El Bienio Pacelliano 2008-2009 se cerró de la mejor manera que cabía imaginar: con la firma puesta por el Santo Padre Benedicto XVI en el decreto de heroicidad de virtudes del Siervo de Dios Pío XII, el cual, desde el 19 de diciembre de 2009 puede ser honrado con el título de Venerable. Gran regalo éste que Dios ha permitido que el Papa nos haga a todos los devotos del gran Eugenio Pacelli.
Ahora el camino hacia la beatificación ha quedado expedito gracias al acto courage of a Pope such as Joseph Ratzinger, for whom "amicus Plato sed magis amica veritas" . Benedict XVI and John Paul II, is specially engaged in the relations between Church and Synagogue are smooth and normal, leaving behind old reticence, but just to demonstrate his sympathy for the Jews does not prevent him from performing an act of justice for of him who called at some point his "beloved predecessor." There has finally yielded to the blackmail of a part of them (we must insist, in effect, that not all Jews are anti-Pius XII).
Ahora el camino hacia la beatificación ha quedado expedito gracias al acto courage of a Pope such as Joseph Ratzinger, for whom "amicus Plato sed magis amica veritas" . Benedict XVI and John Paul II, is specially engaged in the relations between Church and Synagogue are smooth and normal, leaving behind old reticence, but just to demonstrate his sympathy for the Jews does not prevent him from performing an act of justice for of him who called at some point his "beloved predecessor." There has finally yielded to the blackmail of a part of them (we must insist, in effect, that not all Jews are anti-Pius XII).
the RP Peter Gumpel, IF the good news, said the SIPA: "still remains to be done. You have to get approval of the miracle needed for beatification and while working for the Venerable Pius XII ever more and better-known ". The miracle is, the miracles attributed to Pope Pacelli exist. It is to be considered and recognized as such miracles, at least one of them.
What is the role we play to lay devotees of the Venerable Pius XII? First, commit ourselves closer to God through her intercession and pray for soon to be beatified. Second, help Share your devotion. Third, disclose the figure, the work and the pontificate of this great Vicar of Christ, especially his luminous doctrine in all aspects of Catholic doctrine.
What is the role we play to lay devotees of the Venerable Pius XII? First, commit ourselves closer to God through her intercession and pray for soon to be beatified. Second, help Share your devotion. Third, disclose the figure, the work and the pontificate of this great Vicar of Christ, especially his luminous doctrine in all aspects of Catholic doctrine.
SIPA will play its humble grain of sand, which is why, as it did for the Year 2009 Pacelli, has ordered the release of a postage stamp (normal course) commemorating the decree of heroic virtues of the Venerable Pius XII (all three models are seen in the pictures above these lines) . The postal mail is a good culture medium and outreach. Franking a letter with stamps that represent this great pontiff helps to publicize it or do remember all those through whose hands it passes between the sender and recipient.
We have also published a practical pocket calendars 2010 with his image (see photo on page) , which can also serve printing house to satisfy the personal devotion. The stamps are available to anyone who wants to cross their cards with them at 25 euros the statement of 25 stamps (see below) , ie at a rate of 1 euro per seal. Each stamp is valid for a standard letter trunk in Spain. For Europe it takes two stamps. It is more expensive parts that general issue paid custom design, but using them is a good means of apostolate Pacelli. Obviously, the stamps can only be used for shipments that are made from Spain.
2010 calendars are free of Pius XII by reference to 3 per person upon request to email the SIPA: sodalitium@pastorangelicus.org , giving the address for shipping. The same to apply the stamp sheets. Hoping that these initiatives are pleasing to our kind supporters and readers, we hope that in 2010 we see decisive progress the cause of the Venerable Pius XII, whose intercession we get all kinds of graces and blessings the good Lord.
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