Healing miracle attributed to Pius XII in Castellammare di Stabia. The diocesan curia: "Yes. We have informed the Vatican. " The diocesan bishop established by the Court to assess the case
By: Gianluca Barile

Castellmmare: miracle at the foot of Vesuvius?
Vatican City .- Our newspaper, after completing a series of checks, is in a unique position to offer worldwide: the Vatican is dealing with an alleged miracle occurred a few weeks ago, attributed to the intercession of Pius XII.
has been miraculously cured of an incurable disease after praying to Pope Pacelli a person of Castellammare di Stabia (Naples Province), to the amazement of doctors, who were able to observe the regression of his cancer without knowledge or power give a scientific explanation. The person in question took paper and pen, and attach your medical record, wrote to the Holy See, referring to his own experience. Considering that the testimony was meritorious, the Vatican called IMMEDIATELY to the Archbishop of Sorrento-Castellammare di Stabia, Bishop Nicola Cece, install the Archdiocesan Tribunal to summon the person concerned, collect all documents, making an initial assessment and send the case to the Congregation for the Causes of Saints. Is this latter body, in effect, through theological study and medical-scientific documentation, to establish whether the cure the person in question is attributed to Pius XII or supernatural. Then the Pope shall register the Pastor Angelicus in the catalog of the Blessed. For canonization, however, will need another miracle.
the moment we are not given to know if the protagonist is male or female, but miraculously gone bad after Pius XII be invoked cancer. All have been informed and the relator of the cause of beatification, Father Peter Gumpel, if the news of the alleged miracle almost one month after the adoption of the decree of heroic virtues of Pope Pacelli by Benedict XVI and has been confirmed by the vicar general of the Archdiocese of Sorrento-Castellammare di Stabia, Don Carmine Giudici: "It's really everything. The Holy See has informed us that she was contacted by a faithful of our diocese who claims to have achieved a miracle through the intercession of Pius XII. The Archbishop has decided, therefore, institute the appropriate diocesan tribunal ". Of course, caution is required, but after giving a glance "informal" the history of the inhabitants of Castellammare di Stabia proclaiming the miracle, it seems that there really all elements and conditions to get through this healing, the beatification of Pastor Angelicus. A beloved father of the Christian people, but criticized by large sectors of the Jewish community who accuse him of having culpably silent about the Holocaust.
Historians and the Church have always reiterated strongly that Pius XII chose the path of silence and complicity with Hitler's regime or cowardice, but not to further worsen the situation, ie not to push the Nazis to pursue and kill a larger number of Jews in reprisal against any claims of the Bishop of Rome. The pontiff chose the Second World War and the facts to words, ordering parishes, convents, seminaries, monasteries, finally, to all kinds of religious structure under its jurisdiction, to welcome and protect all Jews who needed. Within the Vatican and the papal residence of Castel Gandolfo, many shopkeepers were, in fact, Jews hidden by the will of the Holy Father. Work it, that of Pius XII, who helped even the conversion of the then Chief Rabbi of Rome. Work, however, that the Jewish community, especially that of Rome, which Benedict XVI visited just today *, not enough to close the chapter on the controversy. In fact, in a statement following the adoption of the decree of heroic virtues of Pius XII, the director of the Vatican Press Office, Father Federico Lombardi, wanted to clarify that, in finding Venerable Pope Pacelli, was not intended to issue historic ruling on his action.
Benedict XVI, for his part, never done mystery of his huge admiration for Pius XII and has repeatedly praised and publicly stressed his diligent commitment, real and concrete in defense of the Jewish people, victims of Nazi barbarism. The decree on heroic virtues of Pius XII (ready for two and a half years, but signed by Ratzinger only after further revisions) was published simultaneously with the other great Servant of God John Paul II. This circumstance was thinking at first that the beatification of two Popes could be verified simultaneously. But, unlike Wojtyla (to be raised to the altars probably in October this year), there was a miracle Split to move the process of Pope Pacelli. Now the miracle might have actually taken place, for the first time since the death of this unforgettable Pope, which occurred in 1958, after an intense life consumed in the service of people God.
has been miraculously cured of an incurable disease after praying to Pope Pacelli a person of Castellammare di Stabia (Naples Province), to the amazement of doctors, who were able to observe the regression of his cancer without knowledge or power give a scientific explanation. The person in question took paper and pen, and attach your medical record, wrote to the Holy See, referring to his own experience. Considering that the testimony was meritorious, the Vatican called IMMEDIATELY to the Archbishop of Sorrento-Castellammare di Stabia, Bishop Nicola Cece, install the Archdiocesan Tribunal to summon the person concerned, collect all documents, making an initial assessment and send the case to the Congregation for the Causes of Saints. Is this latter body, in effect, through theological study and medical-scientific documentation, to establish whether the cure the person in question is attributed to Pius XII or supernatural. Then the Pope shall register the Pastor Angelicus in the catalog of the Blessed. For canonization, however, will need another miracle.
the moment we are not given to know if the protagonist is male or female, but miraculously gone bad after Pius XII be invoked cancer. All have been informed and the relator of the cause of beatification, Father Peter Gumpel, if the news of the alleged miracle almost one month after the adoption of the decree of heroic virtues of Pope Pacelli by Benedict XVI and has been confirmed by the vicar general of the Archdiocese of Sorrento-Castellammare di Stabia, Don Carmine Giudici: "It's really everything. The Holy See has informed us that she was contacted by a faithful of our diocese who claims to have achieved a miracle through the intercession of Pius XII. The Archbishop has decided, therefore, institute the appropriate diocesan tribunal ". Of course, caution is required, but after giving a glance "informal" the history of the inhabitants of Castellammare di Stabia proclaiming the miracle, it seems that there really all elements and conditions to get through this healing, the beatification of Pastor Angelicus. A beloved father of the Christian people, but criticized by large sectors of the Jewish community who accuse him of having culpably silent about the Holocaust.
Historians and the Church have always reiterated strongly that Pius XII chose the path of silence and complicity with Hitler's regime or cowardice, but not to further worsen the situation, ie not to push the Nazis to pursue and kill a larger number of Jews in reprisal against any claims of the Bishop of Rome. The pontiff chose the Second World War and the facts to words, ordering parishes, convents, seminaries, monasteries, finally, to all kinds of religious structure under its jurisdiction, to welcome and protect all Jews who needed. Within the Vatican and the papal residence of Castel Gandolfo, many shopkeepers were, in fact, Jews hidden by the will of the Holy Father. Work it, that of Pius XII, who helped even the conversion of the then Chief Rabbi of Rome. Work, however, that the Jewish community, especially that of Rome, which Benedict XVI visited just today *, not enough to close the chapter on the controversy. In fact, in a statement following the adoption of the decree of heroic virtues of Pius XII, the director of the Vatican Press Office, Father Federico Lombardi, wanted to clarify that, in finding Venerable Pope Pacelli, was not intended to issue historic ruling on his action.

* Note .- Shortly after this article appears, the information service of the Holy See has published the speech of the Holy Pope Benedict XVI during his visit to the Synagogue of Rome (referred Gianluca Barile). Well, the Pope, in a way that everyone could understand and without that you can be accused of provocation, has made it clear Pius XII was not indifferent or inactive against the suffering of the persecuted Jews. Here is the paragraph where the pope Ratzinger pronounced:
"How can we forget here that the Roman Jews were uprooted from their homes, with these walls, and with horrible torment ended up dead in Auschwitz? How can you forget their faces, their names, tears, desperation of men, women and children? The extermination of the people of the Covenant of Moses, first announced and then systematically planned and carried out in Europe under Nazi rule, that day tragically came to Rome. Unfortunately, many remained indifferent but many, Italian Catholics among them, sustained by faith and Christian teachings, reacted with anger, opening their arms to assist Jews fleeing persecution and often at risk of their lives, and deserve a lasting gratitude. The Apostolic See developed a relief, often hidden and discrete . "
The Apostolic See or Holy See is an expression that has always been understood as the Pope's position as supreme head of the Catholic Church. In fact it is the Pope or Supreme Pontiff of the owner. By extension, the Holy See regards the Church's central government, formed by the Pope and the Roman Curia. So, say that the Holy See helped the Jews in the tragic times persecution and extermination were the same as saying that Pius XII and his collaborators, that history confirms. Wonderful words of wisdom Benedict XVI!
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