Before playing the article in question should enter here some biographical data that he died full of years and merits being cardinal of the Roman Church, the oldest of his time. Dezza Paolo was born in Parma on December 13, 1901. At 17 he entered the Society of Jesus, looking on in the novitiate of Madrid, Naples and Innsbruck. On March 25, 1928 was ordained priest. Between 1929 and 1932 formed on the staff of the Pontifical Gregorian University, where he taught philosophy. Poor health, had to leave Rome to go to Davos-Platz, staying in Switzerland a few years. They pronounced his final vows as a Jesuit on February 2, 1935 (ie, does exactly seventy-five years). Having
replacement was named provincial of the Jesuit constituency Lombardo-Veneto, a position he held from 1935 to 1939. With the outbreak of World War II returned to Rome by Pope Pius XII was appointed rector of the Gregorian on August 5, 1941. He had constant recourse to the Pope, who, as we shall see, made him interesting secrets right in the war drama. At the end of the conflict was the P. Dezza who had been named the chief rabbi of Rome, Israel Zolli, who, in gratitude to the Pope for what he had done for the Jews during the Nazi persecution, took the name Eugenio (although his conversion, as is known, was due to his personal spiritual journey, which had been maturing for years). Zolli, invited by the rector of the Gregorian worked on it until the end of his days.
Perhaps the greatest glory of the Father bell Dezza is to have well prepared the proclamation of the dogma of the Assumption of the Virgin in 1950, the central act of the pontificate of Pius XII. En ello se ocupó durante años junto con otros jesuitas: los PP. Robert Leiber, Augustin Bea, Otto Faller, Wilhelm Hentrich y Rudolf Walter von Moos. Entre 1951 y 1965 fue miembro de la Facultad de Teología del Colegio Belarmino de los jesuitas en Roma. También fue secretario general de la Federación Internacional de Universidades Católicas y miembro de la Facultad del Pontificio Ateneo Lateranense. En 1965, fue elegido asistente general de la Compañía de Jesús por la XXXI Congregación General, la misma que designó al P. Pedro Arrupe como prepósito. La orden entraba entonces en un período de grandes cambios que iba a desembocar con el tiempo en una grave crisis.
Pablo VI escogió al P. Dezza por su confesor, que le oía todos los viernes, a las 7 de la tarde en el tribunal de la penitencia. Los largos años de asiduidad con el papa Montini hicieron nacer y crecer en él la admiración por el que consideraba “un hombre de gran alegría” . De él dijo, a su muerte, que, si bien no era un santo al ser elegido, se convirtió en tal durante su pontificado, sufriendo por Cristo y por su Iglesia con una “profunda resignación interior y un abandono constante a la divina Providencia” . Una de las fuentes de este sufrimiento era precisamente la deriva de la otrora monolítica fuerza al servicio del Papado: la Compañía de Jesús.
En 1981, tensions between conservatives and liberals in their midst to suffer intensified P. Arrupe a stroke that incapacitated him until his death (which occurred ten years later.) Liberals then forced the nomination of one of their own, Fr Vincent O'Keefe for directing the order until you elect a new superior general, but Pope John Paul II, still recovering from the attack of 13 May that year, in an unprecedented intervention, ignored this measure and the October 5 designated P. Dezza, who had been his teacher in his student days in Rome as papal delegate, putting his hand as an adjunct to the government of the Company as P. Giuseppe Pittau. For two years, both undertook the difficult task of institutional normality return to the order, until the XXXIII General Congregation elected Father Peter Hans Kolvenbach's successor P. Arrupe as Superior General on 13 September 1983. Now retired
was created cardinal by Pope John Paul II in the consistory of June 28, 1991, to almost ninety years old. It was obviously a purely honorary recognition as widely exceeded the limit of 80 years imposed by Paul VI, the new cardinal and could no longer form part of any department of the Roman Curia and the Pope qualified adviser or participate in a eventual conclave. For the same reason John Paul II was dispensed to receive episcopal consecration, mandatory since 1962 for members of the Sacred College. He received the diaconate of San Ignacio de Loyola in Campo Marzio.
Cardinal Paolo Dezza died December 17, 1999, almost one hundred years in Rome. He was temporarily buried in the mausoleum of the Jesuits in the Campo Verano cemetery after the funeral in St. Peter's Basilica, celebrated by the Pope in his homily which highlighted how the deceased had complied fully with the Ignatian ideal "serve Christ in the person of his Vicar" . On December 17, 2006, on the seventh anniversary of his death, the remains of Cardinal Dezza were taken to the church of his diaconate, where lie awaiting the resurrection of the flesh.

After that, once again, some Italian newspapers have attacked the memory of the Venerable Pius XII presented as "unpublished" documents have been known for over forty years, L'Osservatore Romano resubmitted an article originally published in 1964, in which Paolo Dezza (later Cardinal) referred to a confidential dialogue he had with Pius XII on the issue of Nazi crimes. We offer our translation of this important article, of great historical value.
The testimony of a private conversation in 1942 between Pacelli and preached that year Jesuit spiritual exercises
"We regret that the Pope does not speak, but is that the Pope can not speak"
The issue can be discussed historically, but Pius XII was silent for fear of worsening the situation
"We regret that the Pope does not speak, but is that the Pope can not speak"
The issue can be discussed historically, but Pius XII was silent for fear of worsening the situation
By: Paolo Dezza
On 28 June 1964 "L'Osservatore della Domenica" published testimony the then rector of the Pontifical Gregorian University - then in 1966 confessor of Paul VI and John Paul I, and created cardinal in 1991 by Pope John Paul II - which described the contents of a highly sensitive hearing granted to him by Pope Pius XII.
In December 1942, preached the exercises at the Vatican the Holy Father. At that time, I had a long hearing in which the Pope, speaking of Nazi atrocities in Germany and other occupied countries, expressed his pain, his anguish, because - I said - "complain that the Pope does not speak . But the Pope can not speak. If you speak, it would be worse. " And I remembered that he had recently sent three letters: a defining who "the heroic Archbishop of Krakow , the future Cardinal Sapieha, and other two other Polish bishops in deploring the atrocities Nazis. “Me responden – dijo – agradeciéndome, pero diciéndome que no pueden publicar esas cartas porque sería agravar la situación”. Y citaba el ejemplo de Pío X que, frente a no sé cuales vejaciones en Rusia, dijo: “Debéis guardar silencio precisamente para impedir males mayores” .
Y también en esta ocasión aparece muy clara la falsedad de aquellos que dicen que él guardó silencio queriendo sostener a los nazis contra los rusos y el comunismo; y recuerdo que me dijo: “Sí, el peligro comunista existe. Sin embargo, en este momento, es más grave el peligro nazi”. Y me habló what the Nazis had done in case of victory. I remember I said the phrase "They want to destroy the Church and crush like a toad. For the Pope does not have place in the new Europe. They say they go to America. But I have no fear and I will stay here. " And he said a very firm and very safe, so it is clear that if the pope was not silent out of fear or interest, but only for fear of worsening the situation of the oppressed. Because while I was talking about the threat of invasion of the Vatican was quite calm, secure, trusted in Providence. Speaking of "speaking", there was distraught. "If I speak - I thought - I do wrong them ".
Therefore, although one can argue that historically would have been better to speak more or speak louder, which is beyond question is that if the Pope Pius XII spoke up was only for this reason, not fear by other interests. Another thing that impressed me the dialogue that I spoke of what he had done and was doing on behalf of these oppressed. I remember I talked about the first contacts, newly elected pope, in accordance with the German cardinals, had tried to establish with Hitler, but without results, then the dialogue he had with Ribbentrop when he came to Rome, but to no avail. However, he continued doing what could only concern not to enter political or military but to remain in what was the work of the Holy See. In this regard, I remember when in 1943 the German domination came to Rome I was Rector of the Pontifical Gregorian University and received those who came to seek refuge, "Pius XII said, " Father, do not receive military because being the Pontifical Gregorian University and linked to the Holy See, we should stay out of this part. But for others, willingly civil, persecuted Jews ". In fact, many were received.
On what the Pope did so for the Jews, among many witnesses, is that of Zolli, who was the chief rabbi of Rome and, during the Nazi occupation, took refuge with a family of workers. Then, after the danger and the Allies arrived, he developed, became a Catholic, a conversion sincere and selfless. I remember he came to see me on August 15, 1944 and he stated his intention to become Catholic. "Look - he said - not a do ut des. I ask Baptism and sufficient water. The Nazis have taken me around. I'm poor, live poor, die poor, I do not care . And when the baptism, he wanted to take Eugenio name precisely thanks to the Pope Eugenio Pacelli as he had done in assisting the Jews. I myself went with him in the audience with the Pope after Baptism, in February, and that was when Zolli asked the Pope to remove from the liturgy those terms unfavorable to the Jews as "perfidis Iudaeis" . It was then that Pius XII, because he could not immediately change the liturgy, he published the statement that "perfidious" in Latin means "unbelievers." But then, just possible, with the reform of the liturgy was removed from the floor. Pius XII
wanted to be sure not to say anything I could provoke reactions that aggravate the situation. I would separate the two issues. One is: has done well to keep silent or would have been better to talk? This is, for me, a matter which can even discuss historically. Perhaps Pius XI, other provisions, would have acted differently. However, what is clear to me is that if Pius XII was silent or spoke recently, there has been for no other reason than the fear of worsening the situation. Objectively, one can argue, subjectively, there is no doubt the intention of the Pope: He looked really do their best.
Source: L'Osservatore Romano
Translation: Jerome The Attic
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