Friday, April 29, 2011

Volkswagen Brasilia For Sale


is urgent need to rethink our Latin American production models of new encerronas officiating history. It is particularly urgent, think agricultural proposals aimed at achieving greater food sovereignty and allow us to avoid thoughts that are colonized by forced and unavoidable agroexporters processes. Current entrapments have different expressions, including and especially, the way global capitalism imposed by transnational corporations determined to primary situations of our economies in material extraction mass-produced raw commodities. These new units involve the appropriation of natural resources, destruction of ecosystems and a strong impact on rural populations. In fact in our continent have established a number of progressive governments beyond their speeches and against all logic, persist in maintaining traditional models, take for granted the need to extract resources, export, maintaining the growth rates and grow the crude product. That requires the same, and urgently, to find the intellectual elements that allow us to view and address these configurations neocolonial discourses disguised tax on old paradigms y poder repensar tanto los modelos productivos como las relaciones de la ciudad y el campo en épocas de globalización. A la vez, necesitamos demostrar que el avance de los Agronegocios y de los modelos de agricultura industrial con cultivos transgénicos y uso intensivo de agrotóxicos, no son ineluctables tal como se nos enseña y tal como se los naturaliza mediante el uso de los medios y de la colonización pedagógica. Necesitamos tomar conciencia que esos modelos productivos configuran una real agresión sobre la identidad cultural, sobre el arraigo de las poblaciones, sobre sus patrimonios alimentarios y sobre sus posibilidades inmediatas de supervivencia, en medio de los crecientes Cambios Climáticos y frente a los sucesivos desastres ecológicos.
Una de las principales causas del menosprecio a las experiencias campesinas y/o relacionadas con la tierra o con el campo, en todas las experiencias de cambio revolucionario habidas en América Latina con posterioridad a la Revolución Mexicana, han sido las lecturas del marxismo que se nos impusieron. Con excepciones importantes como la de Mariátegui en el Perú, no se han destacado intelectuales marxistas que bucearan suficientemente en nuestras raíces culturales para indagar sobre las propias necesidades y adaptar a ellas aquellos pensamientos. Todo lo contrario, la mayor parte de las corrientes de izquierda se constituyeron en expresiones de una universalidad que nos modeló bajo la luz de sus razones y que nos convirtió objects, unable to even meet their own hidden voices of the culture and traditions. Only at the end of the twentieth century, after the collapse of the USSR and having raised the Zapatistas in Mexico and touching the big anti-global demonstrations to major world capitals, revived in Latin America, a peasant movement, with considerable autonomy from political parties struggled to generate proposals as important as was the Food Sovereignty. This resurgence of farming experience has shown over the past ten years, its strengths and its enormous and insurmountable weaknesses. In fact prevailed in the field of popular struggles, a new role, but defensive subsidiary of progressive urban ideologies.
The depopulation of the countryside, farming without farmers and the abolition of rural life, they continue to deepen and as if this were not enough, it legitimizes the concentration of population. Against the model of rural exclusion, perhaps back off, protecting us in the cities and surrounding areas where we can no longer be producers and creators of our own lives, but consumers only for dependence and the vicissitudes of global markets? Will we see anything with resignation as companies and markets decide what is produced, where once grew our vegetables and grazing our animals? Will we continue as now, struggling to urbanize the slums and "the right to live in the city" as some foolish demand in a city also increasingly favelizada or slum, and increasing poverty belts? What we see every day and for years is that those expelled from their land, social organizations are ready to recognize them without their own memories and treat them as if they had always been urban consumers. Assigned a few square meters for palliation of a habitat and a subsidy, and passed from the time the new cords to swell suburban poverty. The very history of these uprooted and deterritorialized behind, and are not peasants, and non-Indians also cease to be rural workers or residents of small towns, the old frameworks of belonging away. They are now just a blank slate on which others rewrite a new story, having to learn a new role as consumers and asistencializados, while treated as a peripheral urban ill, dominated by bands such as authoritarian or of DELIA Miracles, if not governed directly by the drug.
As we saw during more than five years against the spraying campaign and having traveled the country soy, we can assert that industrial agriculture imposed RR soy en la Argentina, es sinónimo claro de desmontes, degradación de suelos, contaminación generalizada, degradación del medio, destrucción de la Biodiversidad y expulsión de poblaciones rurales. Sin embargo, puede haber consecuencias aún mucho más horrendas que las que el común conoce o imagina. Creemos haber descubierto a partir de innumerables víctimas dispersas a lo largo de varias provincias y especialmente de la provincia de Entre Ríos, los elementos necesarios para confirmar una vasta operatoria de contaminación sobre miles de poblados pequeños y medianos de la Argentina. Nos atrevemos a considerar que se esta configurando una catástrofe sanitaria de envergadura tal, que nos motiva a imaginar un genocidio policies driven by large corporations and only the huge interests at stake and the astonishing ignorance of the political class manage to keep muted. Cancer and other terminal diseases, and autoimmune diseases, have become massive and widespread epidemics in thousands and thousands of Argentine towns and the head is without doubt the rural model. However
above, which calls our biggest anxieties as Argentina and as human beings that we risk our health and our descendants, we must recognize that the model in place primarization, extractive, agricultural exports and industrial agriculture, but that does not stop deepens. First, deepened by the growing production of biofuels that are produced from soybean oil. Situations like the Fukushima nuclear disaster merely strengthening global demand for biofuels to cut gasoline and it excites a leadership formed an idea of \u200b\u200bunlimited progress, who puts his faith in the growth and GDP. The situation is configured in this way involves huge risks, Argentina began to take a plainly producer of biodiesel and threatens growing their own food security. There are however, other major risks that, as global phenomena are also nearing our country. I refer to land grabbing Some countries are far from supplies of food they need for their own people, try to solve their food security by buying or renting distant territories. In Africa millions of hectares are occupied by countries far away or corporate enterprises with the purpose of producing food and export, while local people suffer hunger and homelessness. In Argentina we begin to live the same situations, both in the province of Black River with the Chinese as the province of Chaco with the Saudis are signed similar agreements that are celebrated by the leadership as new investments. This is really new forms of territorial dispossession and loss expressions our sovereignty: the occupied territories are simply the times of new sites or factories that replicate the old forms of transnational domain.
Jorge Eduardo Rulli / April 2011


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