The current reference warns Martin Fierro said a "green" in the militancy and that this happens because "as the partner Nestor Kirchner, is to be consistent with a policy and at some point it shows, is clarified, and that is what is happening. The political and economic measures that we have been taking in recent times somehow allow us to begin to capitalize on today. "Aragon said that its mandate" Nestor had a tailwind " Cristina but I think not. "Cristina was the 7 plagues, did not miss any. Since the induced, those created, like the field to dry, floods, the U.S. financial crisis, the financial crisis now in Europe, Influenza A, dengue, not counting the magnification of some of the facts that made the mass media. Even so, today we begin to see that really were taking measures were very important. Among these, one of the most important is the Media Law "and on the Media Law added" Just because the discussion of media law makes us to know when a journalist will discuss challenges and says "what people think. " In this context other end up talking for you and us, if someone delegate our representation, the politicians, that's why we vote every four years. Not so in a speaker or a driver of a program that has its own interests. They have other problems, why will speak for me?. In contrast to the politician we do what we want. We chose this character to lead us, to represent us. It's one thing that is starting to live now, is effected prior to the law, but we will start with more magnitude when it is running, and that will allow us to see that the understanding of reality is different. With greater diversity of ideas we will have most elements of analysis. By having as many elements of analysis, our kids, which begin today to live, will have the head much broader, more comprehensive and more critical in a few years "
I concentrated on some means of communication said that "they themselves have sought a way communications so destructive that it strikes you today, because every day they spend hitting the government but a government that makes for record tourism, which today we are now at 6 points production capacity in our country, which is now sold 50,000 cars per year, permanently and sustained. A government that in the middle of the crisis barely lost the job because the State paid to hold jobs, while today the financial crisis in Europe are seeing shrinking spending and lower spending when shrinking salaries, dismiss people, generate more unemployment, while the methodology we had exactly the opposite, we held the job, we had the worker, because for us the most important thing is that this person has capacity to consume what they strip the wheel. By the same logic, the government has been functioning and has been absolutely consistent "
Aragon Quito emphasized that" when Cristina boasts that it has not taken or a single measure against the people, not a lie or a formality, is a true fact of reality and no one can argue, that is final, there is no way to counter this because this is a true fact "and considered unacceptable" Let all those who say we are defending, which are the same that ruled and drove us out of the production system, which are those that are now in the Civic Coalition, the UCR, PJ dissenting, that are the same things raised against the people, who are those who say we are going to save the despot of Kirchner or Cristina Kirchner. "And he recalled that" are what led us to have 50% unemployment in our country thing we are reversing because of the political and economic measures taken by the government of Nestor Cristina government first and then "He said that" no measure that is more comprehensive than the Universal and Son "and added" as much as I know is not universal, precisely because it takes only one who had no benefits, you end up becoming universal because the others have benefits, then to the extent that is looking at each of the peers who have no economic conditions for their livelihoods, been generated. This generates a revival in the economy, consumption, an increase in boys than begin to join the school and is well that the government requires them to impose them as a result of a quite valuable and necessary as was the assignment, a fee, which is just asking to be formed, to study, eat and to take care because we need every one of the inhabitants of our country has higher production capacity, increased processing capacity and more studies, more training we will surely have a better country "
On the critical attitude of some sectors are benefited by the measures of government considered that "Perón created the middle class and was the same after beating barracks. The ability to climb the social mobility of our country is as a result of the policies generated primarily during Peronism.
Peronism is what really does all the inhabitants of our country is able and entitled to vote, it is taken as subject and not simply as a tool in the field. Despite that worked against their own interests the middle class when the soldiers asked again. "And he expanded" What factors can play and we will make a dent in Abaran policy proposals and influence and involve in the set. The more we do that more people will be against our own intereses. Cuando digo grupos de poder léase Clarín, leasé la OEA, o cualquier grupo concentrado, que son los que estuvieron beneficiados con las políticas neoliberales. Esos son nuestros enemigos y esos son los que tiene la capacidad de propalar, de difundir, de formar a un montón de gente. Mientras mas políticas se generan en contra de sus intereses y a favor del de los trabajadores y del pueblo, esta gente va a salir con más saña, con más odio. Nos acusan a nosotros que somos los violentos, pero ellos invierten los términos y los utilizan como quieren y nos tienden a engañar- Inclusive a nosotros, los militantes con convicciones, que muchas veces dudamos porque la maquinaria está permanentemente aplicando la hypodermic theory is lies, lies, lies a lot and something will remain. There are theories about that communication, a so-called hypodermic theory, because if I am often getting the same information, at some point going to believe that for more than a "
Referring to inflation Aragon said" I do not know if there is inflation, I do know is that there are interest groups who seek the way to see how values \u200b\u200bincrease prices to recover just part of what draws them to the State. Instead of expanding your business, produce more to sell than many people, raise the price and still produce the same cantidad. Eso obviamente genera inflación pero como consecuencia de que son capaces de incrementar el valor de lo que nosotros consumimos. Y también hay un mercado muy concentrado” y puso como ejemplo a la empresa Techint “que si quiere, todo lo que está envasado en tetra, como tomate, leche, jugos, un montón de variables, lo aumenta porque la patente la tiene Techint. Y esto no tiene nada que ver con la comida pero termina teniendo que ver porque sólo ellos tienen la patente del envase. Obviamente eso incrementa el valor y ellos pueden jodernos permanentemente porque tienen el poder y es por lo que nosotros vamos, vamos por el poder”
El Secretario General de la Corriente Nacional Martín Fierro said he was optimistic about the current political scene kirchnerismo considering that "we are in very good condition" and said that "despite these mongers who seek to say that we are wrong, that all men are violent, we are bad and kill every day and kill a lot of people think we live in an economic situation more comfortable and come with more serious policy proposals. Today not only have the ability to govern Cristina, but can return to rule Nestor and Cristina can ever be. The opposition no longer have a problem, have two problems. We have permanent policy proposals y podemos inventar muchas más, cuanto más tiempo tengamos más argentinos van a estar dispuestos a seguir ocupando esos lugares para seguir profundizando este proceso y tenemos las condiciones internacionales a nuestra favor. Estados Unidos en crisis económicas muy fuerte, Europa en una crisis económica-financiera muy fuerte también. Pero Latinoamérica tiene una coherencia en sus gobernantes y además tenemos una cantidad de recursos naturales muy importantes que nos van a permitir sostener una propuesta política económica diferenciada. Mientras ellos estallan, nosotros venimos creciendo. Mientras ellos estallan nosotros venimos ocupando cada vez mas sudamericanos. Y venimos construyendo propuestas políticas como la UNASUR o el MERCOSUR. So much so that Piñera, which is not my cup of tea, not to be out of UNASUR. Uribe does not want to be out of UNASUR. Clearly this is becoming a power bloc. If we can not doubt that we have much better conditions and we have been doing things very well. Dilma And if we can win in Brazil and Uruguay won Pepe, Lugo in Paraguay and we still have a Evo and Chavez for much longer, surely this will be further expanded to all of Latin America and may we have the possibility to become a block that expresses a different form of government in which he contemplates the whole population of each of their soils. Has not logic hunger in the world when we have the ability to produce food five times the number of inhabitants in the world "
Asked if who felt that should be the next candidate Kirchner stressed that" until a few days just knew it had to be Nestor, today I have doubts, but was emphatic in asserting that the two together in a formula not. "It's not good," he said, because separate "allows us to be afraid to have one rule and one outside, then they say" these are going to follow "and this makes a bit of pleasure"
also considered that " we que tratar de ampliar nuestra propuesta política. Estamos nosotros, que somos una parte importante y tenemos que estar pero tiene que haber otros y para eso siempre es bueno contemplar propuestas de las otras provincias, para que también estén contempladas, porque realmente tiene que estar expresada la cuestión federal, no por una cuestión formal sino por una cuestión cultural” y agregó que “tenemos que realmente expresar al conjunto de nuestro país y no simplemente la concentración que tiene la lógica de nuestro país, que el 40% viven en Capital y Pcia de Buenos Aires, casi podriamos decir en el conurbano. Me parece un despropósito que cuando uno viaja por el país ve tantas extensiones de tierra y cuando llega a Buenos Aires vs tanta acumulación de cemento. Es una locura, no es sano, no es bueno y a la hora de construir este nuevo país que estamos construyendo, tenemos que empezar a descentralizar el poder económico para que de esta manera haya bolsones de riquezas en distintos lugares que nos permitan ampliarlo”
Aragón consideró como un objetivo central “que de acá al 2016 tenemos que tener pleno empleo. En el Bicentenario del 9 de Julio de 2016 no tiene que haber ningún compañero desocupado”A la pregunta de ¿Qué hacer con Cobos? Fue contundente al contestar que “nada” ya que “él hizo lo que tenía que hacer: destruirse a si mismo. Clarín not know what to do with Cobos is a problem for them. Them to resolve them, if it was his candidate, saying "I think more people Alfonsín if you will, that builds political organization" Refiréndose to the beginning of radical thought that "was never popular because when they ruled the electorate expanded a bit, but the bulk of our country did not vote, still ruling over guys who handled the books. Just when it Peronism are amplified. Women Vote, which was 50% of our population was not covered and we are talking about just 50 years ago. We're not talking millions of years ago. Until 52 women not votaba, ¿Quién la hace votar? precisamente el déspota, el peor de los antidemocráticos, que supuestamente para la burguesía, para la oligarquía, fue Perón. Resulta ser que fue el que masifico el voto, el que hizo que todos tuviéramos las mismas capacidades, que todos tuviéramos las mismas posibilidades”.“Nosotros venimos demostrando sistemáticamente que somos los dueños de nuestro país, no ellos, no un grupito, nosotros. No puede ser por ejemplo que Techint, que es una empresa argentina, que tiene sede en Italia, se lleve la plata afuera. Si es una empresa argentina que deje la plata acá, que no se la lleve afuera. Que no se lleve las riquezas nuestras a un paraíso fiscal. Si we are the ones who produce the wealth, must be ours. And there can not agree because they agree together as long as you do what they want, not what we need and what we need is a better and fairer country, and we're going to build, like it or not. If something is eternal is the people and we are the people, the town does not die, will die, which can die is a character, but people like the people, if you have clear interests, advances, defeats and triumphs makes the warning thunder Perón said "finished.
Rosana Tortosa 100.7 FM Sun, Mar del Plata
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