As expected, Wednesday June 2, in During the Wednesday general audience, His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI blessed an artistic bust of Pius XII (who, as is known, said Venerable on December 19 last year), new gesture which adds to the already many by which the Pope reveals his personal interest in the person of Eugenio Pacelli, who has described as "loved and venerated predecessor." The event, which took place in happy coincidence with the feast of Pope St. Eugene I (pattern birthday of Pastor Angelicus ), was attended by Sister Margherita Marchione (second photo, greeting the Pope) , religious of the Maestre Pie Filippini who has dedicated his life to defend Pius XII of venerable memory. Also present was the Reverend Mother Maria Vincenza Minet (primera foto) , fundadora de la congregación de las Esclavas de la Visitación, en el claustro de cuya casa de Santa Marinella (localidad balnearia de Roma donde veraneaba Eugenio Pacelli) será colocado el busto bendecido por Benedicto XVI el próximo sábado 5 de junio. El mismo presidirá el jardín dedicado al Pontífice que tanto hizo por los perseguidos en los años aciagos de la Segunda Guerra Mundial y a todos los “Justos del Mundo” (una especie de Yad Vashem católico). La escultura broncínea, de 200 kilogramos de peso, se debe al maestro Renato Palella y representa fielmente los rasgos inconfundibles del gran Pío XII. Como siempre agradecemos a nuestro friend Prof. Livio Spinelli, the Roman Archaeological Group (RAG) , for keeping abreast of developments relating to anticipated on May 20 and in which the SIPA participates with deep commitment. I congratulate our dear Sister Margherita Marchione, who can see with satisfaction the progress of the cause of the pope, whose memory has done so much and no doubt, will continue. May God reward you.
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