Evita is the soul of the country made damn bourgeois. John William Cooke famously found in the heart of Peron and Eva Peron is the key to understanding.
Juan Peron, the military government in 1943, made two revolutionary events. The first was to establish a dialogue with the workers through the labor movement. The second was to join Evita.
What could they think about their comrades in arms and liberal politicians of a soldier who spoke with anarchist workers, "union", socialists, communists, and worked over to achieve their demands? What could say the other soldiers and prudish moralizing of the upper classes to a colonel who went to live, "almost from the first day he met an actress-poor and more than 20 years younger? The response from all sectors of power was clear: the prison in Martin Garcia, and then at the Military Hospital. But the counter of the People: Oct. 17 as a birth certificate of Peronism. Was it the popular rising in October the first act of the revolutionary Peronism. While some union leaders decreed the new strike for 18, while many bureaucrats and politicians (who were then officers) were to talk with General Avalos Campo de Mayo boss and enemy of Peron. Breaking
schemes, Eva Duarte, was not a figurehead, as they used to be the first ladies "of Peronism original. She turned from the Foundation a central task in relation to the most urgent needs of the people, those who can not wait. While society became integrated through work, the Foundation's role was to realize that from which there is a need born of right. She was one among the millions of shirtless. And he gave his life for them. Therefore, his name is inscribed in fire on the people's memory.
Without changing the items words or a feminist discourse end, transformed the role of women in politics. Not only taking a leading role invisibilisadas forbidden to women but also by winning the vote and the first construction of the enumerators and then delegated the Peronist Party female.
A woman capable of awakening the greatest of the greatest love and hate. The love of his "greasers." The hatred of the oligarchy, whose hand he dared to write on a wall in Barrio Norte, while she was dying: "Viva el Cancer."
Evita, suffered in his body the way of our people. As a child was the victim of double standards recognized afterwards by his father. Went hungry as millions of Argentines in the agricultural exporter. Was marginalized in the infamous decade, and like many black heads of the interior, set off to the big city in search of better opportunities. When the people came to power in the hands of Peron, the woman was a symbol to all those who, like herself, were born in the mud and winning their dignity.
Evita died in 1952, approximately at the height reached by the first Peronism in the distribution of wealth, 50 and 50. What would happen to her live? What would have happened if the 5000 target reached the Belgian guns? But the only truth is the reality. And Evita continued to pay with her body the way the Argentine people. When the revolution colter bloodied our soil, Ella, his embalmed body was kidnapped, tortured, disappeared. Evita
flag returned as the militancy of the '70s. Again, she intimately connected with the revolutionary Peronism, that does not compromise, that does not fit into the operations of the enemy. That same generation paid with his own skin the daring to build a liberated country following the path he had foretold Evita. How many atrocities were willing to make genocidal dictatorship to defend the privileges of the oligarchy and imperialism?
Evita es como la ola en el mar, parece que se va pero siempre está volviendo. Así fue durante la resistencia al neoliberalismo en los ’90. Refugiada como cuadrito o estampita en miles de ranchos, fue testigo de la desocupación y la tristeza que nos sumió la traición y las relaciones carnales. Evita se hizo corte de ruta y goma quemada, pero sobre todo acompañó el exilio interno de un Pueblo que parecía derrotado y que reapareció gritando un 20 de diciembre: ¡Basta de liberalismo!Cuando Kirchner decidió que no iba a dejar las banderas en la puerta de la Rosada, es seguro que una de esas banderas tenía el rostro de Eva.
Evita hoy vuelve a florecer con los humildes, con los nuevos shirtless, to the extent we are able to regain the state to make it serve the construction of popular power which we consolidate a national project in depth, but above all, to the extent that in each district its image appears again expressing the hope of a people that has ever been accustomed to live on your knees.
Marcelo Koenig
Secretary General of the MPR
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