Of Doctor Antonio Mitre from Cordoba
Vargas Llosa is an exceptional writer also raises the Castilian language and from the undisputed place of honor in the world literature, "chatter" about politics and ideology, Luxury that there are some characters. And take their assholes abound such as has been revealed. Today seems to be typecast in the "right" and previously was on the "left." Saramago went through and was an admirer of the Cuban revolution and the "commander." It is both a liberal and progressive-fledged, and the system uses it as a provocative and from his seat is dedicated to disqualify Peronism. Unfortunately they prepare the field and is itching to leave the goal to make a bunch of stupid, "psudointelectuales' fourth, self-proclaimed intellectuals Open Letter K, guys who do not defend principles, but the pay or the salary they receive, which not reach the ankle Peruvian knows this shit and they laugh; by their obsequiousness and had no desire to appear better idea than censure, which it did Harguindegui Videla and banned it in the country by decree for "Pantaleon and visitors" and "Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter" where such veneer of "leftist." For the "offense" that have been inflicted on those jerks and not to talk about literature and thought, but of politics and not waste the opportunity to bring machine to peronismo.Ahora why the relentlessness with Peronism? Why the degradation of Peronism every time he opens his mouth? . He knows that Peronism is much more than that used derogatory adjectives to describe it, he knows well that Peronism is a political theory, a worldview opposed to globalization, a thought of breaking the "politically correct thinking" that is to liberalism and all its political variables. Liberalism is in crisis as thought in a world which emerges and against which no answer other than repression. He, like Condoleezza Rice who said that Peronism is a damn fact that must be eliminated from Latin America, knows the dangers of Peronism as thought. Our enemies Peronism assigned an importance that we give not: the importance of our enemies is what categorizes. And I think that we must take the ideological debate with liberalism finally settling as a political thought in a favorable situation for others; no tenemos muchas alternativas porque sino lo hacemos pereceremos para siempre. Espero que nuestra fuerza de choque principal para esto que son los intelectuales verdaderamente peronistas, que no son pocos y algunos de mucho fuste den por finalizado su prolongado ocio intelectual, y algunos terminen de transitar por la pelotudez de la politica intrascendente y se dediquen a esta pelea estrategica. No esperemos que lo hagan los progresista de Carta Abierta o la militancia K , ya que son peronistas de ocasión y muy limitados e ignorantes y en el fondo son tan antiperonistas como el mismo Vargas Llosa.
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