preaching liberal libertarian. delegates Alto Peru can be found in the majority among the Congressmen of Tucuman in our Declaration of Independence, were the current Paraguay and Uruguay where he worked to recover from Buenos Aires to the British invasion. They all countries of the Americas who were touched deeply and accompanied the exploits of the Falklands. However mistreat our Latin American brothers, stroking Europeans and imperial dreams.
mentality of discrimination, a true landmark of neoliberal dominant culture, to know the history of our country, where present-day Bolivia and Peru was the cradle of our intellectuals and patriots of the Revolution of May, Chuquisaca, Potosí between other shapers of ideas for Castelli, Moteagudo, Moreno in their classrooms and their passion libertarian at that time, called by the fiery preaching liberal libertarian. delegates Alto Peru can be found in the majority among the Congressmen of Tucuman in our Declaration of Independence, were the current Paraguay and Uruguay where he worked to recover from Buenos Aires to the British invasion. They all countries of the Americas who were touched deeply and accompanied the exploits of the Falklands. However mistreat our Latin American brothers, stroking Europeans and imperial dreams.
Those who say that uncontrolled immigration generates crime and traffic, we say that less than 2% of inmates in Argentine prisons are foreigners, most of them are Europeans linked to drug trafficking. Proponents they take jobs away from Argentines know that the work done by immigrants from neighboring countries which not only allowed to increase our wealth, but also perform manual work such as crops, domestic jobs and construction that do not cease to be required. It is true that many of the contractors wish they were, forever these undocumented immigrants, illegal to avoid labor rights and contributions, now are made visible and DNI, avoiding slave labor and exploitation.
Mercosur in anticipation of UNASUR, said the free flow of boundaries, with equal rights for all inhabitants in progress important for the unity of peoples, and dreamed of San Martin, Bolivar, Artigas and many other patriots. Those who advocate integration as a supreme good in the construction of the Great Latin American country do so from the conviction that one can not separate an ideal shared by the peoples, to confront common challenges of any growth, preventing xenophobia and discrimination. discuss these issues facing the company will allow us to begin to dismantle the neo-liberal culture of individualism that made any kind of personal success paradigm or sector, with contempt for the "other" whom the Greeks called "the barbarians" by be foreign. Belong or not belong to the system is theme of consumerism, private education, private health insurance plans, the credit card. All tools of social separation, disintegration, social diaspora, total breakdown of political institutions and ultimately cannibalism. The old saying fulfilled "divide and prevail."
Villa Soldati's events are an expression of contempt for the social policies of the government of the city, far from taking the problems and solve them, we try to move them from liability, awarding third its own ideological limitations that are centrally . Because it is ideological ie a system of ideas based on the construction of a social model of an exclusion primitive features perk flawed social policy. That no one attributed to the lack of capacity, because it would think they want to do well, but can not. No, it is simply treating poverty as a problem of subsidies, not a question of dignity, still less as a human rights problem. But contempt from the idea that there will always be poor and that the responsibility of this administration is trying to hide the problem, cover, give alms, assaulted by the reality show, as if the poverty suffered by the sectors of government that talks about it. Between the Town and Country is the life of officials expressed in terms of "them" and "us" in the ultimate expression of discrimination, despite being the children of immigrants greeted with solidarity in times of misery.
Each of us is the other, every pain is ours, shared not only in death or late lament the tragedy already accomplished. Solidarity is not an intellectual and even less for those who exercise responsibilities, which seem to relate the events as witnesses of history, despite being responsible for it.
Finally a paragraph for violence, for those who think they can solve their problems or their responsibilities repressive force, both police forces and the so-called vigilante justice. The use of force is restricted to state and must be exercised with prudence and responsibility to act against fellow citizens, for their brothers, preventing overflows, preventing, bringing peace where there is change. Those who do not understand these premises must be separated from the forces, and that democracy and peace are instances to strengthen everyday actions and standards of living. Those who assume their own personal claims or sectoral vendettas and violence that embarrass us as human beings, must account to the Justice. Life is the most you have to offer up human beings and can not be taken off in terms of revenge, racial persecution, ideological or religious. That's a cannibal society. Someone will try to compare these statements with crime everyday, nothing further from reality. Those in social violence believe they have superior rights to other humans, seek to exercise authority offense. We still remember those images of the dead of the Tragic Week, with the boys well armed immigrant chasing workers, we also remember the enforcement mechanism hooded black Americans in the hands of the Ku Klux Klan, we all kindled and excited to tears of impotence.
build a common destiny includes Latin American brothers, that destination must integrate all social sectors, reinstall the upward social mobility, open our minds to new realities evicting neoliberal conceptions, individualistic and xenophobic that lead to confrontation and social disintegration.
Only a caring society, container and integrated set us free. Free in our decisions, our national sovereignty by preventing external constraints, constraints and external designs of the country. Free in our abilities and our opportunities, generating new livelihoods. A caring society will increase the social esteem and affection diminished by years of denigration and devaluation Argentine man. The Argentines were protagonists of historical exploits, today the defense of popular democracy, social justice and welfare of our people are part of the story to build under the new paradigms of national identity and Latin America, which permeate the lives of Argentines coming decades
CABA, 12/14/1910
Auto Refresh On Business Objects
At a time when certain sectors has been appealed to expressions contradict the spirit clearly printed on the essence of our national formation, can not but be warned that beyond the deep contempt that generate such demonstrations, they presuppose an alarming ignorance about the value that we all contain the contributions of these new human contingents who aspire to live in harmony.
For "Pestanha Francisco mailto:
early last century Mexican philosopher José Vasconcelos suggested that" It seems that (...) will arrive in America, rather than any part of the globe, the creation of a race made from the treasury of all the above, the final race, the cosmic race. " This reflection set forth in the preface Race your saved him Cosmic Mission American race, was at the time the product of a deep and thoughtful analysis of the phenomenon of ethnic and cultural mixturación that were operating in our continent, also indicating that a new and hopeful civilizational mode, was brewing in these parts.
no doubt that Raul Scalabrini Ortiz became deeply interested in these findings and some even argue that the two authors, there was a fertile intellectual exchange. But Scalabrini advanced a little further apart from a concept as controversial as "Race", and defining the product of the diverse composition multigene the term. Said the author of "Man who is lonely and hopes" to be plural origins has openings into every corner of tolerant understanding. In each direction in life, there is a history that instructs him in a benign sharing of feelings. Nothing human is alien. Nothing human is surprised and assists the spectacle of life as if it had been hers. The archetype of the Argentine is the first child of no one who has to extend it all ... "Surge
limpidly of the above, that both authors agreed on a forecast that heralded the emergence of a human archetype based on inclusion, and therefore in emergency of a new humanism, and further, that the gradual settlement of this vast continent enriched - with the passage of time - an invaluable cultural wealth of potential in what concerns the respectful understanding.
At a time when certain sectors has been appealed to expressions which contradict the spirit clearly printed on the essence of our national formation, can not but be noted that beyond the deep contempt that generate such demonstrations, they presuppose an alarming ignorance value for all of us contain the contributions of these new human contingents who aspire to live in harmony. Arturo
Jaurteche in time discharged their artillery against a false nationalism reviled many immigrants came to our lands. The nationalism of "you" statement, "it looks like love child at the tomb of the father, while ours, seems to love the father with the birth of the child (...) For you the nation was performed and was repealed, for us, is still emerging. Through these reflections the linqueño terse warning that our nation sought to draw on each new post. Longing
the teachings of Vasconcelos, Scalabrini, and Jauretche contribute to clarify some minds obliterated by opportunism or foolishness, but also conducive to the understanding of this very particular obstinacy Argentina to recognize the rights of those who, for one reason or another, are denied or deprived of them.
At a time when certain sectors has been appealed to expressions contradict the spirit clearly printed on the essence of our national formation, can not but be warned that beyond the deep contempt that generate such demonstrations, they presuppose an alarming ignorance about the value that we all contain the contributions of these new human contingents who aspire to live in harmony.
For "Pestanha Francisco mailto:
early last century Mexican philosopher José Vasconcelos suggested that" It seems that (...) will arrive in America, rather than any part of the globe, the creation of a race made from the treasury of all the above, the final race, the cosmic race. " This reflection set forth in the preface Race your saved him Cosmic Mission American race, was at the time the product of a deep and thoughtful analysis of the phenomenon of ethnic and cultural mixturación that were operating in our continent, also indicating that a new and hopeful civilizational mode, was brewing in these parts.
no doubt that Raul Scalabrini Ortiz became deeply interested in these findings and some even argue that the two authors, there was a fertile intellectual exchange. But Scalabrini advanced a little further apart from a concept as controversial as "Race", and defining the product of the diverse composition multigene the term. Said the author of "Man who is lonely and hopes" to be plural origins has openings into every corner of tolerant understanding. In each direction in life, there is a history that instructs him in a benign sharing of feelings. Nothing human is alien. Nothing human is surprised and assists the spectacle of life as if it had been hers. The archetype of the Argentine is the first child of no one who has to extend it all ... "Surge
limpidly of the above, that both authors agreed on a forecast that heralded the emergence of a human archetype based on inclusion, and therefore in emergency of a new humanism, and further, that the gradual settlement of this vast continent enriched - with the passage of time - an invaluable cultural wealth of potential in what concerns the respectful understanding.
At a time when certain sectors has been appealed to expressions which contradict the spirit clearly printed on the essence of our national formation, can not but be noted that beyond the deep contempt that generate such demonstrations, they presuppose an alarming ignorance value for all of us contain the contributions of these new human contingents who aspire to live in harmony. Arturo
Jaurteche in time discharged their artillery against a false nationalism reviled many immigrants came to our lands. The nationalism of "you" statement, "it looks like love child at the tomb of the father, while ours, seems to love the father with the birth of the child (...) For you the nation was performed and was repealed, for us, is still emerging. Through these reflections the linqueño terse warning that our nation sought to draw on each new post. Longing
the teachings of Vasconcelos, Scalabrini, and Jauretche contribute to clarify some minds obliterated by opportunism or foolishness, but also conducive to the understanding of this very particular obstinacy Argentina to recognize the rights of those who, for one reason or another, are denied or deprived of them.
Monday, January 3, 2011
Hemorrhoids Caused By Colonoscopy
may not be too inaccurate to think of our suburbs and in this second and THIRD GENERATION ASISTENCIALIZADOS KK ..
The incomplete proletarianization A vision of China
from Foxconn
Pun Ngai
Transversal Intervention in Forum on Globalization and Social Development, organized by the Centre for Policy Studies and International Economics, May 14, 2010, China University of Political Science and Law
I want to address the issue based on the video we just saw. There are now eight (not seven) dead in the Foxconn. The professor of Qinghua University said that the suicide rate did not seem very high. The next day a 24 year old was thrown from the top of a building. Personally I think these events are dramatic and it is important know what criteria should be evaluated and what's that for a not very high rate of suicides. The mainstream media talk about these tragic events as if it were a personal matter: the suicide of a young graduate who seemed open and happy person is presented as a spiritual problem, while others of these suicides are attributed to psychological problems . In the case of a worker who was thrown from the roof of the dormitory, was attributed to psychological pressures resulting from fertility problems. After the seventh suicide in Foxconn is known sought from psychologists, who have done a good job, and recently also has been told with Taoist priests. The direction of Foxconn prefer to see the problem as something connected to the Fengshui and psychology, rather than seeing it as a management problem enpresarial or as a social problem. I, on the contrary, I will address the problem from a sociological standpoint.
From these facts I want to interpret the phenomenon of farmers migrating from the countryside to the factories in the process of forming a new working class. My books are about the first generation of migrant farm workers, I've recently written some articles scattered on the second generation, which try to insert into the Marxist theoretical framework in formation of the proletariat, and also includes some post-Marxist theories, in order to assess whether it is possible to interpret the suicides and strikes as protest events under the Marxist theoretical tradition or sociology.
Obviously, we do not believe that suicide is normal, if that were the practice of Korean workers who set fire should be seen only as a warning to society, and the suicides of young Chinese workers is a tragedy too great to think that just about, after all, one way to tell the company suffered unfair treatment. Today will avoid all the details about the deaths, and we have seen in the video. The suicides that occurred from January to now occur in young people between 18 and 24, and his approach has always been the same: throw from the top of a building, a gesture that does not allow back. Two workers have been injured and not dead. But whether wounded or dead, how to understand this tragedy? Do you have to place it in the context of the company or have to put the company's internal problems in the broader context of the 230 million migrant farm workers? And why? "To say that this company has done better than this, that the salary of such an enterprise is greater than this one? In
Shenzsen the prevailing wage of a worker is between 1,000 and 1,500 yuan, while Foxconn is between 1,500 and 2,000, being thus significantly higher. Working conditions and management are a little better and that is why at Foxconn every morning at 5.30 h. there is a queue of people wanting to go to work there, while smaller companies are struggling to find workers. Considering this, we could say that this is a smaller-scale representation of the common situation of migrant farm workers, if they improve working conditions at Foxconn could improve the living conditions of migrant farm workers.
Secret por el que China se ha convertido en la fábrica del mundo reside en la existencia de 230 millones de trabajadores campesinos migrantes, sin los que China no habría llegado a ocupar en los últimos 20 años, gracias al bajo coste, el primer puesto como fábrica del mundo. Hoy tenemos primacía en varios ámbitos, la exportación por ejemplo. Foxconn es la primera exportadora global en electrónica. Hoy, cuando construimos Shenzhen, Shanghai etc., decimos siempre que estamos en los primeros puestos a escala mundial, pero también deberíamos decir que, según creo, también lo estamos en cuanto a la tasa de suicidios de la fuerza de trabajo juvenil, pese a los psicólogos que nos dicen que la tasa no es elevada.
When we analyzed the formation of the working class in the context of China as world factory, we see clearly who is building wealth, who is building China as world's factory, who sacrifices himself, who appropriates the benefits. Today it has clearly rethought the phenomenon of class society. A socialist country, that's why it should get rid of capitalist production relations, has allowed the class division to penetrate deep into social relationships.
I became a Marxist when, for the first time I entered the Chinese industrial zones, the first time I walked into a factory, while still college student in the early nineties. At that time they were producing large economic changes in Hong Kong and many factories moved to mainland China. Hong Kong's workers suffer unemployment, and when I moved to China observed the phenomenon of migrant farm workers who, year after year, they went to Guangdong to work.
These changes impressed me and was shocked to see that in the homeland of socialism allowed a brutal capitalist exploitation, which in the nineties, was even more intense than today.
In 1995 I entered a factory which produced electronic components for mobile phones then. There, I began to ask many people what their salary. It was an electronics factory, which became cell phones then. The price of one of those phones were around 10,000 yuan. And what was the salary of a worker? What day? On average, 14 hours a day, no Saturdays or Sundays.
Maybe your mothers and your fathers are the first generation of migrant farm workers that we interviewed, this situation is remembered well. When I entered the factory, angry read Marx's Capital and discovered that the situation described was not as serious as it was in China in the nineties. The salary of the speaker's Capital is calculated weekly, but when I started collecting the wage work was delayed three months and the pace of work was grueling. In the early nineties, workers died in fires that occurred in the factories and dormitories. After Marx, Capital, which describes the industrial situation of the nineteenth century, influenced the socialist revolution, if we compare the time of Marx to the situation of workers and the suicides of Foxconn, we come to the mind that perhaps that time was happier than ours.
In the early nineties, the pressure Labour was much stronger, the wage was only 500 yuan, where it is now between 1,000 and 1,500. The bedrooms and factory spaces have improved, and improved working conditions. Why, then, there were no suicides and strikes among the first generation of migrant workers campesiones, which does happen now?
When I entered the factory and saw the horrendous working conditions did not understand how something could happen in our socialist country. I was furious, but the workers were not. I thought it depended on who were gripped under pressure, which had no possibility to express their feelings. However, I saw no suicides. There were sudden deaths or exhaustion, but not with the current severity.
In the nineties saw how the workers began to get angry and even to strike. After 2000 in the Pearl River Delta, particularly in Dongguan, there were waves of strikes in which thousands of people, but without any media coverage. Then, some media were interested in the strikes, but stopped because it had become so common, especially in Dongguan, which did not attract attention by being so many and so frequent.
How to interpret the differences between the two generations of workers? We must reflect about it and, above all, wonder how they came about migrant farm workers. In addition we study in depth the differences between these two generations, even with the same class composition, with the same relations of production and in the case of workers doing the same job at the factory and they face the contradictions of capitalism. This must be done because the difference is really big.
must also reflect on the formation of the new class of migrant farm workers, we can not fit completely in the process of proletarianization. During a renovation that lasted 30 years the farmer has become worker (in poor without rights), the subject of work but not a worker in the full sense. It is unclear if it is a farmer or a laborer. Although he lives condiones are objectively of a worker, from a subjective point of view, while worker identity is problematic.
Consider the problem of identity recognition through some theoretical content of the post-Marxism. In the transition from class to class itself for itself difficult and complex factors involved. If we introduce this aspect in particular Chinese conditions and in the process of inclusion in the global capitalist economy, by making a comparison with other countries are that the uniqueness China lies in our migrant farm workers. Despite evidence that can spend ten or twenty years of his life working in the factory, are denied their position as workers. His consciousness as such subject has not yet fully formed.
in China Are we witnessing the emergence of a new Enclosures [nt: end of the communal lands in favor of landlords in England in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries]? But this phenomenon is different in China. The new generation of migrant farm workers can no longer return to his people but he can not stay in the city. You can not stay where it is, but can not return to the field. Should not such After looking at the condition of incomplete working class the reasons for the suicides and protests by migrant farm workers?
The phenomenon of migrant farm workers can not separate development from the past 30 years. It all started with the reform and the reform started in the field, which was destroyed collective dimension encouraging the emergence of small rural economies, the base of the workforce I have been referring to is at the end of collectivism, which resulted to a surplus of rural labor force. Our Sociologists use a beautiful expression for this phenomenon: an abundant labor force. No matter
whether it is heavy or is widely available, what matters is that a younger generation has nothing to do in the field, has no opportunity to work there because the land can not provide employment. So they began to migrate looking for work in the city, particularly in coastal areas where foreign capital came. So China was founded as a factory of the world, thanks to this cheap labor. In the agricultural reform and the "open strategy" is the secret of the emergence of migrant farm workers.
These are the conditions of the country, because "the labor force is too large. If this surplus labor en los años 80 no hubiera sido absorbida en las fábricas de “sangre y sudor” tampoco se habrían tenido estas mínimas ocasiones de progreso. Según lo que aprendí entonces, en aquel tiempo con doscientos o trescientos yuanes mensuales se pagaban más de diez horas de trabajo diario.
Ya fuese una empresa de juguetes o una de electrónica, el producto era el mismo tanto si lo hacía una trabajadora de Hong Kong o yo misma, que trabajaba en Shenzhen, también eran iguales el capital y la marca. Por ejemplo, todo el mundo sabe que los productos Disney son muy caros, por un muñeco piden entre 200 y 300 yuanes. Bien, pues en los años 80, la misma fábrica, el mismo contexto, en Hong Kong will earn between 5,000 and 6,000 yuan, and the beginning of the 90 some 6,000 working overtime, but the same factory opened a new location beyond the border with Shenzhen, which is producing the same product but pay yuan monthly salary of 200/300. This difference
it was difficult to understand and accept, while for those with patriotic sense was understandable, since both companies said they were in a different stage of development, there were plenty of labor and use that workforce price could boost development, integrating China into the global capitalist system and allowing the first step. But I had no patriotic sense, I wondered if the capital of Hong Kong or Taiwan would no longer invest because the wage paid to go up to 400 yuan. Then as now the question is whether a wage increase that China would cease to be the world's factory and stay away from the path of development. For these capitalists
rising wages did not produce any advantage, because they see the workforce as people. The employer does not feel like people needed to consider the cheap labor. Therefore, for them it would be pointless for a raise. When I entered the factory, had no confidence in workers. When walking down the street or when we went to eat always listened decir que los trabajadores chinos eran difíciles de manejar y que, muy en particular, tendían a robar mercancías ¿Es así? Ciertamente, en comparación con los trabajadores de Hong Kong y Taiwán el fenómeno del hurto de mercancías es más habitual. Los almacenes de las fábricas de Hong Kong tienen abiertas las ventanas, mientras que las de Shenzhen tienen barrotes de hierro por temor a los robos. Un trabajador de Foxconn se ha suicidado por haber perdido el prototipo del iPod; esta presión proviene del temor de la empresas a los robos. Pero si pensamos sobre ello, es preciso tomar en consideración la diferencia que había, en la fábrica en la que trabajaba, entre los salarios, unos 400/500 yuanes mensuales, and the price of cell phones we produced, to 10,000 yuan each.
I've noticed that many fear to use concepts such as class exploitation, but simply walk into a factory to farm, dignity and words no longer seem like alien concepts or in the service of some theory to manipulate foreign workers. The object of that class holding the anger that every worker can feel and express, are things that from a historical perspective, we talked quietly in college students and teachers. Currently there are fears the emergence of class antagonisms. A few years ago had more plants lacking the minimum decent conditions for workers. Places where they worked and lived lacked emergency exits. Some workers were burned to death for that reason. The factories of the nineties had the track history on the ground floor, the assembly line was on the second and third floors, while the workers lived on the upper floors. To prevent all thefts are closed and locked, and in case of fire it was impossible to escape and die workers burned. My work "Chinese Workers", situated in the eighties and early nineties, is born because at that time as a college student, I saw death and to workers. After those fires, housing areas and production were separated by appropriate legislation. Therefore, the accommodation of a factory which has a thousand workers should be created now in its surroundings.
In recent years I have written several articles on the subject of housing. If the first feature in which the secret factory of the world are migrant farm workers, the second is represented by the bedrooms linked to the factory. It is appropriate for the context of the life of the workforce because of the possibility of forming a family, as they must think that, in addition to a salary, require accommodation, the possibility of raising children can study or visit the doctor when it contracts a disease. But the reward of 230 million migrant farm workers is governed only by the needs of the factory and forced to live in common lodging, where dozens of workers huddle. The pay is not allowed to live in the city of Shenzhen.
In fact, in the coastal area of \u200b\u200bShenzhen is developing plans to use this work force for only a short period, until the migrants return to the countryside, are seen as a labor force, not workers. The problem is becoming more evident. At first, migrant farm workers who were in the factories had their own piece of land and the possibility of returning to his village That explains why I was angry but they still did not. In the nineties the workers were considered, basically, peasants, albeit from a Marxist point of view its relations of production had changed and had become real workers employed in factories, but are not yet in a position completely comparable to the workers, their salary was not a worker's salary because the salary of a worker must ensure the cost of reproduction of successive generations, that is, to have a family, working eight or ten hours, able to have a in which to live with the family and from the back to work after a day of rest.
Si en los años ochenta el salario no permitía vivir en la ciudad, actualmente el salario en Foxconn, entre 1.500 y 2.000 yuanes, tampoco permite que un obrero viva en Shenzhen. ¿Cómo puede reproducirse este sistema, cómo se tiene en pie este tipo de sostenibilidad?
Digamos claramente que este sistema sólo rige para los trabajadores campesinos migrantes, cuyo salario es la mitad del salario de un trabajador normal. Además, viviendo en el alojamiento de la fábrica se puede ahorrar algo de dinero para el futuro, ya que no es seguro que Foxconn siga aceptando a un trabajador cuando supere los 30 años de edad.
El actual desarrollo de las grandes ciudades se apoya completamente sobre los hombros de la fuerza de trabajo campesina. La ciudad es cada vez más rica, construimos ciudades cada vez más globales, como Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, cuyos gobiernos no tienen ninguna obligación respecto a las pensiones y al cuidado de los 230 millones de trabajadores campesinos migrantes. Tras haber explotado a la fuerza de trabajo, carecen de cualquier proyecto para su reproducción y para los cuidados que necesitan. El proyecto es devolverles al campo, arruinado desde hace veinte años, sin desarrollo alguno y sobre el que, además, pende la amenaza inminente de la venta de la tierra. Ésta es la injusticia fundamental, la fuerza de trabajo barata sostiene una producción de bajo coste que no sólo se dirige a urban middle bourgeoisie but, more important still, to Western countries like USA, where he has no money it borrows to consume and consume what is our cheap labor. The Chinese government has continuously provided money to those who can consume goods made with cheap labor in the global economic system, so that the ultimate sacrifice falls on the mass of migrant farm workers.
What is the difference between the two generations of migrant farm workers? The first generation had great endurance, in fact, the psychologist who has appeared in the video said that the problem of the current protests derived from the second generation is weak, no stamina, but we must ask how it has created this psychological difference. A careful analysis will tell us that while the first generation had more strength to endure the hard work and adversity, he also had hopes and goals, which saved was used to build a house and an honorable family life, enabling them to withstand the anguish and the toil of work in cities. The second generation is fully formed in the urban environment and aspires to a metropolitan lifestyle in recent years created by the dominant development model, a kind of urban civility continuously sought in la que se dice que hay que renunciar al campo porque de otra manera uno se desacredita, se pierde el honor, se es poco desarrollado y se pierde la posibilidad de cambiar lo que tus progenitores te dieron en su momento. Éste es el contexto en boga. La vía de desarrollo hoy imperante y su cultura nos hacen ver al campo y a nuestro pasado como si fuesen nuestros enemigos.
Desde el momento en el que nos pusimos a construir civilidad metropolitana del tipo de la de Beijing o la de Shanghai, los valores de la nueva generación están enteramente basados sobre eso, mientras que los de nuestros progenitores se basaban totalmente sobre el campo. La primera generación, aunque pobre y forzada a un duro trabajo, tenía una casa en la que pensar. Customers now have between 18 and 20 have no reason to feel connected to the field and yes many reasons for conflict. Year after year struggle for higher wages, although wages are apparently three times in the early 90's, the truth is that prices rise. Do they earn 1,500 yuan today are actually more than 500 of yesterday? May be less, given the inflation and rising prices. In the nineties, on the outskirts of Shenzhen and Guangzhou could rent for 200 or 300 yuan, a house to live with the family. Today you can not. Migrant farm workers are forced to live in industrial areas, where rents are not affordable so staying in the dorms of the company, the same bedroom from the rooftops and windows were thrown Foxconn workers.
A migrant farm workers in their twenties who do not want to stay in the country and want to live in the city should pay at least 1,000 yuan to rent, but, then, is how to meet other basic needs at a salary of 1,500 yuan? No output to the dilemmas and difficulties of this new generation. Two or three years ago there was much talk when snow forced farmers to become migrant workers in the city without returning home for Chinese New Year celebration, but even could have done would have been only for two weeks, they were aware. Rural life, values \u200b\u200band reality are lost, even more so if we talk about the second and third generation.
From here, we can imagine two possible ways. On the one hand, it would be a new rural development that does not involve the sale of land and is not serving the big companies that are devouring the countryside. A development that allows people to return there to have an economic base from which to live and feel that life has a future.
On the other hand there is the possibility that these migrant farm workers truly become the new working class, with a salary increase which will be beneficial for the development of China. Now if all goods are export oriented, is that people here do not have money to eat. On the one hand, there is fear that there is no consumption, but wages do not rise. It is not logical. Raising wages at Foxconn are also influence on other companies and the entire area of \u200b\u200bShenzhen, leading improvements.
The real problem is the appalling race to the bottom in which is embedded capital internally, the last frontier of reduced competition, whose final price paid by workers. Why
workers have been reduced to this condition? Let's face it: in addition the fact that our trade unions play no useful role, our workers have no power to negotiate wages. They have no force in the city because they are still in a fluctuating situation and uprooted. Today we work in Dongguan, Shenzhen tomorrow or maybe in Guangzhou. This does not belong to a household or a society.
The strength of workers, the pressure they can exert on the capital, is fragmented under these conditions. Capital wants all workers are migrant farm workers, and clearly wants to keep migrant workers as second and third generation migrant farmworkers. That's why we have not changed the situation created by the hukou system [nt regulatory system permits permanent and temporary residence].
Increased wages also influence the situation of students. Why is the salary of a diploma is so low? Because there behind a brother who is even less, a migrant worker who has even less, an unemployed person who has even less. Today we should think about who holds a society and what rights are protected.
Pun Ngai is a sociologist and anthropologist, professor at the Polytechnic of Hong Kong.
Chinese to Italian translation: Diego Gullotta
Translation from Italian to Castilian: Trasversales, con autorización de Diego Gullota.
Fuente: (Revista Trasversales número 20 otoño 2010)
The incomplete proletarianization A vision of China
from Foxconn
Pun Ngai
Transversal Intervention in Forum on Globalization and Social Development, organized by the Centre for Policy Studies and International Economics, May 14, 2010, China University of Political Science and Law
I want to address the issue based on the video we just saw. There are now eight (not seven) dead in the Foxconn. The professor of Qinghua University said that the suicide rate did not seem very high. The next day a 24 year old was thrown from the top of a building. Personally I think these events are dramatic and it is important know what criteria should be evaluated and what's that for a not very high rate of suicides. The mainstream media talk about these tragic events as if it were a personal matter: the suicide of a young graduate who seemed open and happy person is presented as a spiritual problem, while others of these suicides are attributed to psychological problems . In the case of a worker who was thrown from the roof of the dormitory, was attributed to psychological pressures resulting from fertility problems. After the seventh suicide in Foxconn is known sought from psychologists, who have done a good job, and recently also has been told with Taoist priests. The direction of Foxconn prefer to see the problem as something connected to the Fengshui and psychology, rather than seeing it as a management problem enpresarial or as a social problem. I, on the contrary, I will address the problem from a sociological standpoint.
From these facts I want to interpret the phenomenon of farmers migrating from the countryside to the factories in the process of forming a new working class. My books are about the first generation of migrant farm workers, I've recently written some articles scattered on the second generation, which try to insert into the Marxist theoretical framework in formation of the proletariat, and also includes some post-Marxist theories, in order to assess whether it is possible to interpret the suicides and strikes as protest events under the Marxist theoretical tradition or sociology.
Obviously, we do not believe that suicide is normal, if that were the practice of Korean workers who set fire should be seen only as a warning to society, and the suicides of young Chinese workers is a tragedy too great to think that just about, after all, one way to tell the company suffered unfair treatment. Today will avoid all the details about the deaths, and we have seen in the video. The suicides that occurred from January to now occur in young people between 18 and 24, and his approach has always been the same: throw from the top of a building, a gesture that does not allow back. Two workers have been injured and not dead. But whether wounded or dead, how to understand this tragedy? Do you have to place it in the context of the company or have to put the company's internal problems in the broader context of the 230 million migrant farm workers? And why? "To say that this company has done better than this, that the salary of such an enterprise is greater than this one? In
Shenzsen the prevailing wage of a worker is between 1,000 and 1,500 yuan, while Foxconn is between 1,500 and 2,000, being thus significantly higher. Working conditions and management are a little better and that is why at Foxconn every morning at 5.30 h. there is a queue of people wanting to go to work there, while smaller companies are struggling to find workers. Considering this, we could say that this is a smaller-scale representation of the common situation of migrant farm workers, if they improve working conditions at Foxconn could improve the living conditions of migrant farm workers.
Secret por el que China se ha convertido en la fábrica del mundo reside en la existencia de 230 millones de trabajadores campesinos migrantes, sin los que China no habría llegado a ocupar en los últimos 20 años, gracias al bajo coste, el primer puesto como fábrica del mundo. Hoy tenemos primacía en varios ámbitos, la exportación por ejemplo. Foxconn es la primera exportadora global en electrónica. Hoy, cuando construimos Shenzhen, Shanghai etc., decimos siempre que estamos en los primeros puestos a escala mundial, pero también deberíamos decir que, según creo, también lo estamos en cuanto a la tasa de suicidios de la fuerza de trabajo juvenil, pese a los psicólogos que nos dicen que la tasa no es elevada.
When we analyzed the formation of the working class in the context of China as world factory, we see clearly who is building wealth, who is building China as world's factory, who sacrifices himself, who appropriates the benefits. Today it has clearly rethought the phenomenon of class society. A socialist country, that's why it should get rid of capitalist production relations, has allowed the class division to penetrate deep into social relationships.
I became a Marxist when, for the first time I entered the Chinese industrial zones, the first time I walked into a factory, while still college student in the early nineties. At that time they were producing large economic changes in Hong Kong and many factories moved to mainland China. Hong Kong's workers suffer unemployment, and when I moved to China observed the phenomenon of migrant farm workers who, year after year, they went to Guangdong to work.
These changes impressed me and was shocked to see that in the homeland of socialism allowed a brutal capitalist exploitation, which in the nineties, was even more intense than today.
In 1995 I entered a factory which produced electronic components for mobile phones then. There, I began to ask many people what their salary. It was an electronics factory, which became cell phones then. The price of one of those phones were around 10,000 yuan. And what was the salary of a worker? What day? On average, 14 hours a day, no Saturdays or Sundays.
Maybe your mothers and your fathers are the first generation of migrant farm workers that we interviewed, this situation is remembered well. When I entered the factory, angry read Marx's Capital and discovered that the situation described was not as serious as it was in China in the nineties. The salary of the speaker's Capital is calculated weekly, but when I started collecting the wage work was delayed three months and the pace of work was grueling. In the early nineties, workers died in fires that occurred in the factories and dormitories. After Marx, Capital, which describes the industrial situation of the nineteenth century, influenced the socialist revolution, if we compare the time of Marx to the situation of workers and the suicides of Foxconn, we come to the mind that perhaps that time was happier than ours.
In the early nineties, the pressure Labour was much stronger, the wage was only 500 yuan, where it is now between 1,000 and 1,500. The bedrooms and factory spaces have improved, and improved working conditions. Why, then, there were no suicides and strikes among the first generation of migrant workers campesiones, which does happen now?
When I entered the factory and saw the horrendous working conditions did not understand how something could happen in our socialist country. I was furious, but the workers were not. I thought it depended on who were gripped under pressure, which had no possibility to express their feelings. However, I saw no suicides. There were sudden deaths or exhaustion, but not with the current severity.
In the nineties saw how the workers began to get angry and even to strike. After 2000 in the Pearl River Delta, particularly in Dongguan, there were waves of strikes in which thousands of people, but without any media coverage. Then, some media were interested in the strikes, but stopped because it had become so common, especially in Dongguan, which did not attract attention by being so many and so frequent.
How to interpret the differences between the two generations of workers? We must reflect about it and, above all, wonder how they came about migrant farm workers. In addition we study in depth the differences between these two generations, even with the same class composition, with the same relations of production and in the case of workers doing the same job at the factory and they face the contradictions of capitalism. This must be done because the difference is really big.
must also reflect on the formation of the new class of migrant farm workers, we can not fit completely in the process of proletarianization. During a renovation that lasted 30 years the farmer has become worker (in poor without rights), the subject of work but not a worker in the full sense. It is unclear if it is a farmer or a laborer. Although he lives condiones are objectively of a worker, from a subjective point of view, while worker identity is problematic.
Consider the problem of identity recognition through some theoretical content of the post-Marxism. In the transition from class to class itself for itself difficult and complex factors involved. If we introduce this aspect in particular Chinese conditions and in the process of inclusion in the global capitalist economy, by making a comparison with other countries are that the uniqueness China lies in our migrant farm workers. Despite evidence that can spend ten or twenty years of his life working in the factory, are denied their position as workers. His consciousness as such subject has not yet fully formed.
in China Are we witnessing the emergence of a new Enclosures [nt: end of the communal lands in favor of landlords in England in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries]? But this phenomenon is different in China. The new generation of migrant farm workers can no longer return to his people but he can not stay in the city. You can not stay where it is, but can not return to the field. Should not such After looking at the condition of incomplete working class the reasons for the suicides and protests by migrant farm workers?
The phenomenon of migrant farm workers can not separate development from the past 30 years. It all started with the reform and the reform started in the field, which was destroyed collective dimension encouraging the emergence of small rural economies, the base of the workforce I have been referring to is at the end of collectivism, which resulted to a surplus of rural labor force. Our Sociologists use a beautiful expression for this phenomenon: an abundant labor force. No matter
whether it is heavy or is widely available, what matters is that a younger generation has nothing to do in the field, has no opportunity to work there because the land can not provide employment. So they began to migrate looking for work in the city, particularly in coastal areas where foreign capital came. So China was founded as a factory of the world, thanks to this cheap labor. In the agricultural reform and the "open strategy" is the secret of the emergence of migrant farm workers.
These are the conditions of the country, because "the labor force is too large. If this surplus labor en los años 80 no hubiera sido absorbida en las fábricas de “sangre y sudor” tampoco se habrían tenido estas mínimas ocasiones de progreso. Según lo que aprendí entonces, en aquel tiempo con doscientos o trescientos yuanes mensuales se pagaban más de diez horas de trabajo diario.
Ya fuese una empresa de juguetes o una de electrónica, el producto era el mismo tanto si lo hacía una trabajadora de Hong Kong o yo misma, que trabajaba en Shenzhen, también eran iguales el capital y la marca. Por ejemplo, todo el mundo sabe que los productos Disney son muy caros, por un muñeco piden entre 200 y 300 yuanes. Bien, pues en los años 80, la misma fábrica, el mismo contexto, en Hong Kong will earn between 5,000 and 6,000 yuan, and the beginning of the 90 some 6,000 working overtime, but the same factory opened a new location beyond the border with Shenzhen, which is producing the same product but pay yuan monthly salary of 200/300. This difference
it was difficult to understand and accept, while for those with patriotic sense was understandable, since both companies said they were in a different stage of development, there were plenty of labor and use that workforce price could boost development, integrating China into the global capitalist system and allowing the first step. But I had no patriotic sense, I wondered if the capital of Hong Kong or Taiwan would no longer invest because the wage paid to go up to 400 yuan. Then as now the question is whether a wage increase that China would cease to be the world's factory and stay away from the path of development. For these capitalists
rising wages did not produce any advantage, because they see the workforce as people. The employer does not feel like people needed to consider the cheap labor. Therefore, for them it would be pointless for a raise. When I entered the factory, had no confidence in workers. When walking down the street or when we went to eat always listened decir que los trabajadores chinos eran difíciles de manejar y que, muy en particular, tendían a robar mercancías ¿Es así? Ciertamente, en comparación con los trabajadores de Hong Kong y Taiwán el fenómeno del hurto de mercancías es más habitual. Los almacenes de las fábricas de Hong Kong tienen abiertas las ventanas, mientras que las de Shenzhen tienen barrotes de hierro por temor a los robos. Un trabajador de Foxconn se ha suicidado por haber perdido el prototipo del iPod; esta presión proviene del temor de la empresas a los robos. Pero si pensamos sobre ello, es preciso tomar en consideración la diferencia que había, en la fábrica en la que trabajaba, entre los salarios, unos 400/500 yuanes mensuales, and the price of cell phones we produced, to 10,000 yuan each.
I've noticed that many fear to use concepts such as class exploitation, but simply walk into a factory to farm, dignity and words no longer seem like alien concepts or in the service of some theory to manipulate foreign workers. The object of that class holding the anger that every worker can feel and express, are things that from a historical perspective, we talked quietly in college students and teachers. Currently there are fears the emergence of class antagonisms. A few years ago had more plants lacking the minimum decent conditions for workers. Places where they worked and lived lacked emergency exits. Some workers were burned to death for that reason. The factories of the nineties had the track history on the ground floor, the assembly line was on the second and third floors, while the workers lived on the upper floors. To prevent all thefts are closed and locked, and in case of fire it was impossible to escape and die workers burned. My work "Chinese Workers", situated in the eighties and early nineties, is born because at that time as a college student, I saw death and to workers. After those fires, housing areas and production were separated by appropriate legislation. Therefore, the accommodation of a factory which has a thousand workers should be created now in its surroundings.
In recent years I have written several articles on the subject of housing. If the first feature in which the secret factory of the world are migrant farm workers, the second is represented by the bedrooms linked to the factory. It is appropriate for the context of the life of the workforce because of the possibility of forming a family, as they must think that, in addition to a salary, require accommodation, the possibility of raising children can study or visit the doctor when it contracts a disease. But the reward of 230 million migrant farm workers is governed only by the needs of the factory and forced to live in common lodging, where dozens of workers huddle. The pay is not allowed to live in the city of Shenzhen.
In fact, in the coastal area of \u200b\u200bShenzhen is developing plans to use this work force for only a short period, until the migrants return to the countryside, are seen as a labor force, not workers. The problem is becoming more evident. At first, migrant farm workers who were in the factories had their own piece of land and the possibility of returning to his village That explains why I was angry but they still did not. In the nineties the workers were considered, basically, peasants, albeit from a Marxist point of view its relations of production had changed and had become real workers employed in factories, but are not yet in a position completely comparable to the workers, their salary was not a worker's salary because the salary of a worker must ensure the cost of reproduction of successive generations, that is, to have a family, working eight or ten hours, able to have a in which to live with the family and from the back to work after a day of rest.
Si en los años ochenta el salario no permitía vivir en la ciudad, actualmente el salario en Foxconn, entre 1.500 y 2.000 yuanes, tampoco permite que un obrero viva en Shenzhen. ¿Cómo puede reproducirse este sistema, cómo se tiene en pie este tipo de sostenibilidad?
Digamos claramente que este sistema sólo rige para los trabajadores campesinos migrantes, cuyo salario es la mitad del salario de un trabajador normal. Además, viviendo en el alojamiento de la fábrica se puede ahorrar algo de dinero para el futuro, ya que no es seguro que Foxconn siga aceptando a un trabajador cuando supere los 30 años de edad.
El actual desarrollo de las grandes ciudades se apoya completamente sobre los hombros de la fuerza de trabajo campesina. La ciudad es cada vez más rica, construimos ciudades cada vez más globales, como Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, cuyos gobiernos no tienen ninguna obligación respecto a las pensiones y al cuidado de los 230 millones de trabajadores campesinos migrantes. Tras haber explotado a la fuerza de trabajo, carecen de cualquier proyecto para su reproducción y para los cuidados que necesitan. El proyecto es devolverles al campo, arruinado desde hace veinte años, sin desarrollo alguno y sobre el que, además, pende la amenaza inminente de la venta de la tierra. Ésta es la injusticia fundamental, la fuerza de trabajo barata sostiene una producción de bajo coste que no sólo se dirige a urban middle bourgeoisie but, more important still, to Western countries like USA, where he has no money it borrows to consume and consume what is our cheap labor. The Chinese government has continuously provided money to those who can consume goods made with cheap labor in the global economic system, so that the ultimate sacrifice falls on the mass of migrant farm workers.
What is the difference between the two generations of migrant farm workers? The first generation had great endurance, in fact, the psychologist who has appeared in the video said that the problem of the current protests derived from the second generation is weak, no stamina, but we must ask how it has created this psychological difference. A careful analysis will tell us that while the first generation had more strength to endure the hard work and adversity, he also had hopes and goals, which saved was used to build a house and an honorable family life, enabling them to withstand the anguish and the toil of work in cities. The second generation is fully formed in the urban environment and aspires to a metropolitan lifestyle in recent years created by the dominant development model, a kind of urban civility continuously sought in la que se dice que hay que renunciar al campo porque de otra manera uno se desacredita, se pierde el honor, se es poco desarrollado y se pierde la posibilidad de cambiar lo que tus progenitores te dieron en su momento. Éste es el contexto en boga. La vía de desarrollo hoy imperante y su cultura nos hacen ver al campo y a nuestro pasado como si fuesen nuestros enemigos.
Desde el momento en el que nos pusimos a construir civilidad metropolitana del tipo de la de Beijing o la de Shanghai, los valores de la nueva generación están enteramente basados sobre eso, mientras que los de nuestros progenitores se basaban totalmente sobre el campo. La primera generación, aunque pobre y forzada a un duro trabajo, tenía una casa en la que pensar. Customers now have between 18 and 20 have no reason to feel connected to the field and yes many reasons for conflict. Year after year struggle for higher wages, although wages are apparently three times in the early 90's, the truth is that prices rise. Do they earn 1,500 yuan today are actually more than 500 of yesterday? May be less, given the inflation and rising prices. In the nineties, on the outskirts of Shenzhen and Guangzhou could rent for 200 or 300 yuan, a house to live with the family. Today you can not. Migrant farm workers are forced to live in industrial areas, where rents are not affordable so staying in the dorms of the company, the same bedroom from the rooftops and windows were thrown Foxconn workers.
A migrant farm workers in their twenties who do not want to stay in the country and want to live in the city should pay at least 1,000 yuan to rent, but, then, is how to meet other basic needs at a salary of 1,500 yuan? No output to the dilemmas and difficulties of this new generation. Two or three years ago there was much talk when snow forced farmers to become migrant workers in the city without returning home for Chinese New Year celebration, but even could have done would have been only for two weeks, they were aware. Rural life, values \u200b\u200band reality are lost, even more so if we talk about the second and third generation.
From here, we can imagine two possible ways. On the one hand, it would be a new rural development that does not involve the sale of land and is not serving the big companies that are devouring the countryside. A development that allows people to return there to have an economic base from which to live and feel that life has a future.
On the other hand there is the possibility that these migrant farm workers truly become the new working class, with a salary increase which will be beneficial for the development of China. Now if all goods are export oriented, is that people here do not have money to eat. On the one hand, there is fear that there is no consumption, but wages do not rise. It is not logical. Raising wages at Foxconn are also influence on other companies and the entire area of \u200b\u200bShenzhen, leading improvements.
The real problem is the appalling race to the bottom in which is embedded capital internally, the last frontier of reduced competition, whose final price paid by workers. Why
workers have been reduced to this condition? Let's face it: in addition the fact that our trade unions play no useful role, our workers have no power to negotiate wages. They have no force in the city because they are still in a fluctuating situation and uprooted. Today we work in Dongguan, Shenzhen tomorrow or maybe in Guangzhou. This does not belong to a household or a society.
The strength of workers, the pressure they can exert on the capital, is fragmented under these conditions. Capital wants all workers are migrant farm workers, and clearly wants to keep migrant workers as second and third generation migrant farmworkers. That's why we have not changed the situation created by the hukou system [nt regulatory system permits permanent and temporary residence].
Increased wages also influence the situation of students. Why is the salary of a diploma is so low? Because there behind a brother who is even less, a migrant worker who has even less, an unemployed person who has even less. Today we should think about who holds a society and what rights are protected.
Pun Ngai is a sociologist and anthropologist, professor at the Polytechnic of Hong Kong.
Chinese to Italian translation: Diego Gullotta
Translation from Italian to Castilian: Trasversales, con autorización de Diego Gullota.
Fuente: (Revista Trasversales número 20 otoño 2010)
Sunday, January 2, 2011
I Let My Cousin Kiss My Boobs
En el contexto del nuevo modelo colonial corporativo que configura una Argentina agro exportadora, una Argentina que apuesta por la biotecnología, la producción de Biocombustibles y por la minería con cianuro, en los mercados globales, ha sido necesario para el sistema, el improvisar una dirigencia desde la izquierda quebrada y a veces no tan quebrada, ya que muchos de los supuestos del marxismo han devenido útiles al desarrollismo más duro, tal como es el caso de Lula y de Dilma. En la Argentina, ese neodesarrollismo postcolonial friendly corporations, in this case over much of the left transvestite, has abused human rights as an ideology to justify their atrocities of the present. But remember and bear in mind again that we are not talking about the right, a right that is awkward and ineffective as Macri, we're talking about people like Kunkel, as Duhalde good, like the Garre, Hebe, and as the hundreds of Open Letter intellectuals and Campora, who fill the tables of National Radio, Channel 7, Channel encounter, Radio Cooperativa Radio del Plata, the radius of the goalkeepers as Aliverti, Page 12 and Argentine Time , 23 Magazine and all coming from the PC Codovilla and Heller, Sabatella and Filmus, ERP and TRP as Maria Seoane, Angus and many others. This system of double standards rests decisively on welfare that allows the resources of the agro exports. To the left in government, however, it is important to hide that are feeding the pigs in China and other Europe with our children's hunger and death by malnutrition of indigenous peoples, the elderly and many creatures. Hence the constant simulation scenarios, hence the speeches cheats, hence the huge investment in advertising showing over and over again, how to lower the portrait of Videla, fiery speeches with handkerchiefs White around, etc.. The great tool of the Government is poverty asistencializar mode because it undermines the capacity for autonomy in the most humble and let them play outside the fights for power, that is what worries them. In the last fifty years were the workers who took the leadership of the process of liberation, now the welfarism is destroying a process that began at the time Martinez de Hoz, empty the tank to drown a fish, or to liquidate deindustrialized strength of the working class ... The handouts to the poor politically settled in the strategic field of class struggle and the power ... The working class handouts liquid systematically, as rising soybean production leaves the maximum truck transport beans by the CGT and the Momo responsible for the social work of the unemployed of Agriculture as a second charge of the CGT and the historic 62 Organizations. The farce is what is left of the struggles of the past ...
to the middle on the other hand, the Government has in turn several fronts that are seductive and referring to various modes of operation on poverty or on the membership of social organizations, while serving to provide employment or paid job in a job market that depressed and where wages they offer are enviable. I mean the thousands of pictures that form the Ministry de Desarrollo Social con Alicia Kirchner, los cientos de técnicos que se suman a los innumerables proyectos de huertas asistidas y de agricultura familiar y para pequeños productores, de la Secretaria Carla Campos Bilbao en el Ministerio de Agricultura, y por último, la Subsecretaría de integración económica y MERCOSUR donde revistaba el Ex PC Eduardo Sigal y ahora el ex monto José Vitar, y que, en la Cancillería, se especializa en torneos de oratoria y documentos consensuados sobre nuestra política exterior, que van rigurosamente al cesto de los papeles de Timmerman, o en pagar pasajes al exterior para los dóciles y para los amigos... Con estos tres brazos: Alicia, Carla y ahora José Vitar, opera el asistencialismo o acaso la gran fábrica de simulacros y de escenarios de simulación, y podría sumárseles algunos programa del INTA o de la UBA o acaso del Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología de Lino Barañao y el resto de su troupe Stalinista y especialmente el programa Raíces que trae incautos desde el exterior...
Una y otra vez, nosotros nos vemos obligados a debatir con buenos compañeros, compañeros un poco candorosos, compañeros bastante “buenudos”, que tratan de justificar su trabajo y el sueldo que ganan en alguna de estas áreas, y que nos desafían a debatir sobre la gradualidad necesaria y en vigencia, para supuestamente cambiar el modelo. Nadie duda de las buenas intenciones de quienes trabajan with small farmers or family farmers, or those who are dressed to the Indians of ex impenetrable, in the Chaco razed by bulldozers. Furthermore, we are convinced that they are good people who have good heart and that most are honest, who strive to do the best we can within those bureaucratic structures full of opportunists and merchants of poverty in the most senior functionary. What they say is to not buy the model they sell, which do not create their own misleading advertising, not confusing laburo assholes in the state as workers of a given Ministry, with staff feeling and take charge of a political strategy leadership without serious qualms. Who wish to discuss with us shows they are good people and who have doubts, but there are also instructed to fuck ... that's another laburo in the state, from which much know the Minister Anibal and we've had in abundance from our time at Radio ... But it is not easy for the GRR having to start each week discussing with another well-intentioned mistakes employment with work, and needs to justify the salary he is, leading a crusade to soften hard as we do not want to accept the good leading the Government's intentions and we would be according to them, so arrogant we do not accept debate with Kunkel, nor Vitar, nor the wife Carla Campos Moreno Mayor, or perhaps with Dominguez and his right hand Serantes that are operators of the Church and various companies granaries and just have to go online to find it ... This product is new and Kirchner, contractors and employees operating State programs feel they are militant ... who share the ideology of the patterns ... seems impossible, but it is a totally new that has occurred Kirchner, in the past, since the beginning of democracy until 2003 we were state employees generally critical of the policies implemented, although we had that completed, we did not buy the speech of policymakers. It also seems to have concluded have been shut out of debates and contestation within the state ...
So, right now we tell everyone and claim many leased from the membership to discuss our positions, our well-meaning friends please, be indulgent with us, let us persist in error that are old and some arsonists to you, and will become young people and we will fire off fireworks ... Yes, we must be very, very proud for you, we are proud simply because we will not lose the pants ... you try to have the patience to read us and understand that when we mix with Fidel and the wall solution, we realize that, in addition to having been trained For seventy malformed transvestite overwhelms ignorance and misunderstanding about who we are and how we think. It is not that from the GRR would like to change the country in three days as you always tend to tell us of course object to a gradual thinking that you and the government pays them would express ... Further still, we can say with absolute certainty that we are unique in all of Argentina but throughout Latin America, we have said publicly and to all hazards that come out of the soybean production will take us twenty or thirty years and that the process should be strictly gradual, sequential, you have to develop alternatives to soy and that have to install regulations and limitations gradual, beginning with the control of the ports and what will not now exist, the implementation of the export duty or withholding tax to exporters and producers not as now, the empowerment of local slaughter that enables existing or surviving small farmers, the creation of fruity green belts around towns vegetables to provide fresh food and give work, the marketing of fresh milk to survive the last dairy farms, enabling suburban markets save fuel and break the chains of agribusiness, the radical modification of INTA, SENASA and CONICET, transforming space for agribusiness and biotechnology in food sovereignty instruments and local developments. And finally, decide that provinces like Salta, Formosa and Chaco, or perhaps also Santiago del Estero, where vie MOCASES see what more the Government bootlicking KK, become provinces that protect small farmers and not allow monoculture at least biotech, or of soybean production. That for this to be possible, state policies are needed, forward-looking and communicable from one government to another and, above all, political will is required NOT to see, that does NOT exist, because so far only deepens this soybean production model and terrible devastation of the territory with government policies, not that we say we say it every day and progressive exaltation worthy of a better cause, the very President and his Minister of Agriculture to encourage soybean production and the production of biofuels, or the Science and Technology is an outspoken apologist for biotechnology and biotech corporations ... So, in these early 2011 there is no confusion but that do not want to see clear and stir the puddle with a stick. Dispénsennos then all those who want to continue believing in Santa Claus or the Three Kings, where we try to keep our beliefs and not force us to argue with those who are not our enemies, but just good people disoriented and that despite all good intentions and recognize the need in the labor market to maintain laburo they got, the laburo or plans, subsidies, or whatever. That enjoyment without much joy and guilty conscience, but do not harass us, like someone said ... we are not to blame for their problems of conscience ...
Jorge Eduardo Rulli
January 2, 2011
En el contexto del nuevo modelo colonial corporativo que configura una Argentina agro exportadora, una Argentina que apuesta por la biotecnología, la producción de Biocombustibles y por la minería con cianuro, en los mercados globales, ha sido necesario para el sistema, el improvisar una dirigencia desde la izquierda quebrada y a veces no tan quebrada, ya que muchos de los supuestos del marxismo han devenido útiles al desarrollismo más duro, tal como es el caso de Lula y de Dilma. En la Argentina, ese neodesarrollismo postcolonial friendly corporations, in this case over much of the left transvestite, has abused human rights as an ideology to justify their atrocities of the present. But remember and bear in mind again that we are not talking about the right, a right that is awkward and ineffective as Macri, we're talking about people like Kunkel, as Duhalde good, like the Garre, Hebe, and as the hundreds of Open Letter intellectuals and Campora, who fill the tables of National Radio, Channel 7, Channel encounter, Radio Cooperativa Radio del Plata, the radius of the goalkeepers as Aliverti, Page 12 and Argentine Time , 23 Magazine and all coming from the PC Codovilla and Heller, Sabatella and Filmus, ERP and TRP as Maria Seoane, Angus and many others. This system of double standards rests decisively on welfare that allows the resources of the agro exports. To the left in government, however, it is important to hide that are feeding the pigs in China and other Europe with our children's hunger and death by malnutrition of indigenous peoples, the elderly and many creatures. Hence the constant simulation scenarios, hence the speeches cheats, hence the huge investment in advertising showing over and over again, how to lower the portrait of Videla, fiery speeches with handkerchiefs White around, etc.. The great tool of the Government is poverty asistencializar mode because it undermines the capacity for autonomy in the most humble and let them play outside the fights for power, that is what worries them. In the last fifty years were the workers who took the leadership of the process of liberation, now the welfarism is destroying a process that began at the time Martinez de Hoz, empty the tank to drown a fish, or to liquidate deindustrialized strength of the working class ... The handouts to the poor politically settled in the strategic field of class struggle and the power ... The working class handouts liquid systematically, as rising soybean production leaves the maximum truck transport beans by the CGT and the Momo responsible for the social work of the unemployed of Agriculture as a second charge of the CGT and the historic 62 Organizations. The farce is what is left of the struggles of the past ...
to the middle on the other hand, the Government has in turn several fronts that are seductive and referring to various modes of operation on poverty or on the membership of social organizations, while serving to provide employment or paid job in a job market that depressed and where wages they offer are enviable. I mean the thousands of pictures that form the Ministry de Desarrollo Social con Alicia Kirchner, los cientos de técnicos que se suman a los innumerables proyectos de huertas asistidas y de agricultura familiar y para pequeños productores, de la Secretaria Carla Campos Bilbao en el Ministerio de Agricultura, y por último, la Subsecretaría de integración económica y MERCOSUR donde revistaba el Ex PC Eduardo Sigal y ahora el ex monto José Vitar, y que, en la Cancillería, se especializa en torneos de oratoria y documentos consensuados sobre nuestra política exterior, que van rigurosamente al cesto de los papeles de Timmerman, o en pagar pasajes al exterior para los dóciles y para los amigos... Con estos tres brazos: Alicia, Carla y ahora José Vitar, opera el asistencialismo o acaso la gran fábrica de simulacros y de escenarios de simulación, y podría sumárseles algunos programa del INTA o de la UBA o acaso del Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología de Lino Barañao y el resto de su troupe Stalinista y especialmente el programa Raíces que trae incautos desde el exterior...
Una y otra vez, nosotros nos vemos obligados a debatir con buenos compañeros, compañeros un poco candorosos, compañeros bastante “buenudos”, que tratan de justificar su trabajo y el sueldo que ganan en alguna de estas áreas, y que nos desafían a debatir sobre la gradualidad necesaria y en vigencia, para supuestamente cambiar el modelo. Nadie duda de las buenas intenciones de quienes trabajan with small farmers or family farmers, or those who are dressed to the Indians of ex impenetrable, in the Chaco razed by bulldozers. Furthermore, we are convinced that they are good people who have good heart and that most are honest, who strive to do the best we can within those bureaucratic structures full of opportunists and merchants of poverty in the most senior functionary. What they say is to not buy the model they sell, which do not create their own misleading advertising, not confusing laburo assholes in the state as workers of a given Ministry, with staff feeling and take charge of a political strategy leadership without serious qualms. Who wish to discuss with us shows they are good people and who have doubts, but there are also instructed to fuck ... that's another laburo in the state, from which much know the Minister Anibal and we've had in abundance from our time at Radio ... But it is not easy for the GRR having to start each week discussing with another well-intentioned mistakes employment with work, and needs to justify the salary he is, leading a crusade to soften hard as we do not want to accept the good leading the Government's intentions and we would be according to them, so arrogant we do not accept debate with Kunkel, nor Vitar, nor the wife Carla Campos Moreno Mayor, or perhaps with Dominguez and his right hand Serantes that are operators of the Church and various companies granaries and just have to go online to find it ... This product is new and Kirchner, contractors and employees operating State programs feel they are militant ... who share the ideology of the patterns ... seems impossible, but it is a totally new that has occurred Kirchner, in the past, since the beginning of democracy until 2003 we were state employees generally critical of the policies implemented, although we had that completed, we did not buy the speech of policymakers. It also seems to have concluded have been shut out of debates and contestation within the state ...
So, right now we tell everyone and claim many leased from the membership to discuss our positions, our well-meaning friends please, be indulgent with us, let us persist in error that are old and some arsonists to you, and will become young people and we will fire off fireworks ... Yes, we must be very, very proud for you, we are proud simply because we will not lose the pants ... you try to have the patience to read us and understand that when we mix with Fidel and the wall solution, we realize that, in addition to having been trained For seventy malformed transvestite overwhelms ignorance and misunderstanding about who we are and how we think. It is not that from the GRR would like to change the country in three days as you always tend to tell us of course object to a gradual thinking that you and the government pays them would express ... Further still, we can say with absolute certainty that we are unique in all of Argentina but throughout Latin America, we have said publicly and to all hazards that come out of the soybean production will take us twenty or thirty years and that the process should be strictly gradual, sequential, you have to develop alternatives to soy and that have to install regulations and limitations gradual, beginning with the control of the ports and what will not now exist, the implementation of the export duty or withholding tax to exporters and producers not as now, the empowerment of local slaughter that enables existing or surviving small farmers, the creation of fruity green belts around towns vegetables to provide fresh food and give work, the marketing of fresh milk to survive the last dairy farms, enabling suburban markets save fuel and break the chains of agribusiness, the radical modification of INTA, SENASA and CONICET, transforming space for agribusiness and biotechnology in food sovereignty instruments and local developments. And finally, decide that provinces like Salta, Formosa and Chaco, or perhaps also Santiago del Estero, where vie MOCASES see what more the Government bootlicking KK, become provinces that protect small farmers and not allow monoculture at least biotech, or of soybean production. That for this to be possible, state policies are needed, forward-looking and communicable from one government to another and, above all, political will is required NOT to see, that does NOT exist, because so far only deepens this soybean production model and terrible devastation of the territory with government policies, not that we say we say it every day and progressive exaltation worthy of a better cause, the very President and his Minister of Agriculture to encourage soybean production and the production of biofuels, or the Science and Technology is an outspoken apologist for biotechnology and biotech corporations ... So, in these early 2011 there is no confusion but that do not want to see clear and stir the puddle with a stick. Dispénsennos then all those who want to continue believing in Santa Claus or the Three Kings, where we try to keep our beliefs and not force us to argue with those who are not our enemies, but just good people disoriented and that despite all good intentions and recognize the need in the labor market to maintain laburo they got, the laburo or plans, subsidies, or whatever. That enjoyment without much joy and guilty conscience, but do not harass us, like someone said ... we are not to blame for their problems of conscience ...
Jorge Eduardo Rulli
January 2, 2011
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Labeled Images Of Viking Ships
This is our last program of 2010 and also the first of 2011. You own all end of an era, in this case the end of the year and the threshold of new beginning, an attempt to recall and be aware of what happened, go back to what happened to analyze, to weigh the experiences and try to balance the positive and negative we have, always in the mood to improve, if passed, to correct and optimize the ability to make each one has and that we as a group, as a stream of thought, as a trench to resist the onslaught of global corporations and their native partners. In principle, we agree that there has been an easy year ... not yet finished the first few weeks of summer, which some say in Argentina is a time when nothing happens important was in late January, when we got kicked out of public radio ... it was not right, let's clear it was not right that we criticized so barbaric and unexpectedly, it was people who until late eighties were active in the ERP PRT and then worked largely in the Clarin ... When the left takes the place where he usually tends to be right, its repressive actions are infinitely more intelligent and cruel. We drove on through the holidays when public attention is usually relaxed and ordinary guard is down, we got kicked out after more than five years and a half program, instead giving us even to say goodbye ... no chance higher strength, some listeners heard two months later what happened ... but did not fall and here we are with flags held high as always, we are again in the air and multiplied by many friends that we replicate in various areas of the territory ...
acknowledge has been a difficult year, a year that what were the policies imposed on the simulation, the double standards and continuous simulation. Enemies were recreated at the time and as required, and these enemies will happen as the Chinese shadows behind each other, while large corporations and we emptied the territory subjected to new colonialismos del siglo XXI. Clarín y la Nación por una parte, como para sostener el armado de una ley de medios que nuestra propia experiencia en la Radio Nacional exhibía como falsaria y tramposa; siempre la Mesa de enlace cada vez más y más disminuida, pero útil para los chisporroteos propios de la falta de políticas agrarias; el Bicentenario como oportunidad extraordinaria para volver a equivocar los enemigos del siglo XX o sea la Sociedad Rural de aquel entonces, con los actuales, y naturalizar a los grandes sojeros amigos del poder como Grobocopatel y Elsztain, devenidos Corporaciones Transnacionales; más tarde Mirtha Legrand y por fin Macri, que siempre pareciera estar a la mano como el negro aquel del parque de diversiones a who threw three balls for one dollar ...
Amid the simulation, as well as if multiple scenarios are not enough, the tragedy of sudden death after an argument with Moyano because of Pedraza and death a college activist. Once again be exposed as we persist in not seeing or give us a blind, we can not take the accumulated power and safes for the other side ... Nestor's death was nevertheless an extraordinary opportunity for the passion of necrophilic Argentines. Even his toughest opponents acknowledged him as the great statesman who was neither intended as, and convinced that the memory de nuestro pueblo es corta, se sumaron al carnaval de las pantomimas y de los travestimientos, como para sacar algún rédito de aquel mar revuelto del duelo oficialista, tener un oportunidad de consolar o de acercarse a la viuda, o acaso mojar en el milagro televisivo de miles de jóvenes que, tal vez por haber pasado muchos por el menemismo, redescubrían el sentido de la militancia progresista con el kirchnerismo. De los miles de millones de pesos mensuales destinados a alimentar esos apasionados fuegos militantes, en esas tantas agrupaciones sociales siempre bien dispuestas a manifestarse a favor del gobierno o del modelo, pocos hablan… Del gigantesco aparato asistencial y clientelar montado después del 2001 de manera artesanal con el duhaldismo and now become a relentless machine and on a scale of proportion, does not speak, because in reality it has been naturalized. For the alleged political leadership that data are like those family secrets that hide in the long silences and gestures tense family gatherings. For many of us who live in suburban cords are on the other hand, at least during the first weeks of each month, the harsh reality of the long queues that Argentina is publicly exposed the deep. Since the start of December, the two banks of the town where I live and four ATMs have been for days, collapsed. The crowd from the suburbs and extremely poor living conditions, in a patient per day is expected across the block and the tail usually has a considerable width, in addition, many participate in family and take turns to take the hours of duty. To make matters worse the money usually ends and then it happens that people previously resigned, waiting patiently for a long time, the arrival of a truck payer. One of these days, being in the downtown area of \u200b\u200bMarcos Paz witnessed a surprising and memorable. There was suddenly a loud shouting and an ovation that was topped with long applause from the crowd that filled the sidewalks of the block. Amid heavy security and police were deployed, had arrived armored truck with new funds. The crowd began to chant a slogan never heard yet, at least for me, and probably coined in the middle of the emotions of the moment: ... ta pla, pla ... ta, ta pla ....
These events preceded the American Indian occupation of the park. Surely, these overflow situations are encouraged by the pointers that correspond to the quarrels of the dome, however, always express the gap between the common needs and thoughts and beliefs of those who govern ... Again, the alleged leaders and media commentators avoid addressing the root causes of this terrible catástrofe de hacinamiento y de favelización a la que se nos viene acostumbrando. Las escenas de violencia que los argentinos presenciamos gracias a la televisión en esos días en que, debido a la ausencia del Estado, los grupos quedaron librados a su suerte y a realizar justicia por su mano, difícilmente se borren de nuestra memoria. Esas imágenes nos ayudarán a recordar que somos un continente mestizo y con una enorme carga de violencia. Que, tal como siempre nos recordaba Rodolfo Kusch el gran pensador americano, por debajo de una frágil nata de lava enfriada sobre la que asentamos nuestra presunta modernidad, y nuestras ridículas certezas sobre el progreso y el crecimiento, bulle el volcán de la América profunda. Que la cercanía del abismo sirva al menos para hacernos bajar la soberbia, y para que dejemos de anunciar tal como se hace, los términos de crecimiento bruto como éxitos, cuando este año habrá sido justamente Paraguay, quien más ha crecido por encima de todos sus vecinos. Y sabemos que Paraguay esta sufriendo gracias a la sojización que alguna vez le exportamos ilegalmente como bolsa blanca, una gigantesca y espantosa catástrofe económica, ambiental y también humana, y que millones de paraguayos están emigrando hacia la Argentina en busca de un lugar dónde vivir y escapando a la contaminación que mata los niños en los vientres de las madres…
Este año que terminó also recorded two situations of extreme importance in the global processes of transnational corporations, and both the current government was involved in both progressive and also were denouncing us as GRR and noting the need for us descolonicemos. One was the great call by the Agribusiness in the city of Geneva to the venture capital and particularly the Russian and Arab investors, to accompany the land grab and particularly the Southern Cone in Argentina for the production of commodities and energy from agriculture. Behind the call discovered the presence of large soybean as Grobocopatel Elsztain and now concluded and furthermore, transformed now to join other financial groups, in large corporations. It is unfortunate that while we were pointing them in Geneva, and when we returned at press conference presenting the evidence of what it meant grabbing land that the world is concerned, there was no opposition leader or perhaps a significant group even left to come over, at least for information. Clearly not interested in the issue and agree in pointing persist as enemies to the Rural Society, while still being functional transnational corporate power ...
The other situation we want noted, dates back to early 2009 and refers to one of several attempts by Monsanto to have the approval of the Vatican to present to GMOs as a solution to world hunger. It happens that Monsanto can buy hundreds of research institutes and thousands of technicians, but so far has not got the moral support of any of the churches. Monsanto has all the power but need the word material and the backing of a dignitary of the Church. He has tried many times, pressures, lobby, specific synods, everything has gone wrong, the Vatican has refused to take a position on genetically modified seeds. In 2009 however many defeats, carried out the boldest attempt all incurred, met some famous scientists, many executives and Monsanto in a seminar on GM plants, taking advantage of an area of \u200b\u200bscience of the Pontifical Academies, there is someone in charge highly permeable to the speeches of the company, we mean Monsignor Sanchez Sorondo, of course Argentina. With the backing of our government certainly got exposed as a speaker star that the representative of the Ministry of Agriculture Moses Burachik and refer the alleged successes of Argentina on how to solve their own population's food insecurity. As will be seen, a clear installation where nothing is real but looks and where the fifth column the company within the Vatican tried not to be too hyped in their actions to the extent that the program on the Web, only found in English, our Ambassador to the Vatican was not informed about the event and never responded to letters send request to participate or be informed of the resolution. Our numerous complaints, both on national radio as the bishops and the nuncio did not at that time, more results, apparently no one knew the subject or downplay the issue.
A year and a half later, the conclusions of those so-called experts at GM to meet at the papal court, were released with apparent seriousness academic publications through science and Biotechnology, suggesting that the Vatican would have taken at last position on the issue, this time, supporting the GM as a solution to world hunger. In fact it was not only one of the many scientific meetings have taken place in the papal court, but the operation was over and the world press spread the news as good. Little immediate imported the pope's spokesman's remarks, explaining that it was nothing more than conclusions of a meeting of scientists and not an official statement, once the damage was done we tried to avoid. Again, the double surprise personality of a government bungle many progressive speeches naive and homely fights with Clarin or Macri, and internationally are able to play as strong as it has played so many times, in favor of free trade, the global markets, unqualified support for biotechnologies and for corporations like Monsanto.
And this justly claim to be the most important consideration and the message, on this first day of the year. Because it was the challenge we had in recent months compared to many who gave up the possibility of being lucid and gave in to media manipulation, but not of the expert Clarín manipulated the media, the bicentennial first and then the funeral of former President, and all the press and radio addicts who are becoming more and riding a circus deafening, that clouds and occasional moves against the enemies of the government. In the midst of this circus again express the desire to have a free and Sovereignty seems almost an anachronism, at least while the governors celebrate that China occupies our land and forest sites for the production of biofuels. Nevertheless, we persisted in raising flags will remain a minority in a country of false majorities, but who cares keep up because there are many who seek them, many more who still need them and are not fully aware of it ... Once, long ago, the protokirchnerismo through Chacho Álvarez reneged on the testimonial, then we saw over the years, what kind of terror of political behavior and what kind of ugly pragmatism led those paths . Let no one tell us not to continue being loyal to ourselves, nobody asks us to stop saying what we consider important to say, speak out whenever we can and as often as necessary. We hope that the year that begins today is a year of struggle and our flags are multiplied as a new mode of resistance, throughout the country devastated by agribusiness and soy model. A big hug to all who have supported us in this year 2010.
Jorge Eduardo Rulli # / pages / GRR-Group -de-Reflexion-Rural/145203798845999
This is our last program of 2010 and also the first of 2011. You own all end of an era, in this case the end of the year and the threshold of new beginning, an attempt to recall and be aware of what happened, go back to what happened to analyze, to weigh the experiences and try to balance the positive and negative we have, always in the mood to improve, if passed, to correct and optimize the ability to make each one has and that we as a group, as a stream of thought, as a trench to resist the onslaught of global corporations and their native partners. In principle, we agree that there has been an easy year ... not yet finished the first few weeks of summer, which some say in Argentina is a time when nothing happens important was in late January, when we got kicked out of public radio ... it was not right, let's clear it was not right that we criticized so barbaric and unexpectedly, it was people who until late eighties were active in the ERP PRT and then worked largely in the Clarin ... When the left takes the place where he usually tends to be right, its repressive actions are infinitely more intelligent and cruel. We drove on through the holidays when public attention is usually relaxed and ordinary guard is down, we got kicked out after more than five years and a half program, instead giving us even to say goodbye ... no chance higher strength, some listeners heard two months later what happened ... but did not fall and here we are with flags held high as always, we are again in the air and multiplied by many friends that we replicate in various areas of the territory ...
acknowledge has been a difficult year, a year that what were the policies imposed on the simulation, the double standards and continuous simulation. Enemies were recreated at the time and as required, and these enemies will happen as the Chinese shadows behind each other, while large corporations and we emptied the territory subjected to new colonialismos del siglo XXI. Clarín y la Nación por una parte, como para sostener el armado de una ley de medios que nuestra propia experiencia en la Radio Nacional exhibía como falsaria y tramposa; siempre la Mesa de enlace cada vez más y más disminuida, pero útil para los chisporroteos propios de la falta de políticas agrarias; el Bicentenario como oportunidad extraordinaria para volver a equivocar los enemigos del siglo XX o sea la Sociedad Rural de aquel entonces, con los actuales, y naturalizar a los grandes sojeros amigos del poder como Grobocopatel y Elsztain, devenidos Corporaciones Transnacionales; más tarde Mirtha Legrand y por fin Macri, que siempre pareciera estar a la mano como el negro aquel del parque de diversiones a who threw three balls for one dollar ...
Amid the simulation, as well as if multiple scenarios are not enough, the tragedy of sudden death after an argument with Moyano because of Pedraza and death a college activist. Once again be exposed as we persist in not seeing or give us a blind, we can not take the accumulated power and safes for the other side ... Nestor's death was nevertheless an extraordinary opportunity for the passion of necrophilic Argentines. Even his toughest opponents acknowledged him as the great statesman who was neither intended as, and convinced that the memory de nuestro pueblo es corta, se sumaron al carnaval de las pantomimas y de los travestimientos, como para sacar algún rédito de aquel mar revuelto del duelo oficialista, tener un oportunidad de consolar o de acercarse a la viuda, o acaso mojar en el milagro televisivo de miles de jóvenes que, tal vez por haber pasado muchos por el menemismo, redescubrían el sentido de la militancia progresista con el kirchnerismo. De los miles de millones de pesos mensuales destinados a alimentar esos apasionados fuegos militantes, en esas tantas agrupaciones sociales siempre bien dispuestas a manifestarse a favor del gobierno o del modelo, pocos hablan… Del gigantesco aparato asistencial y clientelar montado después del 2001 de manera artesanal con el duhaldismo and now become a relentless machine and on a scale of proportion, does not speak, because in reality it has been naturalized. For the alleged political leadership that data are like those family secrets that hide in the long silences and gestures tense family gatherings. For many of us who live in suburban cords are on the other hand, at least during the first weeks of each month, the harsh reality of the long queues that Argentina is publicly exposed the deep. Since the start of December, the two banks of the town where I live and four ATMs have been for days, collapsed. The crowd from the suburbs and extremely poor living conditions, in a patient per day is expected across the block and the tail usually has a considerable width, in addition, many participate in family and take turns to take the hours of duty. To make matters worse the money usually ends and then it happens that people previously resigned, waiting patiently for a long time, the arrival of a truck payer. One of these days, being in the downtown area of \u200b\u200bMarcos Paz witnessed a surprising and memorable. There was suddenly a loud shouting and an ovation that was topped with long applause from the crowd that filled the sidewalks of the block. Amid heavy security and police were deployed, had arrived armored truck with new funds. The crowd began to chant a slogan never heard yet, at least for me, and probably coined in the middle of the emotions of the moment: ... ta pla, pla ... ta, ta pla ....
These events preceded the American Indian occupation of the park. Surely, these overflow situations are encouraged by the pointers that correspond to the quarrels of the dome, however, always express the gap between the common needs and thoughts and beliefs of those who govern ... Again, the alleged leaders and media commentators avoid addressing the root causes of this terrible catástrofe de hacinamiento y de favelización a la que se nos viene acostumbrando. Las escenas de violencia que los argentinos presenciamos gracias a la televisión en esos días en que, debido a la ausencia del Estado, los grupos quedaron librados a su suerte y a realizar justicia por su mano, difícilmente se borren de nuestra memoria. Esas imágenes nos ayudarán a recordar que somos un continente mestizo y con una enorme carga de violencia. Que, tal como siempre nos recordaba Rodolfo Kusch el gran pensador americano, por debajo de una frágil nata de lava enfriada sobre la que asentamos nuestra presunta modernidad, y nuestras ridículas certezas sobre el progreso y el crecimiento, bulle el volcán de la América profunda. Que la cercanía del abismo sirva al menos para hacernos bajar la soberbia, y para que dejemos de anunciar tal como se hace, los términos de crecimiento bruto como éxitos, cuando este año habrá sido justamente Paraguay, quien más ha crecido por encima de todos sus vecinos. Y sabemos que Paraguay esta sufriendo gracias a la sojización que alguna vez le exportamos ilegalmente como bolsa blanca, una gigantesca y espantosa catástrofe económica, ambiental y también humana, y que millones de paraguayos están emigrando hacia la Argentina en busca de un lugar dónde vivir y escapando a la contaminación que mata los niños en los vientres de las madres…
Este año que terminó also recorded two situations of extreme importance in the global processes of transnational corporations, and both the current government was involved in both progressive and also were denouncing us as GRR and noting the need for us descolonicemos. One was the great call by the Agribusiness in the city of Geneva to the venture capital and particularly the Russian and Arab investors, to accompany the land grab and particularly the Southern Cone in Argentina for the production of commodities and energy from agriculture. Behind the call discovered the presence of large soybean as Grobocopatel Elsztain and now concluded and furthermore, transformed now to join other financial groups, in large corporations. It is unfortunate that while we were pointing them in Geneva, and when we returned at press conference presenting the evidence of what it meant grabbing land that the world is concerned, there was no opposition leader or perhaps a significant group even left to come over, at least for information. Clearly not interested in the issue and agree in pointing persist as enemies to the Rural Society, while still being functional transnational corporate power ...
The other situation we want noted, dates back to early 2009 and refers to one of several attempts by Monsanto to have the approval of the Vatican to present to GMOs as a solution to world hunger. It happens that Monsanto can buy hundreds of research institutes and thousands of technicians, but so far has not got the moral support of any of the churches. Monsanto has all the power but need the word material and the backing of a dignitary of the Church. He has tried many times, pressures, lobby, specific synods, everything has gone wrong, the Vatican has refused to take a position on genetically modified seeds. In 2009 however many defeats, carried out the boldest attempt all incurred, met some famous scientists, many executives and Monsanto in a seminar on GM plants, taking advantage of an area of \u200b\u200bscience of the Pontifical Academies, there is someone in charge highly permeable to the speeches of the company, we mean Monsignor Sanchez Sorondo, of course Argentina. With the backing of our government certainly got exposed as a speaker star that the representative of the Ministry of Agriculture Moses Burachik and refer the alleged successes of Argentina on how to solve their own population's food insecurity. As will be seen, a clear installation where nothing is real but looks and where the fifth column the company within the Vatican tried not to be too hyped in their actions to the extent that the program on the Web, only found in English, our Ambassador to the Vatican was not informed about the event and never responded to letters send request to participate or be informed of the resolution. Our numerous complaints, both on national radio as the bishops and the nuncio did not at that time, more results, apparently no one knew the subject or downplay the issue.
A year and a half later, the conclusions of those so-called experts at GM to meet at the papal court, were released with apparent seriousness academic publications through science and Biotechnology, suggesting that the Vatican would have taken at last position on the issue, this time, supporting the GM as a solution to world hunger. In fact it was not only one of the many scientific meetings have taken place in the papal court, but the operation was over and the world press spread the news as good. Little immediate imported the pope's spokesman's remarks, explaining that it was nothing more than conclusions of a meeting of scientists and not an official statement, once the damage was done we tried to avoid. Again, the double surprise personality of a government bungle many progressive speeches naive and homely fights with Clarin or Macri, and internationally are able to play as strong as it has played so many times, in favor of free trade, the global markets, unqualified support for biotechnologies and for corporations like Monsanto.
And this justly claim to be the most important consideration and the message, on this first day of the year. Because it was the challenge we had in recent months compared to many who gave up the possibility of being lucid and gave in to media manipulation, but not of the expert Clarín manipulated the media, the bicentennial first and then the funeral of former President, and all the press and radio addicts who are becoming more and riding a circus deafening, that clouds and occasional moves against the enemies of the government. In the midst of this circus again express the desire to have a free and Sovereignty seems almost an anachronism, at least while the governors celebrate that China occupies our land and forest sites for the production of biofuels. Nevertheless, we persisted in raising flags will remain a minority in a country of false majorities, but who cares keep up because there are many who seek them, many more who still need them and are not fully aware of it ... Once, long ago, the protokirchnerismo through Chacho Álvarez reneged on the testimonial, then we saw over the years, what kind of terror of political behavior and what kind of ugly pragmatism led those paths . Let no one tell us not to continue being loyal to ourselves, nobody asks us to stop saying what we consider important to say, speak out whenever we can and as often as necessary. We hope that the year that begins today is a year of struggle and our flags are multiplied as a new mode of resistance, throughout the country devastated by agribusiness and soy model. A big hug to all who have supported us in this year 2010.
Jorge Eduardo Rulli # / pages / GRR-Group -de-Reflexion-Rural/145203798845999
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