Saturday, March 12, 2011

Unlock Reqvest To Gta4


In these days when we met 38 years after the triumph of Hector Campora is given the strange phenomenon that some try to re-describe the imposture of history from the figure of a man who did what he did as a delegate only Peron, I mean Accepting replace him in the Presidency of the Republic to the extent that the Government of Lanus prevented him from standing as a candidate Perón himself. Since this situation because at the time expressed in the slogan: Campora the Government Peron to power, could have been sustained indefinitely, or at least a long time that enabled the country to recover, to generate or to recognize new leaderships and no doubt that Dr. Campora vicarage had greatly relieved the effort was subject to the General at such an advanced age, and these circumstances had probably prolonged his life ...

The anecdotal note, however, exhausted Peron their patience with Campora, looking at these weeks of the Campora, was no more than a month and a half, how the revolutionary estudiantina occupied the Casa Rosada causing successive scandals "revolutionaries" not beyond the universe of discourse and media, until the day he officially said the madman Galimberti had reached over to try the President of "old asshole" in a cabinet meeting and the news would have the patience of the General filled and sealed the fate of his delegate, now in the highest leadership of the country. In fact Dr. Campora was a good man, perhaps not much light but honest and loyal surely was not born or was prepared to conduct such difficult and complex circumstances such as those governing touched during those months, but otherwise and contrary to the nature of the facts and their own vocation to serve the Peronism, was awarded to posterity those years, roles and purposes, I am convinced he would never have intended to take. As I can remember, the version that ran on his person, including the arrogant radical activism in those days, remember the book "Pride Navy," was undoubtedly that of a stupid that was used, that of someone who could be abused to piaccere ... Now it is presented as a hero as a figure similar to that of Che Guevara, but in reality they and we, know that they're huge liars and are trying merely to find historical references that allow them to be justified historically to deny the figure of Perón and to preserve their existing businesses in the government, with wages, with public works and commissions, corporations, while trying to maintain a discourse of neo-Peronist left, just because we are in an election year and can not stop thinking about how they to continue with the posts they have and the enormous privileges they now have.

Actually that was the Peronist Movement, was torn in those years by the tension between the paradigms of those who came, and I refer to the processes of popular nationalism after the war, and new paradigms born in the heat of the Cuban Revolution, Marxism and the confrontation between the large blocks . We all know or remember how they expressed these paradigms and the tensions in the area of \u200b\u200bthe village, how much violence and death meant, and the enormous price paid for it. The battlefield was a militant who was born the first since the coup of 55 and the collapse of the Peronist state, and then from the huge middle class that were added since the coup and especially Ongania night from of long canes. I'm sure they never imagined the military and the oligarchs in those days of 1966, that such a high share of pay that ruling class lives as a result of that humiliation done to the children of the middle / middle and middle / high and at most cream of academics at the University of Argentina, and how that process triggered by their military coups, the fight would end up pushing revolutionized so many contingent of new fighters.

It is in this mass of new paradigms militancy and where Castro's own armed struggle of the sixties and seventies were very strong, where they will hatch ended opposing demands best possible and led to confrontations and violence, causing the disaster dragged 76. In a liberation movement as Peronism, the tendency to define a sector as a revolutionary, and indeed the temptation arises to Valotte and MRP as in 64, inevitably left facing "other" sector that supposedly do not era. If another sector that was not revolutionary, it was then? It would have been a good question to ask, especially when the battle for ideological purity is lost from those years of pathetic, in subsequent confrontations. But there was also another question that we did in those years. The Algerian revolution first, then la Revolución Cubana habían probado fehacientemente que se llegaba al poder por la unidad en la acción del conjunto de las fuerzas del Pueblo. Qué significaba esto? Que las contradicciones en el campo popular se resolverían si acaso alguna vez se resolvían, luego de vencerse al enemigo por una acción del conjunto. Ese enemigo principal era en esos momentos el Partido militar y la oligarquía… A quién se le ocurrió que debíamos resolver en primer lugar entre nosotros y a tiros las diferencias, cuando no estábamos en el Gobierno o cuando recién habíamos ganado las elecciones y apenas iniciábamos una etapa de legalidad y de institucionalización para sacar al país del marasmo en que se hallaba? Otherwise when the main event that galvanized the people were not the socialist revolution, but the return of Perón after 18 long years of exile? The component of extreme irrationality of those years was so, so high that one can not help but suspect now, especially to see many of those players in senior positions in government or power, intelligence, national and international, became a veritable feast at the expense of our people. The most aberrant

is that many seem to believe that just now from the government, adding or relating to unify the fragments and biased memories of those tears of Peronism in the seventies, to recover the integrity of the movement. Actually what we have today is just a summation or stacking of opportunism, tribal and partisan interests and spurious ambitions. Believe they have resurrected the dead and really what they did is create a Frankenstein horrible and senseless. They may have some flags, more typical of a museum than a stadium, second only tainted, but not have the grace and spirit of movement we once had and that they despised the class struggle to prioritize and resolve internal contradictions over the great national interests. The paradox of the left that was willing to see as an enemy any trade union that is bureaucratic, while doing justice into their own hands, is that today pay homage to the Corporations and alienate the territory to foreign countries as it is doing Capitanich in the Chaco with the Saudis and Saiz in Black River with the Chinese, and both had the full backing of the government, which is setting new policies for the units to agribusiness and global markets.

terrible thing these new agreements for delivery of territory and sovereignty, which evoke both to agreements such as agreements Roca Runciman in the thirties made up the colonial dependence of Argentina, is that now, these intellectuals allegedly critical, as Rodolfo Walsh said that would experience. "The intellectual field is by definition of consciousness" are at this time in the side that agrees to the covenants of dependence. It's really scary. Among other things, largely because mortgage our future as a nation. Imagine for a moment the nightmare that would have been that infamous decade for young people not yet recognized as national intellectuals and could have become the Jauretche, the Hernández Arregui, the Leopolodo Marechal, the José Luis Torres, the Scalabrini and many other thinkers in the national camp, would have applauded those as facts progressive colonial agreements and modernizing. Of course, it would cost to imagine from these assumptions, the coup of 43 and the rise of Peronism. Well, unfortunately, is what is happening now and our question and our challenge will be to reorganize the national movement, despite the general capitulation of the intelligentsia and the defections of many colleagues who now not only got off the horse, but sold it the poor pingo, at public auction to the highest bidder. They chose to give the great debates with Vargas Llosa and Magnetto, while street from Monsanto, compared to Barrick, compared to the appropriation of our oil and against the megaminería with cyanidation. They chose to maintain the Grobocopatel silence before, compared to Blaquier and Elsztain ... while yelling at the Rural Society, because they know it no longer makes any power, at least comparable with the corporations they live with daily. Our task is at hand and despite the simulation scenarios that confuses so many, to generate new thinking decolonial in Argentina and is what we do every day tirelessly for many years. Jorge Eduardo Rulli # / pages / GRR-Group-of-reflection% C3% B3n-Rural/145203798845999


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