In 1948 he became the youngest governor of Peronism. It was the first of five terms and the beginning of over fifty years in charge of royal power in Santiago del Estero, which came to an end with the intervention to the province in 2004.
By Alejandra
Dandan wrote 25 letters per day. 750 in a month. 9125 in a year. 45,625 in five years. 63,875 when finished exile. He returned to Santiago del Estero in 1973 in the only daily flight out of Buenos Aires. Behind the fences were the names of persons to whom he had typed letter by letter. The "Tata" Carlos Arturo Juárez movía la cara de un lado al otro lado como sabían hacerlo los ventrílocuos. Abarcaba todas las miradas sin fijar los ojos en ninguna de las caras, siempre un poco más arriba, como mirando al que estaba d etrás.
–¡Ey, Juan! –saludaba con la mano en alto, exagerada. Y hacía el gesto de la V. Después de Juan nombraba a Pedro y luego podía ser a José. No importaban los nombres porque ninguno existía, era la forma de su escenificación política, la construcción del caudillo, los gestos personalizados con los que nunca miraba a los ojos como si se presentara ante seres que están muertos.
Juárez tenía 94 años. Murió el Friday at 22.15 in the San Francisco hospital in the capital of Santiago del Estero. He was hospitalized since Monday with a picture of lung disease that worsened in recent days. Yesterday his remains were veiled and buried. Governor Gerardo Zamora ordered three days of mourning and ordered that it is honored with a guard of patricians santiagueños.
santiagueño The leader had died politically long before Friday. He died on 1 April 2004 when the federal government stepped in Santiago del Estero. Leyla Bshier crimes and Patricia Villalba, the young girls known as the dead of the basin had managed to get a handful of people to the streets to demand justice. By then, Mercedes Aragonés de Juárez, Nina, his second wife, ruled the province. Former Commissioner Musa Azar, head of information services during the dictatorship, was the chief of police in Juárez and the owner of that horror Zoo where it was said that the girls had been gutted. Behind the bodies of the dead, the marches of silence, former detainees arose from years of dictatorship like ghosts who dared for the first time to see the light. With them came out on the street, victims of political persecution of those years wandering in the caves of a democracy that kept an eye on the opposition and the allies, by force of extortion and a file 40 000 secret files. Juárez had completed five mandates own more than fifty years in charge of royal power in the province. He ended his days in government with an arrest and a cause for the disappearance of thirteen people during the dictatorship that is not yet closed.
was born on February 16, 1916. He was the youngest son of a middle class family. His father, a respected teacher, had brought with her three brothers, Nicholas, Raul and Maria. Charlie spent hours reading. In a land in which sixty-six percent of the population could not write, Juárez devoured the classics. "I am a serious and stern man because my father educated in severity, in a very controlled training, "he said when reinterpreted his childhood. Never had to change his maternal heritage. Dona Elvira López was religiously mystical. I used to use a three-pronged whip convinced that "the rod and spoil." Before marriage, Juarez father left the meetings in the Masonic Lodge at the request of his future wife that he did approach the Catholic militia. The couple clung their bodies with sackcloth and Carlos Arturo later was to stick to the destinations of the cross in Catholic Action and as was later hauled the destiny of the province.
In the 40s, married con María Luz Marqués Medrano. Poco después llevaba un traje oscuro, chaleco, una corbata negra y en la manga una cinta también negra en señal de luto. Había pasado casi 24 horas en silencio, con el cansancio acumulado de los últimos meses de la enfermedad de su hijo, el primero, su único hijo varón: Carlos Arturo Juárez hijo murió a los nueve meses de edad por una invaginación intestinal, un segmento del intestino del niño se había metido en otro lado del cuerpo. Los santiagueños hablan de aquella muerte como de un gualicho, algo que terminó marcándole la vida.
Juárez ya era gobernador. Había asumido en 1948. Era el gobernador peronista más joven. Iba y volvía a Buenos Aires. And then, shirts and underwear again with rouge spots Nina. Juarez had two other daughters with that woman. Separated. But never again see them at the request of Nina.
time, also left marks in politics. In 1948, the gubernatorial candidate was not he but Oreste di Lillo, one of the most respected intellectuals Santiago recalls Luis Alem, secretary of Human Rights Office, Minister of Justice during the intervention to the province. Di Lulo came as a result of a consensus formula backed up by the radicals who had decided to accompany him, but wanted to choose the list of members. When the lists are estaban cerrando llegó un supuesto telegrama de Perón con el nombre de los diputados. Di Lulo renunció y la candidatura quedó en manos de Juárez. La historia santiagueña le adjudicó a Juárez aquel tipo de tretas que aparecen una y otra vez como reflejo de un modo de construcción política. En 1973 volvió a suceder algo parecido. Arregló su candidatura con los cuadros de la democracia cristiana que habían cogobernado con la dictadura. Armó una fórmula contra López Bustos, el candidato de Perón. Le ganó, pero el detalle, recuerda Alem, es que para hacerlo se quedó con el sello del partido.
Después del golpe, Carlos Juárez se escondió en Buenos Aires. A comienzos de agosto de 1977, Nina quedó detenida. En septiembre, él le escribió al represor Jorge Olivera Rovere una carta poco conocida. Ambos se habían conocido en los años de la Revolución Libertadora. En 1973, Juárez lo ayudó con un ascenso.
“Recordado amigo Jorge”, escribió Juárez. “Por autoconvicción rehúso molestar a los amigos, salvo que una situación de real emergencia lo demande con imperio. Quizá sea la autoconsciente forma de evitarme desilusiones. Sin embargo, mi amargura ha llegado a extremo tal ante la persecución villana que desde hace casi un año y medio se ejercita contra mi esposa. Es por eso que he adoptado la decisión de escribirte con la franqueza que siempre hemos among us had to ask to end this relentless and unfair situation ... "
He added:" ... And me, excuse me strip me of modesty to say to statistics published in all areas did ten times more than all governments combined in the last twenty years (...) My province has been the only one that failed to act subversion. Moreover the only province in which after the change there was no organized cells, training camps and weapons depots, as evidence in the solvent action. Why should such strange circumstances, especially considering I was surrounded on its boundaries by an active and restless fence subversive? Simply because there if he fought with skill and effectively the root causes of the insurgency. (...) Our friendship led to the delivery of troubles, they only trust the friends of truth. Why are you the only one who knows my opinion on driving the vacuum they had, my efforts and measures to face the risks attendant to find an institutional solution output gap. You were my confidant and can vouch for all this. You can testify or remain silent ...".
The letter was dated in Buenos Aires, but Juarez was out of the country. A versión habla de un acuerdo político con Mario Roberto Santucho para no operar ni que lo operaran dentro de Santiago y según esa versión eso disparó el encono personal de Luciano Benjamín Menéndez con Juárez.
Juárez volvió a gobernar Santiago entre 1983 y 1987, 1995 y 1998, y 1999 y 2001. En 2002 lo reemplazó Nina. Cuando el gobierno nacional decidía la intervención, buscó a su amigo Eduardo Duhalde. Un secretario llamó equivocadamente a la Secretaría de Derechos Humanos. Pidió por Duhalde. Al que lo atendió, le dijo: “Necesito hablar con mi amigo, acá quieren echarme”.
El viernes murió por última vez. A lo mejor se sumó al país de sus dead.
–¡Ey, Juan! –saludaba con la mano en alto, exagerada. Y hacía el gesto de la V. Después de Juan nombraba a Pedro y luego podía ser a José. No importaban los nombres porque ninguno existía, era la forma de su escenificación política, la construcción del caudillo, los gestos personalizados con los que nunca miraba a los ojos como si se presentara ante seres que están muertos.
Juárez tenía 94 años. Murió el Friday at 22.15 in the San Francisco hospital in the capital of Santiago del Estero. He was hospitalized since Monday with a picture of lung disease that worsened in recent days. Yesterday his remains were veiled and buried. Governor Gerardo Zamora ordered three days of mourning and ordered that it is honored with a guard of patricians santiagueños.
santiagueño The leader had died politically long before Friday. He died on 1 April 2004 when the federal government stepped in Santiago del Estero. Leyla Bshier crimes and Patricia Villalba, the young girls known as the dead of the basin had managed to get a handful of people to the streets to demand justice. By then, Mercedes Aragonés de Juárez, Nina, his second wife, ruled the province. Former Commissioner Musa Azar, head of information services during the dictatorship, was the chief of police in Juárez and the owner of that horror Zoo where it was said that the girls had been gutted. Behind the bodies of the dead, the marches of silence, former detainees arose from years of dictatorship like ghosts who dared for the first time to see the light. With them came out on the street, victims of political persecution of those years wandering in the caves of a democracy that kept an eye on the opposition and the allies, by force of extortion and a file 40 000 secret files. Juárez had completed five mandates own more than fifty years in charge of royal power in the province. He ended his days in government with an arrest and a cause for the disappearance of thirteen people during the dictatorship that is not yet closed.
was born on February 16, 1916. He was the youngest son of a middle class family. His father, a respected teacher, had brought with her three brothers, Nicholas, Raul and Maria. Charlie spent hours reading. In a land in which sixty-six percent of the population could not write, Juárez devoured the classics. "I am a serious and stern man because my father educated in severity, in a very controlled training, "he said when reinterpreted his childhood. Never had to change his maternal heritage. Dona Elvira López was religiously mystical. I used to use a three-pronged whip convinced that "the rod and spoil." Before marriage, Juarez father left the meetings in the Masonic Lodge at the request of his future wife that he did approach the Catholic militia. The couple clung their bodies with sackcloth and Carlos Arturo later was to stick to the destinations of the cross in Catholic Action and as was later hauled the destiny of the province.
In the 40s, married con María Luz Marqués Medrano. Poco después llevaba un traje oscuro, chaleco, una corbata negra y en la manga una cinta también negra en señal de luto. Había pasado casi 24 horas en silencio, con el cansancio acumulado de los últimos meses de la enfermedad de su hijo, el primero, su único hijo varón: Carlos Arturo Juárez hijo murió a los nueve meses de edad por una invaginación intestinal, un segmento del intestino del niño se había metido en otro lado del cuerpo. Los santiagueños hablan de aquella muerte como de un gualicho, algo que terminó marcándole la vida.
Juárez ya era gobernador. Había asumido en 1948. Era el gobernador peronista más joven. Iba y volvía a Buenos Aires. And then, shirts and underwear again with rouge spots Nina. Juarez had two other daughters with that woman. Separated. But never again see them at the request of Nina.
time, also left marks in politics. In 1948, the gubernatorial candidate was not he but Oreste di Lillo, one of the most respected intellectuals Santiago recalls Luis Alem, secretary of Human Rights Office, Minister of Justice during the intervention to the province. Di Lulo came as a result of a consensus formula backed up by the radicals who had decided to accompany him, but wanted to choose the list of members. When the lists are estaban cerrando llegó un supuesto telegrama de Perón con el nombre de los diputados. Di Lulo renunció y la candidatura quedó en manos de Juárez. La historia santiagueña le adjudicó a Juárez aquel tipo de tretas que aparecen una y otra vez como reflejo de un modo de construcción política. En 1973 volvió a suceder algo parecido. Arregló su candidatura con los cuadros de la democracia cristiana que habían cogobernado con la dictadura. Armó una fórmula contra López Bustos, el candidato de Perón. Le ganó, pero el detalle, recuerda Alem, es que para hacerlo se quedó con el sello del partido.
Después del golpe, Carlos Juárez se escondió en Buenos Aires. A comienzos de agosto de 1977, Nina quedó detenida. En septiembre, él le escribió al represor Jorge Olivera Rovere una carta poco conocida. Ambos se habían conocido en los años de la Revolución Libertadora. En 1973, Juárez lo ayudó con un ascenso.
“Recordado amigo Jorge”, escribió Juárez. “Por autoconvicción rehúso molestar a los amigos, salvo que una situación de real emergencia lo demande con imperio. Quizá sea la autoconsciente forma de evitarme desilusiones. Sin embargo, mi amargura ha llegado a extremo tal ante la persecución villana que desde hace casi un año y medio se ejercita contra mi esposa. Es por eso que he adoptado la decisión de escribirte con la franqueza que siempre hemos among us had to ask to end this relentless and unfair situation ... "
He added:" ... And me, excuse me strip me of modesty to say to statistics published in all areas did ten times more than all governments combined in the last twenty years (...) My province has been the only one that failed to act subversion. Moreover the only province in which after the change there was no organized cells, training camps and weapons depots, as evidence in the solvent action. Why should such strange circumstances, especially considering I was surrounded on its boundaries by an active and restless fence subversive? Simply because there if he fought with skill and effectively the root causes of the insurgency. (...) Our friendship led to the delivery of troubles, they only trust the friends of truth. Why are you the only one who knows my opinion on driving the vacuum they had, my efforts and measures to face the risks attendant to find an institutional solution output gap. You were my confidant and can vouch for all this. You can testify or remain silent ...".
The letter was dated in Buenos Aires, but Juarez was out of the country. A versión habla de un acuerdo político con Mario Roberto Santucho para no operar ni que lo operaran dentro de Santiago y según esa versión eso disparó el encono personal de Luciano Benjamín Menéndez con Juárez.
Juárez volvió a gobernar Santiago entre 1983 y 1987, 1995 y 1998, y 1999 y 2001. En 2002 lo reemplazó Nina. Cuando el gobierno nacional decidía la intervención, buscó a su amigo Eduardo Duhalde. Un secretario llamó equivocadamente a la Secretaría de Derechos Humanos. Pidió por Duhalde. Al que lo atendió, le dijo: “Necesito hablar con mi amigo, acá quieren echarme”.
El viernes murió por última vez. A lo mejor se sumó al país de sus dead.
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