Prayer for the beatification of Pius XII in ten languages \u200b\u200b 
published today, in ten languages, the prayer for the beatification of Pius XII made by Bishop Petrus Canisius Van Lierde (1907-1995), who was vicar general of the Town Vatican between 1951 and 1991. The ten languages \u200b\u200bin which we have so far found that sentence are: English, French, German, Castilian, Portuguese, Dutch, Russian, Italian, Catalan and Latin. Finding new translations as we go They will be published. Thanks in advance for any indication or suggestion. For the convenience of all, we have included this entry as a permanent link in pdf document in the right column of this blog. We ask that God entrusted to love the soul of Bishop Van Lierde
(photo) , who did so much memory of Venerable Pius XII and was also a good friend of the true ruler of
Pastor Angelicus, Pascualina Mother, whose funeral he officiated in 1983.
Venerabilis PII XII beatification
English & French
Deutsch & Español
Português & Nederlands
Italiano & Русский
Català & Latine
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