No one can deny the unfairness of a system of domination, which referred to globalization as a panacea for all ills , while billions of people around the world were excluded from economic, political and financial capitalism culturalmente.El entered its deepest crisis. The parasitic and speculative capital is like a cancer that affected not only dependent countries (Mexico, South Korea, India, Brazil, Russia, Turkey, Argentina, etc..) Now went directly to the center of the Empire into crisis economies of U.S., UK and Europe. Against the policy of adjustment or liberalization, which now take the central countries as a flag to solve his problems, was constructed in Our America another political project. From the Rio de la Plata to the Caribbean, Latin American sister republics in practice are building a road other than the one proposed by the Global Financial Imperialism. Own way in the objective sense of the greatness of the nation and the happiness of the people. At each national level the project is not built, but at odds with those who cling to the privileges holdings in the heyday of neoliberalism. The society is polarized around the country projects are becoming antagonistic. In Argentina, the reaction tries to stop the deepening financial need of the political process opened May 25, 2003. With the Argentine Kirchner recover hope. With Kirchner in 2011 we will start building the nation together to soñamos.Kirchner and Cristina made a correct reading of the defeats of 125 and 28 June. There was no surrender to the demands of the groups concentrated financial power, but deepen the national democratic and social.No are times to warm, or for accommodating. Our hour is marked by the national popular revolutionary challenge to account for this opportunity history, where the people has shown that it is present if it calls for further Latin American national project of the Patria Grande. People posing as the need to deepen, build their own social political force and political cadres organización.El militants bicentennial calls us to collect the flags of all those who fought for national liberation in these two hundred years, continuing his epic liberating . It's time for politics, when the militancia.La membership is aware of the need to build a political force that drives the proceso.En the idea of \u200b\u200bunity in diversity we are activists with diverse histories and practices, but united in the goal of thinking about the country we want and we will be building facing the bicentennial, July 9 2016.Estos points are a contribution to reflection and discussion with all groups, organizations, movements and political subjects with which we hope to shape together the revolutionary tendency of the national project, popular and Latin America.
work as right for all work dignified human beings. Unemployment has been the great scourge of knees that kept our people during the heyday of neoliberalism. East Village -Who stood up, must win a key issue, WORK AS LAW. It will be our capacity to put the stamp of workers in the state that gets this right is guaranteed by the structure itself Estado.Y this work for all has to be combined with a living wage, not only because the full employment rises the wage floor, but also because the organization of workers makes it go joint discussion in that part stays in the pocket that really produce the wealth of a nation. We believe that workers are HEAD AND SPINE OF ANY CHANGE PROCESS SOCIAL.Vivienda dignity for all who inhabit this sueloLas conditions make life to social justice. Let every man and woman to inhabit our soil can not have a decent roof over their heads to their family is an outstanding debt. Progress has been made with the construction of hundreds of thousands of homes. We have to make the construction of the missing millions in state policy provided by mortgage spreads, increased participation of cooperatives in the construction, housing etc.La has the ability to activate the domestic economy and employs direct and indirect. ProgresivoUn tax system unfair and regressive tax system was imposed by the global financial neoliberalism. The poor people are the highest paying (relative to their income) mainly through the large consumption tax is the VAT. Establish mechanisms to address tax evasion and avoidance of the big capitalists and go down gradually the impact of consumption taxes in the basket for the more humble (but not the outright elimination of VAT to be absorbed by traders and trainers price through the use of inflation) is one of the greatest challenges to national economy and popular.
Nationalization of resources naturales.En alienating the 90 privatized national resources. The National Government must exercise la soberanía sobre hidrocarburos, minería, agua, bosques, pesca, recursos paisajísticos (que corresponden a esa actividad económica que es el turismo), biodiversidad, espacio aéreo, etc. No estamos diciendo que alcance con que los recursos estén en manos del Estado, sino que es preciso que éste garantice que esos recursos estén al servicio del conjunto del Pueblo. Y no de manera abstracta, sino con un plan estratégico de aprovechamiento en beneficio de las mayorías. Muchos de estos recursos naturales serán el marco de futuros conflictos con los países centrales. El Estado debe recuperar el ejercicio pleno e integral de la soberanía sobre todos estos recursos para poder afrontar tales batallas. Medios de puebloLos communication in the hands of the audiovisual media have a strong presence in all social sectors and are currently one of the great ideological apparatus of sense of political reality and the imposition of consumption patterns and practices of human relations. The great cultural battle being waged in the virtual ground that the media monopoly Clarín-Vila-Manzano prevails and we must return to the Street again be the land of the política.Hoy these mass media are concentrated in a handful of monopolies-media strongly playing his political party. Media Law democracy was a key political decision facing a esa batalla política y político-ideológica. Pero ella no fue un punto de llegada sino que es un punto de partida. No tenemos que luchar sólo por reglamentarla, por implementarla y por desarticular el monopolio mediático para recuperar los medios de comunicación, sino también por construir los medios de comunicación en manos de nuestro Pueblo. Federalismo económico, político y culturalEl proyecto neoliberal del país para pocos destruyó sistemáticamente las economías regionales. Las economías locales se hicieron deliberadamente inviables, con los consecuentes empobrecimientos y desarraigo de las poblaciones más jóvenes hacia los centros urbanos en búsqueda de oportunidades. Se destruyó el medio ambiente al subordinar las zonas cultivables al proyecto financiero mono exportador de materias primas con paquetes tecnológicos de intensiva extracción de nutrientes y uso extenso de agro tóxicos. El avance de las zonas sojeras destruyendo los montes nativos y desplazando violentamente a los pueblos originarios de la tierra es el ejemplo más drástico de esto. La existencia de una estrategia de desarrollo regional con respeto a la naturaleza y a las personas que viven en y de la tierra es fundamental para construir una ARGENTINA ECONOMICAMENTE FEDERAL. El federalismo no es defender los privilegios y beneficios de un puñado de oligarquías locales sino un proyecto nacional integrado económicamente con justicia, haciendo que “DIOS DEJE DE ATENDER EN BUENOS AIRES”.Un país federal es nuestra forma de proyecto nacional. El país federal se construye desde lo económico, pero también desde lo cultural, lo político, lo social, las comunicaciones, y sobre todo desde la construcción de las decisiones.
Construcción de un Estado plurinacional sudamericano.Nuestra América tiene una raíz común. Nos liberamos juntos del yugo español, nos balcanizaron las oligarquías aliadas al imperialismo británico. El sueño de los libertadores como San Martín y Bolívar en el bicentenario vuelve a ser bandera vigente. En el camino de la integración se han puesto muchos mojones MERCOSUR, COMUNIDAD LATINOAMERICANA DE NACIONES y ALBA UNASUR son sólo algunos. La integración real tiene que exceder lo económico que sigue siendo balcanización; tiene que ser integración para la unidad de los Pueblos de nuestra América. Hay romper el orden jurídico, político y social de la dependencia uniéndonos en un Estado justo. ESTAMOS HABLANDO DE UN GRAN ESTADO PLURINACIONAL SUDAMERICANO.Sistema de defensa continentalLas Fuerzas Armadas, con la doctrina de la seguridad nacional, llegaron a ser prácticamente un ejército de ocupación en los países latinoamericanos. Las oligarquías locales lograron consolidar la fuerza propia del Estado como brazo armado del imperio. Es imprescindible integrar a las Fuerzas Armadas en un proyecto nacional-continental liberador, dotándolas por ejemplo de hipótesis de conflicto en torno a los recursos naturales. Necesitamos unas fuerzas armadas que no tengan absolutamente ningún tipo de rol en la seguridad y represión interior; que estén con funciones específicas en el desarrollo del país, pero además que los conflictos estén centrados contra el imperialismo financiero que amenaza nuestras riquezas naturales con sus públicos planes estratégicos, y no contra los pueblos o países limítrofes. Es preciso construir una doctrina de defensa de la soberanía continental. Unas fuerzas armadas sanmartinianas tienen como objetivo estratégico la liberación de nuestra América. Se trata de recuperar ese espíritu del miliciano ejército de San Martín, como también de los oficiales nacionalistas e industrialistas como Mosconi, Savio, Baldrich, y el propio Perón. Construir herramientas económicas de independencia sudamericanaEl proceso de integración sudamericana requiere de instrumentos de naturaleza económica que garanticen la independencia respecto de las herramientas de dominación financiera del capital transnacional. El proyectado Banco del Sur y el Fondo del Sur son algunas de estas herramientas que pueden fortalecer la autonomía continental contra los embates especulativos y los intereses imperialistas. Tener una fortaleza económica mayor que la reserva con which has each of the countries of Our America, makes us less vulnerable, but at the same time without being transformed into an element that hinders the exercise of autonomy of the monetary decision for the benefit of the larger countries of the region (such as happened many times in the process of European economic integration).
strategic points
REAFFIRM MADE IN THIS PROCESS AS OUR GOVERNMENT POPULAR.Las POLITICOBANCAR reactionary forces want to restore the order of the privilege established in the heyday of neoliberalism. We not only banks face the gorillas always destituyentes of our national and popular government led by Cristina Fernandez, but we are also proud of everything done in these años.Nosotros define clearly our side of the court is next to the political process leading Cristina Kirchner and that transforming the national policy, created the conditions for the deployment of a popular movement that is still under construction. BUILD POLITICAL FORCE NECESSARY TO FURTHER THE PROCESS Without the leadership and the mobilization of the masses there is transformation possible. Some major events were turning points in our history were made by direct mobilization of our people. On October 17, 1945, May and September 1969 and 20 December 2001, are examples. We refer specifically to: without the organization of the vast majority of people can not win key battles against the enemies of the Patria.La back to build a more just society is not the wisdom in such and such an official policy illustrated technical, but social forces committed to specific claims and moved to put the State to serve those needs. Without an organized people to impose a policy that ensures in particular the rights won, those rights did not materialize. This grassroots organization has to give minded movements and frontage. You can not achieve liberation without a movement popular national and a national liberation front running.
Our contribution to the process, while activists committed to the cause, is to organize those who want to deepen and extend the frontiers of proceso.Se makes compelling a reassessment of militancy as a way of doing politics, whose bases are the project collective momentum of the popular role, the mystique in building political strength, the relationship face to face with men and women of our people. It is impossible to win the People's accession and its commitment to building a national project but we won the cultural battle. And this is not waving the banner of moderation, but resignifying el proyecto nacional en términos de epopeya histórica que incluya a aquellos capaces de soñar una Patria Grande más justa, más libre, más soberana. Se hace imperiosa la construcción de la fuerza que impulse este proceso. La profundización no es un discurso, sino un avance concreto sobre intereses económicos y sociales de los privilegiados que no se han de resignar alegremente a perderlos. Los sectores imperiales-oligárquicos han dado siempre batalla frente al avance popular. Hoy como ayer, la están librando mediante expresiones económicas, mediáticas y políticas tanto las abiertamente embanderadas, como las funcionales. Pero la respuesta a la misma no puede ser sólo la defensa cerrada de lo hecho, sino the flag of the country we want to build. The development of a strategy trend, which is able, at the same time be able to offset the secondary contradictions of this process (counterbalancing the more conservative they play in the Kirchner), to make progress in promoting a revolutionary program to charge against the reactionary forces that are committed to strike and destabilize this government. For this is the task of building the revolutionary trend militancy of this process. Kirchner's mission is to build, says Cristina, political majority. Our mission is to defend the achievements and build to go back for more, to advance. Political strength of the revolutionary tendency is constructed if we clear the main contradiction: Liberation or dependence.
THE NEED TO PUT THE STATE IN THE HANDS OF militancy and workers in general, move the technocracy. The key to any process of liberation is a popular national movement under way, that puts the Federal Government to be constructor of a liberating project. The task of the membership is to form the revolutionary trend that has to be the strategic driver of movimiento.El State to resolve conflicts in favor of the people and serve the organization popular.Se that the State is being painted of people of black head, which is populated to prevent and Che. When people enter the state breaks the logic of the palace. Necessarily enter institutions in crisis, when the state is put entirely at the service of building a country socially just, economically free and politically sovereign.
In the city of San Miguel de Tucumán July 9, 2010.
Persian and Chinese Emilio Navarro (Movimiento Evita); Quito Aragon (National Power Martín Fierro); Marcelo Koenig (Peronist Revolutionary Movement), Pacha Velazco (NPC National People's Power 25 May 25); Gaston Arizpe Movement (October), Hector Gallego Fernández (Peronist militant), Juan Cruz Dafunchio (Movement Anibal Veron), Andrew Larroque (La Cámara), Mariana Grass Movement (Bicentennial), Agus Albistur (Peruke), Louis Vivona (People Group), Pata Alvarez (Organization of People's Time ), Luis Caro (Movement of Recovered Factories) Andresito Movement, Juan Miguel Gómez (JP Descamisados); Walter Formento (ENPL-Latin American Popular National Congress), Lorena Pokoik (current German Abdala Peronist), Lito Borello (The Social and Political Organization kids), Omar Furlan (Agrupación Evita Companion), Marcelo Yaquet (Current Policy August 17).
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