Our good friend, Don Livio Spinelli, Secretary of the renowned and illustrious Sister Margherita Marchione, has sent the program of celebrations to be held in honor Pius XII of venerable next June in Rome and the town of Santa Marinella, coinciding with the presence in Italy of the religious. For information about our gentle readers we are pleased to publish below for our English translation of the material received.

Italian Post will issue two special commemorative postmark
On the occasion of the visit to Italy by Sister Margherita Marchione, professor emerita of the Maestre Pie Filippini, have been organized a conference to remind the Venerable Pius XII.
On 1 June afternoon, Sister Margherita speak to the center of diffusion of Culture Salotto Romano in the Library Vallicelliana (near the Chiesa Nuova), at the invitation of the renowned magazine Voce Romana .
On June 2, the day of San Eugenio (birthday of Pope Pacelli), in the Plaza de San Pedro, will be blessed the bronze bust of the Pope, the work of master Renato Palella, 200 kilos, that Sarah then placed in the garden of the Shrine of Our Lady of the Visitation in Santa Marinella (Roma).
The garden will be dedicated
"The Pope Pius XII and the World's Fair" , a kind of Christian Yad Vashem, a citadel of historical memory, where the monument will be built African Campaign in memory of all soldiers Italian killed in Africa, which was blessed by the Venerable John Paul II. On that day
Sister Margherita Marchione will receive the honorary citizenship of Santa Marinella, Italy Post will release a special postmark allusive.
On June 3, afternoon, Poets Romans taxed a special welcome to Sister Margherita in Teatro Tor di Nona (Via degli Acquasparta 16, 00186 Rome).
On June 4, in the Palazzo Ferrajoli (Piazza Colonna) of Rome, Sister Margherita Marchione speak on "Eugenio Pacelli, Pius XII, the last Pope of Rome" , act in which speakers include: His Eminence. Cardinal Farina, librarian of the Holy Roman Church, Senator Giulio Andreotti and Lilli Prince Ruspoli. The event was organized by Publisher and editor Pagine Luciano Lucarini, and Section of Santa Marinella of GAR (Roman Archaeology Group), Poste Italiane having ordered the second edition of the special postmark allusive.
is reported that the latest book by Sister Margherita Marchione La Vita di Papa Pio XII Postuma -with a foreword by Giulio Andreotti, is already in press for forthcoming publication by Libreria Editrice Vaticana (LEV). In the U.S., where it was already published last April, the volume devoted to his religious congregation in commemoration of One Hundred Years of North American Province of the Maestre Pie Filippini-released in English under the title The Posthumous Life of Pope Pius XII .
Before this program, Sister Margherita will be in Turin between 23 and 25 May for some conference and meetings on the Venerable Pius XII at the invitation of Introvigne.
It includes a biography of Sister Margherita Marchione (see below) and the schedule of key events (see below) and commemorative postmark (see above) .
Prof. Livio Spinelli
Secretary of Sister Margherita Marchione
Tel 328-1238850

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