In the economic field, successive industrial revolutions and the new dominance of capitalism had multiplied accelerated production and material progress, but had also created a large and impoverished urban proletariat, which preyed upon the most subversive ideologies, due to the gross social injustice. In 1864 he founded the first international communist movement. Also featuring the anarchist phenomenon that sparked especially in Russia and in Spain through nihilism, extremist and terrorist version. This is the time when the assassinations and attacks begin to hurt European leaders on their heads. In return, it is also the time that organizes social Catholicism, which had among its major exponents to Bishop von Ketteler bishop of Mainz, Frédécic Ozanam (and their Conferences of St. Vincent de Paul) and Albert de Mun, among others. In religious life was like in the effervescence of the theological controversies surrounding the reconciliation of liberal dogma with the dominant culture (harbinger of twentieth-century modernist crisis), jeopardized by the encyclical Quanta cura and Syllabus of Blessed Pius IX (both documents, 1864). The First Vatican Council had witnessed the reluctance of some sectors to the proclamation of the dogma of papal infallibility. Rome's relations with the Eastern Churches and the Catholic missions (which began to experimentar un gran desarrollo paralelamente a la gran expansión colonial europea) constituían por esta época fuente de satisfacción en medio de los sinsabores de los vaivenes políticos y sociales. En este contexto histórico nació el futuro Pío XII hace ahora exactamente ciento treinta y cuatro años.
Como homenaje a esta efeméride, hemos querido ofrecer a nuestros amables lectores una preciosa pieza oratoria debida nada menos que a la inspiración de alguien que vivió cerca del Pastor Angelicus durante más de veinte años, quince de ellos como substituto de la Secretaría de Estado para los Asuntos Eclesiásticos Extraordinarios: Pablo VI. Al cumplirse el primer centenario birth of Pope Pacelli wanted to pay tribute and delivered a homily in which we do not know whether to admire more Ciceronian style (of impeccable accrual) or the undeniable and profound admiration for the character. We have already mentioned several times that Pope Paul VI is one of the biggest supporters of Pius XII. In fact, he learned to be pope at his side and, when the gossip was merciless to his memory, immediately jumped in his passionate defense of not saving, and on the Chair of Peter, an occasion to demonstrate their devotion to those whom he considered his mentor. We wanted to post the homily of Pope Paul VI in the original Italian so that those who master this beautiful language might like to its elegant style, but also in our English translation for those unfamiliar with the language of Dante can enjoy the magnificent eulogy in memory of Eugenio Pacelli, who commemorate the devotion rendered forever, now, thanks to Benedict XVI, honored the title of Venerable.
Omelia di Paolo VI
Domenica, March 7, 1976

S. Marco opens us now look at another picture, following the arrest of John, which disappears from the scene of the Jordan. Jesus goes into Galilee, and here he began his preaching, which is known as the the "Gospel of the kingdom di Dio» (Marc. 1, 14) e che si apre con un annuncio fatidico: «Il tempo è compiuto e il regno di Dio è vicino; convertitevi, e credete al Vangelo» (Ibid. 14-15). Noi tutti, fedeli alla scuola della liturgia, avremo davanti ai nostri animi questo duplice quadro, come fosse oggi lo scenario di sfondo che offre un ambiente ideale ed in un certo senso la luce per un altro personaggio, che, quasi movendo da quello sfondo evangelico, venga verso di noi, e a cento anni dalla sua propria nascita storica, a noi si presenti, a molti di noi che lo abbiamo personalmente conosciuto, e rispecchiando in sé la solitudine di Cristo eremita nel deserto, e quindi il ministero di Cristo evangelizzatore, ci tenda ancora solemnly and paternally his soft hands as a sign of benevolence and blessing: Pope Pius XII. Behind him stands the Christ secret of the desert, grandeggia the prophetic Christ of the Gospel. It is not our intention to trace its history now, her eulogy, but there is enough here to recall his memory, in concise form, but possibly including, as one of the Popes in the famous "Liber Pontificalis" .
We set a date of birth: it was March 2, 1876, he was the third son of Philip Pacelli Acquapendente noble patrician, whose family had moved to Rome, and was renowned for his fearless legal profession and the public office to which he was called in city \u200b\u200bservices, then certainly not flourishing time of prosperity, but always at the top of the historical events that touched Europe and Italy agitated, started to become difficult and sought-after goal of his national unity.
The chosen name was Eugene, added to those of Mary, Joseph, John, and the baptism was conferred in the Church of Saints Celso and Giuliano. The cup is now kept in the baptistery S. Pancrazio, in the Church of the Discalced Carmelites, on the Gianicolo. Worthy memory the venerable mother of Eugene, who was Virginia Graziosi, remembered by many children with more heartfelt affection.
noble and popular in the center of historic Rome, in Via Monte Jordan, 34, was the home of the Pace Family, and the obvious here, but now circumstance is singular to notice: Pope Pius XII was the Roman Empire, not only for the apostolic office gives him, but by birth, as time was not the case (need to go back to Pope Innocent XIII, Michelangelo dei Conti [1721-1724], to remember a similar fact). By birth, by tradition, to heart, as if to demonstrate how quest'Urbe by a thousand lives he has his own blood and history, and always fruitful and faithful to its unique spiritual and secular vocation: "presiding in charity" (St. Ignatia ANTIOCHENE Ad Romanos, "Prologus" ). God forbid!
Eugenio Pacelli attended the classical school of Visconti, installed in the ancient Roman College, of which he is still loyal and affectionate memory. Then the Capranica, the Gregorian, the Sant'Apollinare, and then the Mass, celebrated the first time in S. Maria Maggiore, then taking the Congregation for Extraordinary Ecclesiastical Affairs, under the auspices Monsignor Cavagnis, and then the big Monsignor Gasparri, under whose direction the young Pacelli for fourteen years, he worked with diligence and intelligence that were normal, to the compilation of the high value that is the "Codex Iuris Canonici" now, after the Council, under review, but monumental synthesis and knowing the immense literature of the law of the Church.
Eugenio Pacelli, legislator in the Church obliges us to remember his work for the law outside the Church, namely with regard to contacts between the Church and modern states, with delicate work that study, most of staff, was able to establish relationships normal and fair, in three Concordat with Germany, agreed, that even the war and the changes that followed earned him a pervert, so well as facilities to confirm the peaceful and invigorating for the spiritual interests and civil rights of the High Contracting Parties, and their mutual satisfaction still substantially in force showing their beneficial effects. Then
Pacelli in Rome, as Secretary of State in the last nine years of the pontificate of Pius XI, who had great esteem for him and his faithful service. It would be a page of history of great psychological interest if it could adequately describe and decipher the characteristics very, very different these two great personalities, that only the practice and more fully conscious of the virtues served to merge in ecclesiastic law, complementary and exemplary harmony.
We had then the inestimable good fortune to lend, as Deputy Secretary of State, our modest, but almost daily services to both large and virtuous Popes. We can be seen witnesses, especially as regards long fifteen years of our humble conversation with Pope Pius XII, who was his goodness, his culture, his assiduous work, his compassion for the sufferings of others, his soul and apostolic ministry.
is impossible for us to say anything, even a glance. Two points seem, however, deserve from us, on this occasion, special mention. The first point concerns his attitude before the Second World War. So much was said about him in this regard and not always in conformity with the true, falsely sophisticated on the timidity of his noble character, that the partiality of his sympathies for this or that people. This must be judged not so magnanimous Pontiff fine, yes, in his human and Christian sensibilities, but always wise and right. We can certainly add that he was strong and was always fair, perfect control of his feelings and fearless champion of justice, all aimed in self-sacrifice, in relief to human suffering, courageous in the service of peace.
The other point is its religiosity. We told them a word on another occasion, in Milan, which we now reaffirm, repeating here the words that "Liber Pontificalis" , reserves the praise of Pope Eugene I seem written for this and that his successor, Eugenio Pacelli : "Eugenius, romanus nation, / cleric incunabulis ab ... / Fuit ... Benignus, mitis, mansuetus, omnibus / affabilis et Sanctitate praeclarior " (See DUCHESNE, Liber Pontificalis , 1, 341 ff., a. 654-657).
Trema our voice, our heart beats, paying the venerable and paternal memory of Eugenio Pacelli, Pope Pius XII, the affectionate praise of a humble son, the devout homage of a poor successor.
Remember you, Romans, this great and your elected Pope; remember the Church ; remember the world, remember the story. He is well worthy of our loving, grateful, admiring and memory.

Homily of Paul VI
Sunday March 7, 1976
Our spirit, listening to the announcement St. Mark's Gospel (Mark I, 12-15) proposed by today's liturgy in this First Sunday of Lent for our meditation, is faced with two pictures of great interest: the first is the arid, desolate, uninhabited desert perhaps that of the neighboring mountain to the Dead Sea, stony and sandy, which makes the miserable loneliness whom it ventures almost forced intouch with itself, while exposed to a treacherous encounters with wild beasts of the place, burnt by the merciless sun and harsh wind swept. There Jesus, led by the Holy Spirit after the baptism of penance, he also wanted to receive from John the Baptist, he withdrew and remained forty days in fasting superhuman, as (Ex. XXXIV, 28, cf. III Reg. XIX, 8) , then at the end, exhausted by the lethargy and hunger, said the three mysterious fight with the devil, Satan ebangelistas called Matthew and Mark (Matth. IV, 10; Marc I, 13) - and, after defeat, was served by angels. Table difficult to interpret literally, but very appropriate as a typical introduction to the messianic mission that Jesus was about to begin (cf. F. Dostoevski, The Brothers Karamazov ).
San Marcos then offers another picture from our view, after the arrest of John, he disappears from the scene of the Jordan. Traces the Galilee and Jesus begins his preaching there, call "the gospel of the Kingdom of God" (Mark I, 14) and opens with an ominous announcement: "The time is fulfilled and the kingdom of God is hand: repent and believe the Gospel " (ibid. 14-15). All of us, faithful to school of the liturgy, we will have before our minds this dual picture, as if it were yesterday the scene of fund offered an ideal environment and in a sense brings light to another character, which, as coming from that environment Gospel comes to us (many of whom knew him personally), and one hundred years of historical birth, we are presented, and, reflecting in himself the solitude of a hermit in the desert Christ and Christ's ministry of evangelization, we still tends hieratic paternally his sweet hands as a sign of benevolence and blessing: Pope Pius XII. It abounds secret desert Christ and emphasizes the prophetic Christ Gospel. No Now it is our intention to draw its history or eulogy, we need only remember him here, so laconic but possibly complete, as one of those portraits of the popes in the famous Liber Pontificalis .
We set the date of birth: it was held on March 2, 1876. It was the third son of Filippo Pacelli, Acquapendente noble patrician, whose family had moved to Rome and was renowned for his impeccable legal career and public offices to which he was called to serve the City, certainly not booming prosperity time, but always at the top of the historic events that shook Europe and stirred Italy, arrival and the difficult and coveted goal of national unity.
The name chosen was that of Eugene, which were added those of Mary, Joseph and John, having being administered to the infant baptism in the Church of Saints Celso and Giuliano. The baptismal font is currently held in St. Pancras, in the church of the Discalced Carmelites in the Gianicolo. Do not forget a worthy memorial of the revered mother of Eugene, Virginia Graziosi, remembered for such a great son always touched affection.
The noble and popular center of historic Rome, in Via Monte Giordano 34, was the Pacelli family dwelling, and here is obvious but notice a singular circumstance: Pius XII was Pope of Rome, not only for the apostolic office entrusted to him, but by birth, which occurred not long-standing (have to go back to Pope Innocent XIII, Michelangelo dei Conti, who reigned between 1721 and 1724, to recall a similar fact. For birth, by tradition, heart, and to witness how this city of a thousand lives has a his by blood and history and always stays true to its unique spiritual and secular vocation: "presiding in charity" ( St. Ignatius of Antioch, Ad Rom , Prologus ). Please God!
Eugenio Pacelli studied at the classical school Ennio Quirino Visconti Lyceum, located in the ancient Roman College, which always remained faithful and affectionate remembrance. Then came the Capranica, the Gregorian, St. Apollinaris and finally the Mass celebrated for the first time in Santa Maria Maggiore. Continued their employment at the Sacred Congregation for Extraordinary Ecclesiastical Affairs, under the auspices of Bishop Cavagnis, where he eventually entered the service of Monsignor Gasparri, under whose direction the young Pacelli worked for fourteen years, with diligence and intelligence that were in it usual in this compilation of great value that is the Codex Iuris Canonici now, after the Council, in the process review, but monumental and wise synthesis of the vast literature of the law of the Church.
The Pacelli, a legislator in the Church obliges us to remember your work, as apostolic nuncio to the law outside the Church, ie in relation to the contacts between the Church and modern states with delicate work study ( personal part), managed to fix normal relations with Germany and loyal through three pacts, which even the war and the changes that followed managed to subvert, but rather confirmed as peaceful and corroborating structures of the spiritual interests and civil the high contracting parties, which, with the mutual satisfaction of these, still substantially in force, demonstrating its beneficial effectiveness. Later
find Pacelli in Rome as secretary of state in the last nine years of papal Pius XI, which was a particular honor for him, leave for a most faithful service. Page would be a very interesting psychological story that could adequately describe and decipher the particular characteristics so very different from these two great personalities, they just practice more attuned and aware of the virtues church was able to merge into a constant, additional and exemplary harmony.
We had then provide invaluable fortune, as a substitute of the Secretariat of State, our very modest, but almost daily services to both large and virtuous priests. With respect to the fifteen years of our humble deal with Pope Pius XII, we give our testimony admired their culture, their attendance at work, his compassion for the sufferings of others, pastoral and apostolic soul.
We can not say everything, even synthetically. Two points, however, seem worthy of us, on this occasion, a special mention. The first relates to its attitude to the Second World War. It says a lot about him in this respect and not always accordance with the truth, falsely abounding on the noble timidity of his character or bias of their sympathies for this or that village. This is not the way it has to judge this magnanimous pontiff at its finest human and Christian feeling, but always wise and right. We may add that, of course, was always strong and fair, perfect mastery of his feelings and fearless advocates of the justice, yet he tends to sacrifice himself, to the relief of human suffering, the courageous service of peace .
The other point has to do with their religion. Something told us on another occasion, in Milan, and now reaffirm, repitiendo aquí las palabras que el Liber Pontificalis , reserva al elogio del papa Eugenio I y que parecen escritas para este sucesor suyo que fue Eugenio Pacelli: “Eugenius, natione romanus, / clericus ab incunabulis ... / Fuit ... benignus, mitis, mansuetus, omnibus / affabilis et sanctitate praeclarior” (Cfr. Duchesne: Liber Pontificalis , 1, 341 ss., a. 654-657).
Tiembla nuestra voz, palpita nuestro corazón dirigiendo a la venerada y paternal memoria de Eugenio Pacelli, papa Pío XII, en afectuoso encomio de un humilde hijo, el devoto homenaje de un pobre sucesor.
Recordad vosotros, romanos, a este vuestro insigne y noble pontífice; Church remember it, remember the world, remember the history. Is well worth our loving, grateful and amazed memory.
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