'Lobby' to join
the Vatican has sought U.S. support for GM crops worldwide. Even in the Vatican. A confidential cable from the embassy to the Holy See, 19 November 2009, recounts a meeting with Monsignor James Reinert, a "key person in food safety and biotechnology" research center of the Vatican. Reinert "said the Vatican would agree that countries need to increase their agricultural production and Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) have a role in this process, although not everyone in the church is comfortable with them." "The Vatican can not force the bishops to support biotechnology," he said.
The embassy noted that "while the message from the Vatican in favor of the environment is loud and clear, its position on biotechnology still has a low profile. With a discrete support, the church considers the decision to embrace GMO farmer is and governments. The Vatican's science academy has said that there is no evidence that GMOs are harmful. "
The cable, signed by the ambassador to the Holy See, Professor of Theology Miguel Humberto Diaz, concludes: "The Embassy will continue lobbying the Vatican to speak in favor of GMOs." • You can contact
in Eskup with the author of this information, Rafael Méndez EL PAÍS As opposition to what to do with the successive deaths accumulate them in the service record ... Population have systematically emptied the territories left to focus on GM soya and now the depopulation becomes an avalanche of wretched of the earth that they turn against plans calling for more care, more housing and special places to live in the conurbations of poverty extreme, the system has arranged for them, but those who do not cope, because there are hundreds of thousands who arrive and overwhelm any infrastructure absolutely predictable, of course, the ability to govern in a parasitic breed of mayors and governors incompetent ... That not understand this tragedy repeatedly announced, such as the tango Discépolo, and takes the opportunity, only to beat opponents and trying to profit on the basis of a 2011 that no one can guarantee that will come, at least as planned ... Are decidedly inept and stubborn. The worst thing is that we continue dragging into disaster ... Huge hail from provinces such as Santa Cruz and Chubut provinces larger than many European countries and less populated than Greenland. They do however, even a populist gesture to try to file some people in the home soil, lest that one be taken seriously and decide to go to Patagonia ... it seems they are convinced that those parts are only five hotels star luxury mansions to piaccere who can enjoy the lakes and mountainous landscapes ...
Meanwhile the country continues urbanizing and now, favelizándose quickly. The fourth cord of great Buenos Aires, began strongly to cross Route 6, the second beltway ... almost sixty miles from downtown Buenos Aires We rapidly toward the formation of a megalopolis that can spread to unite Zárate and Campana the city of La Plata. A huge urban wart as a metastasis grows, and grows without leadership or government, on an empty area of \u200b\u200bpopulation and exposed to new threats from rich countries that now seek to solve its food insecurity, with production sites on America America, Africa and Eastern Europe. I mean to land grabs, or the loss of land by large-scale acquisitions by foreign companies or states, whether by purchase, lease or other forms of control, to be used for agricultural production industry, ie food , feed, biofuels and other agricultural commodities. So far the largest acquisition of land in Argentina is that the Chinese have made in the Black River Province on more than 320 thousand hectares, in this case for agricultural production under irrigation techniques. Is the next stage of the production model, whose analysis and interpretation, common membership considered outside the political. Actually, We understand that many young people do not intend to change the country and outside our passion in the past, but only slightly and gradually reformed, not too ... too painful past by Argentina justify perhaps looks more moderate and more skeptical views on the possibility of changes in depth ... What we think is unacceptable is to confuse the membership rented the commitments that justify the high salaries loyalties and accepted without discussion ... We find it unacceptable that the feelings are lost in defense of the nation, that despite official positions, the country does not mean anything to many of them and the problem of Chinese enclaves Patagonia is just that we are going to be sprayed with glyphosate and not to take away our sovereignty ... We find it unacceptable to be committed to cultivating a manual Marxism colonized and many end up claiming the nonsense that opening the territory to Chinese is a way to fight against U.S. imperialism ... We find it unacceptable that in the midst of the current coloniality, we speak of returning to nuclear and tell us that there may be a national biotechnology to transgenic seeds being made in Cuba described as "socialist." We find it unacceptable that thought bubbles conform authoritarian subordinate consciousness to the instructions down from power by manipulative programs as 6, 7 and 8, and that any problem or conflict is viewed in terms of absolutely petty squabbles and short-term those who occupy the positions of power ...
We are in a final party with drinking and killed a final party that surely no winners but pain and gnashing of teeth. The only state leadership system that has prevailed is that of the envelopes with money that determines an authority and power pyramid. But that system is no longer sufficient to govern this Wild Argentina, deconstructed by agribusiness, which remain even landscapes that are based on our cultural identity as monoculture and deforestation have swept away all, and which, in the great urban crowding, we are facing against each other, tearing like wild beasts, with hatred, violence, shot and mutilated bodies. The images, once again, displayed with obscenity television cameras, speak for themselves in governance limits and the total absence of the state. Definitely do not deserve this fate, this ruling class does not deserve to foreign investment in prevention of withdrawal. Today more than ever that we raise the flags worth of revolutionary nationalism in brotherhood with the brotherly peoples of our mestizo America, that we raise the flag of environmentalism can to recover the spirit of the land and continue the project in that country than we ever dreamed to be ... We have lost our way for some time in the meanders of the road, but we can recover. So be it. Jorge Eduardo Rulli
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