Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Currency Exchange Canadian Seattle

Haroldo Conti

Luís Moreno Ocampo, amanuense de Strassera en el juicio a las juntas militares y que desde ahí saltó a Poder Ciudadano y a parodias de justicia televisiva donde se dirimían cuestiones tales como si el ruido del vecino era molesto or if the clay oven affected the boundary walls, Luis Moreno Ocampo say, from the International Criminal Court which came from the hand of those who know, will ask the international arrest of Muammar Kaddafi and one of his children for crimes against humanity.
understand it is another son of Kaddaffi since one of them along with three grandchildren of former friend of Berlusconi have been killed by a lengthy bombing ordered by NATO and the Nobel Peace Prize Bin Osbama Barak.

Mysteries operating these days with terrorists killed in episodes where all are clear doubts, we may never be made clear.

some things which can only infer. The key point with regard to the Arab world were the mass demonstrations that ended with authoritarian regimes that lasted decades, systems that were the mainstay of the U.S. and Israel in the region such as Egypt or Morocco, demonstrations can not reach the stone Saudi monarchy across the country by late "? Osbama Bin Laden murdered "? apparently by his "ex? comrades in the CIA for having resisted by a threatening gesture. Again I

Luis Moreno Ocampo asked the former television host and Kaddafi trial of Libyans and other studies even processing denotados criminales de guerra como Bush, Blair y Aznar que iniciaron una guerra ilegal sobre la base de mentiras, bombardearon ciudades abiertas ,secuestraron personas y las trasladaron para ser torturadas salvajemente y posteriormente encarceladas en condiciones inhumanas sin juicio previo.

Las guerras de Bush y sus socios produjeron una cantidad no estimada de víctimas mortales no inferior en todo caso al medio millón de personas y no hay juicio a la vista.
Se que es mucho pedir, lo mío puede parecer inocente, pero ante esta mirada tuerta, ante la bruta limada del sentido común hasta la jibarización del pensamiento, solo pido que Moreno Ocampo vuelva a la TV a lidiar con problemas domésticos, tengo que mediation to bring the Galician side, which has stopped cutting the grass on his land, boundary of my garden / orchard and weeds threaten my work.


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