Monday, May 31, 2010

Replace Batteries In Inova Microlight

The beneficial action of Pius XII in the light of day by Cardinal Costantini

Sunday at the hearing on May 30, His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI has come to refer to his beloved venerable predecessor Pius XII. Has been to go after the Angelus, a group of pilgrims to Rome from Pordenone (region of Friuli-Venezia Giulia) to pay tribute to his countryman Cardinal Celso Costantini (1876-1958), whose diary was recently published and presented in Rome. The Pope's words were these:

"Infine, il mio rivolgo with Affetto SALUTO i pellegrini di lingua Italiana. In particolare to folto gruppo per onorare Venuto da Pordenone Cardinale memory Celso Costantini, the quale è stato presentato due giorni fa a Roma il volume of the Journal, dal titolo della Ai Margini war (1938-1947) . Questa pubblicazione è di interesse storico large. Il Cardinale Costantini, molto legato Pope Pius XII, when he was a Segretaria scrisse della di Propaganda Fide Congregation. Il suo l'immense opera testifies Journal compiuta dalla anni Holy See in quegli drammatici favorire the pace e per tutti i bisognosi soccorrere. "

"I run, finally, a warm greeting to the Italian-speaking pilgrims. In particular the compact group from Pordenone to honor the memory of Cardinal Celso Costantini, which was presented in Rome two days ago the volume of the Journal under the title Among the margins of the war (1938-1947). This publication is of great historical interest. Cardinal Costantini, closely linked to Pope Pius XII, the wrote when he was secretary of the Congregation of Propaganda Fide. His diary bears witness to the immense work done by the Holy See in those dramatic years to promote peace and relief to those in need. "

These few words of the Pope are very important: it emphasizes the historical significance of a book whose content is a first-hand testimony of the positive beneficial action of the Holy See in favor of victims of war, which speaks Benedict XVI in terms of "immense work." The Holy See understands, as we know, the Pope and the Roman Curia, which makes it unlawful to speak of Catholic initiatives in defense and protection of the persecuted and the victims as if they were the result of a private decision. No, was the Vatican, the Pope and his collaborators, those who knowingly, directly or indirectly deployed a vast and effective humanitarian work. The happily reigning Holy Father has seen fit to emphasize the strong bond that united the venerable Pius XII and Cardinal Costantini, as saying: "there is a witness close to Pacelli, who can attest to what the Pope did." As the more reliable witness who died before the storm that shall rise against this priest slander and, therefore, had no interest in making up the truth.

Significantly, the daily Office of the Holy See, L'Osservatore Romano, published in its edition of the Sunday a couple of articles devoted to the presentation of the Daily Cardinal Costantini, in which is even more explicit and detailed reference to the venerable Pius XII and reproduce then our English version.

Letter of the Cardinal Secretary of State on the occasion of the publication of the Journal
first apostolic delegate to China

Celso Costantini
and the triple role of Pius XII

The documents emerge a pontificate open to modernity, which resulted in the Vatican II

On Friday May 28 was submitted to the Chamber of Deputies the volume prepared by Bruno Fabio della Pighin Ai Margini war (1938 to 1947 ) [In the boundaries of the War (1938-1947)] , which brings to light the hitherto unpublished diary of Cardinal Celso Constantini (Venezia, Marcianum Press, 2010, 640 pages, 50 €). The cardinals were present Zenon Grocholewski, Bernard Francis Law and Giovanni Coppa, and Monsignor Juan Ignacio Arrieta Ochoa, Bishop of Chinchetru. On this occasion, the president of the Italian Republic, Giorgio Napolitano, sent a personal message and the Cardinal Secretary of State sent on behalf of Benedict XVI, a letter to Cardinal Ivan Dias, prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, which presented a paper, published then practically integer. Reproduce the text was read by Archbishop secretary of the Congregation, Archbishop Robert Sarah.

Letter of Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone

The present volume della Margini Ai war (1938-1947) , which contains the unpublished diary of Cardinal Celso Costantini, published with the diligent participation of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, has reached the hands of the Pope, who expressed his special appreciation.

His Holiness had under his eyes the manuscript of this illustrious figure cardinal who was secretary of the important dicastery dedicated to spreading the Catholic faith and has asked me to express a deep gratitude for having encouraged the publication of a text first hand that provides valuable information, knowledge and experience acquired by the gigantic direct in the field of charity and Christian witness of the political wisdom of the response to the vastness of the needs that the Apostolic made for different populations and various ethnic and cultural groups during the difficult period of ideological empires.

documents a prelate particularly close to the Holy Father, published in the voluminous and painstaking book, talk about the anguish of a Europe stifled by bloodthirsty opposites and extremes, as well as the desire for reasonable people, eager for peace, justice and true legality, soaked twenty centuries of Christian civilization.

In the period which occupies the Daily Cardinal Celso Costantini is necessary to highlight the constant, selfless and strong commitment of Pope Pius XII of the Roman Curia and all church-bishop, priest, religious or religious, for charitable purposes and certainly not propaganda. Promote peace, promote respect for universal rights, maintain equity, avoid evil, to provide shelter, turn on the need to exclude participation in violent political passions: these are the demands that Monsignor Costantini then-partner and true friend of Pope Pacelli-registered every day in his memoirs with great precision and detail.

Among his notes, His Holiness has highlighted the following words, which are of December 26, 1941, written by Monsignor Costantini after repeatedly emphasized the great attention and action of Pope Pacelli to all, especially to the needy and persecuted: Pius XII is "providential mission was threefold always, but especially in these bad in quibus vidimus : the Master, the Judge, the Father (...) The activity of the Pope, rather than decreased and almost closed in a desolate grief, multiplied prodigiously ".

Eminence, private memories Cardinal Celso Costantini, though not exclusively deal with great and just indignation of the sad fate of peoples and classes of persons subjected to the inhuman destinations. The documents released through the efforts and interest of Bishop Bruno Fabio Pighin also speak of the tireless and generous work of evangelization of the Church, deep and articulate theological reflection that led to the Second Vatican Council, the cultural approach, social and policy of the papacy of Pius XII to modernity. It is, therefore, highly significant and useful writings.

The Holy Father, and expects them to be assessed with fair and reasonable spirit, wishes to express again its deep appreciation for the initiative, which was considered a valid contribution to the historical truth.

(© L'Osservatore Romano, May 30, 2010)

Parallel Lives in the whirlwind of war

refuted the charges against Pacelli

before they were born

ignoble prejudices built on sand

by Cardinal Ivan Dias

studies so far carried out on the cardinal showed the deep friulano mark left in the universal Church. Here I simply wish recall some of their strategies: traced a spiritual bridge between East and West being the first apostolic delegate to China, as secretary of the Propaganda Fide, printed frankly innovative paths to missionary activity, through its work were consecrated by Pope Pius XI in St. Peter's Basilica in Rome, the first six Chinese bishops (October 28, 1926), a crucial step for the coronation of his missionary work in China. In 1939 he was the only prelate of the Roman Curia who dared to propose the convening of an ecumenical council to reform the Church, in short, committed, with clear-sightedness, the creation of a united Europe, in solidarity with all community other nations. But even after his death, Celso Costantini never ceases to amaze with his diary, written when he was secretary of the Pontifical Council which I chair.

Reading the text now coming to light greatly impressed by the role he played during the Second World War. Had maintained close relations with men of government, political exponents, with prelates from around the world, intellectuals and artists, but also humble people, especially overwhelmed by the misery and despair. For the latter, including Jews, Monsignor Celso became a reference point, sometimes essential, in terms of relief, as it was for save the life of the great Italian statesman Alcide De Gasperi, despite the threat of deportation to Nazi concentration camps.

The Journal Constantini written in the most dramatic period of modern history, ie from 1938 to 1947, remained unpublished until now for obvious reasons. It is not yet possible to consult the documents relating to those years held by the Vatican Secret Archives and in many other sites. However, the publishing house conducted by Archbishop Bruno Fabio Pighin is revealed as a valuable resource is the History of Italy for the Church, which also allows to fill an important gap in the biography of Cardinal, which now shines more than before among the eminent personalities of the past century.

I encourage the production of other publications related to the figure of the cardinal Friulian, as it could be that of his voluminous correspondence, in the just-born security foundation that bears his name know to support initiatives of great cultural and spiritual. I would like to point out here

something that has been suggested by the book's cover, which plays two characters in an intense dialogue among them: Pio XII e il cardinale Celso Costantini.

Both were born the same year (1876), were also ordained the same year (1899), both were at service of the diplomacy of the Holy See, lived next to the Roman Curia, and worked closely in perfect harmony and cooperative spirit. Costantini was created cardinal by Pope Pius XII, the two died the same year in the same month (October 1958). All this may seem a mere coincidence, but I think it is, instead, a plan of Providence, especially when reading this diary, which has closely engaged for peace, for the assistance to victims of any religion or ethnicity, for the construction of a new world on the rubble left by World War II.

This book, written some seventy years ago, ie no time suspects (ie, before the emergence of defamatory campaigns and baseless accusations against Pope Pacelli), helps to destroy what is a sand castle, based on ignoble prejudice against Pius XII. Brings up his noble figure, which is made greater in the middle of the horrible tragedy that he knew face as a true shepherd of lost humanity and deeply outraged.

Efforts to throw mud on the figure of the pope in history repeats itself, but the operation "truth eventually prevails over the more sophisticated schemes. So I think the value of this Journal transcends its intrinsic qualities and remarkable and makes it a place among the writings which appear must face the issue of dialogue between the Church and the contemporary world.

(© L'Osservatore Romano, May 30, 2010)

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Smoking Weed Esophitas

New translations of the prayer for the speedy beatification of the Venerable Pius XII Next


(Courtesy of Don Carlo Sarandrea)


(Courtesy of Raimondo Mameli)


(Courtesy of Thomas Frachery)


(courtesy of Enzo Gallo)

Thursday, May 20, 2010

How Can I Get Rid Of My Babys Fleme?

commemorative events in honor of the venerable Pius XII in Rome. Tribute to Sister Margherita Marchione, most biographer

Our good friend, Don Livio Spinelli, Secretary of the renowned and illustrious Sister Margherita Marchione, has sent the program of celebrations to be held in honor Pius XII of venerable next June in Rome and the town of Santa Marinella, coinciding with the presence in Italy of the religious. For information about our gentle readers we are pleased to publish below for our English translation of the material received.


Italian Post will issue two special commemorative postmark

On the occasion of the visit to Italy by Sister Margherita Marchione, professor emerita of the Maestre Pie Filippini, have been organized a conference to remind the Venerable Pius XII.

On 1 June afternoon, Sister Margherita speak to the center of diffusion of Culture Salotto Romano in the Library Vallicelliana (near the Chiesa Nuova), at the invitation of the renowned magazine Voce Romana .

On June 2, the day of San Eugenio (birthday of Pope Pacelli), in the Plaza de San Pedro, will be blessed the bronze bust of the Pope, the work of master Renato Palella, 200 kilos, that Sarah then placed in the garden of the Shrine of Our Lady of the Visitation in Santa Marinella (Roma).
The garden will be dedicated
"The Pope Pius XII and the World's Fair" , a kind of Christian Yad Vashem, a citadel of historical memory, where the monument will be built African Campaign in memory of all soldiers Italian killed in Africa, which was blessed by the Venerable John Paul II. On that day

Sister Margherita Marchione will receive the honorary citizenship of Santa Marinella, Italy Post will release a special postmark allusive.

On June 3, afternoon, Poets Romans taxed a special welcome to Sister Margherita in Teatro Tor di Nona (Via degli Acquasparta 16, 00186 Rome).

On June 4, in the Palazzo Ferrajoli (Piazza Colonna) of Rome, Sister Margherita Marchione speak on "Eugenio Pacelli, Pius XII, the last Pope of Rome" , act in which speakers include: His Eminence. Cardinal Farina, librarian of the Holy Roman Church, Senator Giulio Andreotti and Lilli Prince Ruspoli. The event was organized by Publisher and editor Pagine Luciano Lucarini, and Section of Santa Marinella of GAR (Roman Archaeology Group), Poste Italiane having ordered the second edition of the special postmark allusive.

is reported that the latest book by Sister Margherita Marchione La Vita di Papa Pio XII Postuma -with a foreword by Giulio Andreotti, is already in press for forthcoming publication by Libreria Editrice Vaticana (LEV). In the U.S., where it was already published last April, the volume devoted to his religious congregation in commemoration of One Hundred Years of North American Province of the Maestre Pie Filippini-released in English under the title The Posthumous Life of Pope Pius XII .

Before this program, Sister Margherita will be in Turin between 23 and 25 May for some conference and meetings on the Venerable Pius XII at the invitation of Introvigne.

It includes a biography of Sister Margherita Marchione (see below) and the schedule of key events (see below) and commemorative postmark (see above) .

Prof. Livio Spinelli
Secretary of Sister Margherita Marchione
Tel 328-1238850


Programme of June 2010

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Mini Bank 1000 Manual

Fatima Pope tells how he saw the miracle of the sun in the Vatican Gardens

As is known, the venerable Pius XII was rewarded with two events in life supernatural vision of the miracle of the sun that took place at Fatima in 1917 played in the Vatican Gardens and the appearance of Our Lord during his serious illness, 1954 . Today we will deal with it. Remember, for starters, that Pope Pacelli is mysteriously connected to Fatima, as he was consecrated bishop by Pope Benedict XV in the Sistine Chapel (pictured above) , the morning of May 13, 1917 in which the Blessed Virgin appeared to three shepherd children. In addition, during his pontificate echoed the request of Our Lady made by Sister Lucia in Tuy (appearance, 1929) for the Pope to consecrate Russia to her Immaculate Heart, which Pius XII made in 1952 by the Apostolic Letter Holy anno convergent, but not the collegiate competition of all the bishops of the world (as indicated by the Virgin).

was known that the venerable Pius XII had seen the sun miracle of Fatima in the Vatican Gardens homily by Cardinal Federico Tedeschini, sent to the place of the apparitions as papal legate to close the Holy Year 1950, delivered 13 October 1951, which stated that the Pope had seen the same witnesses who were present were present at Fatima on the day of the last occurrence (October 13, 1917). This revelation was widely publicized by the press of the time and religious imagery, reaching thousands of pictures to print depicting the scene of Pius XII facing the sun dancing on the Vatican Gardens (in Spain became famous pocket calendar published by Heraclius Fournier). But there was no direct version of the episode.

In November 2008, one of the best known contemporary biographers venerable Pius XII, Andrea Tornielli, revealed the discovery, among the private papers of the Pacelli family of Pope's autograph that reads the story of what saw more than once in that autumn of the jubilee year 1950. The document is of extraordinary value by being a first-hand, because of its immediacy and its natural language (away from the grand style that characterized the oratory and writings Pacelli official) and fully confirms what we already knew by indirect means. Let's talk about the protagonist in his own words. We reproduce below the original text in Italian, followed by our English translation. It is the best tribute we can do today to Pope who was consecrated bishop on this day of 1917.

Fatima Vision Pius XII
( Illustration La Domenica del Corriere )

"Era il 30 ottobre 1950, antivigilia of giorno, da tutto il mondo Cattolico awaited with great anxiety, the solemn definition of the Assumption of Mary into heaven. At about 4 pm. I did the usual walk in the Vatican gardens, reading and studying, as usual, various cards of the office. I climbed from the square of Our Lady of Lourdes to the top of the hill, right in the avenue that runs along the boundary wall. At one point, having raised his eyes from the sheet in my hand, I was struck by a phenomenon, never seen by me until then. The sun, which was still fairly high, looked like a yellowish opaque globe, surrounded by a circle of light all around, but does not in any way to fix the sun carefully, without receiving the slightest disturbance. A slight cloud trovavasi front. The outside world was moving slightly opaque, and turning, and moving from left to right and vice versa. But the interior of the globe could be seen very clearly and very strong movements without interruption.

"The same phenomenon was repeated the following day, October 31 and November 1, the day of the definition, and then again on November 8, the eighth of the same solemnity. So no more. Several times I tried the other day, at the same time and in weather conditions equal to or very similar, look at the sun to see if it looked the same phenomenon, but in vain, I could not fix even for a moment, the view is immediately dazzled.

"In the days following manifested the fact a few close friends and a small group of cardinals (perhaps four or five), among whom was the Cardinal Tedeschini. When man, before his departure for his mission of Fatima, came to visit me, I expressed his intention to speak in his homily. I replied: "Never mind, it is not the case." But he insisted the desirability of that ad, and I then told him some details of the event. This is, in short, simple terms, the pure truth. "

El autograph papal

"It was el 30 de octubre de 1950, día antevigilia of, esperado so looking around the Catholic world, the solemn definition of the Assumption of Mary into heaven. Around 4 pm, doing my usual walk through the Vatican gardens, reading and studying, as usual, various shipping documents. Went up from the Plaza de la Virgen de Lourdes to the top of the hill on the right path that runs parallel along the wall. Suddenly, having raised the eyes of the pages in her hand, I was surprised by a phenomenon that had never seen before. The sun was still quite high, balloon appeared as a yellowish opaque, completely surrounded by a ring light, which, however, did not prevent in any way staring at the sun, without experiencing the slightest discomfort. Only a very small puff in front of him. The opaque balloon moved slightly outward, is turning, is going from left to right and vice versa. But inside the balloon were clearly and continuously with very strong movements.

"The same phenomenon was repeated the next day, October 31 and November 1, the day of the definition, and again later on November 8, eighth in the same solemnity. Since then no more. Several times in the following days, at the same time and with the same or similar weather conditions, I tried to look at sun to see if he showed the same phenomenon, but in vain. I could not watch it even for a moment because the view was immediately blinded.

"Over the next few days I announced the fact to a few intimates and a small group of cardinals (perhaps four or five), among whom was Cardinal Tedeschini. When man, before his departure for the mission of Fatima, came to visit, I announced his intention to talk about it in his homily. I replied, "Let it be, is not the case." But he insisted, defending the timeliness of such an announcement, and then explained some details of the event. This, in brief and simple terms, the pure truth. "

Calendar Fournier, widespread in Spain