The miracle of Pius XII and the role of John Paul II
an alleged miracle attributed to the intercession of Pius XII that could lead, in relatively short time to his beatification. A miracle that would be involved in a mysterious way, also John Paul II, the decree of heroic virtues which was issued by Benedict XVI on the day of Pope Pacelli, the healing of a young mother of a malignant lymphoma. In these circumstances, the conditional is required, but the case is being closely analyzed by the postulation of the cause and the diocese of Sorrento-Castellammare di Stabia, where it happened. The news was made known by the online newspaper Petrus, without any details, but with the important confirmation of the vicar of the diocese. Il Giornale has now been able to reconstruct the case, which will be studied in the coming months. We
in 2005 shortly after the death of Pope Wojtyla. A young couple who already had two children, expecting a third. For the mother of thirty-one, who is a teacher, pregnancy presents difficult: it has severe pain and doctors may not initially understand the source of their discomfort. Finally, after many tests and a biopsy was diagnosed with Burkitt lymphoma, malignant tumor of lymphoid tissue rather aggressive, which often appears in the jaw bones and spreads to the viscera of the abdomen and pelvis and central nervous system . Waiting for the new life that she carries in her womb becomes a drama. The husband of the woman begins to pray to Pope Wojtyla, died short time ago, asking him to intercede for his family. One night, the man sees in a dream to Pope John Paul II. "His face was serious. He said: "I can not do anything, you must pray to this other priest ...». I showed the image of a priest lean, tall and thin. I did not recognize, did not know who was ". The man remained concerned about the dream but could not identify the priest told Wojtyla. A few days later, casually opening a magazine, found a photo of the young Eugenio Pacelli that caught his attention. It was he who had been portrayed in the dream.
in 2005 shortly after the death of Pope Wojtyla. A young couple who already had two children, expecting a third. For the mother of thirty-one, who is a teacher, pregnancy presents difficult: it has severe pain and doctors may not initially understand the source of their discomfort. Finally, after many tests and a biopsy was diagnosed with Burkitt lymphoma, malignant tumor of lymphoid tissue rather aggressive, which often appears in the jaw bones and spreads to the viscera of the abdomen and pelvis and central nervous system . Waiting for the new life that she carries in her womb becomes a drama. The husband of the woman begins to pray to Pope Wojtyla, died short time ago, asking him to intercede for his family. One night, the man sees in a dream to Pope John Paul II. "His face was serious. He said: "I can not do anything, you must pray to this other priest ...». I showed the image of a priest lean, tall and thin. I did not recognize, did not know who was ". The man remained concerned about the dream but could not identify the priest told Wojtyla. A few days later, casually opening a magazine, found a photo of the young Eugenio Pacelli that caught his attention. It was he who had been portrayed in the dream.
Bishop Pius XII in 1958 advocated
It will start a chain of prayer for the intercession of Pius XII. And the woman healed after the first treatment. The result is considered so important that doctors think about a possible error in the initial diagnosis. But the medical history and physical examination confirm the accuracy of the results of the first analysis. The tumor disappeared, the woman is well, had her third child, and returned to work and school. After leaving to spend a little time, she who heads the Vatican to mark the event.
A confirmation of the vicar general of the diocese of Sorrento-Castellammare di Stabia, Don Carmine Giudici: "It's all true - Petrus said - the Holy See has told us a miracle through the intercession of Pius XII. Archbishop Felice Cece decided, therefore, instituted in days for the Diocesan Tribunal ". This court will examine the case for making a first statement. If positive, the documents will go to Rome, the Congregation for the Causes of Saints: this should be studied first by the medical consultation, to decide on inability to explain the healing. If physicians also collaborate with the Holy See say yes, if the mother will be cured first discussed by the theologians of the Congregation, then by the cardinals and bishops. Only after passing these three stages of trial, the dossier on the alleged miracle will come to the desk of Benedict XVI, who will decide on the final recognition. Then and only then, will be beatified Pope Pius XII.
The establishment of a Diocesan Court and the eventual arrival of the documentation to dicastery studying the processes of beatification and canonization do not mean any recognition but sólo que el caso en cuestión es juzgado interesante y digno de atención. Por lo tanto, es totalmente prematuro predecir desarrollos, aún más imaginar fechas. Lo que impresiona, en la historia de la familia de Castellammare di Stabia, es el rol que tuvo en el asunto el papa Wojtyla, que en sueños habría sugerido al marido de la mujer rezar a aquel “sacerdote delgado”, que luego se revelaría como Pacelli. Casi parecería que Juan Pablo II hubiese querido, de algún modo, ayudar a la causa de su predecesor. La noticia del presunto milagro ha llegado al Vaticano pocos días antes de que Benedicto XVI promulgara el decreto sobre las virtudes heroicas de Wojtyla y, sorpresivamente, desbloquease también el Pius XII, who was waiting for two years because of further checks in the Vatican archives.
A confirmation of the vicar general of the diocese of Sorrento-Castellammare di Stabia, Don Carmine Giudici: "It's all true - Petrus said - the Holy See has told us a miracle through the intercession of Pius XII. Archbishop Felice Cece decided, therefore, instituted in days for the Diocesan Tribunal ". This court will examine the case for making a first statement. If positive, the documents will go to Rome, the Congregation for the Causes of Saints: this should be studied first by the medical consultation, to decide on inability to explain the healing. If physicians also collaborate with the Holy See say yes, if the mother will be cured first discussed by the theologians of the Congregation, then by the cardinals and bishops. Only after passing these three stages of trial, the dossier on the alleged miracle will come to the desk of Benedict XVI, who will decide on the final recognition. Then and only then, will be beatified Pope Pius XII.
The establishment of a Diocesan Court and the eventual arrival of the documentation to dicastery studying the processes of beatification and canonization do not mean any recognition but sólo que el caso en cuestión es juzgado interesante y digno de atención. Por lo tanto, es totalmente prematuro predecir desarrollos, aún más imaginar fechas. Lo que impresiona, en la historia de la familia de Castellammare di Stabia, es el rol que tuvo en el asunto el papa Wojtyla, que en sueños habría sugerido al marido de la mujer rezar a aquel “sacerdote delgado”, que luego se revelaría como Pacelli. Casi parecería que Juan Pablo II hubiese querido, de algún modo, ayudar a la causa de su predecesor. La noticia del presunto milagro ha llegado al Vaticano pocos días antes de que Benedicto XVI promulgara el decreto sobre las virtudes heroicas de Wojtyla y, sorpresivamente, desbloquease también el Pius XII, who was waiting for two years because of further checks in the Vatican archives.
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