Address of Pope Pius XII to the Sacred College and the Roman Prelature congratulations on the occasion of Christmas (December 24, 1939)
Pacelli: "Pax coeli" : true peace is not of the world, but God
This message of Pius XII, entitled In questo giorno, which was delivered in Italian Roman cardinals and prelates who attended the December 24, 1939 to fill the Pope on the occasion of Christmas, is the first of a series of speeches in the tragic circumstances of World War II, tracing the political and international doctrine pontifical. Seventy years ago began a reign Eugenio Pacelli, the first six years were to be marked by the laceration of humanity to the absolute limits of monstrosity. The neglect of natural law and the principles that underpin the existence and the real progress of individuals and nations is marked by the Vicar of Christ as the main cause of the ruin and desolation in which Europe was plunged, and with it Western civilization between 1939 and 1945. Therefore, as a herald of that is Prince of Peace, used the occasion of Christmas, the feast of peace and goodness, to remember each of those years people all over the world the foundations of a just order.
In this first message of 1939, Pope Pius XII established the five points on which sits a just peace: 1) respect for the independence of all nations, large and small, 2) the effective disarmament of all belligerents, both material and spiritual disarmament, 3) the establishment of legal institutions that ensure respect for treaties, 4) respect for the just demands of the nations, peoples and ethnic minorities, safeguarding the right balance between all and 5) the return to a spirit of responsibility, justice and goodwill, without which any treaty is a dead letter. It is interesting to note that this message had a powerful resonance outside of Catholicism, and that next year high dignitaries of the Anglican Communion and the Federal Council of Free Churches signed a letter published by the Times of London, which was declared in accordance with the five points made by the Roman Pontiff. Although seven decades have elapsed since the publication of this discourse, is now more than ever, in our contemporary world that struggles for peace, but is not able to find it does not seek in God, who is who true peace comes.
fundamental postulates of a just
1. On this day the holy and gentle joy, Venerable Brethren and beloved children, in which the yearning of our spirit, eagerly awaiting the event with God, will be fed in the sweet contemplation of the mystery of the birth of the Redeemer, it serves as a prelude to such a large joy, deep joy to see us gathered around the members of the Sacred College and the Roman Prelature and to hear the eloquent lips of Cardinal dean, loved and revered by all, affectionate sentiments so exquisitely and congratulations -together and lifted to the top flight by the fervent prayers offered to the heavenly Child, we are offered by so many faithful hearts devotees in this joyous solemnity of the holy birth, the first cycle of the liturgical year and the first Christmas party of our pontificate.
2. Our spirit soars with you from this world into a spiritual sphere illuminated by the great light of faith is exalted with you, with you enjoy, with you deeper into the sacred memory of the mystery and sacrament of the centuries, hidden and manifest in the grotto of Bethlehem, birthplace of the redemption of all peoples, disclosure of peace between heaven and earth, the glory of God in the highest of the heavens and on earth peace to men of goodwill; beginning of the new race ever, who adore this divine mystery, great gift of God and joy of the whole earth. Glad, I tell you all the words of our great predecessor, Pope Saint Leo the Great: "rejoice in the Lord, my dearest, and rejoice with spiritual joy, because for us the day dawned the new redemption, old repair , of eternal happiness. For every year we again offer the sacrament of our salvation, promised from the beginning, made to order to stay without end, which is just that, with hearts raised, let us adore the divine mystery, so that what is done by God's great gift, to be held by the Church with great praise " (San Leon Great, In Nativ. II Domini, sermo 22, c. I: PL 54, 193-194).
3. In celebration of this divine mystery, the joy of our hearts are lifted upward, spiritualized, is praised in the supernatural and tends to the supernatural, flying to God with the lofty words of prayer of the Church: 'ut worldly inter ibi nostra fixa Varietates sint corda, ubi vera sunt gaudio: that, in the midst of temporal changes, are set our hearts where true joys are the " (Roman Missal, prayer of the fourth Sunday after Easter). Amid the shock and tumult of the various vicissitudes of the world, the real joy takes refuge in the unswerving spirit, which, as indestructible tower by storms, is set to trust in God and joined with Christ, the beginning and cause of all joy and all grace. Is not this the sacrament of the King of our souls, the God Child in the manger of Bethlehem? When the real secret nests in penetrating and souls, then faith, hope and love up in the ecstasy of the Apostle to the Gentiles, that screams to the world: "I live now not I, Christ lives in me" (Gal 2.20). By becoming man in Christ, Christ himself dressed himself to man, he humbled himself to raise it up at that joy of his birth is a perennial Christmas party, to which the liturgy of the Church never ceases to call at all times, invited and encouraged, so that we will fulfill its promise that our heart shall rejoice, and no one will snatch our joy (cf. Jn 16:22)
4. The heavenly light of this joy and this consolation maintains the confidence of those who live and shine in, or may be obscured or disturbed by any effort or fatigue, anxiety or suffering any outbreak or germination of this world, similar to that "... lark walk on air, first singing, then silent, content to the last sweetness that satisfies" (Dante Alighieri, Paradise , 20, 73.). While others are scared, while the bitter waters of affliction and despair immerse fainthearted souls living Christ can do anything, and rise above the turmoil and storms of the world, with always the same courage and ardor, the song of the provisions of the justifications and the magnificence of God. Under the storms feel superior to the storms, the land they walk and sail the seas, rather than his immortal spirit, by raising their hearts to God, Sursum corda, for your prayer and union with God Habemus ad Dominum .
5. And by God, merciful and omnipotent, Venerable Brethren and dear sons, We lift our eyes and our prayer, as the best and most effective expression of our gratitude for your Christmas fervent vows that are simultaneously prayer to Heavenly Father, "from whom comes all good grace and every perfect gift (James 1.17). Ask who, in this union of prayers, each one of you get together at the manger of his only begotten Son, became flesh and dwelt among us, "good measure that tight, full, full" (Lk 6, 38), Christmas joy that only He can give, so that, strengthened and relieved so much joy, you can generously and like men, as soldiers of Christ, continue your way through the wilderness of life on earth until that sunset in that, in your eager eyes, shine at the dawn of eternity, the mountain of the Lord, and that each one of you reborn to new life of joy unfailing compliance with the Christmas prayer of the Church, "to contemplate and judge with confidence that we only begotten you with joy today as Redeemer (Roman Missal, Prayer Christmas Eve).
6. But this time the vigil of the holy Christmas gives us the sweet joy of your presence, the joy is mixed and alive in us, and certainly not least you, the sad memory of our glorious predecessor of blessed memory (so piously evoked by our venerable brother, the Cardinal Dean) and words, has spent only a year ago, unforgettable words, solemn and serious, which sprang from the depths of his fatherly heart, which We obeyed you with great anxiety, as the Nunc dimittis the holy old man Simeon, words spoken in this room, in the same watch, loaded with the weight of foreboding, to say nothing of the prophetic vision of impending misfortune, words of exhortation and warning, of heroic self-sacrifice, whose muffled accents still soften our souls.
The tragedy of war
7. The unspeakable misery of the war, Pius XI provided with deep and great pain, and with the indomitable energy of his noble and high spirit wanted, by all means, get away from the strife of nations, has been unleashed and is now and a tragic reality. Before his crash, a huge bitterness fills our spirits, sad and worried because the holy birth of the Lord, the Prince of Peace, to be held today between the dismal, funereal thunder of cannon, under the terror of military aircraft flying in through threats and plots of the armed vessels. And as it seems the world has ever forget it the peacemaker message of Christ, the voice of reason, Christian fellowship, we have had, unfortunately, to attend a series of acts incompatible with both the requirements of positive international law as the fundamental principles of natural law and the most elementary sentiments of humanity, acts that show how chaotic vicious circle develops the legal sense, diverted for purely utilitarian considerations. This category includes: the premeditated aggression against a small, industrious and peaceful, with the pretext of a threat or existing or wanted or even possible, the atrocities (whoever that is committed) and unlawful use of means of destruction even against non-combatants and the fugitives, on the elderly, women and children, the disregard for the dignity, freedom and human life, from which they derive acts which cry on the presence of God: "The voice of thy brother's blood is crying to me from the earth" (Gen 4, 10), the ever more widespread, methodical and even atheistic anti-Christian propaganda, especially among youth.
8. To preserve the Church and its mission among men from all contact with such anti-Christian spirit moves us our duty, which is also intimate and sacred will of the Father and Teacher of Truth, and it went warm and insistent call on all ministers of the sanctuary and "distributors of the mysteries of God" (1Cor 4, 1.), to be ever vigilant and exemplary teaching and practice of love and never forget that the kingdom of Christ there is neither inviolable precept more important and more sacred than the service of truth and the bond of charity.
9. With deep and anguished longing we have to consider manifest before our eyes the spiritual ruins that are endlessly building because of intense flood of ideas that more or less intentionally or covertly, darkens and distorts the truth in the souls of many individuals and peoples involved in the war or not, which is why we do tremendous work will be necessary, when the world, tired of war, wants to restore peace, to bring down the cyclopean walls of aversion and hatred, which in the heat of the fight has become so big.
10. Aware of the excesses that lead inexorably their way and the doctrines and acts of careless policy of the law of God, We, as you well know, when differences became threatening, with all the ardor of our souls try to finish avoid the greatest evil and persuade men into whose hands was the strength and on whose shoulders weighed a heavy responsibility to moved away from armed conflict and save the world unpredictable misfortunes. Our efforts and those convergent, came from elsewhere, did not achieve the desired effect, especially since the deep mistrust appeared unshaken, that encouragement and bounds in recent years, came to raise insurmountable barriers between peoples spiritual.
11. No problems were insoluble stirred among the nations, but that distrust caused by a number of circumstances, prevented, and with irresistible force, lending and faith in the effectiveness of any promises and the duration and vitality to any arrangements . The memory of the short-lived and discussed in such attempts or completed agreements paralyzing any effort to promote a peaceful solution.
12. We stayed, Venerable Brethren and beloved sons, but repeating the prophet "We looked for peace, all is woe, and when relief is only present distress" (Jer 14, 19) and dedicate the meantime to alleviate, as we could, the miseries resulting from the war, although such action was not a little hampered by the inability, so far not been overcome, to bring the Christian charity relief to areas with more vivid and urgent feel the need. With unspeakable anguish, for four months we have been watching this war. initiated and continued in such unusual circumstances, accumulate tragic ruins. And if until now, except the ground bleeding from Poland and Finland, the number of victims can be considered lower than feared, the sum of the pain and sacrifices has reached such a point that causes anxiety in whom live worries about the future economic status, social and spiritual in Europe, not only in Europe. The more the monster of war is appropriated, absorbed and allocated the material resources are inevitably made to serve the needs warriors, growing hour by hour, the more acute for the nation is directly or indirectly hit by the conflict The danger one might say, pernicious anemia and consolidates the agonizing question: How may, when the war is over, an economy exhausted or exhausted to find the means to economic and social reconstruction, including the difficulties that all parties will be increased dramatically, and which the forces of disorder and the arts, which are hidden, to take advantage, hoping to strike the decisive blow to Christian Europe?
13. Such considerations about the present and about the future should be worried, even amid the fever of the fight, the rulers and the healthy part of all peoples, and move and excite to examine their effects and to reflect on the objectives and the purpose justifiable war.
cornerstone of a just and honorable peace
14. And we think that those with these serious look watchful eye perspective with a calm mind and consider the symptoms in many parts of the world point to the developments, will continue, despite the war and its harsh requirements, prepared internally to define in a timely and suitable, clearly, as they are concerned, the fundamentals of a just and honorable, and not capriciously refuse to proceedings in any occasion that presented with the necessary guarantees and safeguards.
1 A central tenet of a just and honorable peace is to ensure the right to life and independence of all nations, large and small, powerful and weak. The will to live in a nation should not ever amount to a death sentence for another. When this equality of rights is destroyed or injured or endangered, the legal order requires a remedy, and extensions should not be determined by the sword or the discretion selfish, but by the standards of justice and mutual equity.
2 º In order that the order thus established can be quiet and duration of a real axis peace, nations must be freed from the slavery of the last arms race and the danger that the material strength, instead of serving to protect the right, becomes tyrannical violating it. Peace treaties atribuyesen not fundamental importance to a mutually agreed disarmament, organic, progressive, both in the practical and the spiritual, and do not take care of fairly, reveal, sooner or later, his inconsistency and lack of vitality.
3 In any reorganization of international coexistence, would be consistent with the maxims of human wisdom that all interested parties off against the consequences of gaps or deficiencies past, and to create or rebuild the international institutions that have a mission so high, but at the same time so difficult and full of grave responsibility, one should bear in mind the experiences that resulted from the inefficiency or malfunctioning of previous similar initiatives. And as a human weakness is so difficult, we might say so impossible to foresee everything and secure everything at the time of the peace treaties. when it is so hard to be free from the passions and bitterness, the establishment of legal institutions that serve to ensure the fair and faithful implementation of such treaties, and if a recognized need to revised and corrected, is important decisive for acceptance of an honorable peace treaty and to avoid arbitrary and unilateral lesions and interpretations of the terms of those treaties.
4 ° In particular, a point that should attract the attention, if you want a better management in Europe, refers to the real needs and just demands of the nations and peoples, as well as ethnic minorities demands if not always sufficient to support a strict law, when in force recognized and sanctioned treaties or other legal title to oppose them, they deserve, however, a kind review to settle the dispute by peaceful means and also when necessary, through a fair, prudent and harmonious revision of treaties. Reconstituted and a real balance between nations, restored the foundations of mutual trust would avoid many temptations to resort to violence.
5 º But even the regulations better and more fulfilled will be imperfect and doomed ultimately to fail if those who direct the destinies of peoples, and peoples, and not left to enter ever more of that spirit that can only come from the life, authority and obligation to the dead letter of the paragraphs of the international systems, ie, of that intimate and acute sense of responsibility watches and ponders the human constitution as sacred and unbreakable rules of divine right of that hunger and thirst for justice that is proclaimed as blessing in the Sermon on the Mount, and whose natural condition prior moral justice, of that universal love that is the epitome and the ultimate end of the Christian ideal, and thus bridging even those who do not have the fortune to participate in our faith.
obstacles to peace
15. Do not know how serious are the difficulties that stand to achieve these goals, which we have outlined in broad terms, to establish, implement and maintain fair international peace. But if ever there was an ideal worthy of the cooperation of all noble and generous spirits, if you have been longing for a spiritual crusade that resonate with new truth hiciese the cry "God wills it" is truly the ideal high and this crusade and fight for hearts pure and magnanimous people taken to redirect the murky tanks of selfish material interests and the living source of divine law, which is the only one who can give that morality, nobility and whose lack stability and necessity has been laid so unless and for so long, with severe damage to the nation and humanity.
16. We believe and hope that all such people are united by ties of faith, each in his place and within the limits of their mission, they open their minds and hearts to these ideals, which are both the real purpose of real peace in justice and love, so that when the hurricane of war is about to cease and disappear, arise in all peoples and all nations foresight and pure spirits, animated by a value you know and be able to oppose the dark instincts of the lower noble revenge severe majesty of justice, the sister of love and companion of all true wisdom.
17. This justice is the only way to create peace and secure, We, and We all who listen to our voice, we are aware is given where we find the sublime example, the inner drive and sure promise. "Transeamus usque Bethlehem et videamus" (Lk 2.15). Let's go to Bethlehem. We will find lying in the manger at birth Sun of justice, Christ our God, "and beside the Virgin Mother," Mirror of justice "and" Queen of Peace "with the holy guardian Joseph," man just. " Jesus is expected of people. The prophets said and sang their future successes, "and called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace (Is 9.6).
18. When was this heavenly Child, another prince of peace was built on the banks of the Tiber with solemn ceremonies and had spent a Ara Pacis Augustus, whose wonderful but broken remains, buried for centuries under the ruins Rome, have reared its head today . Augusto sacrificed on that altar in honor of gods who do not save. But it is legitimate to conclude that the true God and eternal Prince of Peace, a few years later appeared among men, has heard the longing of the time for peace and that peace of Augustus has been as a figure of supernatural peace that He alone can give, and in which peace is necessarily understood all earthly peace that conquered not with iron, but with the wood of the cradle of the Infant Lord of peace and with stocks of future cross, death, sprinkled with his blood, blood not of hatred and resentment, but of love and forgiveness.
19. Let us go to Bethlehem and the grotto of the newborn King of Peace, sung over her crib by the choirs of angels, and kneeling before him, on behalf of mankind with troubled and shaken, on behalf of the countless men, regardless of nation or people, who bleed and die, or have been in tears and misery, or have lost their homeland, let us invoke peace and harmony, help and salvation, with the words that Church put these days on the lips of their children: "O Emmanuel, Rex et legifer noster, et salvator earum exspectatio Gentium, come to us salvandum, Domine, Deus noster" (Brev. rom.).
20. As filed with this prayer our insatiable desire for peace in the spirit of Christ, peace mediator between heaven and earth, with his kindness and humanity appeared in our midst, and warmly encourage Christians to associate with our intentions also their sacrifices and prayers, we give, Venerable Brethren and dear sons, you and all who carry in your heart, all men of goodwill who are scattered on the face of the earth, especially those who are suffering, the distressed persecuted, prisoners, the oppressed of every clime and country, with unchanged affection, as a token of thanks and consolation and heavenly relief, the Apostolic Blessing .
OPVS IVSTITIAE PAX "Peace is the work of justice"