Saturday, April 23, 2011

What To Call My Cake Shop

Easy Rider

This morning, one of my useless wait, I hear a song that the speaker was instructed to remember that he had composed the soundtrack of Easy Rider, Film Dennis Hopper filmed in 1969 starring the same Hopper, Peter Fonda and Jack Nicholson to the role of a lawyer and drunken bum, a film here in these lands abandoned translators by mysteries of the distribution is known as Easy Rider, I was reminded of Kerouac and On The Road, and I could not help commemorate the time and realize that some things had changed in the world ever since, first U.S. was the place where they filmed movies of that quality, in-depth questioning the status quo and dominant cinema "official" tax in Hollywood from Joe Mac Carthy. U.S.
were Angela Davis and Malcolm X, Jane Fonda talking to pilots from bombing Hanoi and the antiwar movement important to remember, so that the movement had a decisive influence on the U.S. defeat in Vietnam, were the U.S. forgotten name, Huey Newton, Carmichael and many more that made a movement of force that was impossible to ignore as much as today from the conservative end is impossible to ignore the Tea Party.
I return to the movies, I remembered that today is also well-crafted film does not address technical issues that come progressive or herding, however, today we have Kate Bigelow to win an Oscar telling the good side of Iraq's invading army disarming them they planted bombs, and now walked in the Triple Border filming Brazil / Paraguay / Argentina a mixture of Islamic terrorism to drug trafficking or something to that style, question innocently put on the edge of the Amazon and the Guarani aquifer target dangerous to the good people.

Anyone who has run the place know that play radios in Castilian, Arabic, Guarani, Portuguese and Chinese but not least, unless those stations carry programming in mysterious key to hear the whole region for years is a paradise for car dealers blamed and all kinds of counterfeit marks, and live in blessed peace, Muslims, Christians, Jews and whatever comes to scandal provided no weapon to be left quiet market.

In short, I was homesick and saudades of those times that in the U.S. and people thought they were people apparently as one.

are things, Jane Joplin Michael Jackson and Dennis Hopper to Kate, is the fireworks, the good-natured of John Wayne riding yet. I just hope that no filming of Green Berets attacking Mar del Plata and take a Mogotes as beachhead.

In that case you must call John exception to preserve our destination.


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