Tuesday, February 9, 2010

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XI and Pacelli: two styles, but the same love for the Church

Fides fearless

- Achille, Achille, Achille ...

Thrice pronounced the name of Pope Cardinal Pacelli, Camerlengo of Holy Roman Church. Pius XI did not respond. He was the February 10, 1939 and his body lay lifeless on the bed of suffering in the papal apartments in the Apostolic Palace. The silence of the pontiff followed by a statement in a solemn voice pronounced by the cardinal, in which sensed a tone of sorrow:

- Vere Papa Mortuus est!

Yes, Achille Ratti was really dead. Eugenio Pacelli not only mourned the loss of Pope: Pope cried for her. In fact, between Pius XI and his Secretary of State had established a relationship that transcended the common dedication to the interests of the Church or the mere sympathy. It was a true father-son affection. What is more, the pope had consciously prepared to succeed Cardinal in the holy throne and had intimated to the entire world. "Fara a bel Papa!" used to say, referring to the timid Pacelli, who was traveling in Europe and both Americas foguearlo in dealing with the greats of the Earth.

fame is the strong character of Pius XI, which shook the monsignors of the Roman Curia and the staff of the Apostolic Palace. The impatience of the Pope with a sample of negligence or incompetence was well known and well cared all inflating. Alone can sweeten the Holy Father (and with whom he never got angry) was Pacelli. It is true that it was impeccable: he had learned in his long years of curatorial and diplomatic blunders and commit not to be accurate and diligent. The only error that could achacársele was the loss of an important file on the canonical encoding of the Church in time of Benedict XV, but learned his lesson.

February 10, 1939: Pius XI died

Nobody called surprise when, weeks later, Eugenio Pacelli emerged from the conclave become Pius XII. He had learned to be pope next to the formidable Ratti (as Paul VI would learn to be pope to yours). As he did not want advisers but executioners. It was assumed all responsability and the full weight of the government of the Church, but, unlike his predecessor, during most of his pontificate and would not have a secretary of state, which discharged a large part of responsibilities. On the death of Cardinal Maglione, react as Louis XIV to Mazarin: rule alone. But that's another story.

Here we are interested in considering an argument often used by detractors of Pius XII as a support for his accusation of cowardice and pusillanimity: the supposed contrast to Pius XI. According to them, it would have been a fearless priest who would have faced the totalitarianism of the time his successor as he would have been timid and patronizing them. Ensure that if the former would have had to live the circumstances that arose Pius XII, had proceeded very differently to it. But is this true?

the outset it must be admitted that Pius XI and Pius XII are potatoes with two personalities and two different styles: one vehement and combative, the other thoughtful and prudent. But these differences did not prevent in any way that would have a good understanding and mutual admiration between them. Perhaps Achille Ratti Eugenio Pacelli saw the features that could help balance its natural impetus for the greater good of the interests of the Church. Lo que sí está claro es que a Pío XI le desagradaban profundamente la vileza y la debilidad de carácter y es claro que si hubiera detectado cualquiera de estas cosas en Pacelli, nunca lo habría llamado para ser su secretario de Estado, ni lo hubiera creado cardenal ni mucho menos le hubiera otorgado su plena confianza y dispensado su predilección.

Las circunstancias en las que vivieron los dos papas no fueron idénticas: hubo una guerra de por medio. Y no una guerra cualquiera. La segunda conflagración mundial fue no sólo la más cruenta de la Historia, sino aquella en la que se colmó hasta rebasar el vaso de la crueldad humana. Ésta llegó a límites inimaginables, hasta el punto que el mayor de los Skeptics could take her foot to support the existence of the devil. And is that both Nazism and Bolshevism had a sinister background Luciferian. What Would Pius XI in place of Pius XII? It is not easy to know, although there are reasons to believe that it would have acted differently in substance to that of his successor.

Cardinal Pacelli Creation and five
Cardinals in December 1929

Achille Ratti
could be bold, but it was no irresponsible and certainly would not have jeopardized -By a desire for personal reasons, millions of human beings, challenging a madman like Hitler was. Since then with Mussolini, can not be compared in degree of wickedness of the Fuehrer, endured all he could to avoid prejudicing the Catholic Action, the subject of harassment by the regime, which sought to end it. It is known that the Pope wanted to take the tenth anniversary of the Conciliazione to make a public complaint against it in front of all the Italian bishops, but death prevented him. However, in ten years of systematic violations of the Lateran Treaty, unless the encyclical Non abbiamo bisogno (1931), Pius XI was a patience with the Duce that, in the eyes of those who did not understand the situation, it might seem condescending. But at stake was the good of souls and for him, as he once said, the Pope was willing to negotiate even with the devil in person.

So if Pius XI had been the pope of the war, probably, though very reluctantly, I had not stood up to Hitler. Doing so would have been no other choice than to flee to London to run or fall into the hands of the tyrant. But this in no way would have favored the victims of persecution: the opposite. Was that a dilemma of Pius XII, who chose wisely as the best coverage for effective aid to the insurgents. It is very comfortable to be a hero in exile, in the way of General de Gaulle, the hard part is to be a hero in silence. We were, for example, many officials in occupied France, secret members of the Resistance, which thanks to having been silent and hidden could have helped fight the Nazis.

are an interesting sign of what Pius XI would have thought about the position of his successor to Nazism and not enough attention: Cardinal Eugène Tisserant had a temperament much like the pope Ratti (who professed great admiration ), to the point of being known as the "Lion of Lorraine" (In fact, was born in Nancy, the capital of the punished region of France). Many things went according to Pius XII and said so on more than one occasion and without mincing words. Yet not a word of criticism about a supposedly silent Pacelli attitude during the war period. In the book that the cardinal's longtime secretary, Monsignor Gilles Roche, wrote about this pope based on unpublished reports that he relied (and which were, indeed, a bizarre story), there is no censorship or phrase blame for the actions of the pontiff.

Conciliazione Image: pact must
to ensure its sovereignty Church

But now we see concrete actions by Pacelli as Pius XI's secretary of state. First, we address the issue of concordat policy of the Holy See, which is attributed to the diplomatic and legalistic mentality of the former, which supposedly would have prevailed on pastoral sense. In particular, the inks are loaded by the signing of the Concordat with the German Reich in 1933. Not reflect on the fact that the policy of concordats predates the arrival of Cardinal Pacelli the third floor of the Apostolic Palace. Under the supervision of Pius XI and Cardinal Gasparri were held the following: with Latvia, Poland, Romania, Lithuania, Czechoslovakia, and German Länder of Bavaria and Prussia, as well as the Lateran Treaty (which included the Concordat with Italy) . From the time Pacelli only date, however, the covenants with Baden, Austria, Germany and Yugoslavia. The Concordat was, therefore, a policy adopted by Achille Ratti, in order to give the Church a legal instrument to defend their rights and their children.

The specific case of the Concordat with the Third Reich has been misrepresented. First, it was not ninguna aprobación del régimen nazi, el cual, por otra parte, acababa de llegar al poder y no había tenido tiempo de mostrarse en toda la crudeza de su perversión. Las mismas democracias europeas (Francia y Gran Bretaña) aún en 1938 – cuando ya se había manifestado la política racista y antisemita alemana y se había verificado el Anschluss – creían que era posible contener a Hitler y negociar con él. En segundo lugar, el concordato no fue buscado por la Santa Sede sino pedido por Hitler, el cual envió al vicecanciller, el católico Franz von Papen, a negociarlo sobre la base de un borrador de la época de la República de Weimar que había quedado archivado. El propósito the Führer was to win prestige for the brand new government even though he had no intention of respecting the agreement (which is why von Papen instructed to be long in grants). Neither Pius XI and Cardinal Pacelli had no illusions about the concordat with Germany, but at least, as entrusted to the French ambassador Charles-Roux, they had a firm legal basis on which to protest and defend the rights of the Church and German Catholics.

Another accusation that Pius XII makes is its Germanophilia, which would have been inclined to view with favor the rise of Nazism to power as an alternative to communism. In general, objects Pacelli and a right-wing authoritarian tendencies to Pius XI's sympathies more Democrats. While it is true that the latter was a determined adversary of the great totalitarianism (Fascism, Nazism and Communism) was not a fan of liberal Republicanism, which had failed to confront the social problem (which, in part, had favored the rise of the same totalitarian) and had deteriorated in some cases, anti-religious sectarianism (Mexico and Spain). The encyclical Quadragesimo anno (1931) reveals rather a social and political ideology of corporatist type, based on the principle of subsidiarity. No wonder, then, that the State novo introduced by Oliveira Salazar in Portugal and based on the same system, was seen favorably by Pius XI.

Pius XI and his beloved Secretary of State:
the same desire to serve the Church

As Eugenio Pacelli, certainly felt a great sympathy for Germany, but he could be accused after having spent twelve years there? The sense of discipline, method and spirit of the legendary Teutonic order was most suited to your personality. His extraordinary mastery of the language of Goethe allowed, moreover, an established German culture. Now, talk about Germanophilia by this fact seems excessive and it is much more to infer an alleged sympathy for Nazism, even as an alternative to communism (of whose effects he had witnessed in 1919 during the Red Revolution in Bavaria nuncio Ratti as it would, indeed, the following year, when Soviet Russia invaded Poland). The future Pope Pius XII admired, however, American society, who had known build a stable and democratic system of government without resorting to extreme prejudice and European liberalism. In fact, in 1936 undertook a private tour (though with the consent of Pius XI) by the United States, where the wonder and excitement and where he returned to Rome with good and lasting friendships, especially that of President Roosevelt (who, unprecedented , sent a personal representative to Pacelli became Pope Pius XII).

Delving into the alleged propensity favorable to Nazism by Pacelli, it is worth recalling a few facts. First, the nuncio in Munich was one of the few outstanding personalities of the time you took the trouble to read Mein Kampf , a book which took the ugliest of the impressions, considering a potential danger, according to the testimony of Mother Pascualina Lehnert, governess to the Nuncio. Also consider the fact eloquently of the close friendship with Cardinal Pacelli linking with the German bishops most militant of the Hitler regime, Cardinal Michael von Faulhaber of Munich, Blessed Clemens August von Galen, Bishop of Munster and Bishop Conrad von Preysing Berlin. In addition, the anti-Nazism of the Secretary of State for Pius XI is clearly established by the encyclical Mit brennender Sorge (1937), Pacelli staff work in collaboration with Cardinal Faulhaber, as evidenced by the minutes of the original document with hand-written annotations Lyrics former. It is known also that when congratulating the Pope on the encyclical, he turned toward him and said, pointing: "it is the merit" . Anyway, should not be overlooked the strong rebuke of which was the subject Innitzer Cardinal of Vienna, summoned to Rome to demand an explanation for Pacelli's benevolent attitude toward the Anschluss.

remains the question of the famous encyclical phantom racism that Pius XI had wanted to publish prevent the death. It has been criticized Pius XII for not having rejected angered Germany, thus contributing to the persecution of the Jews and ethnic minorities. Achille Ratti is true that I had in mind to make a formal statement on the issue of racial discrimination in June 1938 and instructed the American Jesuit John LaFarge preparing the document, to be called Humani generis unitas . The priest worked on it all summer and return to his country gave the draft to the director of La Civiltà Cattolica for that he should make to reach the Pope. However, it was clear that what he had written P. LaFarge was far from being a definitive text. Good Jesuit, while committed opponent of the theory of race and anti-Semitism, paid tribute to the son of his time and did not disdain to pick up some traditional arguments of this religious anti-Judaism in Christianity (which, moreover, the Holy See was far from sharing.) Since then, the text was not, by far in advance of Nostra Aetate. Pius XI, who had publicly stated that "we are all Semites spiritually" , if you read it, certainly rule it out. Pius XII had been authorized its publication today would accuse him of intolerance and anti-Semitic.

Last audience of Pius XI (3.II.1939)

One last point, the thread precisely this new anniversary of the death of Pius XI. This was attributed to Mussolini, who, to prevent the Pope publicly denouncing the fascist regime in the midst of celebrations marking the tenth anniversary of the Lateran Treaty, would have instructed the Papal arquíatra Dr. Giuseppe Petacci (father of his lover Claretta) to administer a lethal injection to the already weakened and almost dying priest, who prayed to God just one more day of life to carry out its mission. The species was released many years later by Cardinal Tisserant, but strongly denied by Cardinal Carlo Confalonieri, in 1939 was private chamberlain of Pius XI and was watching all the time with him during his agony. On the other hand, neither Bishop Mario Rocca di Corneliano Nasalli also private chamberlain, or master of camera Bishop Antonio di Sant'Elia Arborio Mella, both papal entourage persons right to mention the thing in his memoirs.

The truth is that Eugenio Pacelli came naturally to Achille Ratti (which is what he wanted and the Cardinals saw fit). Both pontificates be considered together seamlessly. The grand plans for universal screening of the Church that had Pius XI were made magnificently during the reign of his successor: the great missionary expansion, promotion of indigenous clergy, independence and prestige of the Holy See, the promotion of the apostolate of the laity, the use of new technologies in the service of religion ... They were, yes, two potatoes and two styles, but shared a love for the Church and one purpose of serving God and saving souls.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

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An Israeli newspaper publishes article in defense of Pius XII

A priest archicalumniado

According L'Osservatore Romano said in its issue of Feb. 1-2 , article by Bernard-Henri Lévy, which paralleled the Popes Pius XII and Benedict XVI as scapegoats in the public eye has sparked the debate. Curiously in Spain was published by a means anything suspected of partiality in favor of Eugenio Pacelli or Joseph Ratzinger: The Country (January 24 edition of the latter). But it is not the only surprise: an Israeli newspaper had published 22 other articles, this time from Dimitri Cavalli journalist specializing in Pius XII, which assume a strong defense of Pope against most widespread accusations against him. The daily Haaretz thus contributes to dispel the myth of an alleged unanimity within the world judío en el rechazo de la figura de Pío XII. Algo se empieza a mover en sentido positivo después de casi medio siglo de calumnias…

por: Dimitri Cavalli*

Algunas cosas no cambian nunca. La controversia sobre las acciones del papa Pío XII durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial se ha vuelto a encender al firmar Benedicto XVI un decreto afirmando que su predecesor demostró “virtudes heroicas” durante su vida. Cuando el domingo pasado el Papa visitó la Gran Sinagoga de Roma, Riccardo Pacifici, presidente de la comunidad judía romana le dijo: “El silencio de Pius XII to the Holocaust as an act still hurts frustrated ".

is not the first time that the wartime Pope, who is now closer to beatification, is accused of having remained silent during the Holocaust, had done little or nothing to help Jews and even of having collaborated with the Nazis. To what extent has admitted that these allegations, repeated since the early sixties, and are backed by evidence?

On April 4, 1933, the Vatican secretary of state, Cardinal Eugenio Pacelli, ordered the papal nuncio to Germany to see what could be done to counter policies Nazi anti-Semitic.

On behalf of Pope Pius XI, Cardinal Pacelli drafted an encyclical entitled brennender Mit Sorge (With grave concern) , which condemned the Nazi doctrines and the persecution of the Catholic Church. The encyclical was smuggled into Germany and read from the Pupitar of Catholic churches on 21 March 1937.

Although some critics of the Vatican settled the encyclical as a kind of soft rebuke, the Germans as a threat to its security. For ejsemplo, 26 March 1937, Hans Dieckhoff, an official of the German Foreign Ministry, wrote that "the encyclical contains swingeing attack on the German government calls upon Catholic citizens to rebel against state authority and, therefore, is an attempt to endanger international peace" .

Both Britain and France had to interpret the document as a starting guard against the possibility of giving confidence to Hitler or yield to it.

After the death of Pius XI on March 2, 1939 he was elected pope, Cardinal Pacelli. The Nazis were unhappy with the new pontiff, who took the name Pius XII. On March 4, Joseph Goebbels, German Minister of Propaganda, wrote in his diary: "Lunch with the Fuehrer. Is considering the idea of \u200b\u200babrogating the Concordat with Rome in the light of Pacelli's election to the papacy ". During the war, the pope certainly did not remain silent: In numerous speeches and encyclicals defended human rights for all and was called to the belligerent nations to respect the rights of all civilians and prisoners of war.

Unlike many of his detractors last minute, the Nazis understood very well to Pius XII. Having carefully considered the message of Pius XII on the occasion of Christmas 1942, the Reich Central Office for Security concluded: "has not happened before, the Pope has repudiated the National Socialist New European Order (...) Virtually accusing the German people of injustice against the Jews and gives voice to the Jewish war criminals" (consult any book of Critics of Pius XII and find no trace of this important data).

In early 1940, the Pope made an intermediary between a group of German generals who wanted to overthrow Hitler and the British Government. While the plot did not materialize, Pius XII was in close contact with the German resistance and knew two other plots against Hitler. In the fall of 1941, through diplomatic channels, the Pope agreed with Franklin Delano Roosevelt on the fact that American Catholics could support the President's plans to extend military aid to the Soviet Union, invaded by the Nazis . With the consent of the Holy See, John T. McNicholas (photo) , Archbishop of Cincinnati (Ohio), made a highly publicized speech "-in which he explained that the extension of the aid to the Soviets was morally justified because it was to help the Russian people, which was innocent victim of German aggression.

In the course of the war, sent the Pope often said the Vatican diplomatic representatives in many areas occupied by the Nazis and the Axis powers to intervene in favor of the Jews in danger. Until the death of Pius XII in 1958 many organizations, newspapers and Jewish leaders praised their efforts. To cite just one of many examples that could be, Alexander Safran, chief rabbi of Bucharest, wrote in a letter dated April 7, 1944 the apostolic nuncio in Romania: 's not easy for us to find the right words to express affection and comfort received through the interest of the Pope, who gave a huge sum of money to relieve the sufferings of deported Jews (...) The Jews of Romania will never forget these facts of historic importance ".

The campaign against Pius XII is bound to fail because its opponents do not have any evidence to support his main allegations against him, namely that remained silent, which was favorable to Nazism and that little or nothing done to help the Jews. Maybe it had to happen in a world like ours that the only man in the war period, did more than any other leader to help Jews and other victims of Nazism, received the harshest sentences.

* Dimitri Cavalli is an editor and freelance writer living in New York and a contributor to various publications.

Original Source: Haaretz

English translation: RVR

Monday, February 1, 2010

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Dezza Cardinal: If Pius XII was silent for emperor not the situation of the persecuted

The Attic Jerome publishes the English translation of an article in L ' Osservatore Romano yesterday and that is none other than the same as in the supplement L'Osservatore della Domenica saw the light around 1964 on the issue of the "silence" Pius XII during the Second World War. Its author: Paolo Dezza RP, SI, a close associate of Pope Pacelli and had to be also of Paul VI, keeping the two pontiffs a deep and indelible memory.

Before playing the article in question should enter here some biographical data that he died full of years and merits being cardinal of the Roman Church, the oldest of his time. Dezza Paolo was born in Parma on December 13, 1901. At 17 he entered the Society of Jesus, looking on in the novitiate of Madrid, Naples and Innsbruck. On March 25, 1928 was ordained priest. Between 1929 and 1932 formed on the staff of the Pontifical Gregorian University, where he taught philosophy. Poor health, had to leave Rome to go to Davos-Platz, staying in Switzerland a few years. They pronounced his final vows as a Jesuit on February 2, 1935 (ie, does exactly seventy-five years). Having

replacement was named provincial of the Jesuit constituency Lombardo-Veneto, a position he held from 1935 to 1939. With the outbreak of World War II returned to Rome by Pope Pius XII was appointed rector of the Gregorian on August 5, 1941. He had constant recourse to the Pope, who, as we shall see, made him interesting secrets right in the war drama. At the end of the conflict was the P. Dezza who had been named the chief rabbi of Rome, Israel Zolli, who, in gratitude to the Pope for what he had done for the Jews during the Nazi persecution, took the name Eugenio (although his conversion, as is known, was due to his personal spiritual journey, which had been maturing for years). Zolli, invited by the rector of the Gregorian worked on it until the end of his days.

Perhaps the greatest glory of the Father bell Dezza is to have well prepared the proclamation of the dogma of the Assumption of the Virgin in 1950, the central act of the pontificate of Pius XII. En ello se ocupó durante años junto con otros jesuitas: los PP. Robert Leiber, Augustin Bea, Otto Faller, Wilhelm Hentrich y Rudolf Walter von Moos. Entre 1951 y 1965 fue miembro de la Facultad de Teología del Colegio Belarmino de los jesuitas en Roma. También fue secretario general de la Federación Internacional de Universidades Católicas y miembro de la Facultad del Pontificio Ateneo Lateranense. En 1965, fue elegido asistente general de la Compañía de Jesús por la XXXI Congregación General, la misma que designó al P. Pedro Arrupe como prepósito. La orden entraba entonces en un período de grandes cambios que iba a desembocar con el tiempo en una grave crisis.

Pablo VI escogió al P. Dezza por su confesor, que le oía todos los viernes, a las 7 de la tarde en el tribunal de la penitencia. Los largos años de asiduidad con el papa Montini hicieron nacer y crecer en él la admiración por el que consideraba “un hombre de gran alegría” . De él dijo, a su muerte, que, si bien no era un santo al ser elegido, se convirtió en tal durante su pontificado, sufriendo por Cristo y por su Iglesia con una “profunda resignación interior y un abandono constante a la divina Providencia” . Una de las fuentes de este sufrimiento era precisamente la deriva de la otrora monolítica fuerza al servicio del Papado: la Compañía de Jesús.

En 1981, tensions between conservatives and liberals in their midst to suffer intensified P. Arrupe a stroke that incapacitated him until his death (which occurred ten years later.) Liberals then forced the nomination of one of their own, Fr Vincent O'Keefe for directing the order until you elect a new superior general, but Pope John Paul II, still recovering from the attack of 13 May that year, in an unprecedented intervention, ignored this measure and the October 5 designated P. Dezza, who had been his teacher in his student days in Rome as papal delegate, putting his hand as an adjunct to the government of the Company as P. Giuseppe Pittau. For two years, both undertook the difficult task of institutional normality return to the order, until the XXXIII General Congregation elected Father Peter Hans Kolvenbach's successor P. Arrupe as Superior General on 13 September 1983. Now retired

was created cardinal by Pope John Paul II in the consistory of June 28, 1991, to almost ninety years old. It was obviously a purely honorary recognition as widely exceeded the limit of 80 years imposed by Paul VI, the new cardinal and could no longer form part of any department of the Roman Curia and the Pope qualified adviser or participate in a eventual conclave. For the same reason John Paul II was dispensed to receive episcopal consecration, mandatory since 1962 for members of the Sacred College. He received the diaconate of San Ignacio de Loyola in Campo Marzio.

Cardinal Paolo Dezza died December 17, 1999, almost one hundred years in Rome. He was temporarily buried in the mausoleum of the Jesuits in the Campo Verano cemetery after the funeral in St. Peter's Basilica, celebrated by the Pope in his homily which highlighted how the deceased had complied fully with the Ignatian ideal "serve Christ in the person of his Vicar" . On December 17, 2006, on the seventh anniversary of his death, the remains of Cardinal Dezza were taken to the church of his diaconate, where lie awaiting the resurrection of the flesh.

After that, once again, some Italian newspapers have attacked the memory of the Venerable Pius XII presented as "unpublished" documents have been known for over forty years, L'Osservatore Romano resubmitted an article originally published in 1964, in which Paolo Dezza (later Cardinal) referred to a confidential dialogue he had with Pius XII on the issue of Nazi crimes. We offer our translation of this important article, of great historical value.


Pius XII in 1942

The testimony of a private conversation in 1942 between Pacelli and preached that year Jesuit spiritual exercises

"We regret that the Pope does not speak, but is that the Pope can not speak"

The issue can be discussed historically, but Pius XII was silent for fear of worsening the situation
By: Paolo Dezza

On 28 June 1964 "L'Osservatore della Domenica" published testimony the then rector of the Pontifical Gregorian University - then in 1966 confessor of Paul VI and John Paul I, and created cardinal in 1991 by Pope John Paul II - which described the contents of a highly sensitive hearing granted to him by Pope Pius XII.

Fr Paolo Dezza, rector of the Gregorian

In December 1942, preached the exercises at the Vatican the Holy Father. At that time, I had a long hearing in which the Pope, speaking of Nazi atrocities in Germany and other occupied countries, expressed his pain, his anguish, because - I said - "complain that the Pope does not speak . But the Pope can not speak. If you speak, it would be worse. " And I remembered that he had recently sent three letters: a defining who "the heroic Archbishop of Krakow , the future Cardinal Sapieha, and other two other Polish bishops in deploring the atrocities Nazis. “Me responden – dijo – agradeciéndome, pero diciéndome que no pueden publicar esas cartas porque sería agravar la situación”. Y citaba el ejemplo de Pío X que, frente a no sé cuales vejaciones en Rusia, dijo: “Debéis guardar silencio precisamente para impedir males mayores” .

Y también en esta ocasión aparece muy clara la falsedad de aquellos que dicen que él guardó silencio queriendo sostener a los nazis contra los rusos y el comunismo; y recuerdo que me dijo: “Sí, el peligro comunista existe. Sin embargo, en este momento, es más grave el peligro nazi”. Y me habló what the Nazis had done in case of victory. I remember I said the phrase "They want to destroy the Church and crush like a toad. For the Pope does not have place in the new Europe. They say they go to America. But I have no fear and I will stay here. " And he said a very firm and very safe, so it is clear that if the pope was not silent out of fear or interest, but only for fear of worsening the situation of the oppressed. Because while I was talking about the threat of invasion of the Vatican was quite calm, secure, trusted in Providence. Speaking of "speaking", there was distraught. "If I speak - I thought - I do wrong them ".

Therefore, although one can argue that historically would have been better to speak more or speak louder, which is beyond question is that if the Pope Pius XII spoke up was only for this reason, not fear by other interests. Another thing that impressed me the dialogue that I spoke of what he had done and was doing on behalf of these oppressed. I remember I talked about the first contacts, newly elected pope, in accordance with the German cardinals, had tried to establish with Hitler, but without results, then the dialogue he had with Ribbentrop when he came to Rome, but to no avail. However, he continued doing what could only concern not to enter political or military but to remain in what was the work of the Holy See. In this regard, I remember when in 1943 the German domination came to Rome I was Rector of the Pontifical Gregorian University and received those who came to seek refuge, "Pius XII said, " Father, do not receive military because being the Pontifical Gregorian University and linked to the Holy See, we should stay out of this part. But for others, willingly civil, persecuted Jews ". In fact, many were received.

On what the Pope did so for the Jews, among many witnesses, is that of Zolli, who was the chief rabbi of Rome and, during the Nazi occupation, took refuge with a family of workers. Then, after the danger and the Allies arrived, he developed, became a Catholic, a conversion sincere and selfless. I remember he came to see me on August 15, 1944 and he stated his intention to become Catholic. "Look - he said - not a do ut des. I ask Baptism and sufficient water. The Nazis have taken me around. I'm poor, live poor, die poor, I do not care . And when the baptism, he wanted to take Eugenio name precisely thanks to the Pope Eugenio Pacelli as he had done in assisting the Jews. I myself went with him in the audience with the Pope after Baptism, in February, and that was when Zolli asked the Pope to remove from the liturgy those terms unfavorable to the Jews as "perfidis Iudaeis" . It was then that Pius XII, because he could not immediately change the liturgy, he published the statement that "perfidious" in Latin means "unbelievers." But then, just possible, with the reform of the liturgy was removed from the floor. Pius XII

wanted to be sure not to say anything I could provoke reactions that aggravate the situation. I would separate the two issues. One is: has done well to keep silent or would have been better to talk? This is, for me, a matter which can even discuss historically. Perhaps Pius XI, other provisions, would have acted differently. However, what is clear to me is that if Pius XII was silent or spoke recently, there has been for no other reason than the fear of worsening the situation. Objectively, one can argue, subjectively, there is no doubt the intention of the Pope: He looked really do their best.

Source: L'Osservatore Romano

Translation: Jerome The Attic

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Cardinal Saraiva Martins confirms information on The miracle attributed to Pius XII Ven Ven

Cardinal Jose Saraiva Martins

In a telephone conversation with Catholic News Agency (CNA), the prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, Cardinal Jose Saraiva Martins confirmed that an "alleged miracle attributed to the intercession of Pope Pius XII be in these moments research. Cardinal Saraiva

was careful to explain the difference between an "alleged" miracle and one that is explicitly confirmed by the Holy See. The alleged miracle would have been made to Italian patient who was cured of cancer. The case was sent to the Congregation and occurred in the town of Castellammare di Stabia near Naples (Italy). Publication

Sorrento & Dintorni reported that "some months ago" a person (whose identity has not transpired) was cured of cancer after praying through the intercession of Pope Pius XII. Doctors, who have not provided details on this, could not scientific explanation of healing.

According to the publication the story was confirmed by the father Carmine Giudici, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Sorrento (Castellammare di Stabia), who said: "all true" . The priest explained that a faithful of the diocese informed the Vatican claiming to have received healing through the intercession of Pius XII. The Archbishop decided, therefore, institute the appropriate diocesan tribunal, according to ACI (Catholic Information Agency).

Asked by CNA, Cardinal Saraiva said that it is still impossible to estimate how long will the confirmation process miracle. The news of the alleged miracle almost one month after the adoption of the decree of heroic virtues of Pope Pius XII by Benedict XVI.

News by Don Gentile said Livio Spinelli