Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Punished For Braizian Wax

New translations of the prayer for the speedy beatification of Pius XII


Special thanks to Mr. Fabio Lazzarin for this translation


Special thanks to Rev. Fr. P. Argania Abraham, CRS, for this
translation and Mr. Carlos Antonio Palad and provide them

Bahasa Indonesia

Special thanks to Mr. Sean Stanislas
Lumunon by this translation

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Gropİng Bus Vİdeo

Venerable Bishop Emeritus of Belluno-Feltre compare Benedict XVI Pius XII to Benedict XVI

"Pope Benedict XVI
doctrinal greatness of Pius XII"

meets Pope Benedict XVI five years of his pontificate: congratulations! Insurance is the beacon of a world ravaged by the raging waves of relativism, in a stormy weather dominated by confusion, modernism and secularism rampant, and difficult to paddle prevents other manner that is contrary to sound tradition the Catholic Church.

We spoke with Bishop Maffeo Giovanni Ducoli (photo) , Bishop Emeritus of Belluno-Feltre (b. 1918). We ask for your opinion about Benedict XVI. Your answer: "I believe the Lord has given me a great pope to the Catholic Church has been a real win-win. Know guide to hand Peter Barca safe and secure at his own risk. Today he is attacked for his consistency ". We ask that you explain that the quality of explanatory clarity that attaches to the Pontiff: "Certainly things gives clarity to often complex, crumbling, reducing abstruse arguments as simple and low digestible. This is the typical characteristic of large churchmen and theologians of caste. We must be proud and happy to have him as pope ". I wonder what reason they attack. Answer: " Whoever preaches respect for the truth and the rules can not logically be well seen and accepted by those who seek to live in the darkness of sin. At following the pleasure culture of relativism, rampant sexuality, not like a church with a firm hand and conducted rigorous and then invent slanders, scandals grow uncontrollably, spitting on the institution. In short, the devil is always lurking ".

He adds later: "This pope defined as authoritarian and despotic has proved, however, affable, generous, listening to all, opening the collegiality, arguing with believers and nonbelievers. Has denied their attitudes and their conduct to all those who spoke of him as a dictator. is wisely understood the Pope of dialogue in the best possible way. Discuss means understanding the partner without ever renouncing their own identity, setting clear doctrinal boundaries, otherwise, only creates confusion and gives the syncretism ".

asked: "You have met several popes, to whom Benedict XVI remembered more?" . Ducoli Monsignor answered without hesitation: "I would say that Pius XII, another true saint of the Church, he served with loyalty and discipline. Pius XII was also endowed with enormous spiritual and theological competence. It was a wise man " . He noted: "But the Jews criticize" . Replica: "No reason, for choosing the line wise caution and not of useless cries of Jews saved many lives" .

Bruno Volpe

Two large potatoes, one spirit

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Santorini Casino Places

attend a movie on Pius XII at Castel Gandolfo

with great pleasure that we reproduce in our English translation, two articles in today's edition of L'Osservatore Romano, in which he realizes the film role he has held on Friday 9 April at the Board of the Swiss papal palace of Castel Gandolfo villa. Benedict XVI is projected to international co-production for television Under the sky of Rome that discusses the performance of the Venerable Pius XII during the terrible period of German occupation of Rome (1943-1944). The prominence given to this point in the agenda of the Holy Father once again shows his admiration and appreciation to the figure of his predecessor Pastor Angelicus.

Benedict XVI attends a screening of the film
Under the sky of Rome on Pius XII

Pope charity

Pius XII was "the Pope who, as father of all, presided over charity Rome and the world ". What Benedict XVI recalled the end of the film Under the sky of Rome, projected on Friday 9 April afternoon in the Board of the Swiss Pontifical Palace of Castel Gandolfo.

Dear friends:

I'm very glad I attended the first screening of the film Under the sky of Rome, international co-presents the fundamental role played by the Venerable Pius XII in saving Rome and many persecuted between 1943 and 1944. Although informative in nature, it is a work that, in light of recent studies, wants to rebuild those dramatic events and the figure of the Pastor Angelicus. I thank Mr. Paolo Garimberti, President della Rai, for his kind words addressed to me. My appreciation also to Mr. Ettore Bernabei, producers and others who have collaborated for the significant work that we have just seen. I warmly greet the Lord Cardinal, the bishops and all those present.

These works, designed for large groups, with the most modern and at the same time, designed to illustrate characters and events of the last century, are of particular value especially for the younger generation. For those who have studied at school and perhaps certain facts have heard of them, films like this can be useful and stimulating and can help to understand a period which is certainly not far away, but that the frenzied events of recent history can make us forget . Pius XII was the pope of our youth. With its rich teachers knew about the men of his time showing them the path of truth and his great wisdom he learned to guide the Church toward the horizon of the Third Millennium. I am interested, however, especially stress that Pius XII was the pope who, as father of all, presided over the charity in Rome and the world, especially in the difficult period of World War II. In a speech on July 23, 1944, immediately after the liberation of the city of Rome, thanked the members of the Circle of San Pedro for their assistance provided, saying "you help us more fully satisfy our desire to wipe many tears, to alleviate so much pain ", and indicated as central to every Christian the exhortation of St. Paul to the Colossians (3, 14-15): " And above all, clothe yourselves with love, which is the bond of perfection, that the peace of Christ to win in your hearts, to which indeed you were called to form one body " ( Speeches and Radio Messages of His Holiness Pius XII , VI, p. 87-88 .)

The primacy of charity, love (which is the commandment of the Lord Jesus): This is the beginning and the key to understanding the whole work of the Church and, first of its Universal Pastor. Charity is the reason for every action, from any interference. It is the reason that drives global thinking and concrete actions, and I am pleased that in this film emerges as a unifying principle. I suggest this key reading in light of the authentic witness of the great teacher of faith, hope and charity that was Pope Pius XII. Renewing

all express my gratitude, I take this opportunity to present my best wishes for Easter, while I cordially bless you, both here, as your co-workers and loved ones.

(© L'Osservatore Romano - 11 aprile 2010)

closing during Under shoot Rome sky

The valuation of the TV miniseries about Pope Pius XII

An unbiased reconstruction

di Gianluca Biccini

"The Pope of my juventusd" , il that Pastor Angelicus "presided over the charity during the difficult period of World War II" . Benedict XVI recalled so the figure and work of his predecessor Pius XII after attending in Castel Gandolfo, on Friday 9 April, afternoon, a synthesis of the TV miniseries Under the sky of Rome .

The Pope, who is in the papal summer villa in Lazio on the evening of Easter Sunday, expressed his appreciation for the work, focusing on the actions of Eugenio Pacelli, the last Roman who held the throne of Peter, among 1939 and 1958 - to prevent the Eternal City was destroyed by the war and to protect the Jews within the convents and religious institutes, converted to offshore areas by choice. The reconstruction of the events and setting relate to the dramatic days spent by the city of Rome in the period from the second half of 1943 to the first months of 1944, since the bombing of San Lorenzo on July 19 the armistice of 8 September, since the raid in the ghetto on 16 October bombing Via Rasella on March 23 and the immediate next day Nazi reprisal in Ardeatine, to the entry of allied troops on 4 June.

Two episodes, ninety minutes each, directed by Christian Duguay (the director of a series on St. Augustine) and that stage, plus the story of two young Jews, a little-known historical episode: the Nazi plan to kidnap Pius XII, was the only authority in the territory of an Italy split in two. The order came directly from Hitler, but Pope steadfastly refuses to leave the Vatican and the Roman to his destination.

Eugenio Pacelli is played by American actor James Cromwell (photo) , who has represented several times throughout his career the role of president of the United States. In the scenes there is always at his side Cesare Bocci, making Monsignor Montini, the future Paul VI, then substitute of the Secretariat of State.

Producer Lux Vide and screenwriters worked on a vast and well documentation especially on an impressive bibliography. One initiative, explains the producer- "who wants to provide a knowledge accessible to everyone to overcome prejudice and malicious criticism" .

Before the screening, the president of the Italian radio-television entity, Paolo Garimberti during his greeting addressed to Benedict XVI, showed how "the great tradition of public service Rai is characterized" by a commitment to make productions of great cultural and popular, with the ambition to offer viewers a contribution to the development of a dialogue on current issues, by looking at the roots of our history ". Then added que la Rai se siente orgullosa de la obra presentada. “A lo largo de los años –dijo– el pontífice que tuvo la difñicil tarea de conducir la Iglesia durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial se ha convertido en objeto de un debate que todavía hoy prosigue y toca temas de gran sensibilidad” . El reto es, pues, “contar al gran público la historia de un papa y de su pontificado, estimulando la reflexión sobre uno de los momentos más dramáticos del Novecientos” .

En la Sala de los Suizos del palacio de la villa papal han seguido la proyección de la película: el cardenal Giovanni Battista Re; los arzobispos monseñores Filoni (Substitute of the Secretariat of State), Mamberti (secretary for Relations with States) and Harvey (prefect of the papal household), the bishop of Albano, Msgr. Semeraro, and monsignors Wells (advisor to the Secretary of State), Balestrero (sub-secretary for Relations with States), Karcher (the Protocol of the Secretary of State), Gänswein (Benedict's private secretary) and Xuereb ( the private secretary), with some Pontifical Ceremonies. Among others: the director of the Pontifical Villas, Mr. Petrillo, the Pope's personal physician, Dr. Poliscar, and our director (Giovanni Maria Vian).

With the president of the Rai, Mr. Garimberti, were the CEO, Mr. Masi, members of the board of directors and some managers. The production company Lux Vide family was represented by Bernabei. Also present were German co-producers of Eos Entertainment and representatives of the Bayerischer Rundfunk and Film Tellux . Arlanch with writers and actors were Bettelli Alessandra Mastronardi, Marco Foschi, interpreters of the two young Jews who found refuge in one of the convents that Salvatorian P. Pancrazio Pfeiffer had become places of protection with the backing of Pope Pacelli. The German religious played a major role in mediating between the Nazi occupiers and the Holy See.

The series will be released in the international market with the title of Pius XII . Under the Roman Sky . "Designed for the general public says -Pope- comment images, these works are of particular value especially for new generations" . The genre of fiction is, in fact, according to Benedict XVI, useful for "know a period is certainly not far away, but that the frenzied events of recent history can forget" .

(© L'Osservatore Romano - April 11, 2010)