Saturday, January 30, 2010

How To Do Highlights On Extensions?

monthly Ninth

On the occasion of the declaration of heroic virtues of Pius XII, whom we already give the title of Venerable since 19 December 2010, there has been renewed interest for his life and pontificate, which the SIPA can not but rejoice. But knowledge is naturally led to wonder and admiration for the devotion. So while we try from this blog help to publicize all about the great Pope Pacelli, we devotion more widely in order to take as a model of Christian life and at the same time, be entrusted to God for her intercession . The RP Peter Gumpel, relator of the cause of beatification has recently called to ask graces through the venerable Pius XII to be adopted soon the miracle needed for beatification. Picking up this recommendation we propose the idea of \u200b\u200ba ninth month in his honor to take nine days before the 9th of each month (as we know, the Pope died on October 9.) It may ask for thanks they are most needed, but above all, that God may deign to glorify His servant on earth with the glory of the altars.

The schedule for the ninth month for the year 2010 is as follows:

Thursday December 31, 2009 to Friday January 8, 2010
Sunday 31 January to Monday, February 8
Sunday, February 28 Monday March 8
Wednesday March 31 Thursday, April 8
Friday 30 April to Saturday, May 8
Monday 31 May to Tuesday, June 8
Wednesday June 30 to Thursday, July 8
Saturday 31 July to Sunday 8 August
Tuesday, 31 August to Wednesday September 8
Thursday 30 September to Friday, October 8
Sunday 31 October to Monday, November 8
Tuesday 30 November to Wednesday, December 8
Friday December 31, 2010 to Saturday January 8, 2011

As the Ninth formula proposed the prayer composed by Bishop Petrus Canisius van Lierde (included in these lines) accompanied by three Pater, Ave and Gloria Patri and Save the Madonna Salus Populi Romani (the Blessed Virgin under the title Saviour of the Roman Peublo venerated in the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore), in which the venerable Pius XII professed special devotion, canonically crowned on 1 November 1954. Prayer may be accompanied by the meditative reading of the life of Eugenio Maria Pacelli or any of the documents in his rich teaching. We invite everyone to observe this pious practice in the assurance that our Lord will hear the prayers of those who invoke the intercession of Venerable Pius XII.

Venerabilis Pie XII: ora pro nobis

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Free Watch P90x Online


Open Letter to Dr. Victor Benamo

Dr. Benamo, you know my personal respect and appreciation for his person, born in the years of militancy when he chaired the secretariat political action of the game, but now you are the president of the Peronist Party in Bahia Blanca and as such is that I have an obligation to write you this letter.

Let me use the first person in this letter not to appear to speak on behalf of others, though I be the voice of many who can not, do not know or are afraid to speak. Like you I exhibit no public official title and live by my work, less time for this to exercise my humble militant action in the field of thought and teaching. We shared many evenings outlining possible policy actions aimed at transforming the current state, not the party, but of Peronism de Bahía Blanca, lo acompañé en esa extraordinaria aventura que fue su candidatura a intendente en las internas del 2003, donde se logró imponer la representación de una minoría que no la había tenido hasta entonces, lo acompañé en la formación de Confluencia Sur ese proyecto donde logramos reunir a distintos sectores progresistas con un sentido político transversal y finalmente nos distanciamos políticamente, cuando no acepté ser parte de la interrupción institucional del gobierno municipal del Dr. Lopes, a pesar de haber sido uno de los primeros críticos a su gestión.

Hoy el partido al que pertenezco y que Ud preside, convalida sin sentido crítico las acciones municipal governments, provincial and national actions critiqued in public before, are now among fellow mumbled not dare to speak or such other classmates in a circle of friends. If you can give examples of some measures have been taken and have not received criticism from the party, because although it has to bear some consideration for his own government, party's obligation is to the people and not to rulers, although they have emerged from the party.

As a first step, I can cite the appointment of officials at all levels (municipal, provincial and national) on the basis of friendship or convenience and not parte de la realización de un proyecto político en el que los funcionarios estén consustanciados (criterio que validaría, como empowerment, cualquier empresario). A no ser, que por la ideología que profesan muchos de ellos, estemos frente a gobiernos neoliberales y no populares y progresistas.

Los criterios de muchos proyectos realizados, se basan en criterios meramente economicistas e ignoran supinamente las necesidades de la gente. A nivel municipal el servicio de transporte público, manejado por ecuaciones de rentabilidad empresaria (costo del kilómetro recorrido en función de la cantidad de pasajeros) y no de la utilidad pública del servicio. A nivel provincial el tratamiento dado al tema de lack of potable water supply, where the technical and management shortcomings of a foreseeable and avoidable crisis, adding the criterion of depriving people of supply and maintain the same for industrial use. Nationally, only I refer to include the handling of the last election where the finger, testimonials and candidate nominations lists unpresentable sheets allowed the enthronement of an opposition incoherent, without a plan, no ideas and merely obstructionist, with few exceptions ( Sabatella, Solanas or Woscoff, of which I agree). Omit to mention the bullet train, the conflict with the field, the INDEC, insecurity, patronage of social plans, poor quality sistema de educación pública, la utilización de reservas para el pago de deuda externa, el pago de deuda externa ilegal, el manejo de las políticas ambientales, etc.

El Partido Justicialista que muchos peronistas soñamos (y quiero creer que Ud. también) no debe tener una actitud de acompañamiento irrestricto, sino un acompañamiento crítico que haba reflexionar al gobierno sobre desviaciones ideológicas o posibles errores en la gestión de gobierno. Si no hay critica, el partido pierde credibilidad ante la ciudadanía y agota su posibilidad de presentar nuevas opciones electorales, quedando en mano de las camarillas gobernantes que eligen sus propios sucesores y conforman los nuevos órganos de gobierno del partido, silenciando para siempre las críticas de sentido constructivo, reemplazándola por actitudes obsecuentes en aras de una mal entendida lealtad partidaria que mas se parece a una ley de omertá.

Dr Benamo, hoy Ud tiene la posibilidad de cambiar el rumbo que ha tomado el Partido Justicialista en Bahía Blanca y orientarlo a ser el partido que muchos pensamos alguna ves que debería ser: con participación popular, con muchos jóvenes, con nuevas y renovadas ideas, con las buenas y viejas tradiciones, con capacidad de critica y autocrítica, con renovación constante de dirigentes y trasvasamiento generacional, con formación de cuadros políticos y técnicos who can fill roles at different levels of government and with so many other things too numerous to list. I, and perhaps many other comrades, we see in the game rather than opportunistic, representatives of powerful groups, the same Peronist always seeking to recover a mystical absent policy, which for years maintained a more obstinate party tradition and rational who watch a match hopeless does not offer opportunities for participation, except by adhering to current trends in the power groups. I will not tell you to do, because you already know, if you can not, step aside and let remember him as the great leader who was, or if need: ask us to help, you know you can always count on many of us to produce the change that needs the game. If you decide not to change anything, I have as an adversary, not as enemy, whether within or outside the party, if the conditions are not conducive to the development of an opposition movement. Known not to take communion and comulgaré with the current state of affairs and that there is no time to wait, no one will do for us what we do not.

Yours with affection as always, mate.

Mr. Alejandro Molina

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Whats First Concealer Or Primer

More on Pius XII The miracle attributed to Pius XII

In line with the information that this blog was the first to give in English, will gladly publish the translation made by our friends The Attic Jerome's article that the journalist Andrea Tornielli published in Il Giornale about the miracle attributed to the Venerable Pius XII, giving interesting information about it, and that Pope Wojtyla would have benefited from the other world because of its predecessor, which is not ceases to be extraordinary. As always, we thank The Attic his Jerome availability to everything related to the Venerable Pius XII.

The miracle of Pius XII and the role of John Paul II

an alleged miracle attributed to the intercession of Pius XII that could lead, in relatively short time to his beatification. A miracle that would be involved in a mysterious way, also John Paul II, the decree of heroic virtues which was issued by Benedict XVI on the day of Pope Pacelli, the healing of a young mother of a malignant lymphoma. In these circumstances, the conditional is required, but the case is being closely analyzed by the postulation of the cause and the diocese of Sorrento-Castellammare di Stabia, where it happened. The news was made known by the online newspaper Petrus, without any details, but with the important confirmation of the vicar of the diocese. Il Giornale has now been able to reconstruct the case, which will be studied in the coming months. We

in 2005 shortly after the death of Pope Wojtyla. A young couple who already had two children, expecting a third. For the mother of thirty-one, who is a teacher, pregnancy presents difficult: it has severe pain and doctors may not initially understand the source of their discomfort. Finally, after many tests and a biopsy was diagnosed with Burkitt lymphoma, malignant tumor of lymphoid tissue rather aggressive, which often appears in the jaw bones and spreads to the viscera of the abdomen and pelvis and central nervous system . Waiting for the new life that she carries in her womb becomes a drama. The husband of the woman begins to pray to Pope Wojtyla, died short time ago, asking him to intercede for his family. One night, the man sees in a dream to Pope John Paul II. "His face was serious. He said: "I can not do anything, you must pray to this other priest ...». I showed the image of a priest lean, tall and thin. I did not recognize, did not know who was ". The man remained concerned about the dream but could not identify the priest told Wojtyla. A few days later, casually opening a magazine, found a photo of the young Eugenio Pacelli that caught his attention. It was he who had been portrayed in the dream.

episcopal ordination of Bishop Karol Wojtyla:
Bishop Pius XII in 1958 advocated

It will start a chain of prayer for the intercession of Pius XII. And the woman healed after the first treatment. The result is considered so important that doctors think about a possible error in the initial diagnosis. But the medical history and physical examination confirm the accuracy of the results of the first analysis. The tumor disappeared, the woman is well, had her third child, and returned to work and school. After leaving to spend a little time, she who heads the Vatican to mark the event.

A confirmation of the vicar general of the diocese of Sorrento-Castellammare di Stabia, Don Carmine Giudici: "It's all true - Petrus said - the Holy See has told us a miracle through the intercession of Pius XII. Archbishop Felice Cece decided, therefore, instituted in days for the Diocesan Tribunal ". This court will examine the case for making a first statement. If positive, the documents will go to Rome, the Congregation for the Causes of Saints: this should be studied first by the medical consultation, to decide on inability to explain the healing. If physicians also collaborate with the Holy See say yes, if the mother will be cured first discussed by the theologians of the Congregation, then by the cardinals and bishops. Only after passing these three stages of trial, the dossier on the alleged miracle will come to the desk of Benedict XVI, who will decide on the final recognition. Then and only then, will be beatified Pope Pius XII.

The establishment of a Diocesan Court and the eventual arrival of the documentation to dicastery studying the processes of beatification and canonization do not mean any recognition but sólo que el caso en cuestión es juzgado interesante y digno de atención. Por lo tanto, es totalmente prematuro predecir desarrollos, aún más imaginar fechas. Lo que impresiona, en la historia de la familia de Castellammare di Stabia, es el rol que tuvo en el asunto el papa Wojtyla, que en sueños habría sugerido al marido de la mujer rezar a aquel “sacerdote delgado”, que luego se revelaría como Pacelli. Casi parecería que Juan Pablo II hubiese querido, de algún modo, ayudar a la causa de su predecesor. La noticia del presunto milagro ha llegado al Vaticano pocos días antes de que Benedicto XVI promulgara el decreto sobre las virtudes heroicas de Wojtyla y, sorpresivamente, desbloquease también el Pius XII, who was waiting for two years because of further checks in the Vatican archives.

D I large potatoes, two future saints!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Rustic Leather Bracelet

Miracle of Pius XII? News in the day that Benedict XVI has said in the synagogue that Pius XII succor to Jews

Healing miracle attributed to Pius XII in Castellammare di Stabia. The diocesan curia: "Yes. We have informed the Vatican. " The diocesan bishop established by the Court to assess the case

By: Gianluca Barile

Castellmmare: miracle at the foot of Vesuvius?

Vatican City .- Our newspaper, after completing a series of checks, is in a unique position to offer worldwide: the Vatican is dealing with an alleged miracle occurred a few weeks ago, attributed to the intercession of Pius XII.

has been miraculously cured of an incurable disease after praying to Pope Pacelli a person of Castellammare di Stabia (Naples Province), to the amazement of doctors, who were able to observe the regression of his cancer without knowledge or power give a scientific explanation. The person in question took paper and pen, and attach your medical record, wrote to the Holy See, referring to his own experience. Considering that the testimony was meritorious, the Vatican called IMMEDIATELY to the Archbishop of Sorrento-Castellammare di Stabia, Bishop Nicola Cece, install the Archdiocesan Tribunal to summon the person concerned, collect all documents, making an initial assessment and send the case to the Congregation for the Causes of Saints. Is this latter body, in effect, through theological study and medical-scientific documentation, to establish whether the cure the person in question is attributed to Pius XII or supernatural. Then the Pope shall register the Pastor Angelicus in the catalog of the Blessed. For canonization, however, will need another miracle.

the moment we are not given to know if the protagonist is male or female, but miraculously gone bad after Pius XII be invoked cancer. All have been informed and the relator of the cause of beatification, Father Peter Gumpel, if the news of the alleged miracle almost one month after the adoption of the decree of heroic virtues of Pope Pacelli by Benedict XVI and has been confirmed by the vicar general of the Archdiocese of Sorrento-Castellammare di Stabia, Don Carmine Giudici: "It's really everything. The Holy See has informed us that she was contacted by a faithful of our diocese who claims to have achieved a miracle through the intercession of Pius XII. The Archbishop has decided, therefore, institute the appropriate diocesan tribunal ". Of course, caution is required, but after giving a glance "informal" the history of the inhabitants of Castellammare di Stabia proclaiming the miracle, it seems that there really all elements and conditions to get through this healing, the beatification of Pastor Angelicus. A beloved father of the Christian people, but criticized by large sectors of the Jewish community who accuse him of having culpably silent about the Holocaust.

Historians and the Church have always reiterated strongly that Pius XII chose the path of silence and complicity with Hitler's regime or cowardice, but not to further worsen the situation, ie not to push the Nazis to pursue and kill a larger number of Jews in reprisal against any claims of the Bishop of Rome. The pontiff chose the Second World War and the facts to words, ordering parishes, convents, seminaries, monasteries, finally, to all kinds of religious structure under its jurisdiction, to welcome and protect all Jews who needed. Within the Vatican and the papal residence of Castel Gandolfo, many shopkeepers were, in fact, Jews hidden by the will of the Holy Father. Work it, that of Pius XII, who helped even the conversion of the then Chief Rabbi of Rome. Work, however, that the Jewish community, especially that of Rome, which Benedict XVI visited just today *, not enough to close the chapter on the controversy. In fact, in a statement following the adoption of the decree of heroic virtues of Pius XII, the director of the Vatican Press Office, Father Federico Lombardi, wanted to clarify that, in finding Venerable Pope Pacelli, was not intended to issue historic ruling on his action.

Benedict XVI, for his part, never done mystery of his huge admiration for Pius XII and has repeatedly praised and publicly stressed his diligent commitment, real and concrete in defense of the Jewish people, victims of Nazi barbarism. The decree on heroic virtues of Pius XII (ready for two and a half years, but signed by Ratzinger only after further revisions) was published simultaneously with the other great Servant of God John Paul II. This circumstance was thinking at first that the beatification of two Popes could be verified simultaneously. But, unlike Wojtyla (to be raised to the altars probably in October this year), there was a miracle Split to move the process of Pope Pacelli. Now the miracle might have actually taken place, for the first time since the death of this unforgettable Pope, which occurred in 1958, after an intense life consumed in the service of people God.

* Note .- Shortly after this article appears, the information service of the Holy See has published the speech of the Holy Pope Benedict XVI during his visit to the Synagogue of Rome (referred Gianluca Barile). Well, the Pope, in a way that everyone could understand and without that you can be accused of provocation, has made it clear Pius XII was not indifferent or inactive against the suffering of the persecuted Jews. Here is the paragraph where the pope Ratzinger pronounced:

"How can we forget here that the Roman Jews were uprooted from their homes, with these walls, and with horrible torment ended up dead in Auschwitz? How can you forget their faces, their names, tears, desperation of men, women and children? The extermination of the people of the Covenant of Moses, first announced and then systematically planned and carried out in Europe under Nazi rule, that day tragically came to Rome. Unfortunately, many remained indifferent but many, Italian Catholics among them, sustained by faith and Christian teachings, reacted with anger, opening their arms to assist Jews fleeing persecution and often at risk of their lives, and deserve a lasting gratitude. The Apostolic See developed a relief, often hidden and discrete . "

The Apostolic See or Holy See is an expression that has always been understood as the Pope's position as supreme head of the Catholic Church. In fact it is the Pope or Supreme Pontiff of the owner. By extension, the Holy See regards the Church's central government, formed by the Pope and the Roman Curia. So, say that the Holy See helped the Jews in the tragic times persecution and extermination were the same as saying that Pius XII and his collaborators, that history confirms. Wonderful words of wisdom Benedict XVI!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Female Dr Examines Penis

Magnificent analysis on the alleged "silence" of Pius XII Ven

The decision of Pope Benedict XVI signed the decree of heroic virtues of two of his predecessors, Pius XII and John Paul II last December 19, unleashed known as a wave of comments (most critical and adverse) as regards the cause of beatification of Eugenio Pacelli, that this papal act, it was unlocked after more than two years of waiting since the unanimous favorable opinion of the commission of cardinals and bishops of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints. The weekly France Catholique published on 24 and 26 December, an analysis of the issue that we think the best thing that has been written in a long time in the field. The author is a journalist and essayist Gérard Leclerc (Hirson, 1942), newspaper columnist (photo) , who kindly allowed us to translate your article to the blog of SIPA, for which we are grateful.

The silence of Pius XII

By: Gérard Leclerc

Saturday, December 19: Surprise! Benedict XVI gave his approval at the same time to the process of beatification of Pope John Paul II and Pius XII. The adoption of the decree of heroic virtues of the former was expected and scheduled. The second was unexpected and raised the question asked by many about the reasons that led the pope to rush things with regard to his predecessor during the Second World War despite the huge lawsuit triggered suspicions from almost fifty years ago against him. On this I have my own hypothesis, which is quite simple. No reason to delay the decision on a process where the findings of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints are positive and have been unanimously approved by the relevant committee of cardinals and bishops. If not, should then be set aside permanently because of Eugenio Pacelli as incompatible with the current of public opinion and the veto imposed by the media. I reply that the real problem concerns the international Jewish community and relations between the Catholic Church and Judaism.

If indeed this were the case, I am of the opinion that a suspension would be the worst solution and that the Jewish-Christian dialogue would gain nothing at all a lamentable submission to an external imposition. Otherwise, it should be explained clearly that there are serious reasons to oppose beatification and that are of a completely alien to political expediency or media. So I hope strongly that it would tell me what these serious reasons, or "the decisive reason." As far as I'm concerned and after consideration of a "case" that lasts almost half a century, I do not see it. It all started with the play The Deputy, which premiered in 1963. The author, Rolf Hochhuth, puts on Pope Pius XII with the aim of shedding light on their intentions and their reactions to the tragedy of the extermination of the Jews. The least that It can be said is that Hochhuth has in mind a thesis that seeks to impose the viewer of the work and who is revealed as a process and a blatant totalitarian historic assembly.

cares? Since 1963 this thesis is generally accepted as not only plausible, but as well as to the reality of events. What is already in itself is an object of reflection and bewilderment. Hochhuth has not only been taken seriously, but logged in as the most impartial interpreters of the attitude of Pius XII during the war. Without any critical distance most of the time. Certainly, a superabundant literature would emerge the controversy of The Vicar (photo poster) , but often founded on the same assumptions, the same ghosts and the absence of any serious historical examination.

is for this reason that Pope Paul VI, who was the direct collaborator of Pius XII with the Secretariat of State, angered by the process launched against his predecessor, decided, without delay, to break the clause prohibiting the publication of war files before the deadline. Four Jesuit historians were put to the task, including P. Pierre Blet, that when he died on November 29 last, was the last survivor of the group. I was able to talk at length with him, that was really the most wise and full of historians. Refuted all allegations of genet which claimed that the Vatican was holding essential pieces uncomfortable for Pius XII. Everything had been carefully published (with respect to the Secretary of State) in the 12 volumes published by the Holy See between 1965 and 1982.

understand, of course, the impatience of researchers who would like to access the material parts of the files, but should not be under any illusions. Unpublished and not expect to find anything. Is somewhat surprising that many are bent on cultivating the myth of hidden files whose disclosure would at last light on a past ignored. Pure mythology! But it's all emotional nature from the origin of matter. It is as if the record itself, with its many pieces together, was secondary. I was stunned by the lightness of my esteemed colleagues, even one sentence in a newspaper editorial cartoonist reference. It is clear they do not know almost nothing about the facts and does not seem to want to know more.

For example, important for the rest, as they try to understand what happened in Rome itself from the time when it was found that all the city's Jewish community which was in danger. A first convoy, it is true unfortunately left Rome toward the worst destinations. Is criticized Pius XII had not intervened to stop the convoy. But he could not help protesting a posteriori, because, although it was soon realized, was already accomplished fact. What is certain is that the Pope immediately intervened to rescue the entire Jewish community. Several thousand Jews would be welcomed in religious houses (especially contemplative, whose closure will be lifted for this purpose) and in the same Vatican territory in Castel Gandolfo, and even in the Apostolic Palace, close to the pope himself. Here we have counted four hundred and fifty refugees, even in the corridors of the palace, among whom was the chief rabbi of Rome, Israel Zolli.

After the war, Israel Zolli (photo) will baptize with the name of Eugenio Maria Zolli. Eugenio, Eugenio Pacelli, who about that former Chief Rabbi should write: "The glittering charity of the Pope, bent over all the misery engendered by the war, his kindness to my fellow Jews were harassed for me as the hurricane swept me my scruples Catholic ". But his decision was of a strictly personal and intimate. Zolli was not converted out of gratitude to Pius XII, but his own spiritual journey led him to recognize Christ the heir of the promises and the figure of the Suffering Servant.

According to his daughter, Zolli had prophesied the role of scapegoat that would make Pius XII carrier. How could such evidence be ignored today? It is true that time passes and the data in mass memory were the postwar Roman have been blurred. Cardinal Paul Poupard, who is now one of the relays of that memory to have known well to people who lived through those times, remember that in Rome, at the time of Nazi occupation, many complained that Pius XII was doing too much Jews, to the point of endangering the Catholic community. Why

Why, then, this desire for revenge against the father of the war? Psychoanalytic grounds must exist in this violence constantly fed about the only great personality of the time that specifically objected to the persecution and came to the aid of the Jewish people. The unprecedented nature of the misfortune of an entire people is unbearable and it seems enough to leave on Hitler and his gang of criminals all the responsibility. Pius XII is a scapegoat provided to the enormity of evil, given the high position he lay on his back. Hochhuth it is washing his hands of the slaughter that was to occur, marking him forever with the shame of the most overwhelming of faults. Since that day, Pacelli is inscribed in the collective consciousness as the ultimate culprit, marked by the hot iron of shame. It is extremely difficult to fight a similar representation, which has crept into the depths of the collective imagination. The historical refutations seem tragically inadequate to clear the archetypal idea.

And yet, all that is exposed by way of accusation is false. I leave aside, temporarily, the issue of "silence", which is specific and deserves particular attention.

1) Is it necessary to dwell on the assumption contrast between the intransigence of Pius XI (man who has maintained the image of the inflexibility) against Nazism and the alleged leniency of his successor? Both men had very different characters, which could determine different behaviors. But to infer a substantive difference on the assessment of Nazism does not hold, especially since there is not even an opposition of observable behaviors. The Pope and his Secretary of State walked always with the same step in dealing with the affairs of Germany and had the same aversion to Nazism. Do I need to remember that Pacelli was the chief editor of the encyclical Mit brennender Sorge?

2) The Eugenio Pacelli opponents claim that their attachment to German culture and explain its solidarity with a country that never wanted to be adversary. Specious and even false statement in all respects. Pacelli never had the slightest leniency towards Hitler, the Nazi party and its policies. And if it was united, by definition, of German Catholics and their bishops, was always close to the toughest and most intractable about Nazism. His closest friends among the German bishops were the hardest, as Bishop von Preysing, Archbishop of Berlin, and Bishop von Galen, the "Lion of Munster", some of whose speeches memorized Pope, such was their attachment and admiration for its author.

On the other hand, Pius XII was aware that the diabolical wickedness of Hitler led him to encourage the German resistance, civil and military, who had been planning a coup in early 1940 and wanted to negotiate with British. The Pope made twice as intermediary between the resistance movement and the war cabinet in London. It was the attack of the Wehrmacht on 10 May in the West that put an end to the agreed plan (cf. Xavier Monclar: Les Chrétiens et face au au Stalinism Nazism, Plon 1983).

3) Many times it has repeated the accusation that Pius XII obsessed with the Communist threat, it would have minimized the Nazi threat to the point of preferring the victory of Hitler to Stalin. While it is true that he did not underestimate the danger Stalinist (and had good reason for it), the pope never thought that Nazism was a lesser evil than Communism. No serious evidence has ever been able to present in support of such criticism. What is more, Pius XII opposed the condemnation of communism in the encyclical Divini Redemptoris serve legitimate argument against U.S. aid to the Soviet Union. Monclar says: "Pope informed the representative of President Roosevelt, Myron Taylor, that communism had been convicted and that conviction remained in force, but had not or could never warm shelter but fatherly feelings toward the Russian people ".

Is it appropriate at this point to revisit the issue of the "famous" encyclical against anti-Semitism, prepared under Pius XI and Pius XII is not published? I wonder if those who accused the Pope Pacelli's guilt had not taken up that text as their own that have actually read. I have serious doubts. I learned about the "encyclical" or rather the working paper in question since it was published in book form ( L'encyclique cachée de Pie XI, ed. La Découverte, 1994). Things became clear to me. Despite their good intentions, the unity of mankind to return to a number of reasons the old Christian anti-Judaism and justified even emergency legislation regarding the Jews in Western countries. Not quite the tone and, above all, the content of Nostra Aetate , the Vatican II declaration on relations between the Church and non-Christian religions, which operated a correction theological purpose of Judaism. The mentality of the American Jesuit John La Farge, whom Pius XI had commissioned a draft text against racism, was far from the conciliar doctrine. I should add that the editorial revelation of this project was accompanied and botched maneuvers designed to take over in the offensive against the memory of Pius XII.

Did Hochhuth-Hudal connection?

Anyway, there is the enigma Hochhuth. Why his piece The Vicar marks a turning point that comes to change up and down the hitherto positive image of Pope Pius XII against Nazism? It would take one day a true historian rush the issue. Who inspired this young novice? Who provided the documents and told him lines of charge? I have no desire to fantasize about the role of the Soviet secret services, without prejudice to the controversy after many years, fueled by the confession of a former member of Romanian Mihai Pacepa Yon. This testimony was strongly disputed by experts, despite the disturbing elements involved. Serious historians I have consulted are, however, accord with the view that the role of the Soviets in the smear campaign against Pacelli is constant since the end of the war and explains the front of the Vatican opposed religious persecution in the communist world. What I know is that Bishop Alois Hudal, personaje turbio, sostenedor comprobado del régimen nacionalsocialista, se habría vengado de Pío XII por haberlo dejado de lado, inspirando directamente El Vicario. Decididamente ahí hay un libro para escribir.

4) Más de una vez me ha sorprendido que no se piense en recordar el papel heroico de Monseñor Angelo Rotta (foto) , nuncio apostólico en Budapest durante la guerra. Sin embargo, los medios de comunicación evocan regularmente –y a justo título– la extraordinaria figura de Raoul Wallenberg, hombre de negocios sueco misteriosamente desaparecido después de haber sido raptado por los soviéticos en enero de 1945. I remember a TV series in which he recalled significantly extraordinary company to save the Hungarian Jews. In the film does not cease to be associated with Monsignor Rotta, who never stopped working with him side by side, with the same purpose. But the nuncio of Pope Pius XII also exerted its mission independently, distributing thousands of certificates of baptism. Moreover, he was recognized as "Righteous Among the Nations" at Yad Vashem memorial. It is said that he stood between victims and executioners at the station in Budapest to prevent the departure of a train to the extermination camps. In the end, managed to extract a hundred people who Vatican had given passports.

There were other representatives of Pius XII played a similar role in other countries: Monsignor Giuseppe Burzio in Slovakia, Monsignor Andrea Cassulo in Romania, Monsignor Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli in Turkey, Marcone priest in Slovakia. Both sides acted according to the instructions of the Pope and the Secretary of State, speaking before the governors to become the interpreters of the protests of the Church.

regard to the facts, here, then, at least some elements. But back to the question of silence, which is itself a separate chapter of criticism. I admit it more so by the fact that it is a particular order with respect to the personal conscience of a man placed in an exceptionally dramatic and not responding to its findings, but to God. In three centuries and more is always on the right to ask whether the decisions of the Pope of the Second World War were well founded. He said openly, in front of the Roman cardinals on June 2, 1943, why could not speak more clearly against the killing (which was, however, reported in his Christmas message, 1942). His obsession was not to aggravate the plight of the persecuted and not cause other persecutions against Catholics. I see that the Judeo-Christian friends also pitch in his silence face the pope by highlighting their mission "to enlighten the Christian people through his teachings, regardless of the circumstances, on behalf of the demands of the Word of God which is the first interpreter according to Catholic tradition ".

Pius XII also had to keep silent about the persecution
against Catholics in the Wartheland (Poland)

confess that while I am sympathetic to the argument and I am perplexed by the specific case. As if it could fit any doubt as to the moral condemnation of the killing! The dilemma of Pius XII must restore them to the drama of a melee with the exterminator would have meant even more victims. This was true not only for the Jews. Pius XII was faced with an identical case of conscience when Poland was invaded and divided between Hitler and Stalin in 1939. Wartheland experience (pictured above) , a territory of 46,000 km2, was terrible. In the words of Xavier Monclar, "Hitler dropped his pack there" and that led to a terrible persecution of the Catholic Church. However, in this particular case Pius XII "was so prudent and reserved as in the Jewish genocide" .

However, at first, Radio Vatican had reacted strongly. But facing the prospect of retaliation, Pius XII gave to the public outcry: "We should strike down fiery words against this, the only reason that holds us to do is know that if we talked, the unhappy fate of the poor would become even more difficult ". Once again it may be a different opinion. But you can not ignore the reasons which prevented the Pope thunder words of fire. There remains always should distinguish between the file that is exclusively for the historians and corresponding to the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, not necessarily because the same criteria.

For quite some time there is a complaint about the Vatican archives. I have evoked my telephone conversations with the Father Blet (photo) on this issue. I said: "We have published everything except the parts that were not interested or were redundant for others. Of course, it is always possible that a box is lost in some attic or a basement, but it will not add much to what we already know ". The 12 volumes published, the fruit of the four Jesuits appointed by Paul VI, do not represent all of the files of the Holy See concerning the Second World War. Are exclusively for the Secretary of State. It is, therefore, the most significant pieces of "politics" observed by the Pope and his direct collaborators. Files are still missing from all other Congregations, which undoubtedly have an interest, but do not have the degree of accurate, given the central government organization of the Holy See.

Moreover, the rule in the Vatican is to publish all files a pontificate. Those that relate to the pontificate of Pius XII beyond the war period, reaching 1958. We're talking about 600,000 pieces. I think it's the same figure given by the head of the Vatican archives, which thus indicated the extent of the personal task of classifying the documents and is not large. The same official, moreover, has shot an arrow in the direction of historians and journalists, lamenting that the publication of the archives of Pius XI has attracted so few researchers. On one hand, energy demand with all the files, when it does, they are despised.

I have walked by a number of internet sites interested in the current dispute and found the worst and the best, the worst is expressed more often in a much more urgent as largely ignores the record. When the discussion is more serious, leaves one perplexed. Leo, for example, that the Father Blet be one of the few historians to defend Pius XII. But it does not specify that if our late compatriot felt so connected to the memory of the Pope of the war, had his good reasons for this, having had the privilege of working for years in parts of the dossier. What they have not made their opponents!

(Translation: RVR)

article in French: France Catholique .

Monday, January 11, 2010

My Carbon Monoxide Detector Keeps Beeping

Let us be like St. Martin and the soldier of the powder keg of

Many times people and circumstances push us to pretend para que actuemos en contra de los valores y a favor de espurios intereses.
Tenemos de sobra espejos donde buscar imagenes y reflejos impecables en nuestra patria, aunque tengamos que buscar siglos atras, como en las anecdotas sobre el General San Martin.-
San Martín designó un soldado para que vigilara la entrada del polvorín con una orden: nadie debe pasar al polvorín con botas de suela; una noche el mismísimo general se presento y pidió pasar obteniendo como respuesta un NO por parte de su fiel soldado. Este recibió una medalla por su fiel cumplimiento ".

La inagotable energía de este hombre hacía que el ejército de los Andes crecía a pasos agigantados, nada estaba librada al azar; participaba en la preparación de la comida, compartía la mesa con oficiales y soldados, intervenía en los ejercicios matinales a veces como instructor y otros como partenaire en el manejo de la espada.Dictó numerosas ordenanzas que penaban faltas y delitos cometidos por los subordinados y así desalentó a los espías y traidores."Solía disfrazarse de paisano y así se presentaba delante de los centinelas proponiéndoles deslealtades como; que vendan armas, que deserten, etc."
Pero la lealtad de sus hombres era tal que estuvo a punto de ser degollado y solo se salvó por gritar dando a conocer su nombre".Para llegar a la cantidad prevista de 4000 efectivos pretendió incorporar a negros esclavos, pertenecientes a familias pudientes y a congregaciones religiosas, pero nadie estaba de acuerdo en cederlos; San Marín - difundió una noticia falsa sobre la abolición de la esclavitud y sugirió que era preferible un rasgo de generosidad antes que una ley los obligara a cederlos, así consiguió la libertad de las dos tercera partes de los esclavos negros aptos para las armas.Muchas fueron las tretas ideadas por San Martín para desorientar al enemigo. Todos tenían la misma finalidad: desorientar a las autoridades chilenas por ejemplo pretendió hacer creer al presidente de la real audiencia de Chile, Francisco Marcó del Pont que la invasión se producirá por el sur para debilitarlo, utilizando para ello a los indios Pehuelches ya que sabia que llegaría seguro a los oídos de los españoles. Entonces los invito a conferenciar durante 8 días y previó regalos tales como licor y otros, y les pidió permiso para cruzar a Chile a través de su territorio.También hizo llegar a oído de lo españoles que construiría un puente sobre el Río Diamante y que los indios se sumaría al ejercito. Esto alarmó a los españoles cosa que San Martín quería que así ocurriera. San Martín necesitó verificar el estado de los caminos del lado Chileno y, en particular, si los realistas habían levantado fortificaciones. Confío en la lealtad y en la prodigiosa memoria del sargento Mayor Jose Alvarez Condarco. Assigned with the task of making an accurate survey of the ground without tipping paper, sketch book, as if caught with them would be shot on the spot.
sent him wearing a uniform of black patent sabretache escorted by two grenadiers and a horn and said, "I am aware that the nerve will cost the skin of my messenger and so sent him by the Ducks. Condarco reached English first detachment of the Chilean side. Pretended to be exhausted for the night be on his way though the darkness would prevent him from observing the first leg of the descent of the mountains to the plains. When day left for Santiago.Marcó the Pont wanted to execute him, but accepted the advertencias de su gabinete de que así violaría la inmunidad prevista por las leyes de guerra. Ordenó que se expulsara el mensajero y que los papeles se quemaren en la plaza pública. La respuesta que envió a San Martín incluyó una frase ofensiva: "Yo firmo con la mano blanca y no como la de V. S. que es negra..."En la batalla de Maipú Marcó del Pont cayó prisionero y San Martín lo saludó con estas palabras: "Señor general venga esa mano blanca".
Algunos de los libros utilizados:
- Vida de San Martín, por Domingo Faustino Sarmiento- La Historia Patria y la Acción de sus armas, por Cnel. Leopoldo R. Ornstein- Historia de San Martín y de la Emancipación Sudamericana, por Bartolomé Mitre, The Grenadiers Editorial Freedom Billiken
San Martín was distinguished by its character and its always renunciamiento.Subordinó their personal interests and comfort to the ideal that was as a star to guide his life: the cumplimiento.En this moral greatness lies mainly as an example for all generations, learned how to implement their deepest moral convictions, from his deep religious faith. Imitate their example is magnify the country.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Glory Hole Orange County Ca

stamps and pocket calendar 2010 to commemorate the Venerable Pius XII

El Bienio Pacelliano 2008-2009 se cerró de la mejor manera que cabía imaginar: con la firma puesta por el Santo Padre Benedicto XVI en el decreto de heroicidad de virtudes del Siervo de Dios Pío XII, el cual, desde el 19 de diciembre de 2009 puede ser honrado con el título de Venerable. Gran regalo éste que Dios ha permitido que el Papa nos haga a todos los devotos del gran Eugenio Pacelli.

Ahora el camino hacia la beatificación ha quedado expedito gracias al acto courage of a Pope such as Joseph Ratzinger, for whom "amicus Plato sed magis amica veritas" . Benedict XVI and John Paul II, is specially engaged in the relations between Church and Synagogue are smooth and normal, leaving behind old reticence, but just to demonstrate his sympathy for the Jews does not prevent him from performing an act of justice for of him who called at some point his "beloved predecessor." There has finally yielded to the blackmail of a part of them (we must insist, in effect, that not all Jews are anti-Pius XII).


the RP Peter Gumpel, IF the good news, said the SIPA: "still remains to be done. You have to get approval of the miracle needed for beatification and while working for the Venerable Pius XII ever more and better-known ". The miracle is, the miracles attributed to Pope Pacelli exist. It is to be considered and recognized as such miracles, at least one of them.

What is the role we play to lay devotees of the Venerable Pius XII? First, commit ourselves closer to God through her intercession and pray for soon to be beatified. Second, help Share your devotion. Third, disclose the figure, the work and the pontificate of this great Vicar of Christ, especially his luminous doctrine in all aspects of Catholic doctrine.

SIPA will play its humble grain of sand, which is why, as it did for the Year 2009 Pacelli, has ordered the release of a postage stamp (normal course) commemorating the decree of heroic virtues of the Venerable Pius XII (all three models are seen in the pictures above these lines) . The postal mail is a good culture medium and outreach. Franking a letter with stamps that represent this great pontiff helps to publicize it or do remember all those through whose hands it passes between the sender and recipient.

We have also published a practical pocket calendars 2010 with his image (see photo on page) , which can also serve printing house to satisfy the personal devotion. The stamps are available to anyone who wants to cross their cards with them at 25 euros the statement of 25 stamps (see below) , ie at a rate of 1 euro per seal. Each stamp is valid for a standard letter trunk in Spain. For Europe it takes two stamps. It is more expensive parts that general issue paid custom design, but using them is a good means of apostolate Pacelli. Obviously, the stamps can only be used for shipments that are made from Spain.

2010 calendars are free of Pius XII by reference to 3 per person upon request to email the SIPA: , giving the address for shipping. The same to apply the stamp sheets. Hoping that these initiatives are pleasing to our kind supporters and readers, we hope that in 2010 we see decisive progress the cause of the Venerable Pius XII, whose intercession we get all kinds of graces and blessings the good Lord.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Omega 3 Und Adenomyose

New article Sister Margherita Marchione in defense of Pius XII Ven

A young Sister Margherita Marchione received in audience
by Pius XII, Pacelli Elisabetta company Rossignani (1957)

The truth about Pope Pius XII

By Sister Margherita Marchione. Ph. D.

Pope Pius XII was not a collaborator with the Germans, much less pro-Nazi. Nor was passive or silent. As a member of the Catholic Church I dislike blatant accusations against the diplomacy of the Pope and the Church during the Second World War. It is not just indecent journalism, but also an injustice to a man who saved more Jews than any other person, including Oscar Schindler and Raoul Wallenberg. Unfortunately, even in the new Holocaust Museum in Battery Park in New York criticized the Pope is amiss. Yet it is historically inappropriate accused with the charge of "silence."

Is that the media will continue to perpetuate such falsehoods? The documents prove that these distortions are not true. Pius XII spoke to the extent possible and set well do more with actions than words. In the end, convinced that if Hitler had denounced publicly, would have been retaliation. And there was. Every time you raised protests the treatment of prisoners worsened immediately. Robert Kempner, the chief counsel for the United States in the Nuremberg Tribunal that tried for war crimes, wrote: "All the arguments and writings used by the Catholic Church against Hitler at the end were suicide, then prompted to continue the execution of Jews from Catholic priests ".

Pius XII, through his public speeches, his calls for governments and secret diplomacy "pledged more than anyone else in the effort to stop the war and building peace. The documents show how Pius XII was in contact with the German generals who wanted to overthrow Hitler. They also show how Jewish community received invaluable assistance: personal funds of Pius XII helped to rescue Jews persecuted by the Nazis. The representatives of the Pope in Croatia, Hungary and Romania intervened to stop deportations. The Pope, in a last-ditch attempt to avoid bloodshed, had proposed a conference in 1939 to preserve the peace to collect to Italy, France, Britain, Germany and Poland.

An interesting document is the testimony of Albert Einstein, who, disenchanted with the silence of universities and publishers of newspapers, told Time magazine (December 23, 1940): "Only the Church has maintained properly, standing in the way of Hitler's campaign to suppress the truth ... The Church alone has had the courage and perseverance to be erected for intellectual truth and moral freedom ". And indeed, following the directives of Pope Pius XII and religious opened their doors to save Jews.

Never were the Jews and the Vatican so close as during the Second World War. The Vatican was the only place on the continent were those friends. The response of Pope Pius XII to the plight of the Jews was to save as many as possible. Little has been done, however, to thwart criticism of Pius XII that began in 1963 when Rolf Hochhuth characterized him as a Nazi collaborator in his play The Vicar . In contrast to the image suggested by this work, the Vatican documents indicate that the Church set in motion a covert mechanism by which more than 800,000 Jews escaped the Holocaust. After careful study of documents available, anyone interested in the truth honestly can not persist in condemning the actions or words of Pope Pius XII and the Catholic Church during this tragic period.

An honest assessment of the words and actions can not Pius XII for less than discharge it of false accusations and show that it has been unfairly maligned. The Pope did not encourage nor was favored by the Nazis. The day after his election, March 3, 1939, the Nazi newspaper Berliner Morgenpost clearly stated its position: "The election of Cardinal Pacelli is not welcome in Germany because he has always opposed to Nazism" .

editorial The New York Times of December 25, 1942 was explicit: "The voice of Pius XII is a lonely voice in the silence and darkness that envelop Europe this Christmas. It is virtually the only ruler left on Europe dares to speak out ". Pope's Christmas message was also interpreted in a report by the Gestapo: "in a manner unprecedented [...] the Pope has repudiated the National Socialist New European Order [Nazism]. is true that the Pope does not refer directly to the National Socialists in Germany by name, but his speech is a broad attack on everything we stand for [...]. is clear that this is speaking for the Jews. " Perhaps the world should interpret the Pope's words for what they meant and, undoubtedly, in the sense that it correctly understand the Nazis, that is, that Pope Pius XII was always opposed to Nazism.

The Jewish Community publicly acknowledged the wisdom of the diplomacy of Pope Pius XII. In September 1945 Dr. Joseph Nathan, representing the Hebrew Commission-stated "We thank, above all, the Supreme Pontiff and the religious who, under orders of the Holy Father, recognized the persecuted as their brothers and, with great abnegation, hastened to help them, disregarding the terrible dangers to which it exposed them ". In 1958, the death of Pius XII, Golda Meir sent an eloquent message of condolence: "share the pain of humanity [...]. When our people came upon the terrible martyrdom, the Pope raised his voice for victims. The life of our times was enriched by a voice that spoke of great moral truths above the tumult of daily conflict. We mourn a great servant of peace ".

The Pope of the Justice and Peace


Some excerpts from books and newspapers
who have dealt This material

1. The most important Jewish scholar from Hungary, Jeno Levai, insisted some years ago which is a "particularly regrettable irony that the person, among all occupied Europe, who did more than anybody else to stop the dreadful crime and alleviate its consequences is now the scapegoat for the failures of others ". Levai In his book does not hesitate to claim that the attacks on the Pope's war record are "manifestly malicious and the result of the plot [...]. Archives of the Vatican, diocesan authorities and the Ministry Ribbentrop Foreign contain a range of direct and indirect protests, diplomatic and public, secret and open. Nuncios and bishops of the Catholic Church intervened again and again under instructions from the Pope ". Their interventions were as unsuccessful as the demands and threats from the British and American governments. In addition, the precariousness of the situation is often intensified by the fact that such protests could increase the mortal danger that the Jews themselves and their protectors (Hungarian Jews and the Papacy) .

2. The Israeli diplomat Pinchas Lapide and journalist concluded his careful review the activities of Pius XII during the war with the words: "The Catholic Church under Pope Pius XII was instrumental in saving as many lives of 860,000 Jews from certain death at Nazi hands" . He added: "figure that far exceeds that of those saved by other churches and relief organizations together" . After referring statements of gratitude from a variety of prominent Jewish spokesmen noted: "No Pope in history has been most cordial expressions of thanks [...]. Many have suggested in open letters should planted a forest of 860,000 trees in the hills of Judea to properly honor the memory of the deceased pontiff "(Three Popes and the Jews) . Lapide acknowledged in his book that the Church "through an endless series of sermons, addresses, pastoral letters and encyclicals, was a clear and implacable enemy of all forms of racism of the time, and everyone knew: Jewish , Poles, Russians and, more disturbingly, the Nazi secret police ". Their files mention recalcitrant Catholic clergy to more than any other group.

3. The former chief rabbi of Rome during the German occupation, Israel Zolli, concluded their first-hand report on the events of the war era this way: "You could write volumes about the works of all kinds of Pius XII and the countless priests, religious and laity who stood up with him around the world during the war ". "No hero," he wrote in all history was more militant and combative, no other person more heroic than Pius XII in pursuing the works of true charity [...] and this for all God's children suffering ". Zolli was so moved by the work of Pius XII who decided to be finished católico al acabar la guerra, tomando el nombre de pila del Papa (Before the Dawn) .

4. En sus editoriales de Navidad de 1941 y 1942, el New York Times elogió a Pío XII por su liderazgo moral como una “voz solitaria que clama en medio del silencio de un continente” , denunciando, entre otras cosas, “la violenta ocupación de territorios y el exilio y persecución de seres humanos por no otra razón que la de la raza” . Ninguna otra institución produjo tantos héroes durante el Holocausto como la Igleisa: sacerdotes, monjas y laicos italianos, eslovacos, franceses, húngaros, etc., que arriesgaron y frecuentemente gave their lives for the sake of the persecuted Jews. This also deserves remembrance and respect.

5. Golda Meir, then Israel's representative to the United Nations, was the first of the delegates to react to news of the death of Pope Pius XII: "share the pain of humanity by the death of His Holiness Pope Pius XII . In a generation afflicted by wars and strife remained the highest ideals of peace and compassion. When a fearful martyrdom came to our people in the decade of Nazi terror, the voice of the Pope was raised for the victims. The life of our times was enriched by a voice that spoke of the great moral virtues above the tumult of daily conflict. We mourn a great servant of peace. "

6. Leonard Bernstein, to learn of the death of Pius XII as he led his orchestra the auditorium of Carnegie Hall in New York, struck with his baton requesting a minute's silence in tribute to the Pope who had saved the lives of so many people regardless of race, nationality or religion.

7. The great physicist Albert Einstein, who himself barely escaped annihilation at the hands of the Nazis, raised the issue very well in 1940 when he said: "Being a lover of freedom, when the revolution broke Nazi Germany, I returned look to universities to see if defended, but the universities were immediately silenced. Then I turned to the great editors of newspapers, but, as in the case of universities, were also silenced in the course of a few short weeks. I looked in the direction of the writers and also remained silent. Only the Church has maintained properly, standing in the way of Hitler's campaign to suppress the truth [...] Never before had a special interest in the Church, but now I'm inspired great affection and admiration [ ...] and I must confess that I once despised but now I can not praise unreservedly " .

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