Sunday, January 2, 2011

I Let My Cousin Kiss My Boobs


En el contexto del nuevo modelo colonial corporativo que configura una Argentina agro exportadora, una Argentina que apuesta por la biotecnología, la producción de Biocombustibles y por la minería con cianuro, en los mercados globales, ha sido necesario para el sistema, el improvisar una dirigencia desde la izquierda quebrada y a veces no tan quebrada, ya que muchos de los supuestos del marxismo han devenido útiles al desarrollismo más duro, tal como es el caso de Lula y de Dilma. En la Argentina, ese neodesarrollismo postcolonial friendly corporations, in this case over much of the left transvestite, has abused human rights as an ideology to justify their atrocities of the present. But remember and bear in mind again that we are not talking about the right, a right that is awkward and ineffective as Macri, we're talking about people like Kunkel, as Duhalde good, like the Garre, Hebe, and as the hundreds of Open Letter intellectuals and Campora, who fill the tables of National Radio, Channel 7, Channel encounter, Radio Cooperativa Radio del Plata, the radius of the goalkeepers as Aliverti, Page 12 and Argentine Time , 23 Magazine and all coming from the PC Codovilla and Heller, Sabatella and Filmus, ERP and TRP as Maria Seoane, Angus and many others. This system of double standards rests decisively on welfare that allows the resources of the agro exports. To the left in government, however, it is important to hide that are feeding the pigs in China and other Europe with our children's hunger and death by malnutrition of indigenous peoples, the elderly and many creatures. Hence the constant simulation scenarios, hence the speeches cheats, hence the huge investment in advertising showing over and over again, how to lower the portrait of Videla, fiery speeches with handkerchiefs White around, etc.. The great tool of the Government is poverty asistencializar mode because it undermines the capacity for autonomy in the most humble and let them play outside the fights for power, that is what worries them. In the last fifty years were the workers who took the leadership of the process of liberation, now the welfarism is destroying a process that began at the time Martinez de Hoz, empty the tank to drown a fish, or to liquidate deindustrialized strength of the working class ... The handouts to the poor politically settled in the strategic field of class struggle and the power ... The working class handouts liquid systematically, as rising soybean production leaves the maximum truck transport beans by the CGT and the Momo responsible for the social work of the unemployed of Agriculture as a second charge of the CGT and the historic 62 Organizations. The farce is what is left of the struggles of the past ...

to the middle on the other hand, the Government has in turn several fronts that are seductive and referring to various modes of operation on poverty or on the membership of social organizations, while serving to provide employment or paid job in a job market that depressed and where wages they offer are enviable. I mean the thousands of pictures that form the Ministry de Desarrollo Social con Alicia Kirchner, los cientos de técnicos que se suman a los innumerables proyectos de huertas asistidas y de agricultura familiar y para pequeños productores, de la Secretaria Carla Campos Bilbao en el Ministerio de Agricultura, y por último, la Subsecretaría de integración económica y MERCOSUR donde revistaba el Ex PC Eduardo Sigal y ahora el ex monto José Vitar, y que, en la Cancillería, se especializa en torneos de oratoria y documentos consensuados sobre nuestra política exterior, que van rigurosamente al cesto de los papeles de Timmerman, o en pagar pasajes al exterior para los dóciles y para los amigos... Con estos tres brazos: Alicia, Carla y ahora José Vitar, opera el asistencialismo o acaso la gran fábrica de simulacros y de escenarios de simulación, y podría sumárseles algunos programa del INTA o de la UBA o acaso del Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología de Lino Barañao y el resto de su troupe Stalinista y especialmente el programa Raíces que trae incautos desde el exterior...

Una y otra vez, nosotros nos vemos obligados a debatir con buenos compañeros, compañeros un poco candorosos, compañeros bastante “buenudos”, que tratan de justificar su trabajo y el sueldo que ganan en alguna de estas áreas, y que nos desafían a debatir sobre la gradualidad necesaria y en vigencia, para supuestamente cambiar el modelo. Nadie duda de las buenas intenciones de quienes trabajan with small farmers or family farmers, or those who are dressed to the Indians of ex impenetrable, in the Chaco razed by bulldozers. Furthermore, we are convinced that they are good people who have good heart and that most are honest, who strive to do the best we can within those bureaucratic structures full of opportunists and merchants of poverty in the most senior functionary. What they say is to not buy the model they sell, which do not create their own misleading advertising, not confusing laburo assholes in the state as workers of a given Ministry, with staff feeling and take charge of a political strategy leadership without serious qualms. Who wish to discuss with us shows they are good people and who have doubts, but there are also instructed to fuck ... that's another laburo in the state, from which much know the Minister Anibal and we've had in abundance from our time at Radio ... But it is not easy for the GRR having to start each week discussing with another well-intentioned mistakes employment with work, and needs to justify the salary he is, leading a crusade to soften hard as we do not want to accept the good leading the Government's intentions and we would be according to them, so arrogant we do not accept debate with Kunkel, nor Vitar, nor the wife Carla Campos Moreno Mayor, or perhaps with Dominguez and his right hand Serantes that are operators of the Church and various companies granaries and just have to go online to find it ... This product is new and Kirchner, contractors and employees operating State programs feel they are militant ... who share the ideology of the patterns ... seems impossible, but it is a totally new that has occurred Kirchner, in the past, since the beginning of democracy until 2003 we were state employees generally critical of the policies implemented, although we had that completed, we did not buy the speech of policymakers. It also seems to have concluded have been shut out of debates and contestation within the state ...

So, right now we tell everyone and claim many leased from the membership to discuss our positions, our well-meaning friends please, be indulgent with us, let us persist in error that are old and some arsonists to you, and will become young people and we will fire off fireworks ... Yes, we must be very, very proud for you, we are proud simply because we will not lose the pants ... you try to have the patience to read us and understand that when we mix with Fidel and the wall solution, we realize that, in addition to having been trained For seventy malformed transvestite overwhelms ignorance and misunderstanding about who we are and how we think. It is not that from the GRR would like to change the country in three days as you always tend to tell us of course object to a gradual thinking that you and the government pays them would express ... Further still, we can say with absolute certainty that we are unique in all of Argentina but throughout Latin America, we have said publicly and to all hazards that come out of the soybean production will take us twenty or thirty years and that the process should be strictly gradual, sequential, you have to develop alternatives to soy and that have to install regulations and limitations gradual, beginning with the control of the ports and what will not now exist, the implementation of the export duty or withholding tax to exporters and producers not as now, the empowerment of local slaughter that enables existing or surviving small farmers, the creation of fruity green belts around towns vegetables to provide fresh food and give work, the marketing of fresh milk to survive the last dairy farms, enabling suburban markets save fuel and break the chains of agribusiness, the radical modification of INTA, SENASA and CONICET, transforming space for agribusiness and biotechnology in food sovereignty instruments and local developments. And finally, decide that provinces like Salta, Formosa and Chaco, or perhaps also Santiago del Estero, where vie MOCASES see what more the Government bootlicking KK, become provinces that protect small farmers and not allow monoculture at least biotech, or of soybean production. That for this to be possible, state policies are needed, forward-looking and communicable from one government to another and, above all, political will is required NOT to see, that does NOT exist, because so far only deepens this soybean production model and terrible devastation of the territory with government policies, not that we say we say it every day and progressive exaltation worthy of a better cause, the very President and his Minister of Agriculture to encourage soybean production and the production of biofuels, or the Science and Technology is an outspoken apologist for biotechnology and biotech corporations ... So, in these early 2011 there is no confusion but that do not want to see clear and stir the puddle with a stick. Dispénsennos then all those who want to continue believing in Santa Claus or the Three Kings, where we try to keep our beliefs and not force us to argue with those who are not our enemies, but just good people disoriented and that despite all good intentions and recognize the need in the labor market to maintain laburo they got, the laburo or plans, subsidies, or whatever. That enjoyment without much joy and guilty conscience, but do not harass us, like someone said ... we are not to blame for their problems of conscience ...
Jorge Eduardo Rulli

January 2, 2011



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