"The Front for Victory made a great choice in Chubut, because people want fresh air" After a month in the Patagonian Chubut greatest disquietude, Leo De Luca, the Militant Group Meeting, told in first person how was to tour the villages that dot the mountains, towns and populated Patagonian Madryn, Trelew and Comodoro, with the Governor-Cristina Eliceche campaign Chairman. "There was a youth movement throughout the province, although Das Neves had the official apparatus, there was a climate of support Eliceche, we were noticing increasing over the weeks, and that was in the polls - narrows - but now has to fight to show the reality of what happened at the polls. "And he continues:" I think in part, problems with the polls, due to the lack of thorough preparation, every table in every village in what is the audit "The Group has a solid experience in training of prosecutors, and training for election, which is why De Luca, is concerned about what might happen in any electoral act on that knowledge does not take hold properly democratic. "It was an excellent experience of deploying, with great effort of many colleagues, the concepts of economic and political model Cristina, for all Chubut, and will continue throughout this year, come what happens with the results "Contact: Leo De Luca 0291-156483528
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Uti Infrastructure Advantage Fund Problem
ecosocialist proposal to the current global crisis Fernando de la Cuadra / Adital
Los últimos acontecimientos que han conmovido al mundo demuestran fehacientemente un fenómeno que viene siendo expuesto y discutido desde hace varias décadas. El agotamiento de un modelo productivista y predatorio que amenaza cada vez con mayor intensidad las bases materiales de la vida sobre el planeta. El cambio climático es un hecho que a estas alturas no podemos negar. Aunque existe un acuerdo casi global entre el mundo científico sobre su inevitabilidad, aún subsiste bastante incertidumbre sobre las consecuencias efectivas que éste puede acarrear. En América Latina se estima que los mayores impactos de estos cambios se abatirán especialmente sobre la agricultura, la pesca y el acceso al agua potable. Tal situación hace aún más evidente la segunda contradicción del capitalismo, es decir, aquella que además de la contradicción entre capital y fuerza de trabajo, implica una preeminente contradicción entre las fuerzas destructivas y predadoras del capital y la naturaleza.
La temática de los límites ecológicos al crecimiento económico y las interrelaciones entre desarrollo y ambiente fueron reintroducidas en el pensamiento occidental(1) en los años sesenta y principio de los setenta por un grupo importante de teóricos, entre los cuales se pueden destacar Georgescu-Roegen, Kapp, Naess, Sachs y Schumacher. For example, in a pioneering work of Ernst F. Schumacher "Small is Beautiful" (Small is Beautiful) published in 1973, Germano-British economist made a strong criticism to the productivist model of Western societies that would lead to environmental collapse and life itself, to try to understand how humanity whole problem and start seeing new ways to develop new production methods and consumption patterns in a lifestyle designed to last and be sustainable. Despite differences in approach and more or less militant position of each of these thinkers, what is looming as one aspect in common to them all is the vehement criticism of the model production and consumption inherent to capitalist development.
This model, which has generated an exponential increase in exploitation of natural resources and encourages reckless spending, especially in the northern hemisphere countries, is responsible both for causing a depletion of resources and produce tons of waste contaminated daily water, air and earth (2). Each year we lose 14.6 million hectares of forests and thousands of species, reducing and irreversibly eroding biodiversity. Continues the devastation of forests, which the world loses annually about 17 million hectares, equivalent to four times the size Switzerland. And no trees to absorb excess CO2, the greenhouse effect and global warming worsen. The ozone layer, despite the Montreal Protocol, will not recover until mid-century. Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere (370 parts per million) has increased by 32% compared to the nineteenth century, reaching the highest concentrations of the last 20 million years ago, and today the atmosphere we add annually to more than 23,000 million tonnes of CO2, accelerating climate change. It is expected that carbon dioxide emissions increase by 75% between 1997 and 2020. Each year we issue about 100 million tons of sulfur dioxide, 70 millones de óxidos de nitrógeno, 200 millones de monóxido de carbono y 60 millones de partículas en suspensión, agravando los problemas causados por las lluvias ácidas, el ozono troposférico y la contaminación atmosférica local.
En definitiva, un conjunto de indicadores medioambientales estudiados en las últimas décadas parecen revelar cada vez con mayor claridad que si la humanidad no cambia su estilo de desarrollo, en menos de un siglo colocaremos en serio riesgo la supervivencia del planeta y del género humano. Como nos recuerda Mészáros, a cada nueva fase de postergación forzada, las contradicciones del sistema del capital sólo se pueden agravar, acarreando consigo un peligro aún mayor para nuestra propia sobrevivencia.
Las sucesivas catástrofes ambientales y "climáticas” que viene sufriendo el planeta desde Chernobyl y la reciente tragedia de la planta de Fukushima, permiten sustentar sin exageración que nos encontramos en un estadio avanzado de riesgo fabricado o de crisis estructural, no sólo del capital, sino de la sustentabilidad de la especie. E l siglo XXI se ha inicia do con una impronta catastrófica, con un grado de desastres ecológicos y naturales sin precedentes en la historia mundial(3). Ante este panorama incierto y desolador han surgido diversas iniciativas (como la Conferencia Mundial de los Pueblos sobre el Cambio Climático) que buscan construir alternativas al modelo productivist currently prevailing predatory and exploitative. Contemporary Ecosocialism arises precisely as a response to this self-destructive dimension of capitalism and is seen as a rational and feasible alternative to the synthesis of civilizational crisis facing humanity.
As stated in the manifesto written by Kovel Ecosocialist and Löwy, "the ecological crisis and the crisis of social impairment are deeply intertwined and should be viewed as different expressions of the same structural forces that shape the dynamics and expansion of the global capitalist system. This crisis would have its origin, firstly, in the process of accelerated industrialization in excess the ability of land to process, dampen and contain, and, with it, as part of the globalization process, with all the consequences and disintegrative effects on societies where it imposes. (...) The current capitalist system can not regulate the crisis that he has launched, much less overcome. The system can not solve the ecological crisis because to do so requires setting limits to the accumulation, which is an unacceptable option for a social system supported on the imperative to grow or die. In short, the capitalist world system is historically bankrupt and in ecological terms is deeply unsustainable; must be changed or replaced, if aims to make the future worth living. "
Thus ecosocialism seeks to break dramatically with destructive practices and predatory forms derived from a mode of production and consumption of highly demanding natural and human resources. Ecosocialist response represents a break with the model expansion of capitalism as productivist perspective of 'real socialism'. For ecosocialists, whether the logic of market and profit, as well as bureaucratic productivism vulgar economistic Marxism, are considered as models may be incompatible with the pressing and urgent need for environmental preservation. Some critics
of this trend have pointed out that the concept is an eco-socialist utopia, a fantasy, literary non-scientific creationism and viability to be put into practice. However, even if we do a quick read on the future of the planet, we can arrive directly to the conclusion that there is an urgent rethink in the first place, the current energy mix used to "flush" the soil. The excessive use and dependence fossil fuels not only have disastrous effects on ecosystems directly, but also cause permanent and bloody conflict over control of oil resources. Then necessarily incorporates ecosocialism a proposal for clean energy sources and renewable myth and radically alter the relationship of domination / enjoyment / destruction of man over nature.
addition, the use of alternative energy (geothermal, solar, wind, etc..) Should be accompanied by a broad debate about the very notion of progress / development based mainly on economic growth (4). The idea of \u200b\u200bthe decrease can also be considered illusory, a kind of naive and retrograde philosophy, but recent evidence of the devastation of the planet may point in another direction: the alternative for the decline and discussion power and unequal distribution of natural resource use must be securely indispensable part of any agenda that seeks to discuss the future of humanity. In that sense, the debate about the decline may also be considered part of building a environmentalist and socialist, since it includes in its heartwood conception of the need to move toward a different mode of operation of the society more democratic, egalitarian, participatory and drastically redefine the current model of production and consumption, trying to reach the welfare of all within the framework of a new relationship between humanity and nature.
Thus, both socialism ecological decline and the prospect of representing a reorganization of life in many areas, involve giving up artificial consumer to undertake a self-limited use and appropriate to the real needs of people, involve thinking about the use of alternative energy and clean, mean ecological footprint through local activities and more equitable relations between members of a community.
In short, eco-socialism, decrease or Sumak Kawsay seek centrally reflect on the strategies that have been built in function to reverse the deleterious consequences of the current pattern of production and consumption to make a change level of civilization that allows hope for a "good life" in a framework of respect for people and nature.
(1) We refer to the reintroduction, since we believe that the origin of these concerns is the proactive work of a contemporary of Marx, William Morris, which had already introduced eco-socialist elements of vision in his writings, especially in his utopian novel News from Nowhere.
(2) For example, estimates that if the average energy consumption of the United States was generalized to the entire world population's known oil reserves would be exhausted in only 19 days.
(3) A report of the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (ISDR) United Nations agency, said that 2010 was the year when there were as many natural disasters over the past three decades, with the number of people who were killed in these accidents amounted to 300 000 victims.
(4) Over the past decade, there was a debate that has been gaining ground in academic circles and civil society about the urgent need to replace the current growth pattern in effect for a model of 'decline' sustainable.
Los últimos acontecimientos que han conmovido al mundo demuestran fehacientemente un fenómeno que viene siendo expuesto y discutido desde hace varias décadas. El agotamiento de un modelo productivista y predatorio que amenaza cada vez con mayor intensidad las bases materiales de la vida sobre el planeta. El cambio climático es un hecho que a estas alturas no podemos negar. Aunque existe un acuerdo casi global entre el mundo científico sobre su inevitabilidad, aún subsiste bastante incertidumbre sobre las consecuencias efectivas que éste puede acarrear. En América Latina se estima que los mayores impactos de estos cambios se abatirán especialmente sobre la agricultura, la pesca y el acceso al agua potable. Tal situación hace aún más evidente la segunda contradicción del capitalismo, es decir, aquella que además de la contradicción entre capital y fuerza de trabajo, implica una preeminente contradicción entre las fuerzas destructivas y predadoras del capital y la naturaleza.
La temática de los límites ecológicos al crecimiento económico y las interrelaciones entre desarrollo y ambiente fueron reintroducidas en el pensamiento occidental(1) en los años sesenta y principio de los setenta por un grupo importante de teóricos, entre los cuales se pueden destacar Georgescu-Roegen, Kapp, Naess, Sachs y Schumacher. For example, in a pioneering work of Ernst F. Schumacher "Small is Beautiful" (Small is Beautiful) published in 1973, Germano-British economist made a strong criticism to the productivist model of Western societies that would lead to environmental collapse and life itself, to try to understand how humanity whole problem and start seeing new ways to develop new production methods and consumption patterns in a lifestyle designed to last and be sustainable. Despite differences in approach and more or less militant position of each of these thinkers, what is looming as one aspect in common to them all is the vehement criticism of the model production and consumption inherent to capitalist development.
This model, which has generated an exponential increase in exploitation of natural resources and encourages reckless spending, especially in the northern hemisphere countries, is responsible both for causing a depletion of resources and produce tons of waste contaminated daily water, air and earth (2). Each year we lose 14.6 million hectares of forests and thousands of species, reducing and irreversibly eroding biodiversity. Continues the devastation of forests, which the world loses annually about 17 million hectares, equivalent to four times the size Switzerland. And no trees to absorb excess CO2, the greenhouse effect and global warming worsen. The ozone layer, despite the Montreal Protocol, will not recover until mid-century. Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere (370 parts per million) has increased by 32% compared to the nineteenth century, reaching the highest concentrations of the last 20 million years ago, and today the atmosphere we add annually to more than 23,000 million tonnes of CO2, accelerating climate change. It is expected that carbon dioxide emissions increase by 75% between 1997 and 2020. Each year we issue about 100 million tons of sulfur dioxide, 70 millones de óxidos de nitrógeno, 200 millones de monóxido de carbono y 60 millones de partículas en suspensión, agravando los problemas causados por las lluvias ácidas, el ozono troposférico y la contaminación atmosférica local.
En definitiva, un conjunto de indicadores medioambientales estudiados en las últimas décadas parecen revelar cada vez con mayor claridad que si la humanidad no cambia su estilo de desarrollo, en menos de un siglo colocaremos en serio riesgo la supervivencia del planeta y del género humano. Como nos recuerda Mészáros, a cada nueva fase de postergación forzada, las contradicciones del sistema del capital sólo se pueden agravar, acarreando consigo un peligro aún mayor para nuestra propia sobrevivencia.
Las sucesivas catástrofes ambientales y "climáticas” que viene sufriendo el planeta desde Chernobyl y la reciente tragedia de la planta de Fukushima, permiten sustentar sin exageración que nos encontramos en un estadio avanzado de riesgo fabricado o de crisis estructural, no sólo del capital, sino de la sustentabilidad de la especie. E l siglo XXI se ha inicia do con una impronta catastrófica, con un grado de desastres ecológicos y naturales sin precedentes en la historia mundial(3). Ante este panorama incierto y desolador han surgido diversas iniciativas (como la Conferencia Mundial de los Pueblos sobre el Cambio Climático) que buscan construir alternativas al modelo productivist currently prevailing predatory and exploitative. Contemporary Ecosocialism arises precisely as a response to this self-destructive dimension of capitalism and is seen as a rational and feasible alternative to the synthesis of civilizational crisis facing humanity.
As stated in the manifesto written by Kovel Ecosocialist and Löwy, "the ecological crisis and the crisis of social impairment are deeply intertwined and should be viewed as different expressions of the same structural forces that shape the dynamics and expansion of the global capitalist system. This crisis would have its origin, firstly, in the process of accelerated industrialization in excess the ability of land to process, dampen and contain, and, with it, as part of the globalization process, with all the consequences and disintegrative effects on societies where it imposes. (...) The current capitalist system can not regulate the crisis that he has launched, much less overcome. The system can not solve the ecological crisis because to do so requires setting limits to the accumulation, which is an unacceptable option for a social system supported on the imperative to grow or die. In short, the capitalist world system is historically bankrupt and in ecological terms is deeply unsustainable; must be changed or replaced, if aims to make the future worth living. "
Thus ecosocialism seeks to break dramatically with destructive practices and predatory forms derived from a mode of production and consumption of highly demanding natural and human resources. Ecosocialist response represents a break with the model expansion of capitalism as productivist perspective of 'real socialism'. For ecosocialists, whether the logic of market and profit, as well as bureaucratic productivism vulgar economistic Marxism, are considered as models may be incompatible with the pressing and urgent need for environmental preservation. Some critics
of this trend have pointed out that the concept is an eco-socialist utopia, a fantasy, literary non-scientific creationism and viability to be put into practice. However, even if we do a quick read on the future of the planet, we can arrive directly to the conclusion that there is an urgent rethink in the first place, the current energy mix used to "flush" the soil. The excessive use and dependence fossil fuels not only have disastrous effects on ecosystems directly, but also cause permanent and bloody conflict over control of oil resources. Then necessarily incorporates ecosocialism a proposal for clean energy sources and renewable myth and radically alter the relationship of domination / enjoyment / destruction of man over nature.
addition, the use of alternative energy (geothermal, solar, wind, etc..) Should be accompanied by a broad debate about the very notion of progress / development based mainly on economic growth (4). The idea of \u200b\u200bthe decrease can also be considered illusory, a kind of naive and retrograde philosophy, but recent evidence of the devastation of the planet may point in another direction: the alternative for the decline and discussion power and unequal distribution of natural resource use must be securely indispensable part of any agenda that seeks to discuss the future of humanity. In that sense, the debate about the decline may also be considered part of building a environmentalist and socialist, since it includes in its heartwood conception of the need to move toward a different mode of operation of the society more democratic, egalitarian, participatory and drastically redefine the current model of production and consumption, trying to reach the welfare of all within the framework of a new relationship between humanity and nature.
Thus, both socialism ecological decline and the prospect of representing a reorganization of life in many areas, involve giving up artificial consumer to undertake a self-limited use and appropriate to the real needs of people, involve thinking about the use of alternative energy and clean, mean ecological footprint through local activities and more equitable relations between members of a community.
In short, eco-socialism, decrease or Sumak Kawsay seek centrally reflect on the strategies that have been built in function to reverse the deleterious consequences of the current pattern of production and consumption to make a change level of civilization that allows hope for a "good life" in a framework of respect for people and nature.
(1) We refer to the reintroduction, since we believe that the origin of these concerns is the proactive work of a contemporary of Marx, William Morris, which had already introduced eco-socialist elements of vision in his writings, especially in his utopian novel News from Nowhere.
(2) For example, estimates that if the average energy consumption of the United States was generalized to the entire world population's known oil reserves would be exhausted in only 19 days.
(3) A report of the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (ISDR) United Nations agency, said that 2010 was the year when there were as many natural disasters over the past three decades, with the number of people who were killed in these accidents amounted to 300 000 victims.
(4) Over the past decade, there was a debate that has been gaining ground in academic circles and civil society about the urgent need to replace the current growth pattern in effect for a model of 'decline' sustainable.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Funny Things To Say In A Wedding Card#
Again, the circumstances and confusion leading to some media, forces us to speak out in relation to legal proceedings against the spraying carried out in the Municipality of San Jorge, Province of Santa Fe in that locality, through an injunction, the judge ruled in February Tristan Martinez This year, the prohibition of spraying in fields owned by two soybean, identified in the resolution and Mr. Gaillard and Facino Durando, a distance of less than 800 meters for ground spraying and 1,500 meters for aerial spraying to have these measures from the edge of the urban area (Barrio Urquiza), as read from the statement of Judge. To be clear then, the sentence reaches only to the fields of the said property and the distance indicated, as requested by the covered, not as some suppose, the whole radius of the city or the Barrio San Jorge Urquiza.
We have already stated above as the Rural Reflection Group our position on certain actions that focus the fight on partial situations and engage in a short production model of soybean production, established in Argentina since the mid-90's. In July 2009 we expressed it to the judges: "Will justice in Argentina, its perceptual system healthy enough to realize that vague or incomplete evidence should trigger the precautionary principle? If this does not happen, without wishing to create a "collective psychosis", it is time that judges of the Court, together with all citizens of the country from Argentina, begin to ask how much poison we are determined to carry on blood? Of course our answer as GRR is anything at all ... "
Now, faced with certain expectations among some committed journalism and environmental activism for the failure of San Jorge, we have to remember that it is necessary to persist in the need real change in the soybean production model, while reflecting on how little actions that benefit us as San Jorge. Also clarified that with the exception of these considerations to local victims who chose to defend against attacks, sectors with whom we sympathize, both victims of San Jorge, as with all other Argentine families, throughout the territory of the Soybean, suffer daily the same conditions and we support their just claims as possible away from their homes, agricultural landline. Further still, we risk to express that, so we would understand that at some time these victims appealed to the extreme position to take justice into their own hands, as the impunity with which soy have been moved so far and despite countless protests, has been scandalous.
We must remember that several years ago we did get a report to the highest officials of the Republic and members of the Supreme Court, in which we finished by saying: "Industrial farming of soybeans is synonymous with clearing, land degradation, widespread pollution, environmental degradation, destruction of biodiversity and expulsion of rural populations. However, there may be even more dire consequences. We have discovered from the case of mothers in the neighborhood Ituzaingó the evidence needed to confirm an operative extensive pollution over thousands of small and medium towns in Argentina. It is setting up a health catastrophe of such magnitude, that motivates us to imagine a policy-driven genocide of large corporations and only the huge interests at stake and the astonishing ignorance of the political class manage to keep muted. Cancer has become a massive and widespread epidemic in hundreds of locations in Argentina and the head is without doubt the rural model. "
Specifically, we consider absolutely positive that the victims to defend themselves in how they can best , and we are pleased by the Peralta family, to whom we express our respect and support for defending against attacks, but as GRR can not at once, leaving to think and fight for all those who live beyond the 1,500 meters and denounce the consequences that such actions would if installed as policies or objectives more or less exclusive of struggles on the part of organizations. And we say this at a time when some social organizations picketing, have dared to put into words an alleged right that many others share but dare not express: we refer to the alleged right to live in the city. What better service could make to corporations and soy groups with the flag, when they need a deserted field to extend beyond 1500 meters ensures the failure of San Jorge, their industrial farming systems with pesticides?
We must say also that we support either partial struggles, field by field, and fragment minimizing struggles amid a sea of \u200b\u200bsoybeans more than 20 million hectares, unless those struggles are like in many localities, the point defenses by the victims themselves, in defense of their lives, but never as proposed actions or policies to flourish. Think we should not give battle to "control the fumigations," otherwise we would not ever coined the slogan "Stop the Spraying", which actually provided a thorough critique locked to a model, rather we have become more comfortable as a slogan "fumigating away from the city or leave to spray us," and this is not a simple irony, this is not to legitimize our actions the plans of the Corporation. Pretender
install this type of action in defense of the city and as political strife is nonsense showing that they are designed and diagrammed in the best case, for urbanites citizens, citizens who do not know about rural life or the Argentina's own history. Follow this road condemns us to stop fighting to repopulate the field or trying to keep the traditions of our peoples, mestizos, in short, to desist from changing the future of our America and the objective of achieving food sovereignty. Even more so, we can state that these actions can not even be real opposition to the policies of the Governor of Santa Fe, Hermes Binner, who said repeatedly that "you have to demystify the issues of this toxic product" and that glyphosate "Used properly, regulated according to what you want to perform, is a product that can coexist perfectly with the wise use and protection of health" .. "We must see clearly what is the benefit and the harm it causes, and the least harm to health to justify not using the greatest economic benefit that can produce the product ... "In fact, trying to continue the thread of thought socialist governor of Santa Fe, imagine that the non-application of pesticides within the range of 1,500 meters, it could be presented as a "responsible" or "rational" in the spraying to be carried out in mentioned fields of St George. After being sprayed, yes, but at 1,500 meters in the cities, simulation in which the soybean production could perhaps become certified as "responsible" ..
This rotates the wheel of agribusiness model in Argentina and worldwide. The depopulation of the countryside, an agriculture without farmers and the abolition of rural life, they continue to deepen and as if that were little, it legitimizes the concentration of population. Against the model of rural exclusion, perhaps back off, protecting us in the cities and surrounding areas where we can no longer be producers and creators of our own lives, but consumers only for dependence and the vicissitudes of global markets? Perhaps with resignation we see as the companies and the markets decide what is produced where once grew our vegetables and grazed our animals? "We will fight for urbanization of slums and" the right to live in the city "now increasingly favelizada or slum, and increasing poverty belts?
What we can see daily and for years is that those expelled from their land, social organizations are ready to treat them as if they had always been urban consumers. Assigned as a few square meters housing and an allowance. and passed from the time the new cords to swell suburban poverty. The story itself left behind, they are not farmers, they are not indigenous, they cease to be rural workers or residents of small towns are now just a blank slate on which others rewrite their own history, having to learn a new role as consumers and asistencializados, while treated as a peripheral urban ill, dominated by bands or governed directly by the drug.
If the struggles that compromise our actions were all like that of San Jorge, we run the risk that we cover the forest tree. How can we disarm the colonialism that means the production model, and in which we are immersed to the neck? Is it possible to change a system from this type of bias involving the double reading of regularizing the model while standing? We address these challenges, we must continue to raise from the organizations, where is that we must direct our actions. Be aware that, ahead, and E3N this way, we trap that is planted soybean certified agreements as officers of the Responsible Soy table that in addition to soy, feel social and environmental NGOs, or perhaps in a policy niche certified organic crops by the same corporations, like Cargill, keep the Argentina dependent on global markets.
On the contrary, it is ultimately for the GRR, install a new thought. Our struggles have been framed in a global context, not simply to justify incessant battles that lead to dead ends as we suggest some NGOs such as WWF, who play unmasked for globalization. Go after decontamination of a river, is justified from local struggles and not when we are aware, are increasingly Again, the water that become contaminated. The same when we propose the struggle for the preservation of the puma, or the Southern Right Whale, while we know that industrial civilization has led to a frightening global extinction of biodiversity, in that year we lose more than 200 species. Something similar happens if I will fight to achieve social plans for those who arrive daily driven from their land and their livelihoods. We refuse to refute each of the theses of the agribusiness company, we do not go on and on playing the game that is being proposed, it is not soy teach where they can spray and where not, we can not believe that the battle is against Glyphosate specifically or worse yet, is to get his reclassification in the SENASA. In fact, nothing to distinguish these struggles that we propose from space "environmentalists" of what is usually called "Good Agricultural Practices" and are not the way it shifts responsibility to the producer and is legitimized current model and the use of pesticides.
The reality is that while the global level we must fight with sister organizations who oppose the policies of the Bureau of the Responsible Soy, by considering new green makeup, locally we are faced with the delivery of our territories as in the case of Black River in China, or the Chaco with Saudi Arabia and Qatar. If today we go home happy because we got to 1,500 meters in the urban area not spray, we should at least get up tomorrow to think how we will make this devastating soybean production model is reversed and they can return to his homeland the millions of displaced persons, restrained by the handouts, living in the poverty belts of large cities.
GRR Grupo de Reflexión Rural
March 16, 2011
Again, the circumstances and confusion leading to some media, forces us to speak out in relation to legal proceedings against the spraying carried out in the Municipality of San Jorge, Province of Santa Fe in that locality, through an injunction, the judge ruled in February Tristan Martinez This year, the prohibition of spraying in fields owned by two soybean, identified in the resolution and Mr. Gaillard and Facino Durando, a distance of less than 800 meters for ground spraying and 1,500 meters for aerial spraying to have these measures from the edge of the urban area (Barrio Urquiza), as read from the statement of Judge. To be clear then, the sentence reaches only to the fields of the said property and the distance indicated, as requested by the covered, not as some suppose, the whole radius of the city or the Barrio San Jorge Urquiza.
We have already stated above as the Rural Reflection Group our position on certain actions that focus the fight on partial situations and engage in a short production model of soybean production, established in Argentina since the mid-90's. In July 2009 we expressed it to the judges: "Will justice in Argentina, its perceptual system healthy enough to realize that vague or incomplete evidence should trigger the precautionary principle? If this does not happen, without wishing to create a "collective psychosis", it is time that judges of the Court, together with all citizens of the country from Argentina, begin to ask how much poison we are determined to carry on blood? Of course our answer as GRR is anything at all ... "
Now, faced with certain expectations among some committed journalism and environmental activism for the failure of San Jorge, we have to remember that it is necessary to persist in the need real change in the soybean production model, while reflecting on how little actions that benefit us as San Jorge. Also clarified that with the exception of these considerations to local victims who chose to defend against attacks, sectors with whom we sympathize, both victims of San Jorge, as with all other Argentine families, throughout the territory of the Soybean, suffer daily the same conditions and we support their just claims as possible away from their homes, agricultural landline. Further still, we risk to express that, so we would understand that at some time these victims appealed to the extreme position to take justice into their own hands, as the impunity with which soy have been moved so far and despite countless protests, has been scandalous.
We must remember that several years ago we did get a report to the highest officials of the Republic and members of the Supreme Court, in which we finished by saying: "Industrial farming of soybeans is synonymous with clearing, land degradation, widespread pollution, environmental degradation, destruction of biodiversity and expulsion of rural populations. However, there may be even more dire consequences. We have discovered from the case of mothers in the neighborhood Ituzaingó the evidence needed to confirm an operative extensive pollution over thousands of small and medium towns in Argentina. It is setting up a health catastrophe of such magnitude, that motivates us to imagine a policy-driven genocide of large corporations and only the huge interests at stake and the astonishing ignorance of the political class manage to keep muted. Cancer has become a massive and widespread epidemic in hundreds of locations in Argentina and the head is without doubt the rural model. "
Specifically, we consider absolutely positive that the victims to defend themselves in how they can best , and we are pleased by the Peralta family, to whom we express our respect and support for defending against attacks, but as GRR can not at once, leaving to think and fight for all those who live beyond the 1,500 meters and denounce the consequences that such actions would if installed as policies or objectives more or less exclusive of struggles on the part of organizations. And we say this at a time when some social organizations picketing, have dared to put into words an alleged right that many others share but dare not express: we refer to the alleged right to live in the city. What better service could make to corporations and soy groups with the flag, when they need a deserted field to extend beyond 1500 meters ensures the failure of San Jorge, their industrial farming systems with pesticides?
We must say also that we support either partial struggles, field by field, and fragment minimizing struggles amid a sea of \u200b\u200bsoybeans more than 20 million hectares, unless those struggles are like in many localities, the point defenses by the victims themselves, in defense of their lives, but never as proposed actions or policies to flourish. Think we should not give battle to "control the fumigations," otherwise we would not ever coined the slogan "Stop the Spraying", which actually provided a thorough critique locked to a model, rather we have become more comfortable as a slogan "fumigating away from the city or leave to spray us," and this is not a simple irony, this is not to legitimize our actions the plans of the Corporation. Pretender
install this type of action in defense of the city and as political strife is nonsense showing that they are designed and diagrammed in the best case, for urbanites citizens, citizens who do not know about rural life or the Argentina's own history. Follow this road condemns us to stop fighting to repopulate the field or trying to keep the traditions of our peoples, mestizos, in short, to desist from changing the future of our America and the objective of achieving food sovereignty. Even more so, we can state that these actions can not even be real opposition to the policies of the Governor of Santa Fe, Hermes Binner, who said repeatedly that "you have to demystify the issues of this toxic product" and that glyphosate "Used properly, regulated according to what you want to perform, is a product that can coexist perfectly with the wise use and protection of health" .. "We must see clearly what is the benefit and the harm it causes, and the least harm to health to justify not using the greatest economic benefit that can produce the product ... "In fact, trying to continue the thread of thought socialist governor of Santa Fe, imagine that the non-application of pesticides within the range of 1,500 meters, it could be presented as a "responsible" or "rational" in the spraying to be carried out in mentioned fields of St George. After being sprayed, yes, but at 1,500 meters in the cities, simulation in which the soybean production could perhaps become certified as "responsible" ..
This rotates the wheel of agribusiness model in Argentina and worldwide. The depopulation of the countryside, an agriculture without farmers and the abolition of rural life, they continue to deepen and as if that were little, it legitimizes the concentration of population. Against the model of rural exclusion, perhaps back off, protecting us in the cities and surrounding areas where we can no longer be producers and creators of our own lives, but consumers only for dependence and the vicissitudes of global markets? Perhaps with resignation we see as the companies and the markets decide what is produced where once grew our vegetables and grazed our animals? "We will fight for urbanization of slums and" the right to live in the city "now increasingly favelizada or slum, and increasing poverty belts?
What we can see daily and for years is that those expelled from their land, social organizations are ready to treat them as if they had always been urban consumers. Assigned as a few square meters housing and an allowance. and passed from the time the new cords to swell suburban poverty. The story itself left behind, they are not farmers, they are not indigenous, they cease to be rural workers or residents of small towns are now just a blank slate on which others rewrite their own history, having to learn a new role as consumers and asistencializados, while treated as a peripheral urban ill, dominated by bands or governed directly by the drug.
If the struggles that compromise our actions were all like that of San Jorge, we run the risk that we cover the forest tree. How can we disarm the colonialism that means the production model, and in which we are immersed to the neck? Is it possible to change a system from this type of bias involving the double reading of regularizing the model while standing? We address these challenges, we must continue to raise from the organizations, where is that we must direct our actions. Be aware that, ahead, and E3N this way, we trap that is planted soybean certified agreements as officers of the Responsible Soy table that in addition to soy, feel social and environmental NGOs, or perhaps in a policy niche certified organic crops by the same corporations, like Cargill, keep the Argentina dependent on global markets.
On the contrary, it is ultimately for the GRR, install a new thought. Our struggles have been framed in a global context, not simply to justify incessant battles that lead to dead ends as we suggest some NGOs such as WWF, who play unmasked for globalization. Go after decontamination of a river, is justified from local struggles and not when we are aware, are increasingly Again, the water that become contaminated. The same when we propose the struggle for the preservation of the puma, or the Southern Right Whale, while we know that industrial civilization has led to a frightening global extinction of biodiversity, in that year we lose more than 200 species. Something similar happens if I will fight to achieve social plans for those who arrive daily driven from their land and their livelihoods. We refuse to refute each of the theses of the agribusiness company, we do not go on and on playing the game that is being proposed, it is not soy teach where they can spray and where not, we can not believe that the battle is against Glyphosate specifically or worse yet, is to get his reclassification in the SENASA. In fact, nothing to distinguish these struggles that we propose from space "environmentalists" of what is usually called "Good Agricultural Practices" and are not the way it shifts responsibility to the producer and is legitimized current model and the use of pesticides.
The reality is that while the global level we must fight with sister organizations who oppose the policies of the Bureau of the Responsible Soy, by considering new green makeup, locally we are faced with the delivery of our territories as in the case of Black River in China, or the Chaco with Saudi Arabia and Qatar. If today we go home happy because we got to 1,500 meters in the urban area not spray, we should at least get up tomorrow to think how we will make this devastating soybean production model is reversed and they can return to his homeland the millions of displaced persons, restrained by the handouts, living in the poverty belts of large cities.
GRR Grupo de Reflexión Rural
March 16, 2011
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Salicylic Acid Sun Sensitive
The young man who invented God
The real spiritual experience arises from a questioning constant, almost excruciating. Reaching out to God, in laymen's terms, would not find satisfactory answers to our questions, often selfish, but the continuous updating of these same questions to transcend them with us. The importance is, therefore, the answer is probably not (perhaps the spirit is consisting only of questions that serve as responses themselves) and work of Marie Antoinette Mendívil beautifully exemplifies this process of soul-searching or higher.
Born in the desert of Sonora, in Cajeme, the January 1, 1971, Marian, as her friends call her, has come a long way to see that picture of serenity and purity of a girl with big eyes curious and caramel curls, no one would be so stoned, long and painful. Reading it, however, can penetrate your pain you feel but not as sorry as learning singular assumed that wealth gives its language and thought: "I've had my breaks where I write inside-recognized. I have no great ambitions imposed (innovate, trace, beyond). So I do not dread writing to the extent that paralyze me or make me drop out. Just want to be getting better. It keeps me active and without great fear. "
Like the characters in her two novels, Other times and Bereavement night, including the pilot calling the protagonist of the third, A single flight, Marian found his vocation early in adolescence, but this discovery was not a source of pleasure but of fear ... fear that is in some way, the protagonist of his novel whose characters live in fear of not using enough justice, their main weapon, perhaps the only one that have to defend: the language, in the case of the first two. The impetus to fly, in the case of Gabriel, Peter and Daniel in A single flight (Tusquets, Mexico, 2011), which is inborn in them, like any other human need.
For starters, the thematic and aesthetic interests diverge Marian, apparently, of what literature is supposed to be the northern border, "I am the sum of my landscape, my experience in this land, I have chosen readings (not necessarily related to my region), the mood of the north and my conscience as a person. " Only in appearance, again, because the vision of the Sonoran covers the vast expanse of original landscape that is also deep poetic. His desert, however, takes mystical and metaphysical dimensions not seen in other author of his, call it, genealogy (Cornejo, Gardea, Arredondo, Parra). His first novel, Other times (Balance Publishers, Sonora, 1999) is representative of this desert is rather a metaphor for temperament and language. It is, at the same time, a speculative fiction novel and a tribute to the language, set in an apocalyptic Sonoran Desert refuge where those opposed to a universal regime that has outlawed poetry, creating a taboo. This raises the struggle for survival of a community of poets turned into pariahs that they intend to continue airing his legacy, memory to memory, from generation to generation, no matter what: "The poet who until then believed in poetry revealed We knew also the great danger that letter was the symbol of tyranny. The word dress and travel with delicacy, and is easily opened the doors of appetite; inside, he draws, and opens with the curtain edge of consciousness. Once opened it can no longer be the same. "(P. 20).
The following words even better the leitmotif of Marian writing, determined to ignore anything that transcends it "(...) Many were the words that we no longer dare to pronounce. They had been so desecrated that the maximum tax was silence them, seal them, transmute them (...) "(p. 47).
Silence, like fear, or silence because of fear, are the basis of fiction and poetry of Marian, who published his first book, a poetry book, Countdown (ISC, 1991), twenty years. Silence, as in the desert, is manifested through echoes and lights. Mute all but faraway song whose origin could be illusory, the result of the need to complete the search, to quench the thirst of the weary soul. His second very successful novel, Dueling night (Almuzara, Sevilla, 2006) is the great metaphor of silence born of fear to face the truth about what we love, the painful and useless silence between mother and daughter have been silent all time and probably perpetuate confinement until the end. The poem "Lament of lad", included in the anthology of young poets Sonoran Wings scorpion, compiled by Paloma Gómez Hernández (Instituto Sonorense de Cultura, CONACULTA PAMYC, 2006) anticipates the theme of Dueling night: "He fell black as a rock / water / fell out of nothing / This hanging your little beast and his / beauty / Here the death death / shabby looking soul / where only the breath anima / Nothing from nothing / the black Black / Death death / And in my throat a long wail / ink falling on Paul. "(Flame, unpublished, 1993-1994).
Conception is the mother dying and Sara the daughter not to be away from his deathbed. None said anything. The story of Mourning at night is built from both characters' internal monologues as, allegedly, the dialogue becomes more difficult than ever. The generation gap becomes so insurmountable as the resignation of the mother to the pain and humiliation that has allowed his mother to her husband's cheating and the discussion of the daughter to what appears to be a destination you plan to escape, although it represents finally break the link with the mother. Not that the criticism of the mother's daughter. Rather, the daughter seeks to be endorsed as an individual, while being independent of the woman he should look like: "My house was love, unity, all that did not have was a reason to leave. And I always wanted to leave (...) The same key that locked me in my heart cold and distant was the key that freed me: my mind. A mind that my body was locked in mortal it pierced my conscience and walking in books, stories, worlds, visions, landscapes, views, dreams (...) My mind was deep and widespread, rough seas and impenetrable (...) No. I was not good. "(p. 54).
The thirst for knowledge in books and Sara seem unprecedented in their family. There is nothing to interfere, but nothing that matters. For some reason, while his brother Rafael is content with being the man protective of his sisters, and Marijose, the little girl, is limited to wonder, Sara seems to have been born with wings who insist on back as far as possible from a home where apparently nothing is missing. But only fault and Sara, who has wings, can sense it ... but does not solve it but to face the approaching death of his mother's freedom is lacking, freedom without which drowns ... freedom to think, decide, to deny, say, to be. Sara does not expect to die as his mother to fly (metaphor of the instinct of flight physical which will become his next novel.) It is from this notion of being that Sara reflects on the circumstances bashed his mother to not be herself, and she, Sarah, to bear a sense of guilt that did not belong: "From that day, life I was naked and abandoned in the same corner where he left my mother (...) I could not read. When I opened one of Nietzsche's books and read "God is dead", it closed shocked. I was terrified it was true that God was dead forever (...) "(p. 62).
just Sara, alter ego of Marian, refuses to believe that being a woman means what his mother thinks: "(...) Being pregnant and carrying buckets of water, being pregnant and still make tortillas flour and continue chopping wood, and still use the shovel to keep planting. "(p. 104). The daughter's rebellion, however, is internalized and, therefore, doubly painful. He embarks on a quest for God to address that and challenged by what is supposed to be his destination. But his rebuke is not angry, not sweet, is strong, determined, logical. Sara suffers from the soul, but also with the brain, is extremely rational. Because even doubt that God is on the other hand, knows that sooner or later confirm his suspicion that every human being, male or female, is born pure and ready to deploy the wings, that the law of men that cripples your flight and requires submission to either ungrateful roles reserved for each sex: "Sometimes I think I have invented God, that God is my other self, that this God is the umbrella that covers me from the storms and delays my fall ( ...) I think God is the best escape for a being extremely selfish as I may be (...) The only thing I make sure is that God exists, otherwise it would not feel his absence. "(pp 146 and 47).
We therefore need to duel at night is a novel that combines mysticism with fortune and feminism, and assumes its own Marian feminist bent, "I am a feminist I am, in the sense of seeking and advocate equality within the public and private space. I'm not in that it is not a position to actively advocate with special and unique interest. "Sara comes to question why women can not become priests, restlessness inherited from its author: "I think they know all theologians and even was the conclusion of John Paul II to revise this point of Catholic doctrine, at the request of a group of theologians in Canada: there is nothing in Scripture or theological limit the role of women within the Church or to prevent the ordination of women, "says Marian. There are many ways to renew the Catholic church, but women are not only underestimated the laity, are sometimes seen as second-actors within the Catholic institution. I think they allow women priests, will open the door to the marriage of priests, see celibacy as a free choice. "
As Sara, Marian has been tirelessly seeking relief from their spiritual quest, the intellectual equivalent that has resulted in reading and writing to the face, maybe that's why he studied theology in Salamanca ... but the search for God as writing itself, which is itself a religion, are the same source of infinite pleasure pain. We can see in Sara's own Marian stuffed nose in the books at the indifference of a family immersed in worlds scattered .... And you can also see it in the girl's own Marian describes me as the witness of the events that have A single origin of flight, history of time between the décadas de los sesenta y setenta, aunque al tratarse de un mundo tan masculino, la otra cara de la moneda de Duelo de noche, recurre a un narrador omnisciente, aunque con atinados giros en primera persona: “El sonido de mi niñez es de aviones fumigadores –me comenta Marian- Andaban a todo lo que daban durante todo el día, sobrevolando el campo. Y luego el aroma a guayaba fermentada…yo lo asociaba con el aroma a campo, pero luego supe que en realidad era el olor a veneno. En Cajeme se siembra mucho, de manera masiva, sobre todo trigo y algodón en algún tiempo, y al momento de hacerse industrial la avicultura, los aviones fumigadores se volvieron necesarios. Esos recuerdos forman parte de mi infancia y me han perseguido siempre. As a child did not go out with friends from school, I went to camp with my dad and that was the world I breathed. "
A single flight is a little series about a family that exercises a skill rarely or, dare I say, never addressed in Mexican literature: the pilots sprayers. There is no defined character, but of entry, who seeks to crush, or crush, with its presence to all others, is the uncle Gabriel, the leader .... Those who have the power to decide which of his nephews, nicknamed "the bald ", will replace him in this leadership that deep contempt, as well as himself. Note that a character is admirably treated from the psychological point of view, as well as others. Marian cove deep in the psyche of each, the degree to recreate and socialize admirably two experiences: the intimate and social. For Gabriel, merciless and mocking their relatives pay homage to, you know worthy of such reverence, has given up his dream of becoming an acrobat to perpetuate a family tradition as it is aware of their vulnerabilities, with Agnes, his young wife U.S. , the most sensitive of them ... just as one of his nephews, the Pie in particular, nicknamed by his pathetic stutter- Gabriel understands that the guy is more deserving of scorn than admiration, and Marian admirably recreates the confrontational, rebellious voice that manifests itself into the cake.
We, on the other hand, Peter, the most humble and yet the most worthy of the family, quiet man who bites the rabid desire to fly, is, along with Uncle Gabriel, with whom, to observe this obsession and, somehow, is enforced by that god that makes white nephews all the frustrations.
But Gabriel and Peter are not the only ones who seem born with a pair of folding wings. Share this obsession Agnes with her husband. In adolescence and awakening admiration with his talent for aerobatics. But was not the same as a girl daring in their country of origin at the hidden village of Sonora. For some reason, it can be love, but the reader can not help doubting Agnes leaves this world, and thus the aerial acrobatics, when he meets Gabriel, a man much older than she and moved with him to Cajeme. Of course not view with favor, even though the people have become accustomed to its striking presence: now the arm of Uncle Gabriel at fifteen years, pregnant. It is not in any way, in a submissive woman like Carmen, the wife of Peter, though Peter is far to be a macho-husband, their knowledge beyond even those of men around her, and has no qualms about making you feel a strong character that shakes the very Gabriel. It is also a carefree young girl who becomes the obsession of Daniel, the young son of Peter, whose feelings for Agnes grow with Daniel himself, "It is as if Agnes were a pair of wings on his back . Well known that the machine is suspended in the air because of it. "(P. 62).
A single flight is a remarkable novel in many ways: originality of theme and structure in the first place ... but there is also the description that makes the experience of flying and varies significantly from one character to another. Flying will never be the same in every description. Each character sees it completely differently. Marie Antoinette tells me that to achieve this effect she had to fly many times with different drivers.
glides down the runway and feels every slight edge, every word, every ripple. His whole body shakes. Gently pull the stick and the plane and rises in a frenzy. Stop loading the machine and will grant it. Now is a being small and insignificant. The stick, rudder pedal, fuel controls, height and speed are so few instruments to face the universe, it created nothing, in heaven, in the air. This unknown world full of rush of wind or slumber, humidity, unknown laws (...) In her mind there is nothing else that is not brand new sky that day, seeing him open like a huge fruit color changes from brown to pink and orange as it enters (...) "(p. 70)
Marian, like many writers, had to cross the threshold of hell, though in his case, again, it is an internal and not external circumstances. Suffer the death of his mother and marriage breakdown I never expected the play that made bottom where they finally find his voice, his way ... his character and his God-God-desert. The real Marie Antoinette Mendivil. AC currently writing with raising her beautiful daughter Mariana and address of an advertising agency in Hermosillo, Sonora, and is already working on a fourth novel.
get with the blog of Marie Antoinette Mendivil words Nest
Monday, March 14, 2011
Examples Of Church Welcomes
Of Doctor Antonio Mitre from Cordoba
Vargas Llosa is an exceptional writer also raises the Castilian language and from the undisputed place of honor in the world literature, "chatter" about politics and ideology, Luxury that there are some characters. And take their assholes abound such as has been revealed. Today seems to be typecast in the "right" and previously was on the "left." Saramago went through and was an admirer of the Cuban revolution and the "commander." It is both a liberal and progressive-fledged, and the system uses it as a provocative and from his seat is dedicated to disqualify Peronism. Unfortunately they prepare the field and is itching to leave the goal to make a bunch of stupid, "psudointelectuales' fourth, self-proclaimed intellectuals Open Letter K, guys who do not defend principles, but the pay or the salary they receive, which not reach the ankle Peruvian knows this shit and they laugh; by their obsequiousness and had no desire to appear better idea than censure, which it did Harguindegui Videla and banned it in the country by decree for "Pantaleon and visitors" and "Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter" where such veneer of "leftist." For the "offense" that have been inflicted on those jerks and not to talk about literature and thought, but of politics and not waste the opportunity to bring machine to peronismo.Ahora why the relentlessness with Peronism? Why the degradation of Peronism every time he opens his mouth? . He knows that Peronism is much more than that used derogatory adjectives to describe it, he knows well that Peronism is a political theory, a worldview opposed to globalization, a thought of breaking the "politically correct thinking" that is to liberalism and all its political variables. Liberalism is in crisis as thought in a world which emerges and against which no answer other than repression. He, like Condoleezza Rice who said that Peronism is a damn fact that must be eliminated from Latin America, knows the dangers of Peronism as thought. Our enemies Peronism assigned an importance that we give not: the importance of our enemies is what categorizes. And I think that we must take the ideological debate with liberalism finally settling as a political thought in a favorable situation for others; no tenemos muchas alternativas porque sino lo hacemos pereceremos para siempre. Espero que nuestra fuerza de choque principal para esto que son los intelectuales verdaderamente peronistas, que no son pocos y algunos de mucho fuste den por finalizado su prolongado ocio intelectual, y algunos terminen de transitar por la pelotudez de la politica intrascendente y se dediquen a esta pelea estrategica. No esperemos que lo hagan los progresista de Carta Abierta o la militancia K , ya que son peronistas de ocasión y muy limitados e ignorantes y en el fondo son tan antiperonistas como el mismo Vargas Llosa.
Vargas Llosa is an exceptional writer also raises the Castilian language and from the undisputed place of honor in the world literature, "chatter" about politics and ideology, Luxury that there are some characters. And take their assholes abound such as has been revealed. Today seems to be typecast in the "right" and previously was on the "left." Saramago went through and was an admirer of the Cuban revolution and the "commander." It is both a liberal and progressive-fledged, and the system uses it as a provocative and from his seat is dedicated to disqualify Peronism. Unfortunately they prepare the field and is itching to leave the goal to make a bunch of stupid, "psudointelectuales' fourth, self-proclaimed intellectuals Open Letter K, guys who do not defend principles, but the pay or the salary they receive, which not reach the ankle Peruvian knows this shit and they laugh; by their obsequiousness and had no desire to appear better idea than censure, which it did Harguindegui Videla and banned it in the country by decree for "Pantaleon and visitors" and "Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter" where such veneer of "leftist." For the "offense" that have been inflicted on those jerks and not to talk about literature and thought, but of politics and not waste the opportunity to bring machine to peronismo.Ahora why the relentlessness with Peronism? Why the degradation of Peronism every time he opens his mouth? . He knows that Peronism is much more than that used derogatory adjectives to describe it, he knows well that Peronism is a political theory, a worldview opposed to globalization, a thought of breaking the "politically correct thinking" that is to liberalism and all its political variables. Liberalism is in crisis as thought in a world which emerges and against which no answer other than repression. He, like Condoleezza Rice who said that Peronism is a damn fact that must be eliminated from Latin America, knows the dangers of Peronism as thought. Our enemies Peronism assigned an importance that we give not: the importance of our enemies is what categorizes. And I think that we must take the ideological debate with liberalism finally settling as a political thought in a favorable situation for others; no tenemos muchas alternativas porque sino lo hacemos pereceremos para siempre. Espero que nuestra fuerza de choque principal para esto que son los intelectuales verdaderamente peronistas, que no son pocos y algunos de mucho fuste den por finalizado su prolongado ocio intelectual, y algunos terminen de transitar por la pelotudez de la politica intrascendente y se dediquen a esta pelea estrategica. No esperemos que lo hagan los progresista de Carta Abierta o la militancia K , ya que son peronistas de ocasión y muy limitados e ignorantes y en el fondo son tan antiperonistas como el mismo Vargas Llosa.
Arabic Poem For Happy Bithday
Mediópatas By Jorge Fontevecchia
De Perfil del Domingo
Los chicos inventan monstruos para tranquilizarse porque una angustia sin significación causa más pain phobia (for K: Clarín).
Adults need to hold onto something for consistency to be or illusion of consistency (for K: Militant journalism).
all do something. Life is about comedy. As the poet said, we woke to follow the dream of life. Or as the psychology, the hallucination is the royal road of appeasement. But there is a critical disorder in humans. Alienation produces aggression as a result of the permanent tension that implies: they say yes and no to the same things simultaneously. In the words of Breton, life is made of "diamonds Falls torrents mud, combines the sublime and the monstrous. " The man has no conflict, is conflict.
The inadequacy of human subjectivity to the real world is charged with symptoms that fail to demonstrate the impossibility of fulfillment of desire that moves. Subjectivity
K. A sample of the precipitate of identifications that is the militant Kirchner is a text of the National Radio section called "You know what ..." I heard last Thursday. He said: "The March 11, 2008 Economy Minister Martin Lousteau said Resolution 125, which initiated a confrontation between the government and four rural entities. The conflict lasted 128 days and ended with the positive vote does not Julio Cobos. Notably absent in the whole discussion was Monsanto. Monsanto, which is the main producer of GM seeds in the world, sold in whole soybean seeds and Roundup, pesticides containing glyphosate. Glyphosate is used to kill weeds in soybean crops and leads to the early stages of cancer. In Argentina, consume 150 million liters of glyphosate per year. Google, Monsanto published six million times. Clarín, during the months of conflict with the farmers, Monsanto appointed only appeared 13 times and in any conflict with respect to the sliding tax. National research, journalism without noise, we find hidden. "
After the disappearance of Julio Ramos and removal of the graph of Héctor Ricardo García, there are no other means from which to do so while criticizing the totalitarian ambitions of Clarín and in the publications of Editorial Perfil. But comparing the terms of Google, which collects tens of thousands of media around the world over decades, with the Clarin for three months is as disproportionate as glyphosate cancer talk without saying that the government and who can not Clarín use or without glyphosate could not produce the quantity of exports of soybeans annually supports Argentina's economy. That
symbolic constellation to which we submit are fiction does not mean that have tangible effects on our reality: the Friday night, also heard on national radio to a listener to say that just when the President gave his speech, Cablevision cut the signal in your neighborhood Tigre . "It should not be by chance," the listener, who, in good faith believes that wireless was just at that moment because Clarín criticized the speech by President of the Nation.
In his book Being and Time, Heidegger formulated his famous theory of Dasein or being-there: "Something is not by its inherent properties, but by the intention you have, a hammer is a hammer for possession Attributes hammer, but be used for hammering. "
The same logic applies to Heidegger hammer a newspaper: journalism is not printed on paper for a message, or because it is broadcast by a television or radio. To be journalists must have the intention not to be propaganda, chance of being militant.
Kill the postman. Not so many centuries ago could not be separated from what was said (statement) and that he was saying (subject of the act of enunciation). Did not distinguish between what linguists call subject of the statement and the subject of enunciation. So, was murdered postman brought bad news.
All authoritarian kill the mailman and break the mirrors that do not support themselves disadvantaged. The journalist and the media are the postman and modern mirror. Activist journalism, the portrait of the court. At the same
the National Radio Radio Barcelona very creative program laughs at his own context and assumes acuity slogan "obsequiousness crumbs well paid government advertising." As
to recreate the action of walking man invented the wheel, something that in no way mimics the leg, demagogues can not imitate indefinitely into journalism to pass their messages. Will have to invent another way to do it, sooner or later, the people will end up understanding the difference between journalism and imitation.
sense is time. What was once the charges significance in the timing lag effect retroactively or après coup. The passage of time allows a significant other can be compared with contrast significant and only then the meaning emerges. There is a moment of seeing and a time to understand.
There is also an ethic of the audience, are responsible for what we perceive. Who listens and who does not speak, or the recipient and not the issuer, is who decides the meaning of the message. For philosophers Emmanuel Levinas and Maurice Merleau-Ponty are dual, we see because we express, receive is created. Responsiveness is a way of acting. Hegel said that knowing is acting. Is also known to believe. Belief is to believe in some parents. Goethe wrote that "anyone who has art and science also has religion." Religion is also some parents believe. You can believe in Father Nestor Kirchner: "Him." You can believe in the separation of powers. It could believe almost anything.
In another national radio program called red ink, have a habit of starting with a form of event. One day they say: "A 1 ... days of Clarín impossible to know the identity of the adopted children of the owner, start red ink. " Another: "A 2 ... days of Clarín kept Newsprint, committing a crime against humanity, begins red ink. "
The title of this column is also inspired by a segment of another national radio program (very much improved, thanks to the hard work of Maria Seoane, its director): the "Tangópata" Héctor Larrea. But K is mediópatas.
De Perfil del Domingo
Los chicos inventan monstruos para tranquilizarse porque una angustia sin significación causa más pain phobia (for K: Clarín).
Adults need to hold onto something for consistency to be or illusion of consistency (for K: Militant journalism).
all do something. Life is about comedy. As the poet said, we woke to follow the dream of life. Or as the psychology, the hallucination is the royal road of appeasement. But there is a critical disorder in humans. Alienation produces aggression as a result of the permanent tension that implies: they say yes and no to the same things simultaneously. In the words of Breton, life is made of "diamonds Falls torrents mud, combines the sublime and the monstrous. " The man has no conflict, is conflict.
The inadequacy of human subjectivity to the real world is charged with symptoms that fail to demonstrate the impossibility of fulfillment of desire that moves. Subjectivity
K. A sample of the precipitate of identifications that is the militant Kirchner is a text of the National Radio section called "You know what ..." I heard last Thursday. He said: "The March 11, 2008 Economy Minister Martin Lousteau said Resolution 125, which initiated a confrontation between the government and four rural entities. The conflict lasted 128 days and ended with the positive vote does not Julio Cobos. Notably absent in the whole discussion was Monsanto. Monsanto, which is the main producer of GM seeds in the world, sold in whole soybean seeds and Roundup, pesticides containing glyphosate. Glyphosate is used to kill weeds in soybean crops and leads to the early stages of cancer. In Argentina, consume 150 million liters of glyphosate per year. Google, Monsanto published six million times. Clarín, during the months of conflict with the farmers, Monsanto appointed only appeared 13 times and in any conflict with respect to the sliding tax. National research, journalism without noise, we find hidden. "
After the disappearance of Julio Ramos and removal of the graph of Héctor Ricardo García, there are no other means from which to do so while criticizing the totalitarian ambitions of Clarín and in the publications of Editorial Perfil. But comparing the terms of Google, which collects tens of thousands of media around the world over decades, with the Clarin for three months is as disproportionate as glyphosate cancer talk without saying that the government and who can not Clarín use or without glyphosate could not produce the quantity of exports of soybeans annually supports Argentina's economy. That
symbolic constellation to which we submit are fiction does not mean that have tangible effects on our reality: the Friday night, also heard on national radio to a listener to say that just when the President gave his speech, Cablevision cut the signal in your neighborhood Tigre . "It should not be by chance," the listener, who, in good faith believes that wireless was just at that moment because Clarín criticized the speech by President of the Nation.
In his book Being and Time, Heidegger formulated his famous theory of Dasein or being-there: "Something is not by its inherent properties, but by the intention you have, a hammer is a hammer for possession Attributes hammer, but be used for hammering. "
The same logic applies to Heidegger hammer a newspaper: journalism is not printed on paper for a message, or because it is broadcast by a television or radio. To be journalists must have the intention not to be propaganda, chance of being militant.
Kill the postman. Not so many centuries ago could not be separated from what was said (statement) and that he was saying (subject of the act of enunciation). Did not distinguish between what linguists call subject of the statement and the subject of enunciation. So, was murdered postman brought bad news.
All authoritarian kill the mailman and break the mirrors that do not support themselves disadvantaged. The journalist and the media are the postman and modern mirror. Activist journalism, the portrait of the court. At the same
the National Radio Radio Barcelona very creative program laughs at his own context and assumes acuity slogan "obsequiousness crumbs well paid government advertising." As
to recreate the action of walking man invented the wheel, something that in no way mimics the leg, demagogues can not imitate indefinitely into journalism to pass their messages. Will have to invent another way to do it, sooner or later, the people will end up understanding the difference between journalism and imitation.
sense is time. What was once the charges significance in the timing lag effect retroactively or après coup. The passage of time allows a significant other can be compared with contrast significant and only then the meaning emerges. There is a moment of seeing and a time to understand.
There is also an ethic of the audience, are responsible for what we perceive. Who listens and who does not speak, or the recipient and not the issuer, is who decides the meaning of the message. For philosophers Emmanuel Levinas and Maurice Merleau-Ponty are dual, we see because we express, receive is created. Responsiveness is a way of acting. Hegel said that knowing is acting. Is also known to believe. Belief is to believe in some parents. Goethe wrote that "anyone who has art and science also has religion." Religion is also some parents believe. You can believe in Father Nestor Kirchner: "Him." You can believe in the separation of powers. It could believe almost anything.
In another national radio program called red ink, have a habit of starting with a form of event. One day they say: "A 1 ... days of Clarín impossible to know the identity of the adopted children of the owner, start red ink. " Another: "A 2 ... days of Clarín kept Newsprint, committing a crime against humanity, begins red ink. "
The title of this column is also inspired by a segment of another national radio program (very much improved, thanks to the hard work of Maria Seoane, its director): the "Tangópata" Héctor Larrea. But K is mediópatas.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Guideline Value Chennai In Tambaram
socialist Lunch
Had been a girl, Reynaldo Arenas had called Reyna. O Reynita of Charity. It would be blonde, petite, looking naive and language of fear. Foul-mouthed, then, blonde with black tongue. It would have been, Reynaldo, and no doubt a great writer. Misunderstood, yes. Perhaps their stories would be slightly different, more attached to the everyday and the domestic. The life of women in Cuba, but tough, not so much like homosexuals, because if so, commit a crime. His capacity for irony would be the same for every ancestral concealing pain and his "joke" would be dotted with children's details as "the burning pee." The management of the hypothetical language Reyna would be almost the same. Queen of Charity would be like ... or as Teresa Maricari of Charity ... Caritere Terecari ... ... ... Teresa Dovalpage Carirreyna go nombrazo actually a composite of the real name of the writer, Doval, with his first American husband, since deceased, Page. Each author is part of a genealogy and in that sense, Teresa is a direct descendant of Arenas, daughter of the pen. Like this one, combining a vision fiercely opposed to the ceremony, a waiver to comply with the life and speech that is represented as well as an impressive skill to blend into the language ... language and merge to become popular and cult a very personal speech, "She will undoubtedly be consulted when writing the true story of Cuba today, "said Ena Columbié, publisher of Editions Entreoíos, in the aftermath of Because of Candela!, the latest book of stories by Teresa.
Born in Havana on October 1, 1966, Teresa is not reflected in his wide smile and mischievous twinkle in his large eyes have gone through painful moments as those of her heroines. Tells, however, from the personal experience of having to overcome the thirst with water and sweetened with brown sugar range from clinging to the possibility of a better future, or meet the immediate need, canceling that. Teresa was lucky it got off the island. It was, in fact, the only family that got it, "tried, unsuccessfully, during the Mariel boatlift, he tells me. By ill fortune (or good, who knows) the boat that sent the half-sisters of my grandmother went to the Dominican Republic flag and were not allowed to enter the Cuban port. Apart from these distant relatives, whom I did not know, I had no other relatives in the United States, so that I could think of no other way out, but was tired of passing work, the camels, soy hash and the special period "
"In 1994-still smiling Teresita met Hugh Page, an American psychologist who traveled to Cuba with Pastors for Peace. God rest her soul. We got married at 95 and 96 and I was in San Diego. "Currently, the Cuban writer lies in Taos, New Mexico, in which he teaches university and pursuing a doctorate in Latin American Literature. She is married to Gary James, aircraft mechanic, my blue collar , Teresa calls him, "ah, but read a lot and loves to mention that ...!" Teresa made her debut in the literature honor in 2004, although English and signed by Teresa de la Caridad Doval, with A Girl Like Che Guevara (Soho Press Inc., Soho, New York), which received very good response from readers Anglos, but have not yet been translated into English, "if a publisher is interested in it, later !, "she exclaims. In the back of Posesas of Havana, his first novel written and published in English, Teresa acknowledges having been "Elsa", one of the three narrators of history, professor of English in Havana. It is possible that, as Elsa, Theresa has been the subject of nicknames by other students, who caricatured on pieces of paper that passed each other, "papers with my sad caricature", but seeing her so beautiful, smiling and clinking of necklaces and bracelets, it is difficult to associate it with the hopeless Elsa:
"Here (in Cuba) could have filmed another movie. The Chariot acubanado either weak, consumed, opening times three hundred sixty-five the door of a refrigerator empty. A door closed again alone, leaving him with his mouth open and biting of pure hunger, black mustache. Charlot socialist at lunch, with nothing to eat lunch. "(Posesas of Havana, Pureplay Press, Albuquerque, NM, 2004, p. 62) La Habana ... what better backdrop for the mischievous contemporary neoliberal and imperialist? Where the situation is not exactly fair and happy, though its inhabitants same maximally exploited his genius or the most trivial talent. Teresa puts us in Havana more by the language and ideology that tourist references ... but of course, can not miss the internationally famous Coppelia Nevería immortalized by Senel Paz in Strawberry and Chocolate. Posesas of Havana is introduced, so flat and without asking permission, as indeed put one in a neighbor's house, back in Havana in the "privacy" of a family dominated by females. The only son, Emy, Elsa's brother, is gay, but not a gay friendly but a singular joy that abusing the mother, grandmother and sister. Uses, even for a profession that these have abhorred: prostitution. This should be noted, does not do better than the lad. No, at least, the hypocrite and the concerned Mother Grandmother. Elsa, with whose story opens the novel, is the most honest of the three.
Difficult call "home" to a lot of people deformed in a small apartment. Abuelonga it this way: "(...) Instead of moving, we have regressed as crabs. Now we are forced to be nose to nose. Clustered with each other, smelling the PEO others are discarded. What we will not fajarnos by God "(pp. 108 and 109). The story faithfully reproduces the despair of not being with oneself. Failure to find a loophole to think about the future, something, incidentally, very convenient for a regime like Castro. All women in this family, excluding Elsa, and even Beiyan, daughter of this, are characterized by their pettiness can be justified on the problematic relationship of each with the mother and the hardships of moral and material are subject to well by a mutual hatred that coexistence requires forced disguise, if not mocking affection, tolerance. They also realized a deep misogyny that degenerates into self-loathing. With all his homosexuality, and in a place where the condition is stigmatized as a ruthless, Emy is a favorite of his grandmother and mother for the simple fact of being male. Elsa, however, and despite its high intellectual level, is neglected for lack of beauty or, rather, of what the island is meant by this, curves, curves ... breasts ... ass ... "and becomes more despicable in the eyes of her mother and grandmother when she becomes pregnant from a university professor ... and married. The management of double standards is emphasized to the absurd in Cuban society, where only economic benefit "lava" certain peccadilloes like homosexuality Emy, the most despises his sister. Elsa has been abandoned by the father of the child, who in turn has betrayed his best friend. This makes it "a fool", a "calibrated." What's worse is that the attitude of the grandmother and mother is transmitted to the daughter of Elsa, a product of that relationship, "the only beautiful family," who ends up neglecting his mother too.
The reality shows Teresa in this novel, would be intolerable without the subterfuge of black humor, as well Reynalda, handled with exceptional skill. The abuse of which they are subject by the three narrators of their mothers outraged at anyone, "the Parents are weak or ornamental appearances. Both the grandmother and mother seem to gloat over the violent episodes, as if remembering them exercise a kind of conspiracy, not exorcism Abuelonga and mother both have the grudge against the respective parent table that prevents them from capsizing in self-pity. For Abuelonga, who happens to pre-Castro Havana, exhibits in the face of terrible violence maternal footprint. And while justified the attack by bringing up her mother's schizophrenia, the Abuelonga later he finds the means to retaliate, denouncing the infidelity of the mother to the father. Abuelonga, in turn, will exert violence on his daughter, from his dull marriage to Rafael, who prefers to sleep with her grandson Emy with her, and tricks him cheerfully as male crosses your path. Elsa, in turn, apply the same law against his grandmother and mother. The forced cohabitation between four women who hate each other, telling Beiyan makes low stronghold circumstances serve to run small domestic vengeance, "(...) the truth to live here is to die in pieces." (P. 50).
political discourse is latent in the three women, although very different: for Abuelonga, but had to give up their limited privileges, the Revolution has produced bitterness and nostalgia than abolished. The mother, the most apolitical of the three, is distracted daydreaming about the possibility of new life. Elsa, meanwhile, is the most thoughtful, the one seeking to lack direction, but ultimately did not find any: (...) I always wanted to leave Cuba. Not gusanos, if I really care policy unless the sex of the flies, but to see the snow (...) If being a communist was yelling go of the dross which were on the hoarse bellowing Mariel or alive Fidel in the demonstrations, then I was a communist. But not because I felt, but because it was the right thing to do (...) "(p. 19).
A story by Teresa Dovalpage
Some of these issues, the politician in particular, are taken up in his third novel, Death of a Murcia in Havana (Anagram, Hispanic narrative, Barcelona, \u200b\u200b2006) Herralde Award finalist for Best Novel), more ambitious Posesas ... as regards the management of masterful command of language that reminds us reach another great: Guillermo Cabrera Infante: "(...) so that men go into the street and perfumed and made up, three-toed heels high and-glow necklaces, to dare to so much here in Havana must have the pockets large and very set in place, although fags (...) " (P. 96). It also features an ingenious set of entanglements, hilarious from beginning to end, that as in Posesas detail ... exposing a series of events that only the humor gets dim. the protagonist, has in common with Elsa refuse to "riders" and a mother who sees in it a little defective merchandise that will help her out of trouble. Flacuchita Maricari is also, though his face, to say the Mercedes / Teófilo, is beautiful, identical to the princess of "Las Meninas" by Velazquez. Unlike Elsa, with professional studies, develops Maricari cloth dolls to sell to tourists. In the midst of one of their little walk along the boardwalk, which coincides with Pius, Murcia businessman in his sixties who has gone to the island on business. During the trade between the innocent girl and abroad, this is offered to take her home ... car! Maricari's mother, the Mandonsísima, sees in the old the opportunity he implored the sky. As Abuelonga mother and possessiveness, The Mandonsísima despises the status of women, especially his daughter. The fault had even prompted the old man who raped seven years as Abuelonga guilty of inciting his daughter to one of his lovers who fiddled with this being a pubescent: "To discontinue self-righteousness, that is not cookie oven. That is not brought by the innocent. Jimmy and she had dipped the bread in the sauce for months. Stapled surprised one day in my own bed and doing dirty things since childhood Maricari liked crap ... no one was allowed to warm an old neighbor asquerosísimo, when there was seven years old?, Fucking slut! "( italics in original, p. 47). Thus, the Mandonsísima is justified by what the child intended to do: to seduce the old Murcia to take them out of that hole and, if possible ... in Cuba!
As in Posesas ... hatred of the mother to the daughter is well matched: there are two beings forced to endure each other's company and "smelled SOPs." The mother daughter deposited on the weight of your frustration. Maricari, however, is convinced by the Mandonsísima that Pius is the solution to all problems ... eat every day, for example. A Maricari the thought of sleeping with someone for money you have sick stomach, but before that poverty, her mother makes her feel responsible, you can not afford to be strict. Then go where "Mercedes", a transvestite who for all his flamboyant title of philologist is forced to make a living as a "spiritualist" "(...) The certainty that would have to resort back to my bachelor's degree in philology to earn one hundred and ninety dollars, sitting behind a desk lame, I was terrified." (P. 131). Mercedes / Teófilo ends up becoming the confidant of Maricari, more lonely girl, and this ends up living under the roof of Murcia businessman, surrounded by comforts undreamed, giving the Mandonsísima good life, which basically does not explain why the old saw in that skinny little girl, that is, envy of her daughter: "(...) even if he had inherited my ass do not fit into the chairs! (...) "(Italics in original, p. 118). The elemental love mother / daughter is absent. Maricari Mandonsísima not forgive the failure to defend the rapist of his childhood. On the other hand, has nothing against Pius, for whom experience a sincere gratitude ... which does not prevent him from Teofilo love, who comes with great tenderness.
Teo who is openly homosexual and cohabiting with the bull, a manly-looking mulatto, had to cancel all Maricari likely to be matched ... but the issue of sexuality, seems to say Teresa, is quite complex, incomprehensible. Like love. Suffice it to count the erotic life of Theophilus, which garners fame fag after a ridiculous incident that however, aroused in him an inclination asleep although until then "tuning" usually with a girlfriend. Living with Maricari reminds her initially orientation does not mean you stop being attracted to the Bull-and end up entangled. Contrary to what one might think, over Teo sissy reputation not free of suspicion on an island where there tends to believe that tastes like sex are concerned. Teo's mother thinks he sees a "conversion" miracle in your child, proof that little God has heard their pleas. In the midst of this morally ambivalent society, one could say that Maricari and Matt are the most noble characters in history. On the other part Maricari, Teo and Pius are somewhat silly, until innocent. The old man has done nothing but what is expected of him as a good green tail and money: get a girl. The three protagonists are victims of taxation and social stereotypes.
Maybe it was the same naivete to cause the tragedy. Yes, even the practice of low intelligence who make up the peculiar triangle. A writer of the island, studying abroad, he runs on his return to the story that each person has their own version. He then decides to write about. Of course, this is an intervention itself Teresa of Charity as a character: "Hey, What do you want to do a novel about Theophilus and Maricari? Are you all crazy? Who wants to read about depraved and bandits? No, girl, no. If you want to write up something nice, romantic, not crimes or Santeria or fuck the one who walks all day dealing. Hey, we see that the writers do not have material for their stories when they lay hold to such rot! (...) "(Pp. 177 and 178).
"It's a joke I gave my mother," replied Teresa laughed when asked if in fact based its story on real events. I wanted to put it in the story somehow, but she insisted that, in this case, I should appear too. His words (ie, the words "mother Teresa") are taken verbatim from the author directs me of my days when he sees fit. The story is based on a true isolated, but there have been cases of foreigners scrambling to Cuba who have completed killed by them, or by lovers of the girls ... Well, I do not believe me, are rumors that I have come by Radio Bemba. "
By then Teresa told me about a project that excited me and apparently has not abandoned, a novel that would take the title "Jane Eyre's rumba", plus two more, one in English entitled "Childhood under Castro This" and another, in English, which would tentatively entitled "From home to hooker lady. What has since been published, however, is a book of stories titled "Because of Candela" and a short novel, worthy of Short Fiction Award V Rincón de la Victoria, 2009, "The deceased Fidel" (Iduna, Stock Cobra 2010), adapted from a play by himself and was performed under the title "Until the mortage us part" in the Sting Theater in Chicago. Do not be misled the reader by the inclusion of the name "Fidel" in history for, as well as explains the singular narrator recounts his life and death from Beyond, "Fidel" is the most popular name for boys since the day Cuban Draft perpetual dictator became leader of the Fatherland.
's stories Because of Candela!, Played once more in the stifling atmosphere and yet full of black humor of his novels, but not so repetitive as to be the essence and dynamics of their stories. I thought we, as Angels, the protagonist of the story "of how the spirit of my aunt great-grandmother left New York, the spirit of Theresa leaves her body at night to devote to err on the island where she was born and developed upstream. It is not mere nostalgia that transports Teresita in time and space as you type, and therefore takes the reader along with it, this sort of astral travel, the pace of the euphoria of Celia Cruz. As noted in the story that opens the book, also entitled "Because of Candela." It is very typical of the island Cuban immigrants carried with them thefts, like a ring in its case or a Tiffany lamp, the last vestiges of wealth to the families of the island hold as a life preserver amid the wreckage.
Another aspect common to the novels of Teresa and her stories, is the ability, the result of habit I guess the humor guard against the tragedy of hunger and the total lack of privacy characteristic of this vast prison with beach Cuba is to bring the hilarity to tragedy. Beyond the picaresque, which is noted a strong trend in Teresa's prose exposes recounted situations that would be inadmissible in a different light: breach of trust, revenge female children raped, and the amazing thing is that moves us to laughter without resorting to more prestigious language skills, without ever falling on the grotesque. His tone seems to say: "It is normal for these occur here that's life in this island." So then, between an abortion and a beating, between a rumba seniors who sexually initiates a gringo and a teenage boy who masturbates looking at a portrait of his grandmother when he was young, are not outside the magical and fantastic elements, batidillo also arises as part of daily life in Cuba. The author's familiarity with Mexican, on the other hand, comes up in several of his stories, such as the Zapotec Indian woman, being taken by some Cubans from baby reunited with its roots in a rather nice - " Cubanoteca "- or one in which a young woman affected by reading the work of Elena Garro choose to kill the abusive husband - "With Elena in court" - in spite of being its main purpose is to question the social dogmas and practices derived from the same attitudes that generate misogynistic, racist and classist, both in Cuba and the United States and, of course, in Mexico.
For its part, "The deceased Fidel" is the first of his novels coming out of Cuba and takes place in an area fed ungrateful-but paradise compared to the island prison, for Cubans fugitives Miami, Florida. And Reynaldo Arenas left in his extraordinary biography, Before Night Falls, witness the contempt with which they are treated by the new Cuban immigrants who preceded them, and Teresa mentions this aspect through the voice of Fidel Carballo had to change its name "Phillip", because "Fidel Being in Miami is like being Adolph in Jerusalem" (p. 82).
At first I was disoriented, struggling with English and the incomprehension of their compatriots who had forty years here. They would not understand that one was too, dammit, so exiled like them. Those who came in the sixties tried a los recién llegados como a unos apestados. Y hasta los marielitos, fíjese usted, que ésos sí tenían fama de maleantes y drogadictos, los marielitos aplatanados (o enmiamados) también nos miraban por encima del hombro. Nosotros, los que vinimos en los noventa, resultamos ser la última carta de la baraja, los contaminados por una larga permanencia en el sucio suelo patrio, que tanto ellos dicen querer….” (p. 46)
Así se expresa Fidel o Phillip ante la médium que han contratado su esposa e hija para conocer la verdadera causa de la muerte del padre que, están convencidas, se suicidó al verse cercado por las deudas. Pero Fidel no se dirige a una médium cualquiera: Incarnation repeated written everything dictate the dead silence and remains even when the "dead man" no longer praise for their attractive way to move despite having more than sixty years. Encarnación, very professional it does not correspond to the blatant flirtation with Fidel Castro and is limited to writing - in shorthand? - All he has to say, including what would never have dared to recognize in life: her love for a wife addicted to soap operas, especially Sex on the city, his sadness at the indifference of an ultra feminist daughter who openly vied in life-but can not be said to have been an authoritarian father, or at least he not perceived as such and his tenderness for the son in whom they place all their hopes ... and turned out to be gay, something that no longer is as dire as when he was alive. It also relates with great affection, and a lust that his condition of mind fails to appease "his secretary-mistress, Delilah also Cuban, who, with his back to the commonplace, is the most noble and loyal to the novel
Dovalpage Teresa says he hates politics, but it is impossible to deal with Cuba and not fall into these murky waters, which she handled like all others, as a daily. Impossible not to talk about the experience in Cuba without associating with the beard of Fidel: "(...) Christmas was banished for counter, the turkey and champagne bourgeois materialist (...)" ("The first object of his lust," Because of Candela! , p. 95). But no matter what type Teresa, and how terrible it: inevitably comes out of tenderness to the children who are reluctant to lose their innocence, no matter how many times they hit, they were injected and were violated. Do not be surprised, therefore, Teresita de la Caridad, complete with his new Ph.D. and a literary genius who has not been properly recognized, either as a naughty child that seems to embrace and cover with candy.
A story by Teresa Dovalpage
child molesters "I?
In memory of my grandmother, who would have enjoyed this story
In memory of my grandmother, who would have enjoyed this story
say your husband wants me to go. Then I go, girl. I'm going now. Back to Cuba in the first plane out there. Overall, the best places I have launched and then asked me to return. On my knees I have asked, so you know. Ah.
Now, I do not think I quite coy long. No, sir. I'll go, but I have to hear before and my tongue has more than three blocks long, eh. Because that's come to accuse me of old lady is a slur unworthy and I have to endure. For my ovaries I swear, that I will hear in the White House herself go.
no mistake. The fact that I call it my old bitch. Yes, I'd better mothers, as they say in Mexico. What bothers me is not the word, is action. Do you think that is not to bother coming to me saying, because you have to go now to your country, or we put you in jail for corrupting minors? And all for trying to do a favor.
If I had known this I do not move to Cuba. Or I stay in Morelia, people love me there. I had already traveled As had to travel and traveled around the world. Since in the fifties I went to Spain and almost back into fashion with that of the zarzuela
's husband after the wedding
Nothing, nothing should be denied him
For entering the house all its full authority Sign
Did not know that music? It seems incredible that you are my daughter, fuck, and you've grown up in show business through Havana. Zarzuela is the pharaoh's court. If you had not been to the moon, eating shit, as always, I would agree it looks that I have sung times when you were young. But you'll always have a damn what I do. Daughter like you, or that I had given birth by the nose. I say the nose if not worse.
But how to see, how your husband is going to accuse me of perverting now Joe? I did not stay to hear. All I did was help the unlucky boy to find his way to the center of the earth. To know the truth of life, were not to sprout feathers. And instead of thanking me, me ...
Huh? What does a social worker is there to talk to me? Then it happens. Not that I go to eat. Pa Cuje I am very afraid of anyone. Passing and well.
Good afternoon. Are you a social worker who is attending the case of Joe? No, not my grandson. How many times do I have to repeat? That boy is the son of her husband My daughter, born in Iowa and raised in Chicago. And I just arrived in this country, practically, and I saw her face for the first time two months ago. So from grandma, nananina.
Yes, I am Cuban. Neighborhood of Cayo Hueso, in Centro Habana. What? No, no, I do not get entangled in politics. By the beard let him in the Central Committee. If he is alive or already kicked the bucket, let him and his soul. I do not know anything about that nor do I care. For me, to be buried tomorrow.
I am of the opinion of the late Celia Cruz, who is in heaven the angels singing salsa. You do not know what he said azúcaaa screaming? That where it entered the political the door, the art was going out the window. And I am an artist, not a politician.
Feminism? Dismayed that ... What does feminism or eight quarters? Let's see, feminism is what brings the women in this country, my daughter, for example? He spends his days working the very stupid. He gets up at half past five, it buzzes for the office and back and dark. Listen, there's no sun in this Chicago at six o'clock. Gentlemen, what is out of the house and go home and not see a ray of light salao all the way! He hums the merequetén.
Then it gets cooked. Because the husband manganzón those of liberal and that we all Have the Same rights, but tell me what he does for his country. Ni host. Put the spoons in the dishwasher and is believed to be putting a medal vanguard worker. And then to squash your ass watching TV and no one can lift.
Meanwhile, my daughter is the one that sends the cocinao, and the arrangement of the house and reviewing the lesson to the boys. That's the triumph of feminism? No, my love, that's a lot of men sing small, they are freeloaders, and many comemierdería of women who take leave bobby.
In my time, women tended the house and had to walk for dealing with heaviness of the leaders. Or the heads, which are also Anja. It took an afternoon to shop and walked calmly better humor. Now they have sought double time: at home and at work. I do not say if they have to be taking sleeping pills, valium callers. Do not tell me.
And the boys can not be more spoiled. He spend the whole day screaming. Until you sit in front of the TV as the father. Pláfata! That's another thing: the TV turned on since arriving from the street. These kids are going to go idiots, mesmerized for hours in front of a screen. So when they grow have problems with this unit, as the stepson of my daughter. (The gadget below, not the TV.) Why not go even half an hour to a park. No play, no running or sunning. The only thing this move is the finger, look, pa change channel selector. Fu.
Come to the point, yes. As the chickens. Let's see what you meant me? Of course Joe does not accuse me. Fresh news. What are you going to blame? How to get into bed and pull down your pants? Not to be the chaste Joseph. Have you not heard the entrance of Joseph in Pharaoh's court? As reads:
I played the flute and flute
bounded about me and the goats love
not thought to be sin
and because he was too busy
that I was not even a lamb
and I can not lose
the poor.
Okay, let the song. But I will tell you how began. So I would not call me perverted or put him in chaste Joseph.
What I did was try to help Joe. Lend him a hand as they say here. More than a hand, of course. Lend him my pussy, this, the furry fur, which lack good it did.
Two months ago I was very quiet in my apartment in Central Havana. Avenida Carlos III between Espada and San Francisco. Next to the Emergency hospital, for more signs. There's your house. And I was not eating a cable as the old people of Buena Vista Social Club Ry Cooder discovered when, or shining shoes or anything like that.
is that I have faith, you know? No, no religion. In Cuba it means family abroad. Someone who assigned him to one U.S. dollar, because without them Havana makes you worse than a wasteland of Peter, go. With what I sent my daughter was fighting. He sold the bogus K-Mart that she had sent by Cubapacks. Thanks to my business and the dollars they also made me get from time to time I buy my coffee (coffee-brown, pylon, no shit that give the book there or watery American coffee, which is another crap) and my piece of pork in the market and my hash in the malls. The malls are shopping for dollars, mija. And he had a marinovio, a fifty that will not look like George Clooney but he's not toss pa dogs.
And suddenly, unexpectedly, they call me from Morelia. I had played there in Michoacán in the sixties. I did a tour of the Aztec earth and let the Mexicans, pardon the immodesty, crazy me. The very simple, I was told when I went down the stage after singing it for
Come, Joseph. Come
What is love?
I'm going to explain
because I believe that love should be something rich.
Ay! Hebrew!
must be a bug that bites. The more righteous
applauded me. The Cuban Embil Pepita, I called. Grabbed the public.
It turns out that an entrepreneur comes up with Teatro Morelos me a tribute at this stage of life. Said that one night he saw the newspaper clippings of those years and who dreamed me a Sept. 8. Oshun was who gave me the grace of the trip, because that day is your party. Oshun is the Virgin of Charity of Cobre, the orisha of love. You see this gold medal with her image? I have it since he was fifteen years here, hanging between the breasts, and I take it off or to bathe. What we have seen this medal stamped, mija .... If you get to do stories end in a week. Stories live and in living color. Without censorship or beeps. Of them get a best-seller, go.
Being in Morelia, singing and dancing, my daughter calls me and asks why I do not jump to the north. Ampang jumped because of Morelia to Chicago buzz is not from here to the corner. The first time I said no, Cuban passport that I was not going to give entry visa to the United States, but she give that dale.
That I will seek, I insisted. You get a false passport. We crossed the border to Juarez in a car because there unless you look at the papers at airports. That how you will return to Cuba without getting to know your grandchildren. Both grinder that finally convinced me.
So I finished my last presentation in the land of Morelos I got my blonde wig, with whom wore looked just like the woman in the photo that appeared on the false passport. I dressed rather elegant. I took a shower of Chanel No. 5 behind the ears and between the legs and so I took my plane posing as U.S. citizen. Facilitated.
No, the language does not scare me. How would scare me? If I sang My Fair Lady,
I Could Have Danced All Night And Still Have
begger for more.
I Could Have
spread my wings And done a Thousand Things I've never done before.
who I had not discussed as a servant was born in the middle of Broadway and a light snack ceremil times in Central Park in New York. At
Chicago with my daughter (who was all the way to the heart in the mouth, although the idea had been smuggled spend it) we waited for my son. By the way, since I took an eye on the type and seemed half Sanac. For starters, you shit scared to have an illegal alien, as he says, under his responsibility. For that, I would have left quietly in Morelia. At the end is that I did not ask or bring me na na.
The terror of them was that I got sick. Since I had no insurance and no way to get me one .... Then one day I said fuck no more. If I get sick, I put on a plane even if you pal Middle East. And if I die, throw me in the snow pa do not stink. How much nonsense.
My daughter, after so much struggle for me to come, he spent more time on the street next to me. They left the two to work and leave me alone like a dog. My grandchildren were in the preschool and did not allow me to care. I think my son was afraid that my illegal Cuban contaminated.
The only one who came near me and tried to entertain was the son of my son, who then visited us once or twice a week. Yes, the mentioned Joe, the stepson of my daughter. So incest nothing. That genes that boy I had no hand nor, thank God.
Joe and I talked a lot. The first week I looked like a child, but is higher than his father. But I was glad someone paid attention, you know? What no one else did. We put to speak from the two and a half since he left high school to five and pick my daughter who came with her husband and children.
What did what else? Well, not much. Estarme shut up here all the time. Oh, and watch TV. But even that entertained me. My God, these little girls that appear in MTV anemic, what more ugly bugs have no meat or a meat pie pa. That's the beauty of today? If what is needed is that inflate with an auxiliary air filled tires. Neither have boobs or culín.
back to Joe, I went over English. That when it is used and when to be English because it is always to be. Of course, as mine is music I taught with the lyrics of the songs. He sang, for example:
I was very sad and tearful
because unknowingly
something was missing.
to explain to be used for the emotional thing that changes from moment to moment. While the issues is to be more permanent, as the source: me
Of Thebes, was born in Thebes
. Our Lady of Thebes
call me me. Although I
instead of Thebes told Cuba, to give local color to the lessons. And boy was not awkward because enseguidita learned. One day he said: "You're cute." I was made up and well groomed because I would bring a Estarbú and wanted to look presentable. So I said "was" nice for a night but usually did not look so good. Then let me go very naughty: Oh, no. You are always beautiful so I say you're cute. Look
parejero Americanito has gone to, I thought. But no, I did not pay more attention to the night of Stinger.
Some friends of my daughter had heard of my tour in Mexico and asked me to do a performance here in a theater called Stinger. Chiquito, but well located and fixed public. For me not to pray, I said yes, although I had been thinking more entertainers. Di
feature one night only. I started coughing up the irons. And I sang and danced like my good times. And I shook my buttocks to the rhythm of
Come here. Look at me.
not feel so chaste, Joseph.
When the show finishes and I go out to mingle with people ... Alabao, pa what was that! Joe was dazzled. He brought me a glass of wine and gave me a huge bouquet of roses. But huge. Do not know where or if the purchase took before entering the theater, but there was the bouquet. Monumental. And it gave me a kiss that resonated from the left ear to the right ovary. That is what our about your father and the first thing he said to Joe is: "Why are you taking? Look drinking age have not yet! "
Was to kill him. Do you know what it is telling that to your child in front of a bunch of people? I do not speak for me, after I take the family. But there were many girls, girlfriends of him from high school and neighbors and acquaintances. The embarrassment that made him go. That lack of delicacy, pussy.
Among the girls was such an Ashley. Very slender indeed very funny and quite out of the dish. Enseguidita realized that I liked Joe. So the next day, when the boy comes to talk me out and tells me how beautiful was the function last night and how beautiful I looked and bla bla bla, I asked for Ashley. "She's cute too," I replied, "but not like you. In addition, We Do not Have chemistry. "
" Since when chemistry and physics and astronomy have to do with issues of love? "I asked. And instead of answering, the kid, the kid, the comebolas gives me a kiss. In the mouth this time. So we started.
Yes, we took a tumble, but nothing serious. I had my scruples, to be honest. How do I go to bed with a boy who could be my grandson? Until I realized that the poor man had not done before. Imagine that. At seventeen years and had not put his tail in any place or knew the truth of life. What backwardness, by God. Nobody would say that we in the developed world.
course, so I felt bad with girls. For a man who has ever done (and similarly a woman, mismito) is lacking something. Is incomplete, as it were. Did not the poet sang Machado?
say the man is not man
While not hear his name
the lips of a woman
And I said, no, we do a charity y. ..
What if this is the first time I'm with a minor? Hey, you should give worth calling "minor" to a great guy with a belaying pin eight inches and six feet tall. Be of pushing, damn. How
at seventeen years old a man is not going to be able to tune to who wants it? Why it's against the law? Look, the first time I slept with my boyfriend I was fifteen and he was sixteen. At that time people did not put with such crap. And I'm talking about for nearly sixty years. Nothing that this world is going backwards like crabs. Then they talk about evolution.
No, in Cuba there are no problems with age. Everything is prohibited, except that. On prohibiting temper, people up in arms. What they have not achieved the special period and the brigades Yard nor the soy mince half a pound per person does a law like that, my word.
Well I wanted Joe to excite declare it to Ashley, the invite for a coffee, whatever. But he clung to me. Every day since that first hugs, took her to come straight home to spend time with me. As was the first time I tasted ice cream, he took a taste and there was no way I let go. And I said, son, hold on a little, now I'm not a teenager and even florimbamba wears with much use, eh.
The problem was that before we ... affair, as they say here, he visited the house twice a week at most. Hola, hello pal fuck a moment and see her father and now. But then he appeared every day about leaving school. That's when my son seems to became suspicious. Besides, it would have drawn their conclusions by the way I looked at Joe. Even when there were people in front, that the creature, with his holy innocence, could not even pretend.
My son went to velarnos and we caught an afternoon grilling corn. I will not give details but it was pretty ... embarrassing, go. Compromising what they call here. Ball around naked in the two and the boy with the tail more stop glory of a flagpole. Just imagine.
then formed the jam. Called the counselor and yourself, and the boy's mother and the mother of my son and the mother of the tomatoes. The chaos was that, well. And now my daughter tells me that I go well that they put in jail for illegal entry and corrupting minors. The best thing I can do is get out before the scandal comes to newspapers or television.
A television, pa kennel that .... Who has seen me on Oprah or Cristina (well, Oprah would have to take me with a translator) with tremendous sign: Cuban Grandma commits incest with American grandson. Red and capitalized. Azúcaaa.
Go, go, do not annoy me. That neither the boy is my grandson, and I'm going to program any dirty laundry in public as they do here. One has much dignity for that.
Here comes my daughter again so we ended up. That was that. I told them I was going and go. Give me the suitcase, girl. The only thing I regret is that I stop to say goodbye to Joe who, as I have understood, stuffed headfirst into the psychologist. That is what is going to traumatize, rubbings not me. And they told me to see me crying and saying he was not going to accuse. Fresh news.
Look, you have to do is to deal with more important things. To see if put to the homeless that do not freeze when it starts to snow, and if they give health care to everyone instead of beating around worrying about what people do with their private parts.
And I'm going. Pa Cuba. O pal carajo, which is not the same, as would Silvio Rodriguez but equal.
Ay Ba ... Ay Ba ...
Alas, Babylon tide.
Oh, va. .. Oh, va. ..
Oh, come soon to Judea.
Now, I do not think I quite coy long. No, sir. I'll go, but I have to hear before and my tongue has more than three blocks long, eh. Because that's come to accuse me of old lady is a slur unworthy and I have to endure. For my ovaries I swear, that I will hear in the White House herself go.
no mistake. The fact that I call it my old bitch. Yes, I'd better mothers, as they say in Mexico. What bothers me is not the word, is action. Do you think that is not to bother coming to me saying, because you have to go now to your country, or we put you in jail for corrupting minors? And all for trying to do a favor.
If I had known this I do not move to Cuba. Or I stay in Morelia, people love me there. I had already traveled As had to travel and traveled around the world. Since in the fifties I went to Spain and almost back into fashion with that of the zarzuela
's husband after the wedding
Nothing, nothing should be denied him
For entering the house all its full authority Sign
Did not know that music? It seems incredible that you are my daughter, fuck, and you've grown up in show business through Havana. Zarzuela is the pharaoh's court. If you had not been to the moon, eating shit, as always, I would agree it looks that I have sung times when you were young. But you'll always have a damn what I do. Daughter like you, or that I had given birth by the nose. I say the nose if not worse.
But how to see, how your husband is going to accuse me of perverting now Joe? I did not stay to hear. All I did was help the unlucky boy to find his way to the center of the earth. To know the truth of life, were not to sprout feathers. And instead of thanking me, me ...
Huh? What does a social worker is there to talk to me? Then it happens. Not that I go to eat. Pa Cuje I am very afraid of anyone. Passing and well.
Good afternoon. Are you a social worker who is attending the case of Joe? No, not my grandson. How many times do I have to repeat? That boy is the son of her husband My daughter, born in Iowa and raised in Chicago. And I just arrived in this country, practically, and I saw her face for the first time two months ago. So from grandma, nananina.
Yes, I am Cuban. Neighborhood of Cayo Hueso, in Centro Habana. What? No, no, I do not get entangled in politics. By the beard let him in the Central Committee. If he is alive or already kicked the bucket, let him and his soul. I do not know anything about that nor do I care. For me, to be buried tomorrow.
I am of the opinion of the late Celia Cruz, who is in heaven the angels singing salsa. You do not know what he said azúcaaa screaming? That where it entered the political the door, the art was going out the window. And I am an artist, not a politician.
Feminism? Dismayed that ... What does feminism or eight quarters? Let's see, feminism is what brings the women in this country, my daughter, for example? He spends his days working the very stupid. He gets up at half past five, it buzzes for the office and back and dark. Listen, there's no sun in this Chicago at six o'clock. Gentlemen, what is out of the house and go home and not see a ray of light salao all the way! He hums the merequetén.
Then it gets cooked. Because the husband manganzón those of liberal and that we all Have the Same rights, but tell me what he does for his country. Ni host. Put the spoons in the dishwasher and is believed to be putting a medal vanguard worker. And then to squash your ass watching TV and no one can lift.
Meanwhile, my daughter is the one that sends the cocinao, and the arrangement of the house and reviewing the lesson to the boys. That's the triumph of feminism? No, my love, that's a lot of men sing small, they are freeloaders, and many comemierdería of women who take leave bobby.
In my time, women tended the house and had to walk for dealing with heaviness of the leaders. Or the heads, which are also Anja. It took an afternoon to shop and walked calmly better humor. Now they have sought double time: at home and at work. I do not say if they have to be taking sleeping pills, valium callers. Do not tell me.
And the boys can not be more spoiled. He spend the whole day screaming. Until you sit in front of the TV as the father. Pláfata! That's another thing: the TV turned on since arriving from the street. These kids are going to go idiots, mesmerized for hours in front of a screen. So when they grow have problems with this unit, as the stepson of my daughter. (The gadget below, not the TV.) Why not go even half an hour to a park. No play, no running or sunning. The only thing this move is the finger, look, pa change channel selector. Fu.
Come to the point, yes. As the chickens. Let's see what you meant me? Of course Joe does not accuse me. Fresh news. What are you going to blame? How to get into bed and pull down your pants? Not to be the chaste Joseph. Have you not heard the entrance of Joseph in Pharaoh's court? As reads:
I played the flute and flute
bounded about me and the goats love
not thought to be sin
and because he was too busy
that I was not even a lamb
and I can not lose
the poor.
Okay, let the song. But I will tell you how began. So I would not call me perverted or put him in chaste Joseph.
What I did was try to help Joe. Lend him a hand as they say here. More than a hand, of course. Lend him my pussy, this, the furry fur, which lack good it did.
Two months ago I was very quiet in my apartment in Central Havana. Avenida Carlos III between Espada and San Francisco. Next to the Emergency hospital, for more signs. There's your house. And I was not eating a cable as the old people of Buena Vista Social Club Ry Cooder discovered when, or shining shoes or anything like that.
is that I have faith, you know? No, no religion. In Cuba it means family abroad. Someone who assigned him to one U.S. dollar, because without them Havana makes you worse than a wasteland of Peter, go. With what I sent my daughter was fighting. He sold the bogus K-Mart that she had sent by Cubapacks. Thanks to my business and the dollars they also made me get from time to time I buy my coffee (coffee-brown, pylon, no shit that give the book there or watery American coffee, which is another crap) and my piece of pork in the market and my hash in the malls. The malls are shopping for dollars, mija. And he had a marinovio, a fifty that will not look like George Clooney but he's not toss pa dogs.
And suddenly, unexpectedly, they call me from Morelia. I had played there in Michoacán in the sixties. I did a tour of the Aztec earth and let the Mexicans, pardon the immodesty, crazy me. The very simple, I was told when I went down the stage after singing it for
Come, Joseph. Come
What is love?
I'm going to explain
because I believe that love should be something rich.
Ay! Hebrew!
must be a bug that bites. The more righteous
applauded me. The Cuban Embil Pepita, I called. Grabbed the public.
It turns out that an entrepreneur comes up with Teatro Morelos me a tribute at this stage of life. Said that one night he saw the newspaper clippings of those years and who dreamed me a Sept. 8. Oshun was who gave me the grace of the trip, because that day is your party. Oshun is the Virgin of Charity of Cobre, the orisha of love. You see this gold medal with her image? I have it since he was fifteen years here, hanging between the breasts, and I take it off or to bathe. What we have seen this medal stamped, mija .... If you get to do stories end in a week. Stories live and in living color. Without censorship or beeps. Of them get a best-seller, go.
Being in Morelia, singing and dancing, my daughter calls me and asks why I do not jump to the north. Ampang jumped because of Morelia to Chicago buzz is not from here to the corner. The first time I said no, Cuban passport that I was not going to give entry visa to the United States, but she give that dale.
That I will seek, I insisted. You get a false passport. We crossed the border to Juarez in a car because there unless you look at the papers at airports. That how you will return to Cuba without getting to know your grandchildren. Both grinder that finally convinced me.
So I finished my last presentation in the land of Morelos I got my blonde wig, with whom wore looked just like the woman in the photo that appeared on the false passport. I dressed rather elegant. I took a shower of Chanel No. 5 behind the ears and between the legs and so I took my plane posing as U.S. citizen. Facilitated.
No, the language does not scare me. How would scare me? If I sang My Fair Lady,
I Could Have Danced All Night And Still Have
begger for more.
I Could Have
spread my wings And done a Thousand Things I've never done before.
who I had not discussed as a servant was born in the middle of Broadway and a light snack ceremil times in Central Park in New York. At
Chicago with my daughter (who was all the way to the heart in the mouth, although the idea had been smuggled spend it) we waited for my son. By the way, since I took an eye on the type and seemed half Sanac. For starters, you shit scared to have an illegal alien, as he says, under his responsibility. For that, I would have left quietly in Morelia. At the end is that I did not ask or bring me na na.
The terror of them was that I got sick. Since I had no insurance and no way to get me one .... Then one day I said fuck no more. If I get sick, I put on a plane even if you pal Middle East. And if I die, throw me in the snow pa do not stink. How much nonsense.
My daughter, after so much struggle for me to come, he spent more time on the street next to me. They left the two to work and leave me alone like a dog. My grandchildren were in the preschool and did not allow me to care. I think my son was afraid that my illegal Cuban contaminated.
The only one who came near me and tried to entertain was the son of my son, who then visited us once or twice a week. Yes, the mentioned Joe, the stepson of my daughter. So incest nothing. That genes that boy I had no hand nor, thank God.
Joe and I talked a lot. The first week I looked like a child, but is higher than his father. But I was glad someone paid attention, you know? What no one else did. We put to speak from the two and a half since he left high school to five and pick my daughter who came with her husband and children.
What did what else? Well, not much. Estarme shut up here all the time. Oh, and watch TV. But even that entertained me. My God, these little girls that appear in MTV anemic, what more ugly bugs have no meat or a meat pie pa. That's the beauty of today? If what is needed is that inflate with an auxiliary air filled tires. Neither have boobs or culín.
back to Joe, I went over English. That when it is used and when to be English because it is always to be. Of course, as mine is music I taught with the lyrics of the songs. He sang, for example:
I was very sad and tearful
because unknowingly
something was missing.
to explain to be used for the emotional thing that changes from moment to moment. While the issues is to be more permanent, as the source: me
Of Thebes, was born in Thebes
. Our Lady of Thebes
call me me. Although I
instead of Thebes told Cuba, to give local color to the lessons. And boy was not awkward because enseguidita learned. One day he said: "You're cute." I was made up and well groomed because I would bring a Estarbú and wanted to look presentable. So I said "was" nice for a night but usually did not look so good. Then let me go very naughty: Oh, no. You are always beautiful so I say you're cute. Look
parejero Americanito has gone to, I thought. But no, I did not pay more attention to the night of Stinger.
Some friends of my daughter had heard of my tour in Mexico and asked me to do a performance here in a theater called Stinger. Chiquito, but well located and fixed public. For me not to pray, I said yes, although I had been thinking more entertainers. Di
feature one night only. I started coughing up the irons. And I sang and danced like my good times. And I shook my buttocks to the rhythm of
Come here. Look at me.
not feel so chaste, Joseph.
When the show finishes and I go out to mingle with people ... Alabao, pa what was that! Joe was dazzled. He brought me a glass of wine and gave me a huge bouquet of roses. But huge. Do not know where or if the purchase took before entering the theater, but there was the bouquet. Monumental. And it gave me a kiss that resonated from the left ear to the right ovary. That is what our about your father and the first thing he said to Joe is: "Why are you taking? Look drinking age have not yet! "
Was to kill him. Do you know what it is telling that to your child in front of a bunch of people? I do not speak for me, after I take the family. But there were many girls, girlfriends of him from high school and neighbors and acquaintances. The embarrassment that made him go. That lack of delicacy, pussy.
Among the girls was such an Ashley. Very slender indeed very funny and quite out of the dish. Enseguidita realized that I liked Joe. So the next day, when the boy comes to talk me out and tells me how beautiful was the function last night and how beautiful I looked and bla bla bla, I asked for Ashley. "She's cute too," I replied, "but not like you. In addition, We Do not Have chemistry. "
" Since when chemistry and physics and astronomy have to do with issues of love? "I asked. And instead of answering, the kid, the kid, the comebolas gives me a kiss. In the mouth this time. So we started.
Yes, we took a tumble, but nothing serious. I had my scruples, to be honest. How do I go to bed with a boy who could be my grandson? Until I realized that the poor man had not done before. Imagine that. At seventeen years and had not put his tail in any place or knew the truth of life. What backwardness, by God. Nobody would say that we in the developed world.
course, so I felt bad with girls. For a man who has ever done (and similarly a woman, mismito) is lacking something. Is incomplete, as it were. Did not the poet sang Machado?
say the man is not man
While not hear his name
the lips of a woman
And I said, no, we do a charity y. ..
What if this is the first time I'm with a minor? Hey, you should give worth calling "minor" to a great guy with a belaying pin eight inches and six feet tall. Be of pushing, damn. How
at seventeen years old a man is not going to be able to tune to who wants it? Why it's against the law? Look, the first time I slept with my boyfriend I was fifteen and he was sixteen. At that time people did not put with such crap. And I'm talking about for nearly sixty years. Nothing that this world is going backwards like crabs. Then they talk about evolution.
No, in Cuba there are no problems with age. Everything is prohibited, except that. On prohibiting temper, people up in arms. What they have not achieved the special period and the brigades Yard nor the soy mince half a pound per person does a law like that, my word.
Well I wanted Joe to excite declare it to Ashley, the invite for a coffee, whatever. But he clung to me. Every day since that first hugs, took her to come straight home to spend time with me. As was the first time I tasted ice cream, he took a taste and there was no way I let go. And I said, son, hold on a little, now I'm not a teenager and even florimbamba wears with much use, eh.
The problem was that before we ... affair, as they say here, he visited the house twice a week at most. Hola, hello pal fuck a moment and see her father and now. But then he appeared every day about leaving school. That's when my son seems to became suspicious. Besides, it would have drawn their conclusions by the way I looked at Joe. Even when there were people in front, that the creature, with his holy innocence, could not even pretend.
My son went to velarnos and we caught an afternoon grilling corn. I will not give details but it was pretty ... embarrassing, go. Compromising what they call here. Ball around naked in the two and the boy with the tail more stop glory of a flagpole. Just imagine.
then formed the jam. Called the counselor and yourself, and the boy's mother and the mother of my son and the mother of the tomatoes. The chaos was that, well. And now my daughter tells me that I go well that they put in jail for illegal entry and corrupting minors. The best thing I can do is get out before the scandal comes to newspapers or television.
A television, pa kennel that .... Who has seen me on Oprah or Cristina (well, Oprah would have to take me with a translator) with tremendous sign: Cuban Grandma commits incest with American grandson. Red and capitalized. Azúcaaa.
Go, go, do not annoy me. That neither the boy is my grandson, and I'm going to program any dirty laundry in public as they do here. One has much dignity for that.
Here comes my daughter again so we ended up. That was that. I told them I was going and go. Give me the suitcase, girl. The only thing I regret is that I stop to say goodbye to Joe who, as I have understood, stuffed headfirst into the psychologist. That is what is going to traumatize, rubbings not me. And they told me to see me crying and saying he was not going to accuse. Fresh news.
Look, you have to do is to deal with more important things. To see if put to the homeless that do not freeze when it starts to snow, and if they give health care to everyone instead of beating around worrying about what people do with their private parts.
And I'm going. Pa Cuba. O pal carajo, which is not the same, as would Silvio Rodriguez but equal.
Ay Ba ... Ay Ba ...
Alas, Babylon tide.
Oh, va. .. Oh, va. ..
Oh, come soon to Judea.
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